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科目: 来源: 题型:052

  Tom has a little brother, his name is Jack. Jack is only six years old and doesn't know how to read and write. One day Tom sees his little brother at the table with a ball pen in his hand.

  What do you want to do, Jack? he asks.

  I want to write a letter to Bill. says Jack.

  But how can you? says Tom, You don't know how to write and how to spell words.

  Well, says Jack, it doesn't matter, because Bill doesn't know how to read.


(1) Tom's little brother is Jack.

(  )

(2) Jack is only six, and he can read and write.

(  )

(3) One day, Jack wants to write to his friend Mike.

(  )

(4) Tom tells Jack not to write the letter.

(  )

(5) Neither Jack nor Bill knows how to read and write.

                               (  )


科目: 来源: 题型:052

  In our city, there is a big zoo with a lot of animals in it. There are some tigers and two old lions. They eat a lot of meat every day.

  There are also two big elephants and one baby elephant. They eat a lot every day. The elephants are kind to people. They like children. Children often give them bread and bananas. They like bananas best.

  In the zoo, there are many kinds of goats. They are brown, black or white. How beautiful they are! They often stand on their back legs, hold up their front legs and ask for food. They like green grass very much.

  There is a children's comer in the zoo. Children ride horses and watch monkeys there. The monkeys are very funny. They climb up ropes and jump down again. They play with each other like small children.


(1) There is a big zoo near our city.

(  )

(2) There is only one lion in the zoo.

(  )

(3) There are many animals in it.

(  )

(4) Children give elephants bananas and meat.

(  )

(5) The elephants are friendly to children.

(  )

(6) There are some goats in the zoo.

(  )

(7) The goats often walk on their back legs.

(  )

(8) The goats like eating green grass very much.

(  )

(9) There is no comer for children in the zoo.

(  )

(10) Children play with monkeys.

                               (  )


科目: 来源: 题型:052

  In America, most people love to watch movies at movie theatres. A movie theatre is also called a cinema.

  There are many different kinds of movies that people watch in America. Some movies are comedies. Comedies are funny. They make people laugh. Some movies are thrillers. Thrillers are scary. Scary movies make people scream.

  Some movies are action movies. Action movies have a lot of fighting. Some action movies have a lot of kung fu which is a Chinese martial art. Some movies are documentaries. Documentaries show you something about real life. Most young people do not like documentaries. They think they're a little boring.

  Nowadays, people all over the world like to watch movies. You can also watch movies at home on the TV. You can buy movies on DVD and watch them again and again.

阅读短文,判断正 (T) 误 (F)

(1) In America, few people love to watch movies at movie theatres.

(  )

(2) Action movies do not have any fighting.

(  )

(3) Thrillers are movies that are scary.

(  )

(4) Comedies are movies that are funny.

(  )

(5) Most young people like documentaries very much.

                                                                                  (  )


科目: 来源: 题型:052

  Tom is a little strange. He often does things differently from others. This is dinner time. Tom is having a big meal. First, he eats some ice cream. He enjoys it very much. Then he drinks some hot soup. He likes both cold things and hot things. What does he have next? A large pizza with green pepper and mushroom toppings. Does he have coffee or tea? No, his favorite is beer. He drinks two bottles of beer He should change his diet.

阅读短文,判断正 (T) 误 (F)

(1) Tom is very strange.

(  )

(2) When he does things, he is different from others.

(  )

(3) First, he drinks some hot soup.

(  )

(4) He likes both cold things and hot things.

(  )

(5) His favorite is a large pizza with green pepper and mushroom toppings.

(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:052

  In the USA, there are many fast food restaurants. Fast food is one kind of take-away food. It is very popular. The famous restaurants are Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonalds. You only give money to the person in the restaurant and then take the food away to eat outside, in the park or on the street, at work or in your own home. Of course, you can eat in the restaurant. Many children like to go to McDonalds and KFC because they can get gifts for their coming there. Today there are more and more American take-away food restaurants in China.


(1) Take-away food is the fried food.

(  )

(2) KFC is a famous fast food restaurant.

(  )

(3) Children like eating in McDonalds because there are many toys to play with.

(  )

(4) There aren't any fast food shops in China.

(  )

(5) Fast food is popular in China.

(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:052

  Disneyland Park is a theme park at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, USA, 28 miles from Downtown Los Angeles, and is owned and operated by The Walt Disney Company. Disneyland Park has become one of the world's most famous locations and also one of the most visited sites. An estimated 515 million visitors have visited the park since its opening on July 17, 1955. A worldwide celebration in commemoration of Disneyland's 50th anniversary began on May 5, 2005.


(1)Disneyland Park is near Los Angeles.

(  )

(2)Disneyland Park was opened on June 17, 1955.

(  )

(3)Disneyland Park is owned and operated by a rich man.

(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:052


  One day Sam goes to a big party. He is wearing old clothes, and when he comes in, nobody looks at him, and nobody gives him a seat at a table. So he goes home, puts on his best clothes, and then goes back to the party. The host(主人)comes to meet him quickly. He takes him to the best table, gives him a good seat, and Sam has the most delicious food.

  Sam puts his coat in the food and say, Eat, my coat!

  The other people ask:“Why?

  Sam answers, I’m asking my coat to eat.

(1)Sam doesn’t wear new clothes the first time.

(  )

(2)Sam doesn’t have good clothes.

(  )

(3)Sam goes home to have supper.

(  )

(4)Sam’s clothes cannot eat food at all.

(  )

(5)The other people know why Tom gives the food to his clothes.

(  )


科目: 来源:1+1轻巧夺冠·优化训练 英语 七年级下册 (外研版)银版 外研版 题型:052


  It was very late at night when Sam got off the train.He was tired(累的)and wanted to find a hotel(旅馆).He looked around and saw a building.It had three floors.It was the nearest hotel, so Sam went in and asked the girl behind the front desk,“How much is a single(单独的)room per(每)night, please?”

  “Well, sir,”said the girl,“a single room on the first floor is fifty dollars(美元)a night, on the second floor is forty dollars, and the third floor is thirty dollars.”

  Sam picked up his suitcase(手提箱)and turned to the door.

  “Don't you think our prices(价格)reasonable(合理)?”the girl asked.

  “Yes,”said Sam,“your prices are reasonable all right, but I'm afraid the building of your hotel is not high enough(足够)?”



From the passage we can see Sam got on the train in the day and got off the train at night.

(  )


Sam went into the hotel because it was the nearest one to the station.

(  )


The girl behind the front desk was also a visitor.

(  )


The single room on the third was the dearest a night.

(  )


Sam thought the prices were't reasonable, so he went away at last.

(  )


科目: 来源:1+1轻巧夺冠·优化训练 英语 七年级下册 (外研版)银版 外研版 题型:052


  It was Sunday and we were sitting at the table when Father suddenly smiled and said to us,“Oh, dear me.I for-got to tell you the good news.There's a letter from Granny.She is coming to see us this afternoon.I'm going to meet her at the station.”with these words he went out.

  How happy we were!We hadn't seen Granny for half a year and we missed her very much.

  After lunch my mother and I went shopping.We bought a lot of food that Granny liked while my sister cleaned the house.It was four o'clock when we finished and we sat around the table, waiting for Granny.At last the door opened and in came my father alone.

  “Where's Granny?”we asked.

  Father laughed and said,“April fools.Today is April 1st, April Fool'Day.”

  At the words we couldn't help laughing, too.



It was Sunday and we were eating at the table.

(  )


Father said there was a letter from Granny.

(  )


Granny is coming to see us tomorrow.

(  )


We are all going to meet her at the railway station.

(  )


After lunch my mother and I went shopping.

(  )


We bought a lot of food.

(  )


My sister was busy cleaning.

(  )


At last the door opened and Granny came in.

(  )


Father made a joke.

(  )


Father said we were all April Fools because the day was April Fools' Day.

(  )


科目: 来源:1+1轻巧夺冠·优化训练 英语 七年级下册 (外研版)银版 外研版 题型:052


  Mary, a young woman, had a little white sheep.She loved it very much.In the daytime she tied it to a tree to let it eat grass in the fields and in the evening she went to take it back home.

  One evening she found someone had cut the rope(绳子)and the sheep was no longer in the fields.When her husband came back from work, she told him what had happened.At once her husband started to look for the sheep.He went around the small village, but the sheep couldn't be found.The next day Mary's husband heard that one of his neighbours(街坊), Aleco, had bought a sheep.“Perhaps Aleco has stolen(偷)our sheep”, he said to himself.But when he got to Aleco's house, he found he had made a mistake.In front of Aleco's house there was a black sheep.At that time it started to rain.He had to stay in Aleoo's house when he came outside after the rain stopped.He was surprised to find that the white sheep was standing before him.Aieoo had dyed(染)its wool black.Now it had been washed clean by the rain.



Mary loved the white sheep, so she tied it to the tree behind her house.

(  )


She let the sheep eat the grass in the fields from morning to evening.

(  )


Mary knew where the sheep was.

(  )


After Mary's husband came here, she asked him if he knew where the sheep was.

(  )


Mary and her husband found the sheep in the village that day.

(  )


The next day one neighbour told Mary's husband that Aleco had stolen the sheep.

(  )


When Mary's husband arrived at Aleco's house he saw a black sheep.

(  )


He had to stay in Aleco's house because it was raining.

(  )


After the rain the black sheep became white.

(  )


The rain helped him to find the sheep.

(  )

