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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The right name is important in the business world. All you have to do is think of the names for some of the products you buy every day and you’ll agree that the name and the product are connected in everyone’s mind.
In many countries, successful trade or brand(商标) names are protected by law so that other companies cannot make the same product by copying. Businesses register(注册) a company or a product name with the government. In fact, more than 1,000 product and company names are registered every hour. Many companies spend a lot of money to find the right name for their products. A good example of this is in the car industry. Some successful names for cars have powerful associations(联系). The Ford Mustang and the Jaguar are only two examples of choosing the names of animals that are fast and strong.
When a U. S company decides to sell its product in another country, it has to make sure that the product name translates(翻译) properly. When Coca-Cola introduced its soft drink to China, it looked for the right name. It wanted a name that would do two things. One was to present its image in Chinese and the second was to be close to its first brand name—Coke. It took some efforts before finding the right word — which sounds similar and translates as “happiness in the mouth”. Asian company names are not new to the United States. The brand names of Samsung and Sony have been successful. Finding the right brand name is a big business. Asian companies that sell to foreign markets pay to find a name that will connect with its customers. There are even naming companies that offer help in inventing product names. These companies can charge up to $100,000 a word for their good names. But it’s worth it. Successful companies know how important the right brand names are for their development.
小题1:Why are trade names protected by law in many countries?
A.To make companies pay for naming service.
B.To help people choose the best products.
C.To present good images of the products.
D.To prevent good images from being copied.
小题2:What can we learn from the passage?
A. Many companies care about the cost of finding the right names.
B. Creative trade names can help companies to have a larger sale.
C. The government often does business with naming companies.
小题3:What’s the best title for the passage?
A.The Importance of Right Brand Names B.The Development of Names
C.The Rules of NamingD.The Methods of Choosing Names


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There is one word you must learn before you visit the USA. That is “Freeze”. Remember it has a special meaning besides the usual one. It means “stand still and don’t move”. Often policemen use it when they are ready to use their guns. If one doesn’t obey the order and moves, he or she will be shot to death.
One evening in Los Angeles, someone rang the bell of a house. It was a dangerous area at night, so the owner of the house took his gun with him when he answered the door. He opened the door and saw a strange man. But the man turned round and started walking away from the house. The owner cried: “Freeze”, but the young man went on walking without obeying the owner’s order. The owner thought he was trying to run away, so he shot at the young man and he was killed.
Later, police found that the dead man was a Japanese student who was studying in Los Angeles University. He went to visit a friend, but unluckily could not remember the number of the house. When he realized he went to the wrong house he turned round and left. He didn’t know much English and so didn’t understand the word “Freeze”. What a lesson we should get for this!
小题1:According to the article, what does the word “Freeze” mean?
A.It means “be covered with ice”.B.It means “very cold”.
C.It means “dangerous”.D.It means “Stand still, or I will shoot you”.
小题2:The meaning of the word “owner” here means _________.
A.a policemanB.a man with a gun
C.a person who possesses somethingD.a dog of a house
小题3:Which of the following is right?
A.When you hear the police or someone say “Freeze” in the USA, you must stop moving.
B.Don’t ring the bell of anyone’s house in the USA at night.
C.At last, the police found the dead man was a thief.
D.The owner of the house was put into prison.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?
A.Police say “Freeze” when they are going to use their guns.
B.The story happened in Los Angeles in the morning.
C.The dead man was a Japanese student.
D.The dead man couldn’t understand the meaning of “Freeze”.
小题5:What’s the best title of the article?
A.A Japanese StudentB.American Police
C.FreezeD.The Owner of a House


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you have dinner with people in the west, I think you must pay more attention to the table manners. Here are some good table manners for you.
When you eat something, try not to make a noise or burp (打嗝) at the table. Because people think that is not polite. People will say “Excuse me” when they want to burp.
Talking with food in the mouth is very rude. So you must eat the food quietly and slowly. If you eat too fast, people think you are rude too. Do not talk with others when you have food in your mouth.
It is good to eat all the food on your plate. This means you like the food very much. Remember to say the food is nice. And this can make the host very happy. When you finish eating, you can place your knife and fork together.
小题1:The topic of this passage is       in the west.
A.how to burpB.what to eatC.school rulesD.table manners
小题2:Which of the following is NOT good manners?
A.To eat all the food on your plate.
B.To eat the food quietly and slowly.
C.To talk with others when you have food in your mouth.
D.To place your knife and fork together after finishing eating.
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following is good?
A.To eat the food on the plate quickly.
B.To tell the host that the food is not tasty.
C.To say “Excuse me” when you want to burp.
D.To talk with people loudly when you have food in your mouth.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Values join us together and set us apart. Today, our society has a terrible lack(缺乏)of values. Here are some social values that everyone needs.
Respect means to respect(尊重)others in everyday life. Even if you are against a person, it is important to have respect. It is this respect that makes us human. Without this respect, we become  animals. We need to respect our friends for our friendships. We even need to respect our enemies, because they help us to grow up and be stronger. Respect is one of the crucial values in a relationship.
Love is everything. With love in our hearts, we feel no need to hurt another. With love in our hearts, we will pay more attention to the similarities in opinions rather than the disagreement. If we want others to be good to us, we need to be good to them. After all, we give love to get love, right?
People often forget the meaning and importance of loyalty(忠诚). Loyalty is necessary for people to believe in each other. In no matter what kind of relationship, we need to believe in each other so that we can work together towards the same goal.
Honesty is to show other people who we really are. Honesty helps us do better, because it makes us realize our problems and find ways to solve them. It is this honesty, that will make others help you out, not because you need it. But, because they have problems too, which you can help out with. This honesty will help us follow the other values in society and, truly, "heal the world"!
小题1:The Chinese meaning of the word “value” in the passage is probably “___________”.
小题2:According to the passage, we are different from animals because of ____________.
小题3:With love in our hearts, we will ____________.
A.grow up and become stronger
B.believe in each other
C.never hurt another and be good to others
D.realize our problems and find ways to solve them
小题4:The best title of the passage can be “___________”.
A.Values we need for our societyB.Love and honesty
C.Our societyD.How to change our society


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It is reported by Chinese Xinhua News that students waste more food than the national average. So the campaign on school food waste is getting popular across the country. The move is part of a national campaign started by students at different schools.
At East China University of Science, students who finish their food in the school dining hall get a special card when they return their plates after meals. Students can collect cards and exchange them for small gifts, such as books, schoolbags, magazines and umbrellas. “It’s been such a surprise,” said Liang Zhaoyun, 19, a student in Shanghai. “It has given us one more motivation to eat up our food.”
“The purpose of the campaign is not only to encourage students to finish their food. We hope it can also teach students to choose a more environment-friendly and healthy lifestyle,” said Tao Siliang from University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Other schools also pay attention to the quantity of food. At Nanjing No.9 Middle School, rice is divided into three different-sized bowls that students can choose from according to their own need. “It’s great because I can try different dishes at half price and don’t waste so much food,” said Fan Peng, 15, a student from this middle school.
What if you really can’t finish all your food? At Changchun Normal College, they provide a take-away service. “If you can’t finish all your food, you can get a box to take the left food home. Even if you feed the cat, it’s not wasted,” said Zhou Zeyong, a student who learns Chinese education.
“I’m happy that we’ve cut down waste since joining the school ‘eat-up’ meeting. But some food is poorly cooked, meaning that students are not willing to finish it all. Some schools have taken note of this. So if we hope students try to waste less food, we should also improve the service and keep an eye on the meal quality on weekdays at school. If not, you can’t complain students for throwing away much food,” said Wang Guangji, the head-teacher of Beijing No. 29 Middle School.
小题1:Why did we start the campaign on food waste at schools?  Because __________.
A.food waste at school is very serious.
B.students should not eat more food
C.it is students’ duty to eat less food
D.it’s easy for schools to start a campaign
小题2:Who can get some gifts at East China University of Science?
A.Students who buy some special cards.
B.Students who eat up all the food.
C.Students who do some dishes.
D.Students who spend money on gifts.
小题3:What’s Tao Siliang’s idea in the passage?
A.Getting small gifts is surprising.
B.Different-sized bowls make students happy.
C.Students should take a healthy lifestyle.
D.It’s a good idea to feed a cat with left food.
小题4:Which of the followings is true according to the passage?
A.The campaign is only to encourage students to eat up food.
B.We try to think up many good ways to help clear plates.
C.We will make notes if students waste much food again.
D.We shouldn’t complain students for throwing away food


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dolores Huerta has worked hard most of her life to help other people. She has helped change things so that farm workers can have a better life.
Dolores grew up in California. She was a good student and liked school. After she finished high school, she went to college and studied to be a teacher. After she became a teacher, Dolores noticed that many of her students were not getting enough food to eat. Some of them wore very old clothes. Dolores wondered how she could help them.
Dolores decided to stop teaching so that she could spend more time helping the farm workers and their families. One thing she wanted to do was to get more pay for farm workers so they could buy their children the things they needed.
Dolores knew that many farm workers moved often from one place to another to help pick different kinds of fruits and vegetables. She began talking and writing about these workers. Even people who lived far from California read what Dolores wrote.
Getting higher pay for the farm workers was not easy. Dolores worked hard to make sure that farm workers got good pay for their work. She knew that nothing would change unless people made new laws to help the workers. Through all her hard work, new laws were made that gave farm workers good pay.
Dolores Huerta has worked for more than 30 years in many different ways to make life better for working people. She has shown how much one person can change things.
小题1:Dolores became a ____ after she left college.
小题2:Dolores gave up her first job because ____.
A.she found it was too boring for herB.the work condition was too bad
C.she wanted to do more for othersD.she got little pay for her work
小题3: How did Dolores help farm workers?
A.She gave them food and clothes.B.She helped them teach their children.
C.She helped them got more pay. D.She made new laws for them.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The high school diploma (文凭) is losing its value quickly, as a growing number of students graduate (毕业) from school without the math and reading skills that colleges and companies require, according to a new report.
The high school graduation exams that most states (州) require students to pass before they graduate remain far too easy. Most of the exams generally test eighth-or ninth-grade level work.
Today, even high school graduates who are going to have blue-collar (蓝领) jobs need to study the math, research and writing courses. But in high school, only students who are going to college are now required to take these courses.
“If you want a good job with a good pay, it’s a high-skill job,” said Michael Cohen, a leading member of the America Diploma Project.
The project suggests that all graduates master a wide range (范围) of skills. “A high school diploma should mean something to a company and university,” said Ohio Gov. Bob Taft, who is Achieve’s co-chairman.
In Taft’s state, about 30% students who go directly to college from high school have to take remedial classes of English or math, he said. It’s easy to see that the present high-school graduating standards are not preparing students for college education.
And with high-skilled jobs increasingly headed overseas to places like India and Ireland, states need to act, he said.
To prove why math and reading skills matter, the report includes real-life examples of problems students meet in college and that workers must solve each day on the job. ?
Some states are taking actions to upgrade the high school diploma. In Texas, all high school students, starting with the 2008 graduating class, will have to take the college-prep curriculum (大学预备课程) - unless a parent agrees to an easier course load. Other states are planning similar moves.
The report includes examples of reading and math skills that high-school students should have. Project leaders say they hope parents will use those examples to judge (评定) the coursework at their kids’ high schools.
小题1:Why is the high school diploma losing its value quickly?
A.Because the number of high school students is growing fast.
B.Because high school students fail to reach the standards.
C.Because the graduation tests are easier than it should be.
D.Because difficult courses are not required in high schools.
小题2:Remedial classes in Paragraph 6 mean classes____.
A.for good learners to study quickly and better
B.for slower learners weak in the subject
C.for learners to be taught one by one
D.for learners to reach a higher standard
小题3:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Colleges require higher math and reading skills than companies.
B.It is easier for companies to find high-skilled workers in India.
C.Math and reading skills help little for workers to solve daily problems.
D.Parents ask high schools to offer college-prep curriculum in Texas.
小题4:What can be the best title for the passage?
A.High School Diploma Means Little
B.Give Students More High-skill Jobs
C.Math and Reading Skills Really Matter
D.Judge Coursework at High Schools


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Almost every Chinese person can recite the two lines of the famous poem, “Every grain on the plate comes from hard work(谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦).” But sadly, many of us don’t actually get the real meaning of these lines: Don’t waste food.
A CCTV program, News One Plus One, reported that the food Chinese people throw away every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.
Do we have too much food? Of course not. According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2010, especially in developing countries. Six million children die of hunger every year.
Chinese people are well known for being hospitable(好客的) and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food on the table.
Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. Last November, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing, got fired because she took some left over food home for her son. Many people stood by her side and criticized(批评) the waste of food.
What should we do in our daily lives to waste less food? Here are some tips:
1. Do not order too much in a restaurant. Only order as much as you want to eat. If you cannot eat all the food you ordered, take the rest of it home.
2. Don’t be too picky(挑剔的) about food. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it.
3. Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Don’t buy too much, especially for vegetables and fruit.
小题1:How many people were hungry in the world in 2010 according to the UN World Food Program?
A.200 million.B.Six million.C.925 million.D.625 million.
小题2:What does the writer want to show us through Li Hong’s story?
A.Many Chinese restaurants waste a large amount of food.
B.Many Chinese people are kind-hearted and ready to help the weak.
C.Chinese people feel that they lose face if their guests eat all the food.
D.Many Chinese people don’t agree with the behavior of wasting food.
小题3:The underlined word “leftover” means          in Chinese.
小题4:According to the passage, we shouldn’t waste food because         .
A.food comes from very hard work
B.six million children die of hunger every day
C.there is enough food to feed all the people
D.Chinese are hospitable and generous
小题5:Which of the following is a good way to save food?
A.Ordering more than you need at a restaurant.
B.Taking home restaurant leftovers.
C.Not knowing what you already have at home when shopping
D.Not eating the food you don’t like even if it’s healthy.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Now,an Internet game became more and more popular. People can “farm” on a piece of “land” and “grow”,“sell”(卖)“vegetables”, “flowers” and “fruits” on the Internet. They can make some e-money and buy “houses”.
What do people think of this game? Here are, some ideas.
Harold:I think they don’t like the real world and it is hard for them to face the real world.
Allan:Having fun together is the most exciting thing about it.
Laura:People are looking forward to the life in the village. It can help them understand the real world.
Ivy:It’s just waste(浪费) of time. People will not focus on(专注于)their work or study if they spend too much time on it.
小题1:What can people buy on the Internet farm?
小题2:Who thinks “farm” games is very exciting?
小题3:What’s Ivy’s idea about “farm” game?
A.Popular.B.Hard.C.Waste time.D.Have fun.
小题4:What is the passage about?
A.“Farm” game.B.Real world.
C.The life in the village.D.Work and study.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Scientists who study the climate are still arguing about how fast the earth is warming and how much it will warm, but they do agree that the earth is warming and that it will keep warming if we don’t do anything about it.
Scientists agree that the burning of fossil fuels (化石燃料) like oil and coal cause greenhouse gases to escape into the air and that these gases are causing most of the warming. Another cause is deforestation (cutting down trees) . Trees soak up carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gases, from the air.
There are already some changes happening because of global warming. Sea level is rising and some animals are already moving to new homes. It’s already too late to stop global warming completely.
If the warming gets worse, as scientists expect, there may be some kinds of plants and animals that is disappearing because they can’t move to new homes. There may be more storms and floods. Sea level may rise so much that people have to move away from the coasts. Some areas may become too dry for farming.
Global warming is a very difficult problem to fix. People are having a hard time agreeing on what to do about it. For example, everyone agrees that wasting energy is a bad thing to do. But some people think that the federal government (联邦政府) should make laws about it, while other people think it should be up to each person or business to decide what to do.
Many states and businesses in the United States are not waiting until the federal government decides what to do. They have already started working on the problem.
小题1:What are the scientists arguing about in the passage?
A. How fast is the earth warming?                  B. How much will the earth warm?
C. The earth will keep warming if we don’t do anything about it.    D. Both A and B.
小题2:What does the underlined phrase “soak up” mean?
A.take inB.grow upC.take offD.set up
小题3:What may be the causes of global warming?
A.The disappearance of plants and animals and the wasting energy.
B.The burning of fossil fuels and storms and floods.
C.The burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.
D.The rising of sea level and deforestation.
小题4:What is the best title of this passage?
A.The reason for global warmingB.How to stop global warming
C.The changes to the worldD.The global warming

