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科目: 来源: 题型:改错

【小题1】That silk blouse lookcoolon everyone. Will you try it on?     
A   B  C                  D          (将选项_____改成________)
【小题2】 A man waitingfor you over there. Who is he?  
A    B         C      D                  (将选项_____改成________)
【小题3】 Is it time fortheyto changetheir lifestyle now?     
A  B    C    D                                (将选项_____改成________)
【小题4】 Amy loveshamburger but she doesn’t eat them any more.
A      B          C           D             (将选项_____改成________)
【小题5】The woman likesgoing shopping. She is looking for some clothes every Sunday.             
A    B               C        D       (将选项_____改成________)


科目: 来源: 题型:改错

【小题1】I have a e-dog.It is lovely.I like it very much.(  )( )
A       B      C        D                                    
【小题2】What does he look? He looks strong. (  ) (  )
        A     B       C      D
【小题3】Our English teacher is tall and slim. She wears glass.(  )(  )
A     B        C     D
【小题4】Everyone in the classroom is glad. Their hobbies is swimming after school.(  )(  )
A       B       C        D
【小题5】Sandy comefrom Beijing, but he lives in Donghai now.(  )(  )
A      B        C       D


科目: 来源: 题型:改错


科目: 来源: 题型:改错

【小题1】What should you do when your parents become angry? If
【小题2】your parents got mad, try to have a conversation with them
【小题3】about it. Remembering not to shout at them. They usually
【小题4】will try to change, but they will take some time because
【小题5】they get angry all their life, and that is all they know. You
【小题6】might have to change for your method a couple of times.
【小题7】Do any nice things for your parents that they don’t expect
【小题8】— like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean
【小题9】the floors. If this doesn’t work, bring in∧friend that you
【小题10】feel comfortable with, and ask him or her∧help you.


科目: 来源: 题型:选词填空

when   I   happy   a(n)   leave   useless   for   minute   how   shout
One day, all feelings were on vacation on an island, and each was having  【小题1】 good time.Suddenly, there's a warning of a strong storm, so all rushed to their boats. Yet, Love didn't wish to run away quickly. But as the clouds darkened, Love realized it was time  【小题2】  But there were no boats to use. Love looked around with hope.
Just then Richness was passing by. Love asked, "Richness, can you take me with you?" Richness answered, "No, I can't. There's a lot of gold in my boat. There's no place here【小题3】 you.
Sorrow passed by after a while. Again, Love asked for help. But it was 【小题4】 . "No, I can't take you with me. I am so sad. I want to be by 【小题5】."
When Happiness passed by a few  【小题6】  later, Love again asked for help. But Happiness was so happy that it couldn't care about anyone else.
Love was growing hopeless. Just then somebody 【小题7】 ,"Come, Love, I will take you with me." Love didn't know who was so kind, but jumped onto the boat 【小题8】 .
After getting off the boat, Love met Knowledge. Love asked, "Knowledge, do you know who was so kind to give me a lift 【小题9】 no one else wished to help?"
Knowledge smiled, "That was Time."
"Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?" Knowledge smiled and answered, "Because only Time is able to understand  【小题10】valuable Love is."


科目: 来源: 题型:选词填空

根据短文内容,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (每空一词)

you ,  be,  on,  a,  box
【小题1】I have ________ aunt. Her name is Mary.
【小题2】The _______  are red.  They are Tom’s(汤姆的).
【小题3】My pen is blue, and _______  is black.
【小题4】His friend Tom _______ in America now.
【小题5】His hat is _________  his head.


科目: 来源: 题型:选词填空


health  play  you  tomato   relax
【小题1】My sister likes to eat _______.
【小题2】Listening to music can make us        .
【小题3】He prefers  _______ table tennis.
【小题4】Help ________ to some strawberries, kids.
【小题5】Doing morning exercises is a good way to keep _______.


科目: 来源: 题型:选词填空

We often see people in different 【小题1】wear different clothes. In America, a businessmangoes to work in a dark suit, with black shoes, 【小题2】and a tie. A reporter goes to work【小题3】old blue jeans, a work shirt and sneakers(运动鞋).These two kinds of clothes are【小题4】fortheir work.
If you are a college student who will leave school soon, before【小题5】a job, you have to buy some new clothes. And you’d better【小题6】a look at “what everyone else is wearing”in the office. On certain(某种)kinds of business occasions, the men wear【小题7】suits with white Shirts and darkties. On others, 【小题8】can wear jackets.
Dressing is very【小题9】.Without it, there is no successful fashion. It would be【小题10】ifeveryone looks at himself in the mirror before leaving home every morning.


科目: 来源: 题型:单词造句


科目: 来源: 题型:翻译

Nowadays , many families ___【小题1】____(有) only one child . Parents will do ___【小题2】___(每件事) to make their children study well . Is it good for them ?
Compare __【小题3】___(和) those in the past , the children today are quite _【小题4】___(不同的) from those in the past . In the past , children went to school by themselves and did ___【小题5】___(家务) after school . Then , when they grew up , they ___【小题6】____(能够) solve many problems by themselves .___【小题7】__(然而) , in modern society children are ___【小题8】___(送) to school and picked up after school . When growing up , they can ____【小题9】___(几乎不) overcome their problems ,please __【小题10】___(改变) your ways in order that your children can achieve a lot in the future .

