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科目: 来源: 题型:052

  Jackie Chan was the son of a poor couple. They went to Hong Kong from Shan dong. China. Chan came to this world in 1954. When he was born, his parents did not have enough money to pay the hospital and could not take him, their only child, home at once. They tried very hard to raise(筹措)money and could take Jackie home at last. They named him Chan Kongsang. to celebrate(庆祝)their safe arrival in Hong Kong.

  The family lived in the French Embassy(大使馆). Jackie's father worked as a cook and his mother worked as a housekeeper there. Jackie disliked school and left after finishing Grade One.

  When Jackie was seven years old, his father went to Australia and worked as a chief cook in the American Embassy to make more money. Later his father decided that the boy should learn some skills, and sent him to the China Drama Academy.

(1)Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong.

(2)Jackie Chan's parents were very rich when he was horn.

(3)Jackie had much schooling.

(4)Jackie's father was a chief cook in Hong Kong.

(5)We don't know how many brothers and sisters Jackie Chan has.


科目: 来源: 题型:052

  Once a rich woman invited(邀请)Martin Brown, a famous(著名的)singer, to her house. She wanted him to sing for her friends. But she didn’t invite him to have dinner with them. She told him to eat downstairs with the servants(仆人).

  The singer was surprised(感到惊奇). But he said nothing and went downstairs. After the meal he stood up and said to the servants:“Now my good friends, I shall sing for you.Of course, the servants were pleased. He sang them several songs. When they asked for more, he sang more.

  At nine o’clock the rich woman asked the singer to come up to the sitting room. When he came in, he saw all the guests(客人)sitting and waiting for him.

  We are ready now, Mr Brown.said the woman, You may begin.

  Ready for what? asked the signer.

  For your songs of course.she answered.

  But I have sung already! said Mr Brown, And I can’t sing twice in one evening.

  “You have sung already!” said the rich woman in surprise. But when? And where did you sing?

  Just now, downstairs.

  Really? she cried.

  Yes, Madam. said the singer.

  I usually sing for the people after I have eaten with them, you know.

  And with a politeGood night.he left the rich woman’s house.

根据内容判断正误, 正确打“T”,错误打“F”。

(1) Martin Brown was a famous singer.

(  )

(2) The rich woman wanted him to have dinner with her.

(  )

(3) The singer ate upstairs with the servants.

(  )

(4) He sang for the servants after the meal.

(  )

(5) In the end the singer sang several songs for the rich woman’s friends.

(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:052

  Long long ago there lived a poor young boy in a small village. He was about ten years old. Every afternoon, he walked around the village selling his cooking oil. He carried the oil in a small wooden basin(盆).After he sold all of his oil one afternoon, he was very tired. He thought that he would take a rest. He left his wooden basin under a tree, put the money in it and fell asleep. About two hours later, he woke up. He looked into the basin and found that his money was gone. He went at once to see a woman judge(法官).The judge listened to the boy’s story very carefully. She thought for a while, and then said to the men in her office, Go and get all the village people here.When all the village people came, she asked that everyone should put a coin(硬币)into the water in a big basin, about half of the people had put their coins in before a young man came up. He al-so put the coin into the basin.Wait a minute.the judge said, You took away the boy’s money, didn’t you?the young man’s face turned red.“Yes-ye-yes.he said, How did you know that?The judge said, You see, after you had put your coin into the water, some oil came up to the top. Your money must have been taken from the oil basin.


(1) The poor young boy sold the cooking oil and the basin.

(  )

(2) The boy put his wooden basin under a tree and then fell asleep.

(  )

(3) When he found his money was gone he woke up.

(  )

(4) A young man in the village found the boy’s money.

(  )

(5) The judge got to know who took the money by the young man’ face.

(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:052

  One day Mother looked at Tom's shoes and said. Tom, look at your shoes. They are very dirty(脏的). You must clean them.

  “Oh, Mother. but I cleaned them only yesterday,said the boy.

  “They are dirty now. You must clean them again.

  “I don't want to clean them today. Even if(即使)I clean them today, they will be dirty again tomorrow.

  In the evening, Tom came back from school. He was very hungry. Mother. give me some food to eat, please,he said.

  “You had breakfast in the morning, Tom, and you had lunch at school.

  “But I'm hungry now.said the boy.

  “Oh, hungry? But if(如果)I give you food to eat today, you will be hungry again to morrow.


(1)Tom's mother asked Tom to wash his shoes.

(2)Tom's shoes were not dirty, so he didn't clean them.

(3)Tom cleaned the shoes.

(4)Tom's mother didn't let Tom eat food at first(起初).

(5)Tom's mother wasn't kind to her son.


科目: 来源: 题型:052

  Look at this sculpture. Do you know the man with a beard among the four famous American presidents? You are right. He is Abraham Lincoln. He had two nicknames--Honest AbeandHomely Abein his life.Homely Abemeans he was not good-looking. Before his presidential election in the year 1860, something happened. One day, he got an interesting letter from a girl, Grace Bedell. In the letter she wrote about Lincoln's homely face in a very polite way and made some suggestions:

  I am a little girl only 11 years old, but I want you to be the President of the United States very much so I hope you won't think me very bold to write to such a great men as you are...

  I have got four brothers and most of them will vote for you anyway, and if you will let your whiskers grow, I will try to get the rest of them to vote for you. You would look a great deal better for your face is so thin. All the ladies like whiskers and they would tease their husband to vote for you, and then you would be President…

  Did Miss Grace use modem English grammar? No, she didn't. Because she wrote the letter many years ago. After reading the little girl's letter, Lincoln took her advice and he didn't shave over the next weeks before the election. By the election day, he already had enough beard. He did get elected. Maybe his success had something to do with the girl's advice. From then on he did wear the beard for the rest of his life.


(1) Lincoln became American president in 1860.

(  )

(2) Grace wrote this letter 140 years ago.

(  )

(3) She wanted Lincoln to be elected president with a beard.

(  )

(4) None of Grace's brothers voted for Lincoln.

(  )

(5) Many women would like Lincoln with a beard.

(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:052

  A traveller came to a small town. He knew no one there and he knew nothing about the town.

  He needed a haircut. There were two barber-shops in the town. The man studied each of them carefully. One barber-shop was very clean. No hair was on the floor. The other was dirty. The hair was on the floor everywhere. He entered the dirty barbershop.


(1)The traveller knew the town well.

(2)There were two barber-shops in the town.

(3)One barber-shop was clean and the other was dirty.

(4)The traveler liked the clean barbershop.

(5)There was hair on the floor of the clean barber-shop.


科目: 来源: 题型:052

  Jane and Caroline were school friends. Caroline was tall and very beautiful, and Jane was short and pretty. Caroline was very clever, too, and was often first in the exams. But Jane was usually fifth or sixth in the exams, Caroline's handwriting was excellent. Jane's handwriting was good, but not excellent.

  When they left school, Jane and Caroline both applied for a job in a local office. The advertisement said: Wanted. Young secretary for a busy office. Must be clever and polite, and have good handwriting. They both went for an interview (面试).

  In the interview, Caroline answered all the questions and showed she was very clever. In her interview, Jane answered all the questions and was very polite. She got the job.

  Sometimes, the office manager said, Politeness is more important than intelligence (聪明).


(1) Jane and Caroline were both beautiful.

(  )

(2) They worked in a local office when they left school.

(  )

(3) They both answered all the questions.

(  )

(4) Jane got the job because she was more polite than Caroline.

(  )

(5) The office manager said that sometimes beauty is more important than intelligence.

(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:052

  Jack worked in all office in a small town. One day his boss(老板)asked him to do something,Jack, I want you to go to London to an office there, to see Mr Brown. Here’s the address,his boss said.

  Jack went to London by train. He left the station and thought, The office isn’t far from the station. I’ll find it easily.But after an hour he was still looking for it, so he stopped and asked an old woman. She said,Just go along this street, turn left at the end. It’s the second building on the rightJack went and found it.

  A few days later he wanted to visit the same city and the same office, but again he didn’t find it, so he asked someone on the way. It was The same woman. She was very surprised(吃惊)and said,Are you still(仍然)looking for that place?


(1) Jack’s boss gave him the address of the office in London.

(  )

(2) The office was not far from the station, and Jack found it easily.

(  )

(3) An old woman told Jack the way to the office.

(  )

(4) He couldn’t find the same place and asked the same woman a few days later.

(  )

(5) The woman thought that he came to the city again.

(  )


科目: 来源: 题型:052

  Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am your guide today. First, I'd like to tell you something about London before we arrive. As(正如)you know. London is the capital of England. It lies(位于)on the River Thames.

  It's very big city with a population of about 7 million. The people are usually friendly and helpful, especially the policemen. They are always glad to tell visitors about their city.

  London is a busy place. People work in offices, banks, or for companies. They are in a hurry all the time.

London is also a beautiful city. It has lots of parks and gardens. When you are in London, you should visit the London Museum. It can tell you a lot of interesting stories. You may also visit many other places of interest, such as Big Ben, River Thames and so on.

  Wish you a good time!


(1)A guide is talking to the tourists(旅游者).

(2)The tourists are on the way to London.

(3)People in London don't like to help foreign tourists.

(4)People working there often have a lot of time visiting the museum.

(5)There are many parks and gardens in the city.


科目: 来源: 题型:052

I'm Very Sorry to Hear It

  Mr Smith was old, so it was often difficult for him to remember things. However (可是), he still liked traveling very much, so he and his wife went to Spain (西班牙) every year. One summer when they were there, they went to visit their friends, the Tarners. They had two young daughters.

  One afternoon Mr Smith was talking to one of the girls in the garden after lunch. You and your sister were ill when my wife and I were here last year, weren't you? he said to her.

  Yes,we were, answered the girl. We were very ill.

  The old man said nothing for a moment, because he Was thinking. Then at last he said, Oh, yes, I remember now! One of you died (死). Which one of you was it, you or your sister?

  The girl answered, It was me.

  Oh? I'm very sorry to hear it, said the old man.


(1)The old man had a good memory.

(2)What the old man said was true.

(3)The girl was very ill and died.

(4)The girl didn't die last year.

(5)The girl and her sister were both very ill.


