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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A young American doctor is asleep when his doorbell rings. It is late at night, but he has to put on his coat to answer it.
It is a man! He is standing with a hat in his hand. “How do you do?” says the man.
“Can you go with me now to a place out of the town? It is quite far from here, but I know you have a car and I can show you the way.”
“Certainly,” says the doctor, “I can go with you now.”
The car is at the front door. The man gets into the doctor’s car and they drive off.
They drive for a long time, and finally the man says, “Here we are. This is my home. Now I give you money and you may go back.”
“But I must see the patient(病人),” the doctor says. “How can I go back without seeing the patient?”
“There’s no patient,” says the man, “nobody is ill. I live here. There is no taxi at this time, but a doctor often goes out for night calls(夜诊). So, excuse me. Here is your money. Thank you, doctor. Good night!”
小题1:The doctor is _______when the doorbell rings.
A.readingB.watching TVC.having supperD.sleeping
小题2:Why does the man come to see the doctor so late at night?
A.Because someone is badly ill.
B.Because he is too tired.
C.Because he wants the doctor to drive him home.
D.Because he wants to go to a place out of the town.
小题3:The man gives the doctor money, because ________.
A.the doctor is a good doctorB.the doctor takes him home late at night
C.he is very richD.the doctor sees a patient
小题4:At the end of the story, the doctor knows _________.
A.there are many patientsB.there is no patient at all.
C.the man is illD.there is something wrong with the man
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The man can find the taxi at that time.
B.The man and the doctor are good friends
C.It takes the doctor quite a long time to the man’s house
D.The man wants to stay with the doctor.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A rich woman begins to learn painting(画画). When she is sixty years old, she loves it very much. She paints and paints. After ten years, there are lots of pictures in her workroom, and she thinks they are very good.
One day, the old woman is badly ill in bed, but she doesn’t forget her pictures. She says to his grandson, Hand, “I want to give my pictures to a school, then the students will remember me. But which school do you think is the best, my dear?”
“Well,” says the little boy, “You’d better give them to the blind school!”
小题1:The old woman is very             .
小题2:The old woman likes             .  
A.playing basketballB.playing gamesC.paintingD.planting flowers
小题3:The old woman is Hand’s             .
小题4:The old woman wants to give her pictures to          .
A.a blind schoolB.her grandsonC.a school D.her grand-daughter
小题5:We can know from the passage that          .
A.the old woman is only sixty when she dies
B.the old woman is very kind
C.the old woman’s pictures are very good
D.the old woman’s pictures are not good


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mary and Peter were having a picnic near a river when Mary noticed something flying overhead. “       ,”she shouted to her friends. “That’s a spaceship up there and it’s going to         here.”
Frightened (吓唬) by the strange silver colored spaceship,        of the young people got in their       and drove away quickly. Peter         Mary and was always close to her. They, more           than frightened, watched the spaceship land, saw a door open. When nobody         , they went to the spaceship and looked into it. In the center of the floor         was a pile of food. Peter followed Mary into the spaceship and didn’t       the door close behind him. The temperature fell quickly and the        young people lost consciouseness (知觉) . When they woke up, they were          to see that they were back by the river        . The spaceship had gone. Their car was nearby.
“What        ?” said Mary.
“Don’t ask me; perhaps we had a          .” Peter said slowly. “Did you …. Did you see a spaceship?”
“Yes, ” said Mary. “Oh, Peter, we          have seen a UFO coming from another world.”
A.afraidB.worriedC.carefulD.curious (好奇)
A.come alongB.came over C.came outD.came round
A.knowB.thinkC.hear D.hope


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Four friends live in a small town. Their names are Cook, Miller, Smith, and Carter. They have different jobs. One is a policeman, one is a carpenter(木匠), one is a farmer, and one is a doctor. One day Cook’s son broke(折断) his right leg, and Cook took him to the doctor. The doctor’s sister is Smith’s wife. The farmer isn’t married(结婚). He has a lot of good hens. Miller always buys eggs from the farmer. The policeman sees Smith every day because they are neighbors(邻居).
小题1:Who is the farmer?
小题2:Cook’s son is taken to _______.
A.MillerB.SmithC.Smith’s wifeD.Carter
小题3: If you need, you can get ______ to repair (修理)your desk.
小题4:Smith’s neighbor is ________.
A.the doctor’s wifeB.SmithC.CarterD.Cook
小题5:Who is a policeman?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Six mornings a week, Rajendra Prasad gets on his bicycle and starts work. He puts on his postman’s uniform(制服), and takes  小题1:  to the desert villages of Rajasthan. He wears a turban on his head because the desert sun is very hot. When he gets to a village, he rings the bell(按铃) on his bike and everybody小题2: out. They don’t get many visitors 小题3: they’re excited. Today, Rajendra’s first stop is Geeta’s house. She’s got a postcard _小题4:_ her cousin in Bangalore. Rajendra has to read it because Ceeta can’t read. The news is good, so she’s happy.

Rajendra doesn’t  小题5: take the mail. He also takes the pension(退休金) money for the old people. Today Sua gets her pension. She can’t  小题6:  her name, so she has to give her fingerprint(指纹) intead. Rajendra has to 小题7: because she’s old. “I don’t know how 小题8: I am,” says Sua. “Maybe 50 or 60?” Her friends think she’s ahout 75.
Rajendra also takes a telephone becauae many of the villages don’t have phones. Today, Samundar wants to make a call. She 小题9:  Rajendra the phone number and he dials(拨电话号码) for her. She speaks to her son Vishnu. “I told him to come home hecause I need some money,” she says.
At the end of the day, Rajendra does the paper work and thinks about his  小题10:. “Sometimes it’s difficult, but it’s a good job,” he says.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Going to a new school can be difficult, but this passage will help you in the beginning. Here is something to help you to fit in(融入).
First, take a day to enjoy your school. You won’t fit in at school if you don’t know the school. Ask for a school map. Try to get to know every corner of your new school. A good school handhook can be of great help. But to make it easy, ask the people near you where something is—tell people that you are new when you need help.

Be nice to everyone. Be nice to everyone, the young or the old, because they might just be your next teacher or friend.
Get to know your teachers and pay attention in class. Teachers always pay attention to(关注) new students, Talk to them and find out more about them. Never test their limits(底线)—don’t go too far, or you may end up getting into trouhle(麻烦)
You need to make friends. Talk to different people. Be yourself and don’t lie. This is YOUR school now, take a chance(机会) on being who you weren’t at your old school. Join a few clubs or sports teams and make more friends in this way.

Be yourself and be polite. Don’t worry too much about what people think of you. Be true, be yourself, and be nice to everyone, no matter how mean(unfriendly) they may seem at first. It’s often the “girl/boy that I did’t like at my new school” that ends up being my friend after a little while. But then again, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself if it’s very clear that you should.
Work hard to fit in while still being yourself. The first few weeks are always hard, but you’ll soon get used to it.
小题1:It is very easy to find places in your new school hy ____________.
A.looking at a mapB.asking penple for help
C.reading a handbookD. walking around the school
小题2:The underlined phrase “stand up for yourself” means you should ________.
A.try to stand up all the time
B.be friendly to the mean persons
C.always do things by yourself
D.not change your idea if it’s right
小题3:The passage is mainly about ________________.
A.how to fit in when at a new school
B.how to make friends at a new school
C.how to enjoy the beauty of the school
D.how to be yourself at a new school


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When I was nine years old, I used to go to the post office with my mother, to send greeting cards to my aunt in Singapore. To me, these trips were really       memories. And receiving mail through a mailbox outside our gate was just as exciting.
My small hands could      get the mail without using a key! I could never       to see how much I was getting. Oh, a letter! From Singapore! I would run back home and show it to my      . When there was a letter for me, I wouldn’t run—I would open it right there.
After my family moved back to Singapore, I        going to the post office. Years later, my company sent me to Shanghai, and the post office found me again. Two years ago I celebrated my      with five friends on top of the mountain in Longsheng, China. At sunrise we       up to enjoy a beautiful view from the mountain top. Later in the afternoon, as we were going       the mountain and returning from the sunrise viewing place, a small     caught our attention. It only sold noodles, coffee and had a China       sign.
We asked the owner if she could really send mail. She happily said yes. It seemed hard to believe       we were at the highest point of the mountain. I picked one postcard out and asked my friends to write        a birthday note. We bought a stamp, wrote some notes and gave the shop owner the postcard. Three weeks later, I arrived home and      my mailbox. Hello, postcard! I broke into a big smile.
That birthday postcard attracted me again to the post office. I had      the post office all these years. Today I      send postcards to friends. And every time I am at the post office buying stamps, I cannot help but smile—how one postcard will make its way across the world and brighten up someone’s day.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I was sleeping soundly last night when I was awakened by someone’s groans(呻吟).I listened , and heard it was from Sam,a student from Africa. I really wanted to go on sleeping, as I had insomnia(失眠)and had just fallen asleep, but I couldn’t because Sam groaned louder and louder,showing he was seriously ill.
At that time , Robbie,a student from China , also got up to help. We found some pills,got some water , and helped him sit up to take them, hoping this would make his pain go down a little and get over the difficult time. If only daytime would come soon, everything would become easier.
Things went contrary相反)to our wishes. Sam’s condition developed from bad to worse. We telephoned the emergency service , and in no time an ambulance stopped in front of our gate. We helped the medical(医疗)workers carry Sam to the vehicle,and then both Robbie and I got in and took Sam to the hospital.
We helped him go through many medical examinations. After all kinds of tests,we were told that the final diagnosis(诊断)was appendicitis(盲肠炎). Luckily , Sam didn’t need an operation because we brought him to the hospital in time. He got timely treatment.
After Sam felt much better , we rushed back to prepare ourselves for the class. We were a little tired , but we had certainly done something good,something right.
小题1:Why couldn’t the writer go on sleeping that night?
A.Because he was too excited that day.
B.Because his roommates were watching football games on TV.
C.Because one of his roommates was sick and groaning.
D.Because he was sick.
小题2:What does “vehicle” in the third paragraph refer to?
小题3:Why didn’t Sam need an operation?
A.Because Sam didn’t have enough money for an operation.
B.Because Sam was sent to the hospital in time.
C.Because Sam was much afraid of having an operation.
D.This article doesn’t tell us the reason.
小题4:Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Sam , Robbie and the writer lived in the same room.
B.Sam was feeling very well after taking some pills.
C.Robbie and the writer also went to the hospital.
D.Robbie and the writer didn’t sleep after they came back from the hospital.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:Do Ben and Linda like sports?
A.Yes,they do.B.No,they don’t.
C.Ben likes basketball.D.Linda likes table tennis.
小题2:Why does Ben like playing basketball?
A.Because it is easy.B.Because it is difficult.
C.Because it is relaxing.D.Because it is funny.
小题3:Who does Ben play basketball with after school?
A.His mother.B.His friends.
C.His classmates.D.His father.
小题4:Linda plays table tennis with ___________.
A.her fatherB.her mother
C.her classmatesD.her friends
小题5:Are Ben and Linda classmates?
A.Yes,they are.B.No,they aren’t.
C.Yes,they aren’t.D.We don’t know.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I am Jim.I am 15 years old,and I’m a student.My uncle is 35 years old and he is nice and friendly (友好的).He has short hair and big eyes.He is a policeman.I think his job is very great.

My uncle gets up at 6:00 every morning.He runs for half an hour,has breakfast,and then goes to work.Sometimes he needs to catch thieves (抓贼) and it is dangerous (危险的).Sometimes my uncle has to work at night.People need policemen both in the day and at night.It is tiring (累人的),but I want to be a policeman like my uncle when I grow up.
小题1:What is Jim’s uncle’s job?
A.A teacher.B.A policeman.
C.A worker.D.A student.
小题2:Jim’s uncle runs __________.
A.in the morningB.in the afternoon
C.at noonD.at night
小题3:The underlined word “it” means (意思是) __________.
A.catching thievesB.working at night
C.playing sportsD.having breakfast
小题4:From the passage,we know being a policeman is NOT __________.
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Jim’s uncle has long hair and big eyes.
B.Jim’s uncle gets up at 6:30 a.m.
C.Jim’s uncle sometimes needs to work at night.
D.Jim wants to be a worker when he grows up.

