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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One of the most famous writers from England by far is Agatha Christie.
Agatha Christie’s real name was Agatha Miller. She was born in England in 1890.She married Archibald Christie when she was 24 years old, and she changed her family name to Christie.
She sold her first mystery book in 1920. This book was the first time that the world met Mrs.Christie’s famous detective Hercule Poirot. Ten years after that, Mrs. Christie wrote her book with her second famous detective, Miss Marple.
In 1928, Mrs. Christie’s first marriage broke up. She married M.E.L. Mallowan in 1930, but she still wrote her books under the name Agatha Christie.
In her life, Agatha Christie wrote 60 books, 16 plays, and more than 100 short stories. She passed away in 1976 when she was 85 years old. Her books can still be found on sale in bookstores all around the world.
小题1: What did Aghta Christie do?
A.She was a detective.B.she wrote books.
C.She was a mystery.D.She knew famous detectives.
小题2: Who was Hercule Poirot?
A.A detective in her books.B.One of her books.
C.Her husband.D.A writer.
小题3: What happened in 1976?
A.Agatha Christie died.
B.Agatha Christie left her husband.
C.Agatha Christie wrote her last book.
D.Agatha Christie wrote a short story.
小题4: What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Books about detectives.
B.Famous detectives.
C.A famous writer.
D.Agatha Christie or Agatha Miller.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Su Su is a 16-year-old Beijinger. She studies at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University. She has just published(发表) her first book, The Enigma of the Universe (《宇宙之谜》).
The Enigma of the Universe tells a story of a girl called April. One day she meets an alien(外星人) boy named Kaka. Kaka takes April on a journey into the universe. Later April finds out a big secret about Kaka...
What's special about this book? It's a book written in both Chinese and English.
Su wrote the book when she was 14 years old. She was influenced(影响) by the book Sophie's World (《苏菲的世界》) and the movie The Truman Show (《楚门的世界》). Sophie is a girl who is interested in philosophy(哲学). Truman's life is run by television.
These stories gave Su an idea for her own book. She decided to write it in English.
"My English teacher asked us to write something," says Su. "I thought I'd write about my idea."
Su spent a whole summer vacation writing the story.
"Sometimes I had to stop because I couldn't find the right words," says Su. "I used the dictionary all the time."
After finishing the English novel, Su had another idea. She decided to translate it into Chinese. The job took her just a few days. "It was easy because Chinese is my native language (母语)," she says.
Su says her story is "a mixture of philosophy (哲学) and detective (侦探) story and science fiction".
"My classmates and I have turned it into a DV play," says Su. "I wrote the play and I played April. We will show it in our school soon!"
小题1:What did Su Su write?
A.Harry PotterB.Sophie's World
C.The Truman ShowD.The Enigma of the Universe
小题2:In Which language did Su Su write this book?
C.FrenchD.Both Chinese and English
小题3:How did Su Su write the book?
A.She wrote it in Chinese first and then translate it into English.
B.She wrote it in English first and then translate it into Chinese.
C.She wrote it half in Chinese first and then wrote it half in English.
D.She wrote it half in English first and then wrote it half in Chinese
小题4:What does her book talk about?
A.It talks about how to learn English well.
B.It is a mixture ofphilosophy(哲学) anddetective(侦探) story and science fiction.
C.It talks about how to learn English grammar well.
D.It is a mixture oflove.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

People usually hate mice, but people almost all over the world like one mouse-- the famous Mickey Mouse.
About eighty years ago, most films had no sounds. A man called Walt Disney made a cartoon mouse. The cartoon mouse could talk in these films. He made his mouse become a good friend of both young people and old people. Children liked to see their lovely friend, because he brought happiness to them.
Mickey is a clean mouse right from the beginning. Maybe this is why people love Mickey Mouse very much. In his early life, Mickey did some wrong things. People were very angry. They wrote to Disney and said they didn't want Mickey to do the wrong things. Because there were some things that Mickey could not do. Disney made a new animal called Donald Duck. He also made a dog, Pluto. This dog does some foolish (愚蠢) and wrong things wherever he goes. Now, our Mickey Mouse is more interesting as well. He is known as a star of beauty and wisdom (智慧). He has friends in almost every country.
小题1:Mickey Mouse first come out ________.
A.on TVB.in the film
C.in the playD.In a picture book
小题2:Children love Mickey Mouse because _______.
A.it can speak B.It is clean
C.it makes them happyD.it is a mouse
小题3:The dog, Pluto, is ________.
A.a fool that often does something wrong
B.a clever dog that can do everything well
C.a beautiful dog that people like very much
D.a famous dog as a star of beauty and wisdom
小题4:Why did Disney make Donald Duck?
A.Because Mickey Mouse was very lonely
B.Because there were some things that Mickey could not do
C.Because Mickey was able to do everything
D.Because people didn't like Mickey Mouse any more.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

完形填空 (10分)
Grandma was busy cooking in the kitchen and Sera was always to be here for dinner.
There were many photographs of past and present  1  members and many other old things on her grandma’s table. Among them, she especially loved the large clay pot (陶壶). It was beautiful, painted in many colours.
“May I hold it?” asked Sera.
“Yes, but please be  2 . It is very old.” Grandma picked up the pot with gentle hands, gave it to Sera, and then went into the kitchen.
Sera decided to sit on the sofa. The sofa was a few feet  3  her. She went backward.  4  a toy truck was there. The truck rolled (滚动) away when Sera stepped on it. She fell back onto the sofa. The clay pot  5  out of her hands and up into the air! It landed on the floor.
Sera could hear the clay crack (裂痕). “No, no!” she cried. She heard grandma’s footsteps coming toward her. How could she face her grandma now?
“It’s not so  6 , Sera,” Grandma said. “Come on. You can repair the pot.”
“Let me tell you a story about that pot.”
Grandma pointed to another crack in the pot. Sera had never  7  it before. “My grandma made this crack when she was about your age,” said grandma. “She was carrying it back to the village  8  it fell onto the road. It had been full of  9 , so she got all wet!” She pointed to another crack. “This crack came when I dropped the pot on a big boat that brought  10  here from Canada,” said grandma smiling. Sera laughed and held up the pot. She could see now how each crack had become part of the colourful design--and part of her family’s story.
A.knownB.watchedC.heard D.noticed


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A man came home from work late, tired, to find his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door.
“Daddy, how much money do you make each hour?”
“If you must know, I make $20 each hour.”
“Oh,” the little boy answered, with his head down. He thought for a moment, looked up and said, “Daddy, could you lend me $10?”
The father was furious, “If you asked for the money to buy a toy or some other rubbish, then go straight to your room and think about why are you so selfish (自私)!”
The little boy went to his room with no words and shut the door. After a short while, the father calmed down, and started to think, “Maybe he really needs to buy something and he didn’t really ask for money very often.” So he went to the little boy’s room.
“Sorry!Maybe I was too strict with you just now.” said the man, “Here’s $10.”
“Oh, thank you Daddy!” he said happily. Then the boy took out some coins. When the father found that the boy already had money, he got angry again.
“Why do you want more money since you already have some?” the father shouted angrily.
“Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do.” The little boy replied, “Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I buy one hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.”
小题1:How much does the boy’s father make one hour?
小题2: In this passage, the underlined word “furious” means ______.
A.very angryB.quite happy
C.too excitedD.a little nervous
小题3: At first, the father refused to lend the money because ______.
A.he thought the boy wanted to keep the money for himself
B.he thought the boy would buy something of no use
C.he did not have enough money at that moment
D.the boy always borrowed the money from him
小题4: The boy wanted to buy ______ with twenty dollars.
A.a new novel for himself
B.a nice present for his father
C.a toy for his own birthday
D.one hour of his father’s time
小题5: From the passage, we can infer (推断) that the boy’s father ______.
A.often played with his son
B.spent little time with his son
C.didn’t love his son at all
D.often came home early


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A pretty, well-dressed young lady stopped a taxi in a big square, and said to the driver, “Can you see that young man at the other side of the square?”
“Yes,” said the taxi-driver. The young man was standing outside a restaurant and looking impatiently at his watch every few seconds.
“Take me over there.” said the young lady.
There were a lot of cars and buses and trucks in the square, so the taxi- driver asked, “Are you afraid to cross the street.”
‘Oh, no !” said the young lady. “But I said that I would meet that young man for dinner at one o’c1ock, and it is now a quarter to two. If I arrive in a taxi, it will at least seem as if I have tried not to be too late.”
小题1:How did the young woman get to the square?
A.She arrived in a taxi
B.She got there by bus.
C.She got there on foot.
D.The story didn’t tell us about it.
小题2: The young lady was ___________.
A.45 minutes lateB.not late at all
C.l5 minutes lateD.one hour 1ate
小题3:She wanted to take a taxi because she .
A.didn’t want to be late for the date.
B.thought the square was too crowded.
C.wanted to be seen in a hurry.
D.was too tired to walk.
小题4: Has she tried not to be too late ?
A.Yes, she took a taxi there.
B.Yes, she had tried her best though she couldn’t succeed.
C.No, she thought being late was better than being earlier.
D.No, she was just going to pretend(假装) that she had tried.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

John is a famous writer now. But he said he was not a ____1____ student when he was young. He was often late for ___2_____ and didn’t like doing his homework. Sometimes, he slept in class. He didn’t understand(理解) much ,____3____ he always thought he understood everything and made some jokes.
One day the teacher ____4____ the students a question, “When Jack was ten years old, ____5____ brother Bob was twenty. Now Jack is fifteen and ___6___  is his brother Bob?” John said, “That’s easy. Bob is twice as old as Jack, so he is now thirty.”
Another time, the _7____ in a science class asked, “When it thunders(打雷), ____8____ do we always see light before we ____9____ sound?
“But, Miss,” said John quickly, “don’t you ___10____ our eyes are in front of our ears?
A.how manyB.how oldC.how muchD.how long


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you know about Liu Xiang? He is one of the most popular   1  stars in China.
Liu Xiang was born on July 13, 1983 in Shanghai. Like many other Olympic sports stars, he started training when he was very   2 . In Grade Four, he went to the Junior Sports School of Putuo District of Shanghai.   3 , he was trained as a high jumper. Then, in 1998, his coach noticed his skill in hurdling(跨栏).
Liu Xiang put his whole heart into his training.   4  the age of 18, Liu Xiang set a record. In 2002 he won his first international   5  hurdles in Switzerland, and in the same year, he   6   a gold medal at the Asian Games in Korea. In 2004, Liu Xiang won the   7  Olympic gold medal in Athens, Greece. In 2006, he set a new world record with a time of 12.88 seconds in the men’s 110m hurdles in Lausanne.
  8  a sporting hero, Liu Xiang is invited to competitions around the world. And he also appears(出现) in advertisements and films. So what’s next for Liu Xiang? Will he   9  more time away from sports? No, Liu Xiang will go for more medals for China   10   he’s a symbol of China’s international sporting success.
小题1:A. movie           B. sports         C. music
小题2:A. old             B. short           C. young
小题3:A. At first        B. At last          C. Next
小题4:A. On             B. In              C. At
小题5:A. 100m            B. 110m             C. 120m
小题6:A. won             B. made             C. kept
小题7:A. third           B. first            C. second
小题8:A. Like          B. For             C. As
小题9:A. pay             B. spend            C. need
小题10:A. because        B. but              C. although


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Old John went to see a doctor. The doctor examined and said, “ Medicine can’t help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a month, go to bed early, drink some milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar (雪茄) a day.”
“Thank you very much,” said old John, “ I will do everything you say.”
A month later old John came to the doctor again. “ Well, I’m glad to see you. You look much younger.” Said the doctor.
“Oh , doctor,” said old John, “I feel quite well now. I had a good rest. I went to bed early, I drank a lot of milk, and I walks a lot. Your advice certainly helped me. But you asked me to smoke one cigar a day, and the one cigar a day nearly killed (杀) me at first. It’s no joke to start smoking at my age.
小题1:The doctor _________________________________.
A.asked him to take some medicine
B.asked him not to take any medicine
C.didn’t say any word about medicine
D.gave him some medicine
小题2:Old John __________________ after a month.
A.didn’t get wellB.got well
C.was oldD.got bad
小题3:Which one is true?
A.Old John smoked before
B.Old John smoked less than(比) before
C.Old John didn’t smoke before
D.Old John didn’t smoke a cigar a day
小题4:When Old John was ill, he looked______________.
A.youngB.oldC.younger D.older
小题5:The best title(题目) of this passage should be____________.
A.Old JohnB.Old John is ill
C.The Doctor’s AdviceD.The Doctor


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

An elephant wants to have some friends. He sees a monkey in a tree. “Can you be my friend?” asks the elephant.
“You are too big. You can’t swing (摇荡) in the trees like me.”
Then the elephant meets a rabbit. “Please be my friend,” he says.
“How can I? Sorry, sir. You are too strong.”
The elephant is very sad. Then he goes home.
The next day, he sees all the animals running(跑). He doesn’t know why. The monkey says a tiger is near(在……附近)here. He will come to eat the animals.
The elephant goes to the tiger. “Please, Mr Tiger. Don’t eat the animals.”
“Go away(走开)!” says the tiger.
The elephant is not happy and kicks (踢) the tiger. Then the tiger goes away. At last, all the animals want the elephant to be their friend.
小题1: The monkey is in the          when the elephant sees him.
小题2:The elephant is too         , so the monkey and the rabbit don’t want the elephant to be their friend.
小题3: The elephant isn’t afraid (害怕) of the tiger because (因为) he is big and         .
小题4:All the animals are          when they see the tiger go away.
小题5: There are          kinds of(种类)animals in the story (故事).

