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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Qi Haoran, a Junior One student, was quite busy over the past winter vacation – and not just with homework. Qi, together with 10 other classmates made a volunteer group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign (光盘行动).
The 11 students went to many restaurants and told people the importance of saving food.“Excuse me, do you know that 950 million people around the world still haven’t got enough to eat? Could you please not waste food?” They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day.
The Clean Your Plate Campaign began on the Internet in January. It calls on people to reduce food waste.
China in these years had serious problems with wasted food. CCTV reported in January that the food Chinese people waste every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.
Chinese people are well known for being hospitable (好客的) and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all their food.
Luckily the campaign has got the support of many. In a restaurant in Xinjiang, the owner gives the guests who have eaten up all that they ordered a sticker. People can enjoy a free meal when they have 10 stickers. More than 750 restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer smaller dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers(吃剩的食物) home.
To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time. It’s important that everyone does their bit, just like Qi. Did you finish your meals today?
小题1:What did the 11 students do in the winter vacation?
A.They opened a restaurant together.
B.They volunteered for a campaign.
C.The helped each other with homework.
D.They collected money from customers in restaurants.
小题2:What does the underlined part “call on” mean in Chinese in the passage?
小题3:What can we learn from Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5?
A.Wasting food is a serious problem in China.
B.Chinese people waste the most food in the world.
C.Chinese people want to show off because they are rich.
D.Most Chinese people are afraid of losing face at the table.
小题4:What did the restaurant in Beijing do to support the campaign?
A.It encouraged customers to take leftovers home.
B.It gave stickers to the guests who ordered small dishes.
C.The owner would have dinner with those who had eaten up their food.
D.It offered a free meal to the guests who had finished all their food ten times.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Have you heard of this story? On July 11th every year, a local office of Project Hope (希望工程) receives a donation from a person called Xu Qin.          people later know that Xu Qin died          July 11th, 1994.
Xu Qin was Liu Wenzhen’s youngest         . Liu Wenzhen has been in the habit of making a donation to Project Hope on that day. Mrs. Liu doesn’t think her donation is a great thing. She is        helping to make her daughter’s dream come true. “ I always dream of          a teacher in the countryside because that is where my father’s home is,” said Xu Qin when she was         .
Project Hope is built to help more poor children be able to go to school. In China, the project             in 1985. Over the last twenty-two years it has helped millions of children to go to school.
As a student, we can also do something to support that project. We may save our pocket money and donate         to Project Hope. Maybe we can help those children who can’t go to school to get some            . We can also call on            to do something for the project.
A.succeededB.producedC.ended D.started
A.otherB.the otherC.othersD.another


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you have no special plans for your holidays, why not spend your time helping others?
More and more young people volunteer to spend their school holidays working for others. And they don’t do it for money. Here are some of their stories.

小题1:Young people in the USA volunteer to spend ____ helping others.
A.school holidaysB.weekdays
C.every morning D.school days
小题2:What does Alice volunteer to do in summer?
A.To sleep under the stars.
B.To spend the whole summer living in a tent.
C.To help build new hiking paths in the mountains.
D.To breath the fresh air in the mountain
小题3:From the passage, we know that Jason Moore _____.
A.likes readingB.is 18 years old
C.isn’t very richD.has no houses
小题4:________ wants to be a teacher.
A.Alice Hamilton B.Jason Moore
C.Trish AndersonD.None
小题5:Which is the most possible title for this passage?
A.Reading for Life. B.The Forest Center
C.Young Volunteers.D.Special Houses


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

     If you have no special plans for your holidays, why not be a volunteer with us? Being a volunteer, you don’t think only of         . You work, and you don’t get money.         your helping hands can make both others and yourself happy. More and more young people are ready to           us. Let’s share some of their stories and plans.
Mary, 17
I visited the forest park with Mr Cao last week. I found there were not enough         there. I’m going to help the Forest Centre build new hiking paths in the mountains. It’s going to be great           —I’ll spend seven days living in a forest and enjoying the clean mountain air. I’m going to           with friends in the day and then sleep under the moon and stars. It will be a nice sport, and I’ll be able to do         good at the same time.
Andy, 18
This summer, I’m going to volunteer with Loving Pets Program. I         my neighbours’ pets last summer. And I fell in love with dogs and cats. This summer, I will work in the         centre and         my kindness and love to more pets. I am sure to make friends with more       !
Haitao, 16
Some children find reading         . They have problems with reading. They need our help. I’ll work for a       called Reading for Life. Every day, I’m going to help them choose and read books            they like. I want to be a          when I grow up, and I love children and reading, so this experience will help me in many ways.
A.looked forB.looked atC.looked aroundD.looked after


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

To many students, joining social media (社交媒体) “circles” is now more important than making new friends in real life.
And it’s easy. If you have a cell phone, you can download apps (应用程序) such as Sina Weibo, WeChat (微信) and QQ.
“I love to check my friends’ updates (更新). I also enjoy news and humor shared on social media,” Said Ou Wei, 14, from Hongling Middle School in Shenzhen. Because of enjoying these, Ou distances himself from real life. “I love playing the plane-shooting game on WeChat, but have no interest in playing flying chess with my classmates,” said Ou.
Deng Yunyun, 14, from Jianfeng Middle School in Shanghai, said that social media had influenced their life. Recently his school held a basketball match, and a student hurt his leg. Instead of giving him some help, students were busy with updating micro blogs about the accident.
“I think they need to learn to balance their real and online lives,” said Deng,
What makes parents and teachers worried is safety. “Many students are happy to tell their interests and personal information to their social media “friends”. Such information could bring them danger,” said Han Songjun, a teacher at Hongling Middle School.
For example, WeChat’s shake-shake function allows users to connect to other users close by. But the police warn about the danger of socializing in this way.
“Be careful. Do not use the locating (定位) function in any app, do not give your name, and do not post the photos of your residential area (小区),” said the police.
小题1: What is the possible meaning of the underlined word “distances” in Paragraph 3?
小题2:The example (the basketball match) in Paragraph 4 is given to show _______.
A.Deng Yunyun’s school held a basketball match
B.the students in the school are not friendly
C.students are very busy
D.social media have influenced the students’ life
小题3: The police give many suggestions except “_______”.
A.Do not share any news on social media
B.Do not use the locating (定位) function on social media
C.Do not give your name on social media
D.Do not post the photos of your residential area
小题4: What does the writer want to tell us?
A.Many students are using WeChat.
B.Social media makes our life more interesting.
C.Social media is very popular.
D.Social media can be bad and dangerous.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Surveys show that about 90% of junior high school students use QQ. Their QQ spaces(空间) tell a lot about their personalities.
Three students are showing off their QQ spaces here. Let’s see how different their QQ spaces are!
Cool and popular   12, Shenzhen:
“Being cool” is my lifestyle. You can find only two colors in my QQ space: black and white.
You can also find lots of cool things in my zone like magic tricks (魔术). I find popular magic trick videos on the Internet and put them on my QQ zone. Magic trick fans leave messages in my zone. We can discuss a trick and find out how it works. I also do magic tricks myself. It makes me popular with girls.
dreamy poet  13, Beijing:
I like dreams(梦) and poems (诗歌). I’ve made my QQ zone a dreamy place.
My QQ zone is pink, the color of a dream. You can read beautiful stories there. I collected them from other people’s QQ zones. I also put touching (感人的) poems there. I hope my zone can give visitors a warm feeling.
Call me an adventurer  13, Anhui:
I love adventures (冒险). I’d like to live a different kind of life. In reality (现实), it seems I can’t. But in my QQ zone, I make my dreams come true by playing games like QQ Farm. I’m so happy when the vegetables and animals in my farm grow bigger. It’s also exciting to “steal”(偷) vegetables from my friends’ farms.
小题1: From the passage, we can guess “dreamy poet” must be a ____________person.
A. wild    B. cool    C. emotional(感情丰富的)
小题2:If you like magic tricks, you can visit ________QQ space.
A. Cool and popular’s 
B. dreamy poet’s
C. Call me an adventurer’s
小题3:“Call me an adventurer” wants a ____________life.
A. dangerous   
B. different     
C. relaxing
小题4: The underlined word “personalities” may mean ____________.
A. 外貌       B. 性格     C.表情
小题5:The best title(题目)of the passage may be ____________.
A. I want to be cool  
B. My dream  
C. My QQ space


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Summer is coming. Grade 9 students are going to goodbye to each other. Everyone must have _______to say to their classmates at this moment. But where can they pull all their warm ______?
In the past, each student would buy a big beautiful notebook and ask their classmates _____ in it. But things are a bit______ now.
Grade 9 students use USB flash disk (软盘) ______notebooks. Some students are not good at Chinese. They can’t use sweet words to show  ______they love their friends. But with the USB flash disk they can write, draw or even make cartoons for each other.
One of the students said, “I like USB flash disk because it ______ less than fifty yuan. And there is a lot of _______ for me to write in.”But some students still like notebooks better. They say words in computers are cold. It is bad for their eyes to use computers_______. “Though a notebook may have less space, I still choose one. A notebook can keep my classmates’ handwriting which makes me______ of them.” said a boy.
Which way will you choose to say goodbye to your classmates?
A.a lotB.a lot ofC.manyD.plenty of
A.to readB.to writeC.to singD.to look
A.insteadB.butC.howeverD.instead of
A.too muchB.much tooC.too manyD.many too
A.thoughtB.thinkC.thinkingD.to think


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Nowadays more and more Chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents. Their parents help them do almost everything at home, so many of them don’t know how to do           . This is really a big problem.
Liu Jie is 14-year-old. One day her partens left home for another city for work, so she had to stay at home     . At first she thought she would be happy    her parents are not at home. She could do        she liked to do. But at about six o’clock in the afternoon, she felt   . “Oh, it's time to have supper. Where can I get my food?” She said to herself. Later she found some food in the fridge, but she         know how to cook. At that moment she         her mom very much. In the end, she could only go to the supermarket and         some food to eat.
Many of teenagers are        as Liu Jie. So I think they should learn some basic life skills, like cooking, cleaning their rooms or dressing themselves      . They shouldn’t depend too much on their partens.
小题1: A. their homework           B. some shopping          C. housework
小题2: A. lonely                     B. alone                     C. herself
小题3: A. so                      B. because                  C. but
小题4: A. that                     B. what                     C. where
小题5: A. hungry                   B. full                      C. excited
小题6: A. couldn’t                    B. didn’t                    C. might not
小题7: A. thought                 B. considered              C. missed
小题8: A. made                    B. bought                    C. gave
小题9: A. the same                    B. difficult                   C. different
小题10:A. actually                  B. carelessly              C. properly


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Every year thousands of people get hurt or die when they are crossing the road. Most of these people are old people and children. Old people often get hurt or die because they can’t see or hear very well. Children usually meet with accidents because of their carelessness. They forgot to look and listen before they cross the road.
How can we lessen (减少) traffic accidents? All of us must obey the traffic rules. For the drivers, they shouldn’t drive too fast. If they drive too fast, it will be very difficult to stop the cars in a very short time. For the pedestrians (行人), it’s very important to be careful when they are walking on the road. Therefore, when we walk across the road, we must try to walk along the pavements(人行道). We must stop and look both ways before crossing the road. Look left first, next look right, then look left again. Only when we are sure that the road is clear, we can cross it. The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly. It’s not safe to run. If people run across the road, they may fall down. Teens(青少年) should try to help children, old people or blind people to cross the road, and never play in the street.
小题1:Thousands of people get hurt or die when they are crossing the road every year, most of them are ______.
A.children and driversB.old people and children
C.old people and blind peopleD.teens and drivers
小题2:To lessen traffic accidents, we shouldn’t ______.
A.run quickly
B.walk quickly
C.be sure that the road is clear
D.look left, look right and look left again
小题3: According to the passage, we know that ______ will be safe.
A.driving too fastB.running across the road
C.walking alone the pavementsD.playing in the street
小题4: Why do old people often get hurt or die when they are crossing the road?
A.Because they don’t look and listen.
B.Because they walk too fast.
C.Because they are not careful.
D.Because they can’t see or hear very well.
小题5: What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Never play in the street.
B.Being safe in the street.
C.Look and listen before we cross the road
D..Stop and look both ways before crossing the road.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Jody was ten years old when he decided he needed a job. He thought it might be  to keep worms(虫). He could sell them to farmers. So in    , he bought many worms. But that winter the cold weather killed all the worms because he had not put them in a     place.
The next spring Jody     again. He bought more worms. When winter came, he took them inside so they would stay warm. Many farmers bought his worms.
One day when Jody was twelve, he got   It was from State of New York. The letter said, “Everyone who   things has to pay taxes (税)!” Jody made only one dollar selling worms. But he still      to pay part of that money to the state. He told many people in his town what had  . A reporter     Jody on TV. Many people saw it and they began to write letters to the state. The letters said that the law was unfair. Finally the law was       . Children like Jody can now sell things without paying taxes to the state.
小题1:A. boring                B. lucky                C. interesting
小题2:A. autumn               B. spring                 C. winter
小题3:A. warm                   B. clean                 C. nice
小题4:A. tried                   B. waited               C. failed
小题5:A. a present             B. a letter                C. an e-mail
小题6:A. buys                    B. sells                     C. feeds
小题7:A. hoped                 B. wanted                    C. had
小题8:A. happened             B. appeared               C. followed
小题9:A. saw                    B. played with              C. reported
小题10:A. passed               B. changed                   C. moved

