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科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初三英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053


  It was Saturday yesterday.I had no lessons.I got up at six.After breakfast.I went to a farm by truck with my classmates to help the farmers with apple harvest.As soon as we went there, we began to pick apples.But some of the apples are too high for me to reach.Jim is very strong.He lifted a ladder and held it for me.So I was able to pick them.Some of us took the baskets of apples to the truck and some put the baskets of apples onto the truck.

  It was hard work, but we all felt very happy.


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初三英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053


  Robots are smart.With their computer brains, they help people work in d   1   places or do difficult jobs.Some robots do regular jobs.Bobby, the mail carrier, brings mail to a large o   2   building in Washington D.C.He is one of 250 mail carries in the United States.

  Mr.Leachim, who weighs two hundred pounds and is six feet t   3  , has some advantages as a teacher.One is that he does not f   4   details.He knows each child’s name, the p   5   names and what each child knows and needs to know.In addition, he knows each child’s pets and hobbies.Mr.Leachim does not m   6   mistakes.Each child goes and tells him or her name, then dials an identification number.His computer brain puts the child’s voice and number t   7  .He identifies the child with n   8   mistakes.Then he starts the lesson.Another advantage is that Mr.Leachim is flexible.If the child needs m   9   time to do their lessons they can move switches.In this way they can repeat Mr.Leachim’s lesson over and over again.When the children do a good job, he tells them something I   10   about their hobbies.At the end of the lesson the children switch Mr.Leachim off.


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初三英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053

Complete the conversation with the correct form of the phrases in the box:

  Mike:I hear you’re off to the Caribbean for a long holiday!Lucky you!But aren’t you   1   the dangers of such long flights on the environment?

  Ken:Why should I be worried?

  Mike:Planes cause   2  

  Ken:I know, but what can I do about it?I already try my best to   3  .I recycle, I don’t just   4   things if I don’t want them any more.I   5   the lights when I leave a room.Don’t tell me we shouldn’t travel by plane any more!

  Mike:No, of course not.But there is something we can do about it.Have you   6   futureforests.com?It’s an environmental group that helps to   7   By planting more trees, We can help keep the air clean, because trees   8   the environment.In this way, we can reduce the dangers of pollution.

  Ken:Good!So I can enjoy my holiday, and when I come back, I’ll   9  !

  Mike:That’s the idea!Maybe we can all   10   and start a small forest!


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053

When I   1  (grow)up, I want   2  (be)an English teacher.I think   3  (be)a teacher is very great.Because teachers are usually very learned.They try their best   4  (help)their students   5  (get)much knowledge, and learn how   6  (face)the world.My father is an English teacher, and he teaches English in a middle school for 20 years.He also   7  (wish)me   8  (be)a teacher in the future.The Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008.English is very important.And now I study hard at all the subjects, especially(特别)English.Every morning, I keep   9  (listen)to English on radio.My head teacher, an old English teacher once said to me, “Never give up, and your dream   10  (come)true.”


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053

Joan is an English girl, but she lives i  1   China.Her father w  2   in a big factory.He goes to work i  3   his car.Joan’s mother t  4   her to school in the morning and brings her h  5   in the afternoon.Class is over.Joan r  6   out of the classroom.Her mother says,”Let’s g  7   home.” On their way home, Joan says, “ We have a new girl in our class today.She i  8   six years old, too.H  9   name is Mary.She can s  10   English.”


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053


1.Children’s Day is ________.

2.________ is on June 15th.

3.A baseball game is on June ________.

4.When is Jane’s birthday?________.

5.When is the speech contest?________.


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053


I’m David Smith.I’m a writer(作家).I w  1   at home.This room is my office.It’s my f  2   room.I love it.There is o  3   one desk and one chair in the room.On the desk there are many b  4   written by me(由我写的).That room is my d  5   room.She has dolls in her room.Many g  6   are always(总是)like that!The c  7   of her room is purple(紫色的).She likes that color.And that’s o  8   bedroom.Sally, my wife, 1  9   the color of the sky.All the things in our room are b  10  


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053

  Mother’s Day is c  1  .But Jim doesn’t have a present for his mum.”How can I buy a present w  2   any money?”he thinks.He looks at a n  3   and sees a large ad(广告).”Tell us why your mum is special and win a shopping spree(狂欢)for her,”says the ad.”This is perfect!”Jim says.

  Jim takes a pencil and a blank piece of paper from his s  4   and begins to write.Then he s  5   it.”Mum will love having a shopping spree,”Jim thinks.

  Jim checks the mailbox every day for his prize(奖品).But soon it is the day b  6   Mother’s Day; there is still n  7   in the mailbox.”What am I going to do now?”Jim thinks.

  Suddenly he has an idea.He finds a blank piece of paper and write on it,”My mum is the best mother in the w  8  .She always makes a good l  9   for me to take to school……”

  On Mother’s Day, Jim gives the present to his mum.”Happy Mother’s Day!”Jim says.Mum reads it and s  10  ,”Thank you, dear.This is the best present I have ever had.”


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053


  The Chinese edition of Forbes(福布斯)reported its Top 100 Forbes Chinese celebrities of this year recently, w  1   basketball star Yao Ming on t  2   of the list for the third time s  3   2004.Yao was f  4  uby famous actress Zhou Xun and Zhang Ziyi.

  S  5   star Liu Xiang was listed No.5 and “Super Girl” Li Yuchun, a  6   Fan Bingbing, s  7   Sun Nan and film star Li Bingbing all fought their w  8   to the top 10 for their h  9   incomes and b  10   names.Director Feng Xiaogang was listed No.12, and director Zhang Yimou was listed No.22.


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初一英语 外研版课标本 外研版课标本 题型:053

  Read the passage and complete the sentences.

  Americans are people with dreams.They can imagine anything, and they are brave enough to do anything.They like dreams.So they often name beautiful things “dreams”.Americans believe that all good things come from dreams.They hope that their dreams can come true.They believe that if only they work hard, they can make their dreams come true.

  Americans like stories about cowboys, Indian fighters, and so on.These stories tell their dreams.This is why people tell them from the old times till now.Even nowadays, there are still some people in Texas wearing like cowboys, though they ride in Cadillac.The children still play cowboys and Indians.The heroes in the old stories are still their favorite heroes.

  Around American homes, there aren’t high walls.In American thinking, they should live in the place where they work.It is said that about 40,000,000 people move from home to home every year.Their dreams make them move here and there.Some old people sell their houses after their sons and daughters have their own homes.They carry all their money and travel around the world in their cars.Their cars are their homes.They use their own ways to pursue their dreams.

  For Americans, their dreams have the same name.It is “the American Way of Life”.No one can tell exactly about it, or say that someone is living it.But it is very real.These dreams tell about what they wish for.

1.Americans believe they can realize their dreams by ________ ________.

2.Stories about the ________ and ________ are told from the old time till now.

3.Some Americans now drive the ________ cars but still wears like cowboys.

4.A large number of American ________ their homes every year.

5.Americans regard ________ as their homes as they carry all their money and travel around the world.

