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科目: 来源: 题型:050

  Do you know there are two kinds of football game? One is American football, the other is soccer. In China many young men like playing soccer. It is very popular (流行). But the Chinese don't call it soccer, we call it football. There are eleven players (运动员) in a team. And the ball is round. Only the goalkeeper (守门员) plays the ball with hands. The other players can't play the ball with hands.

  In the USA, soccer is not very popular. They like playing American football more than playing soccer. There are also eleven players in a team. The ball is not round. All the players can play the ball with hands and feet (脚). And the goal (球门) is bigger than the goal of soccer games. American football is quite different from soccer.

(1) The football in China is really called ____.


BAmerican football


DChinese football

(2) There are ____ players in an American football team.




DWe don't know

(3) How many players in a team can play soccer with feet?




DWe don't know

(4) How many players can play American football with hands?

AOnly one





科目: 来源: 题型:050

  In Britain, some people say they will do anything if a famous person they love asks them to. One in three people in Britain have a new kind of disease(病)--they love a famous person too much.

  Some people love famous stars like Britney Spears, David Beckham or even Tony Blair. It is not just the young, grown-ups have the same problem. One in four people are so interested in their hero that it affects(影响)their life.

  There are two ways of worshipping(崇拜)famous people. One way is just to follow them or talk about them with friends for fun. The other is a more serious way. People have very strong feelings for them and think they are their friends. People who do so for fun are found to be happier. But those who have strong feelings for a famous person are perhaps to feel more lonely and worried.

  Worshipping famous people is not certainly a bad thing,said Dr John, an expert(专家),but like many things, overdoing(过分追求)it may not always be good for you.

(1) From what some people say, we know ________.

[  ]

Athey are friends of the famous people

Bthere is something wrong with their mind

Cthey must go to the hospital

(2) How many people in Britain have got this kind of disease?

[  ]

AAbout one third.

BAbout a quarter.

CMore than half.

(3) What does the writer think of the two ways of worshipping famous people?

[  ]

AThe first one is better.

BThe second one is better.

CNeither of them is good.

(4) People who have strong feeling for a famous person often feel worded

because ________.

[  ]

Athey cannot become famous themselves

Bthey think the famous person may be in trouble

Cthey are afraid the famous person may not like them

(5) Dr John tells us ________.

[  ]

Aworshipping of famous people is a good thing

Boverdoing something may bring some trouble

Cwe mustn't worship anybody or anything


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  Freedom is a range(一系列)of cards for travel on Oxford buses. Travel where you like, when you like--with freedom! You can choose from the following types:

(1) What does the wordfreedommean here?

[  ]

APlaying cards.

BCity maps.

CBus tickets.

(2) If you have zone freedom, you can travel freely ________ by bus.

[  ]

Ato certain cities

Balong certain streets

Cfrom a certain station

(3) If you have to travel from your home to a hospital for a week, which freedom is the best for you?

[  ]




(4) How many kinds of freedom can we get from bus drivers?

[  ]




(5) Where do we often see this kind of writing?

[  ]

AAt a bus stop.

BIn a park.

CAt a train station.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

The above chart(图表)shows the different reading habits between boys and girls.

. Fashion(时装)magazines

. Sports magazines

. Newspapers

(1) What do girls like best?

[  ]


BSports magazines.

CFashion magazines.

(2) ________ boys like sports magazines ________ girls.

[  ]

AMore; than

BFewer; than

CThe same number; as(像)

(3) Who likes reading newspapers?

[  ]

AOnly boys.

BOnly girls.

CAll students.

(4) ________ of boys like reading fashion magazines.

[  ]

AMore than 70%

BMore than 10%

CAbout 6%

(5) ________ of girls like reading sports magazines.

[  ]

AAbout 75%

BMore than 50%

CAbout 8%


科目: 来源: 题型:050

The moon looks bigger than the stars at night. But in fact, it is smaller than any of them. The moon looks big to us, because it is closer to us than any star. The moon goes around the earth. It makes one trip(旅行)about four weeks. The moon is a round ball and looks beautiful. Don’t you think so? Now people know quite a lot about the moon. There is no air or water on the moon so there are not any trees or animals, or people on the moon. The moon gets its light from the sun, but some places on the moon are quite dark. The days on the moon get hotter than boiling(煮开的)water. The nights get colder than the North Pole(北极)on the earth.

(1) People know quite ________ about the moon now.

[  ]

Aa lot

Ba few



(2) The moon is ________ to the earth than the sun.

[  ]





(3) The moon makes one trip round the earth in about ________.

[  ]

Aa week

Bfour weeks

Ca year

D24 hours

(4) There is ________ on the moon.

[  ]

Anot anything

Bno river

Cno hill

Dno air or water

(5) The sun ________ to the moon.

[  ]

Agets light

Dgives light

Cgives air

Dgets air


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  The panda’s face looks like a cat’s but its fat body and short tail are like a bear’s. So people call this animal bear-cat. Scientists call it cat-bear. The panda has a very mild temperament and is very love-able. Everybody likes it very much. The panda is an animal only living in ChinaThe northwestern part of Sichuan Province(省)and Southern part of Cansu Province are its native home. Pandas like to climb trees. They live in the forests of high mountains, eating bamboo(竹子)and drinking spring water(泉水).

(1)The panda mainly in ________.

[  ]





(2)________ is like a cat’s.

[  ]

AThe panda

BThe panda’s face

CThe panda’s body

DThe panda’s tail

(3)The panda is called ________ by scientists.

[  ]

Aan animal

Ba bear

Ca bear-cat

Da cat-bear

(4)Where is the panda’s native home?

[  ]

AGuangdong and Gansu.

BSichuan and Suzhou.

CGansu and Sichuan.

DHubei and Sichuan.

(5)What’s the panda’s main food?

[  ]




DSpring water.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  Here's something about the English people. In England, people don't usually talk very much. You can go on a bus, or on a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window. Often they read books and newspapers. But they don't talk much.

  When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing-the weather. So when you meet someone in England, you can say. Nice weather for the time of the year!

  “But it was a little cold yesterday,someone may answer.But it got warmer lateryou may say

  If you talk like this, the English will think. How friendly you are!

(1) Do English people usually talk very much?

[  ]

AYes, they do.

BNo, they don't

CThey do like our Chinese.

DYes, they don't

(2)When English people are on a bus or on a train, they often ______.

[  ]

Atalk much

Blook out of the window

Cread books and newspapers

Dboth B and C

(3)When you meet English people, you can say, ______

[  ]

AWhere are you going?

BWhere do you have lunch?

CCan I help you?


(4)English people will think how friendly you are, if you say, ______

[  ]

AWhat can I do for you?


CNice weather for the time of the year!

DHow much money do you have?

(5)Do you think English people are the same as Chinese people?

[  ]

AYes, they are.

BNo, they aren't.

CI don't know.

DYes, of course.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  Do you know anything about the moon? The moon is smaller than the earth (地球) , but the sun is much bigger than the earth. The moon is far from the earth. It's 380,000 kilometres away. From the earth. The moon looks like a cake. There is no air on the moon,so there are no living (活的) things there. The side (边) of the moon to the sun is very hot, while the other side is very cold. People can jump higher on the moon than on the earth and walk more easily there. People can't live on the moon. They have been to the moon. It takes more than three days to get to the moon by spaceship (宇宙飞船).

(1) Which is the smallest, the moon, the earth or the sun?

AThe moon.

BThe earth.

CThe sun.

DI don't know.

(2) The moon to the earth is ____ than to the sun.



Cmuch farther

D380,000 kilometres away

(3) People can get to the moon by ____.





(4) Which of the following is NOT right?

AThere are no living things on the moon.

BPeople can't live on the moon.

CThere is no air on the moon.

DPeople haven't been to the moon.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  Are you eager to go back to your school? Do you hope to do a lot of homework every evening? Are you interested in your classes? What subjects do you want to learn? Why do you like them? Maybe you have lots of questions in your mind before school starts.

  Well, I want to give you some good advice on these problems.

  First, keep calm. Don't worry about all the questions you have. Put your hearts into learning. You can find something you are interested in. Do it actively.

  Second, try your best to finish your homework quickly. Don't spend a lot of time on it. Do more reading or writing in English. Think about the problems you have and solve them at once. Don't stay up late. You can't study well the next day.

  Third, use some new ways of learning instead of copying or repeating. If you can remember the words in your way, you can tell your teachers you don't like the way of copying them again and again. Be sure, you must pass the test. I think your teachers will agree with you. And they can give you some interesting work to do.

  School is really a good place for us to learn knowledge and make friends. Believe your teachers and yourself. You are the best one and you can do everything well

(1) What's the writer's idea?

[  ]

AGive students'some good ways of learning.

BAsk students not to listen to their teachers.

CAsk students not to do their homework.

(2) How many ways are there in the article?

[  ]




(3) Is school a good place for students to get more on learning?

[  ]

AYes, it is.

BNo, it isn't.

CWe don't know.

(4) What do the students have before school starts?

[  ]

AThey have some advice on learning.

BThey have some good ways of learning.

CThey have some questions in their mind.

(5) Who give the students some good ways of learning?

[  ]



CA writer.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  Canada is on the north of the USA. They are on the same continent(大陆).

  The two countries are the same in many ways. Canada buys many goods(货物)from the USA. Canadians buy cars and clothes from the USA. The USA also buys goods from Canada. Much of the paper used in the USA comes from Canada. Some of the oil Americans use comes from Canada, too.

  Americans travel to Canada on holiday. And Canadians often visit America, too.

  Canadians read about the USA in newspapers. Many Americans watch Canadian baseball matches on Sundays.

  There are quite a few differences between the USA and Canada. There are more people in the USA. In Canada, there are more open places.

(1) Is Canada far from the USA?

[  ]

AYes, it is.

BNo, it isn't.

CWe don't know.

(2) In what way are the two countries the same?

[  ]

ABuying goods.

BDriving cars.

CUsing oil.

(3) Do Americans and Canadians often travel to each other's country?

[  ]

AYes, they do.

BNo, they don't.

CNot often.

(4) What do many Americans do on Sundays?

[  ]

ARead newspaper.

BWatch matches.


(5) What differences do the two countries have?

AThe number of people.

BThe number of places.

CThe number of matches.

