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科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053

  Narek is four years old.He has a little face, brown eyes and a shy smile.He lives with his mother, grandmother and a b  1   brother in a village of Armenia.

  Narek does not talk m  2  , but his brown eyes usually s  3   for him.He walks around the t  4   snow in a thin shirt.He watches people in the cold air.His hands and cheeks are r  5  

  Winter is about 6 months l  6  .Narek’s family is poor.Their house is on a hill.It is cold in it.There is no g  7   for windows.They have nothing to keep w  8  

  Narek’s mother is 22 years old.She milks c  9   in the village every day.She gets little money f  10   the hard work.She can only buy a little food.People in the town give old clothes and some food to her family.


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053

  All of Poland knows the two short, round men.They are twins.The elder brother is quiet.The younger brother l  1   to play.They look the s  2  .The o  3   difference is a birthmark on one of their noses.

  In an old funny movie, they are two stars.Now they work in one party.They go swimming and p  4   basketball together.The younger brother is the President of Poland.The elder h  5   him.

  The younger brother always says, “When my brother has a good i  6  , I will do it.”

  The elder brother says, “I will stand b  7   my brother wherever he is.”

  People think both of them are good!


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053

  Since it is a city in the Southern Hemisphere, the weather in Sydney is quite different.So the life there is different, too.

  In China we are w  1   coats, scarves and wool gloves because it is still very c  2  .But in Sydney it is s  3  .The temperature there is b  4   19℃ and 29℃.The sun is shining beautifully.Trees and grass are green.Colorful flowers are h  5   and there.People are wearing T-shirts, shorts, skirts, sunglasses and sandals.On the b  6   there are many visitors.They are from all o  7   the world.They are swimming, surfing and l  8   in the sun.They are enjoying themselves a l  9  

  At night people go to the operas or have a little d  10   with friends at pubs.Besides in the f  11   Sydney Opera House, there are some great operas playing in the o  12   air.They are popular, too.


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053


  Mr.Johnson is a good man, but has a shortcoming.He doesn’t like to get up early in the morning.

  It is half past seven this morning when he l________ at his watch.He gets out of b________ quickly, then he w________ his face and brushes his teeth.Then he puts on his clothes and l________ his house in a great hurry.

  He gets to his office and b________ to work.Mr.Johnson doesn’t eat a________ in the morning, so he is h________ all the morning.When his friends ask him, “Why don’t you get up early to have breakfast in the morning?” He always says to them, “It is n________ to have breakfast, but it is nicer to lie in bed!”


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053

Plans for the weekend

  Ken:Right, this weekend we should get up early so we can do more things!

  Jack:We can go to the noodle shop at 8 a. m.for some food.

  Ken:Okay, and at 9 a. m.we can go to the stadium and play basketball.Then we are going to the park for a picnic lunch with my family.

  Jack:And then we are going to the computer center.

  Ken:Right-we can buy some computer books, and then we can go to my house to check our e-mail and then watch television.

  Jack:Saturday’s going to be fun, but what are we going to do on Sunday?

  Ken:I know-get up at 8 a. m., go to the park at 9 and go on the lake in a boat.

  Jack:Yes, we can have hamburgers for lunch!

  Ken:Great-I love hamburgers!

  Jack:Amy is having a party in the afternoon-do you want to go?

  Ken:I can’t-I have a test on Monday-so I have to stay home to do my homework and then revise!

  Jack:Yes, I should study too.Oh, well, see you tomorrow

Complete the table


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053


  Jack Green is my father.He is a maths teacher in a high school.He is forty years old.He   1  (work)from Monday to Friday.On weekends, he never goes to work.He often goes fishing when it is fine.

  My father is a basketball fan.He often   2  (watch)basketball matches on TV.His favourite team is the Lakers and his favourite player is Kobe.

  My father also likes reading novels.There   3  (be)lots of books in his room.He   4  (not like)music.He never goes to the concert, but my mother goes to the concert.At home, he is a teacher to me because I often ask him many questions.  5   he often   6  (help)my mum with the housework?Of course, he does.He is a good father, a good teacher and also a good husband!I love my father!


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053

  December 25th is Christmas Day.In America, it is in winter.But in Australia, it is just in summer.

  On Christmas Day, people in Australia can see the fine sun, beautiful beaches, and green trees.But in any of the shops we can see many pictures of snow on the windows of them.The Christmas trees are covered with fake(假的)snow.

  On Christmas Day, some families eat turkeys.But more families eat seafood and fruits.Some people eat on the beach and some in the forest.After eating, they always dance happily.

  In a word, Christmas Day in Australia is very special.

Complete the sentences 根据短文内容完成句子,每空只填写一个英文单词

1.Christmas Day in Australia is ________ from that in America.

2.On Christmas Day boys and girls wear cool ________ such as T-shirts and miniskirts in Australia.

3.On Christmas Day, we can see green trees and beautiful ________ everywhere in Australia.

4.On Christmas Day if you are in the shops in Australia, you will feel that it seems to be in ________

5.On Christmas Day many families have activities not in their ________ but in the open air in Australia.


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053

  All around the world, people drink tea.But tea does not m  1   the same thing to e  2  .In different countries people have different I  3   about drinking tea.

  In China people always have tea t  4   with their friends.They may drink tea at any time of the day.They only put tealeaves in their cups.They p  5   the tea with n  6   else in it.

  Tea is also I  7   in Japan.It is very p  8   there.People drink tea every day.But they have it in a way different from that in China.

  In the USA people drink tea at breakfast or after m  9  .They usually use tea bags to make their tea.Making tea with tea bags is faster and e  10   than making it with tea leaves in teapots.


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053

  Sam is nine this year.He’s in Grade Four and likes to read.He often does reading when he is f________(1).So he knows more than his c________(2)and can answer all kinds of questions in class.So he t________(3)himself the cleverest in his class.

  New Year came and a party was organized(组织)in D________(4)30.The students of Class Two s________(5), danced, told interesting stories and had a good time.Ann, the shortest girl, asked them to guess a riddle(谜语)of hers.

  “A thing has eyes, but it can’t see,” said Ann.”It has legs, but can’t walk.It can jump as h________(6)as our teaching building.What is it?”

  The children thought for a long time, but each of them f________(7).They asked her to tell them the answer.Ann said with a s________(8), “It’s a wooden horse.”

  “S________(9)?” called out Sam.”A wooden horse can’t jump at all!”

  “You’re right,” said Ann.”But w________(10)have you see our teaching building jump?”


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053

Mother came into the room and asked her two d  1   to help her with the cooking.Elder sister-Lisha was r  2   a book about Africa.Younger sister-Liya went to the room and helped her mother.After a while she came to call Lisha.Lisha answered,”I’m not at h  3  .I’m in Africa.There are m  4   flowers and birds there.”Liya went back.After a moment, Liya came back, and ate s  5   Lisha asked,”What are you eating?”“I’m eating ice cream.This is the s  6   piece.I have eaten mine.I’m eating yours.”Lisha said a  7  ,”Why do you eat m  8  ?”Liya answered,”Mother doesn’t k  9   when you will come b  10   from Africa.The ice cream will melt(融化)if it is kept for long.It can’t wait for long.”

