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科目: 来源: 题型:050

  Dear John,

  Thank you very much for your letter. I am glad that you enjoyed your holiday with me. We enjoyed having you and your sister here. We hope that you will both be able to come again next year. Perhaps you'll be able to stay longer next time you come. A week is not really long enough,is it? If your school has five weeks' holiday next year, perhaps you'll be able to stay with us for two or three weeks.

  We have been long back at school three weeks now. It feels like three months! I expect that you are both working very hard now that you are in Grade One. I shall have to 1 work hard next year when I am in Grade One. Tom and Ann won't be in Grade One until 2008.

  They went for a picnic yesterday but I didn't go with them because I cut my foot and I couldn't walk very well. They went to an island and enjoyed themselves there. Do you still remember the island? That's where all five of is spent the last day of our holiday.

  Tom,Ann and I send our best wishes to Betty and you. We hope to see you soon.

Yours sincerely,


(1)________stayed with Michael for a holiday.

[  ]

A.Only John

B.Only Tom and Ann

C.John and his sister

D.Only Tom

(2)Their holiday lasted for________.

[  ]

A.one week
B.two weeks
C.three weeks
D.five weeks

3.From the words of“It feels like three months!”we know that________.

[  ]s

A.Michael's teacher is very strict with the students

B.Michael is pleased with his school report

C.Michael has no interest in learning

D.Michael works very hard at his studies

(4)________in Grade One now.

[  ]

A.Tom and Ann ale both

B.John and his sister ale both

C.John's sister is

D.Michael is

(5)Why didn't Michael go to the island for picnic?

[  ]

A.He had to go to school.

B.He did not like the island.

C.Something was wrong with his foot.

D.The weather was bad that clay.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums, and see all kinds of plays and films. You can also buy things from allover the world.

  But there are serious problems in big cities, too. It's ex-pensive to live there, and there are too many people in the places of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities to find jobs, study at good schools and receive good medical(医疗的) care. But sometimes these people can't find work or good places to live in. Also it is hard to keep the cities safe and clean.

  Some people enjoy living in big cities, however, others do not. Before they move to big cities, they should think about the problems of living there.

(1)In big cities people can ________.

[  ]

A.go to different kinds of museums

B.see all kinds of plays and films

C.buy things from all over the world

D.A, B and C

(2)Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]

A.Big cities are not clean and safe enough.

B.People can easily find good places to live in in big cities.

C.People can always have many chances to find work to do.

D.All people like to live in big cities.

(3)In this passage the writer thinks it is right for people ________.

[  ]

A.to move to big cities

B.not to move to big cities

C.to move to big cities without thinking of any problems

D.not to move to big cities before they think over the problems of living there

(4)This passage doesn't tell us that ________.

[  ]

A.Paris is an exciting place for people to live in

B.big cities have a lot of serious problems

C.it is hard to keep big cities clean

D.people in big cities usually are very dirty

(5)Which is the best title for this passage?

[  ]

A.Big Cities.

B.Interesting Things in Big Cities.

C.Good Schools in Big Cities.

D.New York, London and Paris.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly unless it is a social, business, or family occasion.

  The evening meal is usually longer and it is a time for families to gather together. Running quickly through daytime meals is part of the fast pace in America. Another reason for running quickly through daytime meals is that many people eat in restaurants that are usually crowded with people waiting for a place so that they, too, can be served and return to work at the proper time. So each one hurries to make room for the next person. There is real difference between meals that are eaten in a hurry and those that can be enjoyed slowly with friends.

(1) What is not mentioned (提到) in this passage?

[  ]

A.What time Americans eat supper.

B.Where Americans eat.

C.Why Americans eat in a hurry.

D.Which meal Americans eat slowly.

(2) Americans hurry at meals because ________.

[  ]

A.they want to eat dinner slowly

B.they don't like eating in restaurants

C.they are very busy

D.they don't like to eat

(3) According to the passage, the least busy time to eat at restaurants would probably be ________.

[  ]

A.during busy times

B.at lunch

C.at supper

D.at either breakfast or lunch

(4) The passage suggests (暗示) that the Americans ________.

[  ]

A.like eating with friends

B.don't take a sleep after lunch

C.don't eat much on weekends

D.eat supper more slowly than lunch

(5) According to the passage, Americans ________.

[  ]

A.often hurry in the evening

B.are always late returning to work

C.eat slower for social and business reasons

D.never eat in restaurants in the evening


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  The well-mannered Englishman at table holds and keeps his knife in his right hand, his fork in his left, cuts his meat and presses his vegetables into his fork. The well mannered American first cuts up all his meat, then places his knife down on the right of his plate, takes his fork in his right hand and with his fork lifts the food to his mouth. He will have coffee half way through his dinner before the pudding. The Englishman drinks his coffee after the dinner. And, of course, Americans are coffee-drinkers rather than tea-drinkers. The Englishman would be surprised at the American's idea of how tea should be made.

  The popular method to make tea is to take a cup or a pot of hot water and drop into it a cotton bag with tea leaves in it. For a change they will sometimes put a can of water on the electric stove and then pour the mixture into a teapot, pour it into a cup and drink it without turning a hair.

(1) Which is the correct order in which the well-mannered American do at dinner?

[  ]

a.He places his knife down.

b.He cuts up the meat.

c.He lifts the food to his mouth.

d.He takes his fork in his right hand.

A.b a d c
B.d b a c
C.c d b a
D.a b c d

(2) “Americans are coffee-drinkers rather than tea-drinkers” means ________.

[  ]

A.Americans can drink more tea than coffee

B.Americans prefer coffee to tea

C.Americans don't drink tea at all

D.Americans drink tea less than the English people

(3) A well-mannered American ________.

[  ]

A.doesn't use a knife

B.holds his knife in his right hand all the time at table

C.uses his knife for only one time each dish during the table

D.puts his knife in his pocket after he cuts up his meat

(4) Which is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Both Englishmen and Americans have coffee at the same time at dinner.

B.Both Englishmen and Americans hold their forks in the same hand when eating.

C.Neither Englishmen nor Americans are coffee-drinkers.

D.Neither Englishmen nor Americans takes their knives in the left hand.

(5) The passage tells us that ________.

[  ]

A.the Englishmen and Americans have the same way to make tea

B.all the nations have the same manners at table

C.the Englishmen and Americans have different manners at dinner

D.the westerners don't like drinking tea


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  William Shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems. Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth. He wrote thirty-seven plays in all. They are still popular today.

  He was born in 1564 in England. At school he liked watching plays. He decided to be an actor (演员) when he finished school at the age of fourteen. In 1582, he married a farmer's daughter. She was eight years older than he was. Their first child was a daughter. Later they had twins. In 1585, Shakespeare left his hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon. His wife and children stayed behind. No one knows why he left or what he did between 1585 and 1592.

  At twenty-eight he moved to London and joined a theatre company which opened the Globe Theatre in 1599. He became an actor, and he also wrote plays. He usually acted in his own plays. He earned almost no money from his writing. But he made a lot of money from acting. With the money he bought a large house in his hometown.

  At the age of forty-nine, Shakespeare retired (退休) and went to live in Stratford-up-on-Avon. He died at the age of fifty-two. He left his money to his family. He left his genius to the world. You still see his plays in English and in many other languages. He is one of the most famous writers in the world.

(1) Shakespeare wrote many famous plays except

[  ]

C.Romeo and Juliet
D.Man and Superman

(2) Shakespeare decided to be an actor in ________.

[  ]


(3) In 1585, Shakespeare left his hometown Stratford-upon-Avon ________.

[  ]

A.with his wife

B.with his daughter

C.with his wife and children


(4) Shakespeare got much money from ________.

[  ]


(5) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]

A.Shakespeare had two children.

B.Shakespeare wrote both plays and poems.

C.Shakespeare left his money to the Globe Theatre.

D.Shakespeare wrote plays in English and some other languages.


科目: 来源: 题型:050


  Mr Jones went to a theatre to hear a famous singer sing popular songs. In front of him in the theatre was a man who made a lot of noise with this programme. And then he simply began to sing quietly with the man on the stage.

  Mr Jones became so angry that he said quite loudly, “What a fool!” The man in front turned around. He had a big face, very black brows. He whispered angrily, “Are you talking about me?” “Oh, no!” answered Mr Jones, suddenly feeling afraid. “I was talking about the man on the stage who was stopping me from hearing you clearly.”

(1) Mr Jones liked to go to theatre to ________.

[  ]

A.see films

B.enjoy himself

C.listen to popular songs


(2) The man in front of him ________.

[  ]

A.enjoyed the singer's singing very much

B.didn't enjoy the actor but himself

C.thought of others more than himself

D.thought of others more than Mr Jones

(3) Mr Jones said loudly, “What a fool!” Because he ________.

[  ]

A.couldn't hear the singer well

B.wanted to make fun of the man

C.knew the man was a fool

D.thought he was foolish to come to the theatre

(4) Hearing Mr Jones' words, the man ________.

[  ]

A.felt sorry
B.became quiet
C.felt shy
D.turned to Mr Jones

(5) Mr Jones suddenly felt afraid because ________.

[  ]

A.he knew he was wrong

B.he was scolded

C.the man's face was frightening

D.he was a shy man


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  In 1933 an unknown American called Clarence Nash went to see the film-maker Walt Disney. He bad an unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disney's cartoon films(动画片)for children. When Walt Disney heard Nash's voice, he said,Stop! That's our duck!

  The duck was the new famous Donald Duck, who first appeared(出现)in the film. The wise little duck Donald lived in an old houseboat and wore his sailor(海员)jacket and hat. Later that year he became a star after an eight-minute Mickey Mouse film. The cinema audience liked him because he was lazy and greedy(贪婪), and because he lost his temper(脾气)very quickly. And they loved his voice, when he became angry with Mickey's eight nephews(侄子)Soon Donald was more popular than Mickey Mouse himself, probably because he wasn't goody-goody like Mickey.

  In the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s Donald and his friends Mickey, Coody and Pluto made hundreds of Disney cartoons. He also made educational(教育的)films. Then in 1966 Donald Duck and his voice disappeared(消失)... there were no more new cartoons.

  Clarence Nash died in February, 1985. But today's children can still see the old cartoons on television and hear that famous voice.

(1)Who made Donald Duck films?

[  ]

AMickey Mouse.

BClarence Nash.

CWalt Disney.

DDonald Duck.

(2)When did the Donald Duck film begin?

[  ]

AIn 1933.

BIn 1934.


DIn 1985.

(3)Who was Clarence?

[  ]

AA cartoonist in American.

BA famous duck in the word.

CA person who produced films.

DThe man who gave Donald Duck's voice.

(4)Why did Walt Disney choose Clarence Nash? Because ________.

[  ]

Ahe was famous

Bhe was a film-maker

Che went to see Walt Disney

Dhe had a stranger voice

(5)Where do today's children see Donald duck?

[  ]

AIn new films.

BAt the cinema.

COn television.



科目: 来源: 题型:050

  People know that some animals, particularly birds, can be trained to carry messages for them. From 3,000

B.C to now, pigeons have been used as “postmen” either in war or in peace.

  In 1870, when the Germans surrounded Paris, the city was cut off from all the usual means of communication. The people tried many different ways of sending news. One way was to use pigeons, and the little “postmen” flew even faster. In four months about 156,000 letters were sent by them.

  Now pigeons are still used. This is because sometimes only the little pigeon can carry the message where it is difficult for man to go. That is why pigeons are called “postmen” with feathers.

(1) What is a pigeon?

[  ]

A.A postman.

B.A flying object.

C.A bird.

D.A beast.

(2) Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Pigeons are our daily postmen.

B.Pigeons can fly as fast as a man-made satellite.

C.Pigeons can not do something special for us.

D.Pigeons can do something special for us.

(3) People in Paris used pigeons to send letters because ________.

[  ]

A.they could not send them themselves

B.they could not fly as fast as pigeons

C.they knew pigeons could fly faster than hawks

D.they liked pigeons better than any other animal

(4) How many letters did pigeons send per month according to the text?

[  ]

A.About 31,000.

B.About 39,000.

C.About 139,000.

D.About 156,000.

(5) People call pigeons “postmen” with feathers because ________.

[  ]

A.they are really very good postmen

B.they are birds but can do the job well as postmen

C.they are postmen who can fly and have feathers

D.they have feathers just like postmen


科目: 来源: 题型:050

The tiger

  The tiger is the largest wild cat in the world. The big cat weighs about 363 kilograms and is about two metres long.

  Tigers wait until it is dark, then they go out to find their food. When a tiger sees an animal, it moves very quietly, then jumps on the animal to kill it. Sometimes it can take several days for a tiger to finish eating its kill. The tiger eats until it's had enough, then it covers the dead animal with leaves. Later, when the tiger is hungry again, it comes back to eat some more.

  Tigers are different from others in the cat family: they like water, and they often jump into rivers to swim.

  Some tigers live in very cold places—in parts of North Korea, eastern Russia, and northeast China. Other tigers live in warmer places—in India and parts of Southeast Asia.

  All tigers are in danger. People killed them to use their skins for clothes, and their bodies for medicine. In addition, there is also less and less land for tigers to live on. But now people know that tigers are in danger and have made plans to protect them.

(1) How weighty is a big tiger?

[  ]

A.363 kilograms.
B.363 jin.
C.363 tons.
D.363 pounds.

(2) When do tigers go out for their food?

[  ]

A.Day and night.
B.At night.
C.At noon.
D.In night.

(3) Can tigers swim?

[  ]

A.Yes, they do.
B.No, they don't.
C.Yes, they can.
D.No, they can't.

(4) Which country can't you see the wild tigers in?

[  ]


(5) What do people kill tigers for?

[  ]

A.Eat their meat.

B.Use their skin for clothes.

C.Drink their blood.

D.All above.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  American boys and girls love to watch television. Some children spend six hours a day at school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV set. Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday.

  Televisions are like books or films. A child can learn bad things and good things from them. Some programmes help children to understand the news. Others show people and places in other countries or other times in history. With TV a Child doesn't have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the sea to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play, a concert or a game at home.

  Television brings many places and events into our homes. Some programmes show crime and other things. They are bad for children, so parents sometimes help them to find other interesting things to do.

(1)Some children usually spend ________ a day watching TV.

[  ]

Asix hours

Bmore than eight hours

Cfour to six hours

Da few hours

(2)TV brings places and events into homesmeans________.

[  ]

ATV makes things happen at home.

Bwe can find them easily.

Cwe can know places and events without going out

Dwe can see houses and buildings on TV.

(3)On TV children can see ________.

[  ]




Dalmost everything

(4)Parents should help their children to find other things to do when there is ________ for children.

[  ]

Aa bad programme

Ba game

Ca big animal

Da concert

(5)Which of the following is NOT right? ________.

[  ]

AChildren can watch a football match on TV.

BAll TV programmes are good for children.

CWith TV children can see a concert at home.

DSome programmes are bad for children.

