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科目: 来源: 题型:单词拼写

看图填词(10分). 阅读下面的短文,并借助上下文和插图补充所缺信息。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

I have a twin sister. Her 【小题1】_____is Kitty. Many people think we have lots of things in common, 【小题2】_____ this is not true. When my parents' friends 【小题3】_______to our home, Kitty often sits there and says【小题4】 _______, but I like to have a talk with them. So I'm more outgoing (外向的) than her.
Kitty 【小题5】______ reading books, singing and cooking and I like 【小题6】______basketball. She has more hobbies than me, but she is not as athletic as me. Because Kitty does better than me at school, my parents often ask me to 【小题7】______ from her. Kitty is helpful and she often【小题8】____ other students. We do have something in common. For【小题9】_____ , we both like going shopping and 【小题10】 _____to pop music.


科目: 来源: 题型:单词拼写

My 【小题1】  is Andy. I【小题2】  thirteen. I have a sister. She h 【小题3】 long black hair.So there are four people in my f 【小题4】 . My f 【小题5】 lessons are Maths and English. At weekends,we s【小题6】 in the supermarket.That makes me f 【小题7】 happy. I often play football 【小题8】  my classmates. My parents are teachers. They teach English in a middle school. They like sports.They are in the school basketball t 【小题9】 . They are my h 【小题10】.


科目: 来源: 题型:句型转换

按要求改写句子 (10分)
【小题1】Is that your brother?(做否定回答)
No,                   .
【小题2】The baseballs are under the bed.(改为否定句)
The baseballs                   under the bed.
【小题3】These boys are my classmates. (改为一般疑问句)
         these boys           classmates?
【小题4】His grandparents are fine.(就划线部分提问)
                   his grandparents?
【小题5】He’s Jack. (改为同义句)
               is Jack.


科目: 来源: 题型:写作题

短文填词 根据短文内容和以下提示:1)首字母提示,2)语境提示,3)汉语提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。(10分)
A group of swans (天鹅)flew down to a beach where a crow(乌鸦)was jumping around. The crow watched t     with disdain(鄙视).
“You have no flying skills at all!” he said to the swans. “ All you can do is to move your wings. Can you turn over in the air? No, that’s      (超出) you. Let’s have a flying competition. I’ll show you what real flying is!”
One of the swans, a strong young male, took up the challenge. The crow flew up and began to show his skills. He flew in circles,        (表演) other flying tricks, and then came down and looked at the swan        (自豪地).
Now it was the swan’s       . He flew up, and began flying over the sea. The crow flew after him, making all kinds of comments(评价)about his flying. They flew on and on till they couldn’t see the land and there was        but water on all sides. The crow was making fewer and fewer comments. He was now so tired that he found it hard to stay in the air, and had to struggle to keep himself from falling       the water.
The swan pretended(假装)not to notice, and said, “Why do you  k     touching the water, brother? Is that another trick?”
“No, ” said the crow. He knew he had       the competition. “I’m in trouble because of my pride! I   you don’t help me , I’ll lose my life……”
The swan took pity on him, and took him on his shoulders and flew back to the beach.


科目: 来源: 题型:写作题

Do you want to be a person who has a good memory? People who enjoy their wonderful memory often do well in their studies and work. These people only have to spend a few m ____【小题1】on a page and will keep what they read in mind. Here are some things you can do to improve your memory. Try these: Be more observant(善于观察的). Some people who said to have a bad memory don't r______【小题2】have memory problems. They just don't take time to n______【小题3】 the details. If you pay more attention to the details. you're sure to have a much clearer memory of events. A little exercise that you could do is to p_____【小题4】 memorizing lists of things, such as the things you are going to buy in a supermarket, or even the ingredients(原料)printed on your biscuit box.
Do more activities such as puzzles, word g______【小题5】 and learn a new language. These activities will f_____【小题6】improve your brain functions(功能) and will help you improve your memory.
Try to have more free time. When you are t___【小题7】 probably you are to have a weaker focus(集中). Find ways to get rid of(去除)stress, so your brain will be clearer and ready to have new i_______【小题8】
Get enough sleeping hours. You need at l_____【小题9】 seven hours of sleep every night. Give your brain cells a chance to r________【小题10】the damage(损害) done by a day's tiring work. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and grains. Do your best to be healthy, and these foods help you improve your memory.


科目: 来源: 题型:写作题

Playing sports is good for everyone, especially(尤其) for boys and g_____【小题1】_____. If you want to keep fit(保持健康), you should e_____【小题2】______.
Let me tell you something about a new kind of s______【小题3】_____----parkour(跑酷). It’s a popular sport. It c____【小题4】____ from France(法国). More and more people start learning it. They like showing it to o_____【小题5】_____ people. People enjoy w______【小题6】_____ them doing it.
Do you want to have a t___【小题7】____? But it can be dangerous(危险的), so you should be careful.


科目: 来源: 题型:写作题

In some science fiction movies,people in the future have their own robots. They help with the housework and do the【小题1】m     unpleasant jobs.
Some scientists believe that there will be such robots,and they think that robots will be【小题2】a  to talk to people in the future. But James White thinks it will be【小题3】d    for a robot to do so. However,they agree it may【小题4】t______ hundreds of years. They are now trying to make robots look like people,and do the same things【小题5】a___us. There are already robots【小题6】w______in factories. They do simple jobs over and over again. They will never get bored.
In the future,there will be more robots everywhere,and humans will have【小题7】l______ work to do. New robots will have many different【小题8】s____. Some will look like humans and【小题9】o______ might look like snakes. They could help look for people under buildings【小题10】a______ an earthquake. That may not seem possible now,but we  never know what will happen in the future!


科目: 来源: 题型:写作题

Three men were t____【小题1】______ about the world’s greatest wonders.
The first man said, “I think the pyramids are the greatest. Though people b____【小题2】___ them thousands of years ago, they are still standing. And just think: people at that time didn’t have our m___【小题3】__ machines(机器). How could they build them so long ago?”
“ I a__【小题4】__ that the pyramids are wonderful,” the second man said, “ but I think computers are more wonderful. Everyone knows computers have changed the world a lot since people i【小题5】___ them.”
Then the t_____【小题6】____ man said, “ I d___【小题7】_____ with you two. I think the most wonderful thing is the Thermos(真空瓶).”
The other two men were very s_____【小题8】_____. “A Thermos!” they said. “Why? It ‘s a simple (简单) thing.”
“Oh, no,” the man said. “In w_____【小题9】___ you put in hot water and it stays hot. In summer you put in a cold drink and it stays cold. How does the Thermos know w____【小题10】______ it is winter or summer?”


科目: 来源: 题型:完型填空

Life doesn't always give us the joys we want. We don't always g__【小题1】___ our hopes and dreams, and we don't always get our own way. But don't g__【小题2】__up hope, because you can make a d__【小题3】__, one situation and one person at a time. Look for the beauty a_【小题4】__ you, in nature, in others, in yourself, and b_【小题5】_ in the love of friends, family, and humankind. You can find love in a s_【小题6】_ or a helping hand, in a thoughtful gesture or a kind word. It is all around, if you just look for it. Give love, for in giving it you will f___【小题7】___the power in life along with the joy, happiness, patience, and understanding. Believe in the goodness of o_【小题8】__ and remember that anger and depression can be countered by love and hope. Even when you feel as though there isn't a lot you can do to change unhappiness or p__【小题9】___, you can always do a little and a little at a time eventually(最终可能) makes a b__【小题10】__ difference.


科目: 来源: 题型:完型填空

In recent years, studying Chinese in China has become popular with foreigners. Some Chinese classroom manners are______ from western classroom manners. It might be a good idea to know something about these ______ you take a Chinese class.
Being respectful (尊重的)
Students in China respect their teachers very much. When ______ your teacher, you should always use your teacher’s surname (姓), followed by "laoshi" to call him or her. So______ your teacher’s surname is Shu, you should call her "Shu laoshi".
Being on time
Being on time is ______ for Chinese students. Being at your desk before the bell rings is ______ you need to do in a Chinese classroom.
Listening, not talking
In China, teachers talk and students listen. Students ______ to ask questions, but most Chinese students are too ______ to open their mouth in class. So sometimes the teacher needs to ask somebody to answer questions.
When studying Chinese in China, you will soon learn that it’s ______ hard work. You need to write the Chinese characters (汉字) and ______ your reading, speaking and listening. If you try your best, you will make it! 

A.helpful  B.typical C.different D.the same 
A.before B.after C.since  D.where 
A.helping B.remembering C.visiting D.speaking to 
A.if B.who C.until D.though 
A.nice  B.important C.relaxed D.pleasant 
A.when B.that C.what D.how 
A.are refused B.are allowed C.are prevented D.are offered 
A.shy B.proud C.full D.safe 
A.hardly B.gradually C.really D.possibly 
A.describe B.point C.trouble D.practice 

