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科目: 来源: 题型:053

  A young father was visiting an old neighbor. They were standing in the old man’s garden, and talking about children. The young man said, How strict should parents be with their children?

  The old man pointed to(指向)a string(绳子)between a big strong tree and a thin young one.Please untie(解开)that string.He said. The young man untied it, and the young tree bent over to one side.

  Now tie it again, please.said the old man.“②But first pull(拉)the string tight(紧)so that the young tree is straight(直)again.

  The young man did so. Then the old man said, There, it is the same with children.”③You must be strict with them, but sometimes you must untie the string to see how they are getting on.If they are not yet able to stand alone, you must tie the string tight again. But when you find that they are ready to stand alone you can take the string away.


(1) The story is about ________.

Ahow to take care of young trees

Bhow strict parents should be with their children

Chow the young father should get on with his old neighbour

Dhow to tie a tree

(2) The young man untied the string ________.

Ain order to throw it away

Bso that both of the trees would grow straight

Cin order to see how tall it is

Donly to find that the young tree bent over to one side

(3) When can the string be taken away?

AWhen the old man leaves.

BWhen the young man unties it next time.

CWhen the children are old enough.

DWhen the young tree grows strong enough.

(4) Our teacher ________ us, so no one falls behind in our class.

(5) I watch English Outlook every day ________ I can improve my English very quickly.

(6) He ________ the house far away and told me he lived there five years ago.

(7) My sister ________ speak English very well when she was five years old


科目: 来源: 题型:053


AHello, Linda. (1) are you from?

BI am from America

AWhere (2) you (3) ?

BI was born (4) New York.

AWhat’s the (5) of your Primary School?

BIt was Darwin Primary School.

A (6) was your first teacher?

BMy (7) teacher was Mrs Lee.

AWhat was she (8) ?

BShe was strict (9) nice.


科目: 来源: 题型:053


(1) Where were you born?

AYes, he was.

(2) Who was your English teacher?

BThey are friendly.

(3) What were the students like?

CHongxi Primary School.

(4) What’s the name of your Primary School?


(5) Was your first teacher strict?

EIn Sichuan Province.

(1)_____ (2)_____ (3)_____ (4)_____ (5)_____


科目: 来源: 题型:053


A : Hi, Mary. Where 1 you go yesterday?

B : I 2 to Lin Tao's home.

A : 3 did you go there?

B : I went there 4 bus.

A : 5 he your good friend?

B : Yes. He is 6 good friend.

A : Why did you 7 and see him yesterday?

B : Because he 8 come to school.

A : What was wrong with him?

B : He was 9 in bed.

A : How is he now?

B : He is much 10 .


科目: 来源: 题型:053


(1) Cheap(2) Cheap(3) Peaceful(4) Far(5) Interesting(6) Good

Fernlands is great! It's cheaper than(1)the Bell, but it's ________ (2)Ivy House. I know that you want a quiet holiday. Ivy House is ________ (3), and it's ________ (4)from town. But Fernlands is ________ (5)than Ivy House. It's next to the Motor Museum, and it's got a ghost! It's ________ (6)!


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Tom (1) (have)a big family. There (2) (be)six people in his family. They (3) (be) his grandparents, his parents, his sister Lucy and he. His mother (4) (be) a farmer. His father (5) (be) a worker. But two years ago, he (6) (be) a driver. Tom and his sister (7) (be)students. They (8) (have) a big house with a beautiful garden. In the garden, you can (9) (see)many big trees. Two months ago, there (10) (be)a pond in the garden and there (11) (be)many fish in it. But now it (12) (have)nothing in it.

  People in Tom's family all (13) (work) hard. And he (14) (love) his family. Do you love (15) (you) family?


科目: 来源: 题型:053


A: Hello.

B: Hello.

A: Do you know Chairman Mao?

B: (1) ________? (Who)

A: Oh, you don't know? He (2) ________. (famous writer; China)

B: Really? I don't know. I (3) ________ (born; Britain) and I came to China last month.

A: Let me tell you. He was a very great man. He (4) ________. (idol; Chinese people)

B: How old would he be if he were still alive?

A: He (5) ________ (born; 1881) so he would be 124 years old if he were still alive.

B: Do you have a book about him?

A: Yes, every Chinese has. I can lent it to you.

B: Thank you.


科目: 来源: 题型:053


JimHi! John.

JohnHi! Jim.

JimWhere will you go (1) your summer holiday this year?

JohnI'm (2) for Hainan.

Jim (3) (4) is it?

JohnAbout three thousand kilometres.

Jim (5) will you get there?

John (6) plane. It's much faster (7) by train.

It (8) only about four hours to get there.

JimI'm sure you'll (9) yourself in Hainan.

Jim (10) a lot. And what (11) you?

JimI'd (12) to go back to my hometown to (13) my friends. I miss(想念)them, you know.

JohnI see. (14) a good time.

JimT hank you. (15) comes the bus. Let's hurry.


科目: 来源: 题型:053


A: Hi, Wei Hua. Where's your hometown?

B: Oh, it's far away from here. It is in the south.

A: (1) _______________?

B: Twice a year, when I have summer and winter vocations.

A: How do you usually go back there?

B: (2) _______________. (train)

A: (3) _______________?

B: No, the plane is. But the train is the cheapest and most interesting way.

A: Can you go by bus?

B: No, it's too far and taking a bus takes too much time. How about you?

A: My home is here in Beijing. (4) _______________? (home, every day)

B: How do you go home? By bus?

A: No, by bike. (5) _______________ way. (most convenient)

B: Right, you needn't to worry about the traffic jam.


科目: 来源: 题型:053


Mike takes the bus (1) School in the morning. He runs to the bus stop at 7 o’clock. Some students (2) there, too. Look, the bus (3) now. It stops (4) the bus stop. All the (5) are getting on the bus. (6) school is a little far from (7) .So he (8) catch a bus there. Sometimes he goes there by bike. (9) he likes (10) a bus. He can talk with his friends on the bus and can hear other people talk about something.

