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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever wanted to stop eating something sweet but you just couldn’t ?Is the first thing you do wehn you get home from schol to look in the biscuit tin ?Can you eat a huge bar of chocolate all by yourself ?Can you say “no”to sweets at parties ?If you can’t ,thenn there is a reason ...perhapos you are a sugar addict !Does that sound funny ?Well ,doctors say that people who eat sweets regularly can easily becoame addicted to sugar .What’s more ,most sugar addicts don’t even realize that they are addicted !Sugar addiction is serious becauase it can really damage your health .doctors say that we should eat food which is healthy such as fresh fruits and vegetables,and that we shouldn’t eat a lot of sugar ,fat or fast food .But sugar addicts can’t follow this advice .They know they must stop eating sweet food,bu htey can’t .
So what can you do if you think you are ddced o he taste of sugar?Well here is some advice :
Eat some fresh fruits when you really want something sweet to eat .
Cut down  son sweet foo lowly .Don’t try to stp eating it at once
You have to tell  your parents ,If they know ,they will help you.
【小题1】What does the nderlined word “damage”mean ?

A.be kind to B.be good ofr
C.be harmful to D.be sorry for
【小题2】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Fresh fruits are the best food for us.
B.We shouldn’t eat sugar to keep healthy .
C.Parents may help you to give up bad eating habits.
D.It’s necessary to stop eating swet food at once.
【小题3】What’s the main idea of the passsage?
A.Some advice to stop eating sweet food
B.The importance of having good eating habits .
C.The reasons why people become addicted to sugar .
D.Something about sugar addiction and how to give it up.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever wanted to stop eating something sweet but you just couldn’t ? Is the first thing you do when you get home from school to look in the biscuit tin ? Can you eat a huge bar of chocolate all by yourself ? Can you say “no” to sweets at parties ? If you can’t ,  then there is a reason…perhaps you’re sugar addict (有瘾的人)! Does that sound funny ? Well, doctors say that people who eat sweets regularly can easily become addicted (成瘾的) to sugar .What’s more, most sugar addicts don’t even realize that they’re addicted! Sugar addiction is serious because it can really damage your health .Doctors say that we should eat food which is healthy such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and that we shouldn’t eat a lot of sugar ,fat or fast food .But sugar addicts can’t follow this advice.They know they must stop eating sweet food, but they can’t .So what can you do if you think you’re addicted to the taste of sugar ?Well, here is some advice:
Eat some fresh fruits when you really want something sweet to eat .
Cut down on sweet food slowly. Don’t try to stop eating it all at once.
You have to tell your parents, If they know, they will help you.
【小题1】Who can become addicted to sugar easily?

A.People who eat sweet regularly.
B.People who eat lots of fat and fast food.
C.People who don’t have a balanced diet.
D.People who eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “damage” mean?
A.be kind to B.be good for
C.be harmful to D.be sorry for
【小题3】What can we infer (推断) from the passage?
A.Fresh fruits are the best food for us.
B.We shouldn’t eat sugar to keep healthy.
C.Parents may help you give up bad eating habits.
D.It’s very necessary to stop eating sweet food at once.
【小题4】What’s the main idea of the passage ?
A.Some advice to stop eating sweet food.
B.The importance of have good eating habits.
C.The reasons why people become addicted to sugar.
D.Something about sugar addiction and how to give it up.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It's important to develop the healthy habits in your daily life. The following will help you become healthier and keep perfect shape.
Eat properly. A healthy diet is very important for everybody. Breakfast is the most important meal in a day. Doctors suggest that students’ breakfast should include fruit, eggs, milk, rice or noodles, because these can offer them necessary energy, help them listen carefully in class and keep them healthy. Eat enough for lunch and little for supper. But remember that too much sugar is bad for your teeth and blood. You shouldn't have too many sweet snacks and desserts in your diet, even though such food tastes delicious.
Keep off germs(病菌). Daily tooth cleaning reduces the amount of germs which will spread diseases. Germs in the mouth are likely to enter the blood and cause illness, even heart disease. Even if you’ re not sick, always remember to cough or sneeze into your arms instead of your hands because hands can spread germs to others when you touch something else. Besides, washing hands is necessary after going to the toilet or before having a meal. And you'd better rub both hands while washing them.
Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can improve your moods and balance. Wha’s more, it’s good for bones. There are many forms of exercise: walking or running for about 30 minutes a day playing ball games twice or three times a week, swimming or dancing often. You can choose your favorite to practise regularly. You will not only feel energetic but also think better after doing exercise.
Stay connected. Having regular communication with friends is the key to reducing stress. And sharing happiness and sadness, exchanging information with others can also help improve memory. Having a friend or a circle of friends can help you feel good.

The 【小题1】________ to keep fit
Eating properly
You should have proper breakfast because it can 【小题2】________ you with necessary energy.
You should have enough for lunch and little for 【小题3】________.
Sweet snacks and desserts are tasty, 【小题4】________ you shouldn't eat too much.
Keeping off germs
It's necessary for you to 【小题5】________ your teeth every day, cough or sneeze into your arms’ and wash your hands often to stop germs from 【小题6】________.
【小题7】________ regularly
You will feel 【小题8】________ and think better after doing exercise, so you can choose your favourite sports to do.
Staying connected
It can help you feel 【小题9】________ stressed when you communicate with your friends and it is also useful in 【小题10】________ memory.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We always celebrated Dad’s birthday on Thanksgiving Day, even after he entered a nursing home. When we knew it might be his last birthday, the whole family decided to get together for a huge birthday celebration at the nursing home.
Dad was a good storyteller and we were always his listeners. During a quiet moment, I announced it was now Dad’s turn to listen to stories for a change. I wanted everyone to tell Dad what we loved about him. The room became quiet. Then one after another, people told stories from their hearts, while Dad listened with tears in eyes.
Everyone seemed to have more than one story. Even the little grandchildren couldn’t wait to tell Dad why they loved him. For a man who had been kind to so many hundreds of people in his life, here was our chance to tell him how much we love him. A few months later, at Dad’s memorial service, we more fully realized what we had given to Dad that night. Those are the stories people normally tell at a funeral (葬礼) after a loved one is no longer alive to hear the words. They tell stories, full of tears. But we had given those memories to Dad in his life, and we had told them through laughter, together with hugs and joy. He had them to hold and enjoyed them from time to time in his mind during his last days and months.
Words do matter, and they are enough. We just need to say them or to speak them publicly the ones we love. That’s the ways to give back love and that’s our chance to celebrate a person in his or her life. 
【小题1】The writer’s family decided to have a huge birthday celebration because______.

A.Dad was to leave the hospital
B.it might be Dad’s last birthday
C.they would celebrate Thanksgiving Day
D.Dad was at the nursing home
【小题2】According to the passage, we know______.
A.all the family loved the father, including the little grandchildren
B.the writer’s father was still enjoying good health
C.the party was held at the writer’s home
D.the doctor told the writer his father was going to die at once
【小题3】From the passage, we know the writer’s father was______ to hear
the stories.
A.surprisedB.moved C.sad D.frustrated
【小题4】The best title of the passage can be______.
A.An Amazing Story B.A Kind Father
C.Say Our Love Publicly D.A Big Party


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A recent research shows that physical activity(体育活动) may help students do better in their classes. The research comes because educators in some countries are reducing time for activities like P.E. class.
Researchers go over the results of fourteen studies. Twelve were from the United States, one from Canada and one from South Africa. The studies appeared between 2009 and 2013. They included more than 55,000 children, aged six to eighteen.
Thomas Singh, one of the researchers, says the studies showed a relationship between physical activity and scores on subjects such as math, English and reading. Ms. Singh offers some possible explanations (解释):
“ There are, first, physiological (生理的) explanations, like more blood flow, and so more oxygen (氧气) to the brain. Being physically active means there are more hormones( 荷尔蒙) produced like endorphins ( 脑内啡). And endorphins make your stress level lower and your mood improved, which means you will perform better in class. Also, students who take part in organized sports learn rules and how to follow them. This could improve their classroom behavior and help them know what they should do.
All in all, the finding tells us that physically active kids are more likely to do better in school. Ms. Singh says schools should consider the finding before they cut physical education programs. 
【小题1】What led the researchers to do the studies?

A.Schools’cutting physical activity. 
B.Their interest in physical activity. 
C.The tests including about 55,000 children. 
D.Kids’unsatisfying schooling performance. 
【小题2】How many countries took part in the studies?
A.14.  B.12 C.2.  D.3. 
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of physical activity according to the passage?
A.Getting more blood flow.  
B.Better classroom behavior. 
C.Feeling relaxed and refreshed. 
D.Greater ability to organize activities. 


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“Tom? Are you in bed yet?” called Mrs. White. There was no answer. Mrs. White put down her book and went to her 14-year-old son’s room. Tom was sitting in front of a bright computer screen on which a motorbike was running fast.
“Oh, Tom. You’re still playing on that computer game. You must stop now, because it’s half past eleven. If you don’t go to bed soon, you’ll be very tired tomorrow.” Said Mrs. White.
“But I’ve nearly won the game.” Tom said to Mrs. White. She could see the excitement on his face. She sat beside him.
“You’re always playing on the computer. You spend more time on this machine than on your homework.”
Today more and more families have computers. Parents hope computers can help their children improve their study at school. But many of their children use computers to play games, listen to songs and watch videos instead of studying. We often see that computer net bars are crowded with people, especially young boys. They spend a lot of money competing(竞争) with the computerized(用计算机控制的) machines. The more they lose, the more they want to win. The result is that they don’t’ want to work or study.
In some countries, even scientists hate computers. They say computers cause millions of people to lose their jobs or cause them a lot of trouble. Computer game addiction(瘾) is a serious problem in social life. Something should have to be done to solve the problem.
【小题1】How did Mrs. White feel when she saw her son playing late?

A.She felt excited.B.She felt happy.
C.She felt worried.D.She felt wonderful.
【小题2】 Parents hope computers can __________________.
A.help their children improve their study at school.
B.help their children play well.
C.help their children know a lot of Internet knowledge
D.help their children relax themselves
【小题3】 Many children use computers to _____________.
A. watch videos      B. listen to songs      C. play games     D. A、B and C
【小题4】The writer thinks __________________.
A.the boys can go to the computer net bars, but the girls can’t
B.the computer net bars are very useful
C.the children spend too much money on computer games
D.the children should play computer games
【小题5】 Why do some scientists hate computers?
A. They think computers cause millions of people to lose their jobs.
B. They think computers cause them a lot of trouble.
C. They think it’s a waste of time to use computers.
D. Both A and B.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Some people have a very poor sense of direction. Unluckily, I am one of them. I have visited a place many times but I may still get lost there the next time.
When I was a little girl, I never dared to ask strangers the way. And so I used to walk around in circles and hope that by chance I would get to the place I was going to.
Now, I am no longer too shy to ask people for directions, but I often receive helpless or even wrong information. So I try to avoid giving people wrong directions. If anyone ever asks me the way somewhere, I would say, “Sorry, I am a stranger here.”
Once on my way to work I was stopped by a man. He asked me if I could tell him the way to the Friendship Building. I gave him my usual reply. But just as I walked on only a few steps. I realized that he had asked the way to my office building. However, I had no time to turn back and look for him. I was rushing to meet with someone at my office and I didn’t want to keep him waiting.
When I just got to my office, the secretary(秘书) showed in the man who had asked me for directions. Imagine how embarrassed I was and how surprised he was when we saw each other at the first sight.
【小题1】The writer always refuses to give people directions because _____________.

A.she is a stranger to the cityB.she doesn’t know the people
C.she has no time to help othersD.she’s afraid of giving wrong direction
【小题2】 A man stopped the writer on the way to _____________.
A.sell her something B.ask her the time
C.make friends with herD.ask for the direction
【小题3】The Friendship Building is the place where the writer ______________.
【小题4】The words “embarrassed” in the paragraph means “___________”.
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The writer is too shy to give others directions.
B.The writer has a very poor sense of direction.
C.The writer never got lost when she was young.
D.The man was quite nervous when he saw the writer.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Taking away a city’s rubbish is a big job. Every day trucks come into a city to collect it. Most rubbish is made up of things we can't eat or use. If we kept these things we would soon have a mountain of rubbish.
In some cities the rubbish is collected and taken outside of city to a dump. Often the city dump is placed where the ground is low or there is a big hole. The kitchen rubbish is broken into small pieces and sent into the sewage system. The sewage system takes away the used water from toilets, bathtubs and other places.
To keep mice and flies away, some earth is used to cover the newly dumped rubbish. Later, grass may be planted on the rubbish-filled land. Finally, a house or a school may be built there, and then you’d never know that this had once been an old rubbish dump.
In other cities the rubbish is burnt in special places. The fire burns everything but the metal. Sometimes the metal can be used again in factories where things are made of metal. The food parts of rubbish are put in special piles where they slowly change into something called humus(腐殖质), which looks like black earth. It is rich with the kinds of things that feed plants and help them grow.
【小题1】Where is the rubbish put after it is taken outside of city?

A.On the mountainB.In the water
C.In low placesD.In special places
【小题2】The main idea of the passage is_________.
A.to let us know taking away rubbish is a big job
B.to explain the need for rubbish collection
C.to introduce different ways to treat rubbish
D.to tell people to take useful things out of rubbish
【小题3】The underlined word "sewage" in the passage means_________.
【小题4】According to the passage, the food parts of rubbish can be used again_________.
A.to feed animalsB.to feed plants
C.to build a houseD.to make machines
【小题5】How should we take care of a used metal box according to the passage?
A.By burning it off.
B.By putting it in water.
C.By throwing it away.
D.By reusing and recycling it.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The world’s greatest detective, Sherlock Holmes, is back on our screens.
The new BBC TV series of Sherlock was broadcast in the UK on Jan 1. But the history of Sherlock dates back 127 years.
Since the creation of Holmes in 1887, he has been taking us on adventures (冒险) one after another.
The Sherlock series is a playful drama, covered in crimes and mystery. It gives us a modern Sherlock for a new generation, who solves cases with the help of the Internet, cell phones and GPS.
People look to Sherlock for both adventure and inspiration (灵感). Each case sends us on a mysterious journey with Holmes. The stories give life and color to our imagination: as he checks the crime scene, we join him and become detectives too, looking out for hidden clues.
Yet Holmes is no Superman. He cannot fly, or turn invisible (隐形的). But his powers are within all of us: reason, logical thinking and paying attention to detail. While an artist’s painting is his art, Sherlock’s art is his intelligence (聪明才智). He is human, and this is what makes Holmes a true hero for all of us.
In the new series of Sherlock, most people thought Holmes was dead. But he returns after two years of hiding in the shadows. Now the whole city of London is in danger. What can Holmes possibly do? Uncover the mystery yourself by watching the new series!
【小题1】Sherlock was created in _________.

【小题2】 From the passage, we learn that Sherlock Holmes _________.
A.invites some of his friends to help him with cases
B.refuses to use modern technology
C.has super powers that helped many people
D.is admired for his intelligence
【小题3】In the new series of Sherlock, Holmes returns after _________.
A.dyingB.getting a special power
C.hidingD.going abroad
【小题4】 The writer wrote the passage to __________.
A.compare Sherlock Holmes with Superman
B.explain how Holmes solves cases
C.ask people to learn from Sherlock Holmes
D.explain why Holmes is so popular
【小题5】 Where can you probably read the article?
A.TV Guide.B.Science fiction book.
C.Detective stories.D.Travel Guide.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

People show their personalities in their clothes, their cars and their homes. Because we might choose some foods to “tell” people something about us, our diets can also be an expression of our personalities. For example, some people eat mainly gourmet (供美食家享用的)foods, such as caviar (鱼子酱) and lobster (龙虾), and they eat only in expensive restaurants. They know about the “better things in life”.
People can eat many different kinds of foods, but some people choose not to eat meat. Vegetarians(素食主义者) often have more in common(相同) than just their diets. Their personalities might be the same too. For example, vegetarians in the US and Canada may be creative(创造性的) people, and they might not enjoy competitive(竞争性的) sports or jobs. They worry about the health of the world, and they are probably strongly opposed (反对的) to wars(战争).
Some people eat mostly fast food. One study shows that many fast-food eaters have a lot in common with one another, but they are very different from vegetarians. They are competitive and good at business. They are also usually in a hurry. Many fast-food eaters might not agree with this description(描述) of their personalities, but it is a common picture of them.
What is Your Food Personalities

People with   【小题1】  diets
People who eat    【小题3】  gourmet food
They know the way to enjoy their  【小题4】 .
People who don’t eat  【小题5】
They may be creative.
They might not like competitive   【小题6】 or jobs.
They might be    【小题7】  about the health of the world.
They might be opposed the war strongly.
People who eat mostly   【小题8】  food
They are competitive and can do business
【小题9】 .
They are also usually in a    【小题10】 .

