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科目: 来源: 题型:完型填空

We have no idea about       men first began to use salt. But we do know that it had been used in many different ways _____ the history.
For example, in many history books it is ____ that people who lived three thousand years ago ____salted fish. Thousands of years ago in Egypt(埃及), salt ____ keep the dead. It can keep the dead bodies ____ decay.(腐烂)
In the eighteenth century, a person who stole salt was ____ to have broken the ____. if a person was caught stealing salt, he would be thrown into ____. Books also record that in England about ten thousand people were put into prison during that century ____ stealing salt! In the year 1553, if a man took ____ than his share of salt, he would be thought to have broken the law and would be ____ punished(惩罚).
Salt was very ____ on the dinner table of a king. It was always put ____ the king when he sat down to eat. Then important visitors sat near the salt _____ less important visitors were given seats farther away from it.

A.when B.where C.what D.which
A.throughout B.thought C.though D.although
A.say B.reported C.recorded D.reading
A.eat B.ate C.eating D.have eaten
A.used to B.was used to C.was used D.used
A.off B.from C.on D.out
A.think B.consider C.thoughtful D.thought
A.law B.glass C.computer D.time
A.pool B.hill C.prison D.river
A.because B.because of C.by D.as
A.more B.less C.fewer D.most
A.serious B.bad C.terrible D.seriously
A.important B.necessary C.clever D.cheerful
A.in the front of B.behind C.in front of D.before
A.when B.as C.however D.while


科目: 来源: 题型:完型填空

Now, most people have watches. As we know, Switzerland(瑞士) is famous for its watches. ___ , the watch was not _ in this country. It was the British who did. Many years ago, an Englishman traveled to Italy and on his way he went     a small town in Switzerland. This Englishman traveled in a carriage(马车) inside which there was a carriage watch. This was the __ kind of watch. A blacksmith’s(铁匠) assistant hoped to see the watch. He __ what it was. __ he asked the Englishman about it. “ It is a carriage watch,” said the Englishman. “ This machine can tell the ___ but now it isn’t working.”
At once the blacksmith’s assistant decided to try to __ it. So the traveler handed him the watch. He was very __. So it was not surprising that he was __ in showing it right. He even remembered how it was made. As soon as the traveler had gone, he made a watch of exactly the same kind.
So the watch-making was started in Switzerland. Today Swiss watches are sold all over the world.

A.So B.And C.However D.For
A.brought B.invented C.came D.appeared
A.on B.at C.in D.through
A.earliest B.latest C.nicest D.cheapest
A.knew B.wondered C.thought D.wrote
A.Because B.After C.So D.Since
A.time B.price C.address D.number
A.repair B.steal C.make D.buy
A.hardworking B.strong C.forgetful D.clever
A.difficult B.hard C.glad D.successful


科目: 来源: 题型:完型填空

All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help people to keep _____, happy and to live long.
People play ___ games in winter and summer.    is good for swimming. And in winter people often go skating.
Some sports are very _____ and people everywhere like them For example, football is very popular. In China, most people, men, ______, boys and girls, like to watch football games. They often talk about it.
Running and jumping began long, long ago, But basketball and volleyball are very     . People began to play ____ not long ago. And people are ____ new sports or games all the time. Water skiing(滑水)is one of the newest.
People______ different countries may not understand each other, ___ after a game they often become friends.
【小题1】A. health         B. busy             C. healthy      
【小题2】A. different       B. same             C. the same     
【小题3】A. Winter        B. Summer          C .Autumn         
【小题4】A. boring        B. dangerous         C. interesting
【小题5】A. woman        B. women           C. old         
【小题6】A new           B. interesting         C. popular     
【小题7】A. it            B. them            C. its       
【小题8】A. start          B. play              C. starting
【小题9】A. in            B. of                C. from         
【小题10】A so            B. but               C. and          


科目: 来源: 题型:完型填空

Life will be     because many changes will take place in 30 years, but what will the changes be?
The population is growing fast. There will be    people in the world and most of them will live longer than before. Computers will be     smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. Computer science will be one of the most important   in school. People will work fewer hours than they are doing now, so they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. Traveling will be much cheaper and   . Many more people will go to other countries    holidays.
There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for    new towns and houses. Then there will be less    for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe people won’t eat it every day; they will eat more vegetables and fruit instead. Maybe people will be healthier.
Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work will     by robots. Because of this, many people will not have   to do. This will be a problem.

A.little and littleB.less and lessC.many and manyD.more and more
A.easilyB.more easilyC.easyD.easier
A.buildB.buildingC.to buildD.builds
A.doneB.doC.be doneD.did
A.many workB.enough worksC.much worksD.enough work


科目: 来源: 题型:完型填空

Paper was first    about2,000 years ago, it has been made    silk, cotton, bamboo, and wood. People learned to write words on paper to make a book. And because there weren’t many books,     people learned to read. Then printing was invented in China. The first printed books were made by     ink on a wooden block and holding the paper against it. When printing was developed greatly      the beginning of the11th century, books could be produced more quickly and     .
___      , more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly,        a way that can be compared      the      of the Internet in the20th century.

A. create B. created C. creating D. creates
A. in B. of C. from D. by
A. little B. a little C. few D. a few
A. put B. putting C. puts D. puting
A. at B. in C. by D. on
A. cheap B. cheaply C. cheaper D. cheapest
A. Because B. so that C. As a result D. because of
A. on B. in C.by D. at
A. at B. with C. by D. about
A. introduction B. introduce C. introduced D. introducing


科目: 来源: 题型:完型填空

Boys and girls, this summer vacation is the time for you to take your mind off homework and prepare yourself for future life. The following is some advice on    36   to make your vacation meaningful and colorful.
Take exercise. Regular exercise, much health. You    37   hard most of the time so far. Therefore, you need to join in outdoor activities, which can bring your whole body into action. You can benefit from different forms of exercise    38   swimming, jogging, and mountain climbing.
Learn some basic life skills. One day, you will live alone. As a result, you can’t    39  your family any longer. In order to deal with your    40   matters in your own life, you should learn cooking, washing and other practical (实用的) skills.
Go for a journey. Travel to places of interest. In this way, you can find the culture there different from    41   of your hometown. Beautiful scenery can    42   make you relaxed. Imagine that you are lying on the warm beach in bright sunshine, with light sea wind gently blowing. Isn’t it enjoyable and comfortable?
Enjoy family time. Home is the place in which you can rest, receive love and care from relations. Don’t always sit in front of a computer alone. Instead, the whole family should spend    43   watching a movie on the sofa together. Besides, it’s great fun for family members to gather around the table,   44   sports, clothes or other common topics (话题).
If you follow the advice above, you will achieve health, independence (独立), peace of mind and feelings between family members. Today is the beginning of a new life. Your summer vacation must be full of    45   and success. Wish you a wonderful time!
【小题1】A. whether            B. how              C. when
【小题2】A. have worked        B. worked            C. will work
【小题3】A. instead of          B. due to              C. such as
【小题4】A. depend on          B. give up           C. hear from
【小题5】A. public             B. negative            C. personal
【小题6】A. it                B. that               C. one
【小题7】A. also              B. either              C. too
【小题8】A. some times        B. some time           C. sometimes
【小题9】A. discussed         B. to discuss            C. discussing
【小题10】A. sadness           B. joy                 C. worry


科目: 来源: 题型:完型填空

A hot dog is one of the most popular American food. It was named after frankfurter, a German food. You may hear “hot dog” ___16___ in other ways. People sometimes __17___ “hot dog” to express pleasure(快乐). For example, a friend may ask ___18___ you would like to go to the cinema. You might say, “Great. I’d love to. ” Or, you could say,”__19____! I’d love to go.” People ___20__ use the expression to describe someone who is a “show-off”, who tries to show everyone else how ___21__ he is. You often hear such a(n) ___22__ called a “hot dog”. He may be a basketball player, for example, who __23____ the ball with one hand making a(n) __24__ catch seem more difficult. You know he is a “hot dog” because when he makes such a catch, he bows(鞠躬) to crowd, hoping to __25___ their cheers.

A.cooked B.eaten C.picked D.used
A.speak B.tell C.talk D.say
A.where B.how C.if D.when
A.Excuse me B.Don’t worry C.Never mind D.Hot dog
A.ever B.yet C.also D.still
A.kind B.hopeful C.great D.careful
A.person B.dog C.hand D.action
A.catches B.plays C.throws D.passes
A.funny B.easy C.exciting D.good
A.lose B.win C.avoid D.explain


科目: 来源: 题型:完型填空

It is often said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind of 61 ? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too, 62. If he notices that he is being looked at, he may 63 uncomfortable. It is the same in daily life. When you are looked at for several more times, you will look 64 up and down in order to 65 if there is anything wrong with you. If 66 goes wrong, you will feel angry with the person who is looking at you. 67 can speak, right?
Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But sometimes things are 68. If you wish to draw someone's 69 , you may look at him or her for more than ten seconds. For lovers, they enjoy looking at each other longer to show the love that words cannot 70 . Clearly, eye communication should be done according to the relationship
between the two people and the certain situation.

A.future B.fear C.experience D.exercise
A.late B.long C.low D.loud
A.feel B.smell C.sound D.taste
A.itself B.himself C.myself D.yourself
A.see B.guess C.hear D.expect
A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything
A.Ears B.Eyes C.Mouth D.Nose
A.different B.difficult C.tiring D.boring
A.direction B.lesson C.attention D.trouble
A.write B.print C.read D.express


科目: 来源: 题型:完型填空

You have probably heard the expression,“It’s raining cats and dogs outside.”That means 16  it’s raining very hard I not that  17  cats and dogs are falling from the  18 .However,one day in June,1882,it really did rain  19  over Dubuque,Iowa.The frogs  20  falling along with hailstones(冰雹)during a  21  storm.
Hail is formed when drops of rainwater are  22  by heavy winds and are carried high up into the air.There the raindrops become frozen.Many drops may freeze  23  to form balls of ice;these ice balls,or hailstones,then  24  to earth.
During the storm in Dubuque,the strong winds lifted small frogs from nearby ponds(池塘) 25  the air along with raindrops.When some of these frogs became covered with ice,both hailstones and“frog-stones”fell onto the ground.



科目: 来源: 题型:完型填空

Ashley Smith is a single young mother with a daughter. She was moving into her house in Atlanta, Georgia early on the morning of March 12, when a man      her to her door, and put a gun to her side. “I started walking to my door, and I felt really, really     ,” she said in a TV interview last week.
The man was Brian Nichols, 33 years old. He      at an Atlanta courthouse on March 11th. The police were      him.
Nichols tied Smith up with a rope, but set her free after she begged him not to take her     again and again. “I told him      he hurt me, my little girl wouldn’t have a mummy,” she said with tears.
“I just talked to him and tried to      believe me,” Smith said. She asked Nichols     he chose her. “He said he thought I was an angel sent from God, and      asked him to do so.”
Smith even      for the man before he allowed her to leave. Nichols was      when she made him breakfast and that the two of them watched TV, seeing      looking for him. “I cannot      that’s me on the TV!” Nichols told the woman. Then, Nichols asked Smith what he      do. She said, “I think you should turn yourself in. If you don’t, more people are going to get    . Finally, he let her go. Then she called the police.

A.found B.noticed C.took D.followed
A.angry B.frightened C.amazed D.sad
A.sleptB.killed three peopleC.lost a car D.caught a thief
A.waiting forB.looking at C.searching for D.thinking of
A.life B.daughter C.clothes D.money
A.that B.when C.if D.until
A.ask him toB.make him C.help him D.tell him to
A.why B.when C.where D.how
A.my mother B.his father C.my daughter D.God
A.cooked dinnerB.cooked breakfastC.made tea D.made cakes
A.afraid B.excited C.surprised D.unhappy
A.the police B.his familyC.his friends D.the little girl
A.believe B.say C.expectD.understand
A.could B.should C.was able to D.might
A.caught B.worried C.tiredD.hurt

