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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There is no doubt that mothers play an important leading role in the lives of their children. But what about a father's role? I believe that fathers play just as important a role as mothers.
Fathers give us support. They are the shore(岸)we swim to when our arms and legs feel increasingly tired. They are the strength we rely on (依靠)as we take our first steps into the world. Fathers can be gentle and powerful, but they probably have the simplest love we ever know.
_______, the father is their first hero and possibly the only man they will ever feel comfortable loving.
For daughters, the father is the first man they admire and the first man whose eyes shine with happiness when they look at them. He is the first man to fall in love with them.
For mothers, the father of our children is the person we can believe in to watch over the babies as closely as we would. We are protectedin the knowledge of their love. A father is the person on the planet with whom we can do whatever we want ... one who will be just as interested and never feel bored in the face of our devotion.
Without fathers, we wouldn't be mums. I would like to thank them from all our hearts for this honor and for being our partners in the business of raising children.
小题1:From the passage, we can know the writer is a_______.
小题2:Which of the following can be put on the line in the third paragraph?
A.For parents.B.For families. C.For others.D.For sons.
小题3:According to the passage, we can know that__________ .
A.fathers' love is different from mothers'
B.fathers are always simple and strong
C.fathers can look after their babies better
D.fathers are more important than mothers
小题4:The best title for the passage is_______.
A.Father, I love youB.Fathers are our heroes
C.The importance of fathersD.Fathers and mothers


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Now more and more people like talking about something that they are interested in. Here is a page from an Internet Forum (论坛). Some people are discussing who is a better singer.
Internet Forum
Topic: Who’s a better singer, Andy Lau or Jacky Cheung?
2:45 p.m.
Some people say Jacky Cheung is the best Chinese singer. I don’t think so! Andy Lau is the best. I went to his concert last year. It was so hard to believe, I almost cried! OK, I did cry. That’s because Andy Lau is so handsome!
4:38 p.m.
I don’t agree at all. Andy Lau sounds like every other singer. His voice is nothing special. However, Jacky Cheung’s is different from others’, and his songs are so romantic!
8:55 p.m.
I think they are about the same. But Jacky Cheung is really a better actor. I’ve seen almost all of his movies. Remember the one that he played the lead role of an airplane pilot in, and his plane hit a hill. I love that movie!
10:17 a.m.
I also think Jacky Cheung is a better singer, I prefer his Cantonese(粤语) songs. Maybe they sound better because Cantonese is his first language.
12:47 p.m.
I agree. Jacky Cheung’s Cantonese songs are better than his Mandarin(普通话) songs though I still like all his songs.
小题1:Who likes Andy Lau best?
小题2:Who think(s) Jacky Cheung a better singer ?
A.AnitaB.PeterC.TomD.Anita and Peter
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Nobody likes Jacky Cheung’s movies.
B.Jacky Cheung is a good singer and actor.
C.Lucy has never seen an Andy Lau’s concert.
D.Anita thinks Andy Lau’s voice is more special than Jacky Cheung’s.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It feels like every time my mother and I start to have a conversation, it turns into an argument. We talk about something as simple as dinner plans and suddenly, my mother will push the conversation into World War III. She’ll talk about my lack of a bright future because I don’t plan to be a doctor. And much to her disappointment, I don’t want to do any job related to science, either. In fact, when I was pushed to say that I planned to major(主修) in English and communications, she nearly had a heart attack.
“Why can’t you be like my co-worker’s son?” she bemoans all the time. Her co-worker’s son received a four-year scholarship and is now earning 70,000 dollars a year as an engineer. I don’t know what to answer except that I simply can’t be like Mr. Perfect as I’ve called the unnamed co-worker’s son. I can’t be like him. I’m the type of person who loves to help out in the community, write until the sun goes down, and most of all, wants to achieve a career because I love it, not because of fame (名声) or salary(薪水).
I understand why my mother is worried about my future major. I’ve seen my mother struggle to raise me on her small salary and work long hours. She leaves the house around 6:30 a.m. and usually comes home around 5 p.m. or even 6 p.m. However, I want her to know that by becoming a doctor, it doesn’t mean I’ll be successful. I’d rather follow my dreams and create my own future.
小题1:Which of the following topics do the writer and his mother often talk about?
A.The writer’s studies. B.The writer’s future job
C.Dinner plansD.Wars around the world
小题2:We can infer from Paragraph 1 that the writer’s mother ____________.
A.doesn’t want the writer to major in English
B.doesn’t think the writer should be a doctor
C.gets along very well with the writer
D.doesn’t think working in the science field is a good idea
小题3:The underlined word “bemoans” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _____________.
小题4:Which of following statements is probably TRUE about the writer?
A.He wants to be like his mother’s co-worker’s son.
B.He wants to find a job in his community in the future.
C.He doesn’t think his mother’s co-worker’s son is perfect.
D.He wants to do something he really likes in the future.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I can’t remember when I started collecting litter. But it was when I got tired of (1)_____litter nearby and realized that(2)_____ was going to pick it up.
I live near a (3)_____ in Enshi, Hubei Province. I can walk there in three (4)_____! I (5)______ love going there to play with my dog. But one day there was so much litter there that I became very unhappy. I decided I had to clean up the forest. I wanted to (6)______ happy going there again.
I made my (7)_____ trip to clean the forest that afternoon. I took a big black rubbish bag with me. Ten minutes (8)_____ starting to pick up litter, my bag was full! It had cans, bottles, broken glass and newspapers in it. From then on, I went to the forest four times a year to pick up the litter. I often (9) ______ there for three hours. It makes me feel 10)_____ to do something for the environment.
After each trip , I(11) _____all the litter that I’ve found. If (12)______ of it is recyclable(可回收的), I keep it. I can’t (13)_____ why people drop litter. But I will keep picking it (14)_____ they stop dropping it. I know I am only doing a small bit to help(15) ______, but I still think it is important.
A.no one elseB.IC.everyoneD.anyone
A.wouldB.doC.am used toD.used to
A.buryB.burnC.sellD.look at
A.myselfB.the earthC.otherD.the litter


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

We have no idea about  1 men first began to use salt. But we do know that it had been used in many different ways    2  the history.
For example, in many history books it is  3   that people who lived three thousand years ago 4 salted fish. Thousands of years ago in Egypt(埃及), salt 5  keep the dead. It can keep the dead bodies  6 decay.(腐烂)
In the eighteenth century, a person who stole salt was   7  to have broken the   8 . if a person was caught stealing salt, he would be thrown into   9  . Books also record that in England about ten thousand people were put into prison during that century   10  stealing salt! In the year 1553, if a man took   11  than his share of salt, he would be thought to have broken the law and would be   12  punished(惩罚).
Salt was very  13  on the dinner table of a king. It was always put   14 the king when he sat down to eat. Then important visitors sat near the salt   15 less important visitors were given seats farther away from it.
A.eatB.ateC.eatingD.have eaten
A.used toB.was used toC.was usedD.used
A.becauseB.because ofC.byD.as
小题12:A. serious    B. bad       C. terrible         D seriously
小题14:A. in the front of B behind  C. in front of     D. before


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I like __1__.Every Sunday I get up early and go to a river by bike three kilometers away from my home. This morning,my wife(妻子) _2__to go with me. We go by car first and then walk to the __3__. We began to fish. In two hours I catch(抓,捉) nothing.
“Why don' t you let me try?" my wife asks. “All right.” I  4_. She  5__ six big fish in half an hour.
“I __6__go home first and I will cook them for lunch. You can__7__the bus home,”she says.
I stay by the river __8_ catch only an old shoe. I  9_ a little angry with myself.   10_  is the fish man in the family? My wife or I?
A.fishB.fishingC.fishedD.for fish
A.wantsB.to wantC.likeD.likes
A.catchB.catchesC.to catchD.catching
A.can’t B.canC.willD.may


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mrs. Smith was looking at the show window of a shop selling shirts. She wanted to buy a
  1 for Mr. Smith, her husband. There were so many beautiful shirts that she couldn’t decide
  2 At last, she chose one and bought it home.
While Mr. Smith was reading a newspaper, she showed him the shirt. She wanted to know whether it would fit her husband or not. Her husband   3  the shirt. But it didn’t fit him     4   It was both too long and too big. Then Mrs. Smith washed it in order to make it become smaller. But the shir  5    didn’t fit him. Now it was too small for him. She asked Tom, his son, to    6 and he did so. The shirt didn’t fit him,      Then the woman began to wash the shirt once more to make it   7  . But this time the shirt became too short after she washed it again.
Now the little girl, her daughter was    8  when her mother dressed her in the shirt. Why? Because it was too large, she didn’t like it at all. None of them knew   9   Mrs. Smith felt so upset.
A.she chose which one B.to choose which one
C.that which one she choseD.which one to choose
A.tried onB.tried outC.woreD.put on
A.not at allB.at allC.any longerD.any more
A.usually B.stillC.everD.always
A.put on itB.put it onC.have on itD.have it on
A.alsoB.tooC.as well asD.either
A.smallerB.biggerC.the smallestD.the biggest
A.how to do withB.what to doC.when to doD.how to do


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Animals, including insects, don’t have a ‘language’ like ours. They do not ‘talk’ to each other in words and sentences. But if we watch them, we can see that they do have their ways of communicating (交流) with each other.
Can you see the rabbit’s tail? When rabbits see this white tail moving up and down, they run away. They know that they are in danger. The rabbit has told them something without making a sound. It has given them a signal.
Many other animals use this kind of ‘language’. When a cobra(眼镜蛇)is angry, it raises its head and makes itself look powerful(有力的). This warns other animals. When a bee(蜜蜂)has found food, it goes back to its home. It cannot ‘tell’ the other bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does a little dance. This tells the bees where the food is.
Some animals ‘say’ things by making sounds. A dog barks, for example, when a stranger comes near. A cat purrs when it is pleased. Some birds make several different sounds, each with its own meaning. Sometimes we human beings speak in the same way. We make sounds like “Oh” or “Ah” when we are frightened or pleased or when we drop something on our toes.
小题1:Which one is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Animals have languages like human beings.
B.Bees communicate with each other by dancing.
C.Animals can use words. D.Animals are brave.
小题2:A rabbit uses its tail to ___________.
A.warn other rabbits when they are in danger B.tell other rabbits where food is
C.make itself look powerful D.help it to run fast
小题3:When a cobra is angry, it __________.
A.makes a loud noiseB.raises its head
C.moves up and downD.does a little dance
小题4:Several different sounds can be made by a __________.
小题5:From the passage, we know that ________ use words and sentences to express ideas and thoughts.
A.all living thingsB.all animalsC.some birdsD.human beings


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The weather was fine last night. My friend named Steve and I decided to sleep in the open air. I found the sleeping bags under the bed in my room. I also packed some snacks. We could hardly wait for it to get dark. We opened our sleeping bags and put them on the grass in front of my house. Steve and I played some games, talked about something interesting and had a snack. In the end it got dark. We were just falling asleep when we heard something unusual.
“Maybe it is just a small animal,” I said. Steve said nothing, but I could feel he was frightened. After I looked around, I was sure it wasn’t an animal. It was my little brother, Tommy.
“What are you doing here?” I asked. “You know, Tommy, you frightened us.”
“Sorry, Bill,” he said. “It’s hot in the room. I want to sleep outside with you.”
“Well, OK,” I said. “Just come and lie down next to us.”
“Good night, Bill and Steve,” said Tommy. “And thanks.”
小题1:What did Steve and Bill decide to do last night?                              
小题2:Where did Bill find the sleeping bags?                                    
小题3:How did Steve feel when he heard something strange?                        
小题4:What did Tommy come out of the house to do?                               
小题5:How many persons slept in the open air at last in the story?                     


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Ann is a middle school student. She has a sister   1  a brother. They are Helen and Paul. Ann and Helen can   2 . Ann can sing and play   3   well, but Helen   4 . Helen doesn’t like playing the instruments(乐器). She   5   chess, but she doesn’t play chess   6  Ann. Ann can’t play chess. Helen often plays with Paul, because Paul plays   7  very well. Paul can   8  play basketball well. And he is   9  the school basketball club. He often   10  other students with basketball.
A.speakB.showC.danceD.plays chess
A.the guitarB.guitarsC.guitarD.a guitar
A.basketballB.chessC.gamesD.the violin

