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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When you are in Hongkong, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left. It is different from that in other areas of China. If you are the first time to come to Hongkong, you must look to the right side and then the left before you cross the street.
If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then people on foot can cross the road carefully. But if the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People on foot mustn't cross.
When people go to or come from work in the morning and evening, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then, especially for the children.
When you go by bus in Hongkong, you have to be careful, too. You must always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.
In Hongkong, there are many big buses with two floors you can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the view of the whole citywell. It's very interesting.
Read the passage and mark (T) for True or (F) for False to each statement.( 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。)
小题1:The traffic in Hongkong drives on the right.
小题2:The traffic in Hongkong is the same as that in other areas of China.
小题3:If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go.
小题4:You can sit on the first floor and see the view of the whole city.
小题5:According to the passage we know we must obey the traffic rules in Hongkong.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In China, the traffic keeps on the right. But when you are in England, you must be very careful because the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right and the left. In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous(危险)then.
When you are in some English cities, there are big buses with two floors, you can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city well. It’s very interesting.
小题1:In England the traffic moves ________.
A.on the rightB.on the leftC.in the middleD.in the park
小题2:When you cross a street, you must look to _________.
A.the frontB.the rightC.the leftD.B and C
小题3:It is ______ to cross the streets in the morning and in the evening.
小题4:You can see the cities very well on the ______ floor of the bus.
小题5:In most parts of China, the traffic are on the     .


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

You want to run across the street to catch the bus which is leaving soon? But   1 ! You’d better not. If a policeman sees you, you’ll have to pay a fine (罚款).
New traffic laws (交通法) say that  2  people cross the street when the light is red, they can be fined as much as 50 yuan.
Traffic accidents   3  more than 104,000 people in China last year. Chinese cities have   4  cars than ever. Drivers and pedestrians (行人) must work together to make the streets   5 .
The law has new rules for drivers and pedestrians. Drivers have to   6  down when they are close to crosswalks. If people are in a crosswalk, cars must   7  to let them pass.
There are   8  for bus drivers, too. If bus drivers smoke, drink or make phone calls   9  driving, they can be fined. Buses that carry too many people are   10  against(违反)the law.
Pedestrians will have to walk more safely under the new law. They must cross streets at crosswalks. Also, they shouldn’t climb over the fences (栅栏)   11  streets.
Do you ride a bike to school? It’s not a good idea to   12  classmates on the back. You could be fined 50 yuan. And stay in the bike lane (慢车道) when you’re riding. The big roads are   13  cars and buses.
If you see a hit-and –run (肇事逃逸), tell the police. They may give you a reward (奖赏). And don’t be   14  to help people to the hospital if they are hurt in an accident. Don’t worry about money. The new law says that   15  must take care of them even if they can’t pay right away.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

More and more Americans are going to work by bike. Do you know why more people are  1   bikes to work? We can answer the question in  2  ways. First, bikes don’t need gasoline (汽油), so it takes  3  money to use them. Second, a bike doesn’t  4 much space (空间), so it is  5 to find a place for it. And riding a bike is good for one’s  6 . People often drive their to offices or to shops, but now people think riding bikes is a good way of doing sports.
That’s  8  more Americans are now riding to work  9  bike, and they are  10  their own cars at home.
A.journey B.healthC.studyD.work


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

More and more people like traveling for their holidays. Some people like  1, so they like to visit some old places. Some people like to breathe (呼吸)fresh air, so they like to go  2 . Some people like sea or swimming, so they like to go to the  3. In many countries, the travel agency (旅行社) can help you  4your holidays. You canthe travel agent (代理人)what kind of holidays you like,  6 you want to go best, and how much money you are going to  7 . Then the travel agent will give you some 8 about where to go, how to get there, where to live and what kind of activities you can do there. So there are many different kinds of  9 . For example, one of the holidays is called “Package Holiday”. That is, you just pay the money, and the travel agent will plan  10 for you: the ticket for the train, bus or plane, the hotel, the activities and so on.
小题1:A. math          B. music         C. history
小题2:A. shopping      B. climbing      C. skating
小题3:A. seaside       B. rivers        C. lakes
小题4:A. order         B. book          C. plan
小题5:A. say           B. ask            C.tell
小题6:A. where         B. when          C. how
小题7:A. take          B. spend         C. have
小题8:A. message       B. suggestion     C. information
小题9:A. jobs          B. places        C. holidays
小题10:A. nothing      B. everything    C. vehicles


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Stamp-collecting didn’t begin until 1854. As time went by, there were more and more kinds of stamps. They were very beautiful and interesting. And there were more and more stamps collectors. Not only children but also adults collected stamps.
In 1921, America began selling all kinds of stamps to the collectors. In some countries, there were even lessons in stamp-colleting in school. People all over the word were becoming more and more interested in stamps.
There are many wonderful pictures on the stamps. Each picture has a meaning in it. It may be the head of a great leader , a famous scientist, a writer ,a  beautiful bird, or interesting place. Every stamp tells us a story.
根据短文内容,判断正A 误B。
小题1:Stamp-collecting begin in 1854.
小题2:Only children liked collecting stamps.
小题3:In some countries, people could have lessons in stamp-collecting in school.
小题4:As time went by, fewer and fewer people were interested in stamps.
小题5:We can learn a lot from all kinds of stamps.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In the US, parents usually hold school parties for the children at school. Parents need three basic(基本的) things for a school party-----games, snacks and gifts.
A few weeks before the party, parents should meet their child’s teacher and discuss with him/her about the plans for the games. Snacks and gifts to get his/her advice. They should know the time for the party and the school rules. They will get the names and phone numbers of the other parents in the class. They also need a list of the children in the class to plan the party.
They should organize three games for the school party-----two active games and one quiet game that children can play just at table on desk. They can plan two kinds of snacks for the school party----one salty( 咸的)and one sweet (甜的). They usually prepare the snacks the night before the party. Pencils and stickers(贴纸) are always the favorite gifts. They put the gifts in small bags, and write each child’s name on the bag. Kids like having their own bag with their names on it.
How to hold a school party for children?
Before the party, parents should
Meet the teacher, 小题1:____________ with him/her and get his/her advice.
Get to know the time for the party and the 小题2:______________.
Get the names and phone numbers of the other parents in the class.
Make a list of the children in the class.
Plan two active games and 小题3:___________
Plan two kinds of snacks for the party.
Prepare the snacks 小题4:______________ the party.
Buy children’s 小题5:_________ such as pencils and stickers.
Put the gifts in the small bags.and write each child’s name on the bag.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

China Youth says that more and more girl students have entered colleges to study in recent few years. As we know, once the number of boys was larger than that of girls, and the boys did much better than girls in our country for a long time. Now things have changed a lot.
In recent years, the proportion of girl students is growing fast. In 1998, about 39.7% of college students were girls. In 2000, it was 41.07% and in 2001, the number was 42.14%.
There are several reasons for this.
Firstly, there is little difference between boys and girls in their intelligence(智力). That’s to say, girls are as clever as boys. And boys have more interests than girls, so they may not do well in their study.
Secondly, girls are more careful and more sensible than boys. They work harder at school and they do better in all exams.
Another reason is that with the development of society, people pay more and more attention to girls’ education.
小题1:China Youth says that more and more ______
A.boys are cleverer than girls
B.boys can’t go to school
C.girls have entered colleges
D.girls begin to study at school
小题2:42.14% refers to the number of _________
A.girls at schools at schools in 1998
B.girls in colleges in 2001
C.boys at schools in 2001
D.boys in colleges in 1998
小题3:The writer gave us _________   reasons to explain the question.
小题4:The underlined word “proportion” means _________ in Chinese.
小题5:Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A.Boys may not do as well in their study as girls because they don’t like studying.
B.Boys are much cleverer than girls because they’re interested in many things.
C.Girls’ intelligence is the same as boys’.
D.Girls study harder, but they couldn’t get higher marks than boys.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Computers are useful machines. They can help people a lot in their daily life. For example, they can help people to save much time to do more work, and they can help people to work out many problems they can't do easily. Our country asks everyone to learn to use computers before the twenty-first century, except the old people.
Today more and more families own computers. Parents buy computers for their children. They hope computers can help them improve their studies in school. However, many of their children use computers to play games, to watch videos or to sing. The teachers and parents complain that computers can not help children to study but make them fall behind. So computers are locked in boxes by parents.
In some other countries, even some scientists also hate computers. They say computers let millions of people lose their jobs or bring them a lot of trouble. Will computers really bring trouble to people or can they bring people happiness?
It will be decided by today's students themselves!
小题1:Why do we say the computer is a useful machine? Because ______. 
A.our country asks us to learn it
B.it can help us a lot
C.we can use it to play games
D.it can help us to find jobs
小题2:What do many teachers and parents complain about? They complain that ______ .  
A.their students and children use computers to study.
B.computers let them lose their jobs
C.computers make their students and children fall behind
D.computers bring people a lot of trouble
小题3:How do you understand the last sentence of this passage? I think it means ______. 
A.computers are used by people
B.people can live well without computers
C.one must decide how to use computer
D.computers are strange machines


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Washington DC, the capital of the USA, is a beautiful city, but there are  1  poor and hungry people in it.  of them are even homeless (无家可归的). In the northwest of the city, there is a house  Martha’s Table. Every day, a group of volunteers go there. They raise(募集)food, clothes and money  4  poor people. They prepare (准备) 2, 100 sandwiches, a lot of soup and cakes for about 500 people every day. They give the  5  to the homeless people.
Mrs Morley is  6  of the volunteers. She looks after more than 60 children. She  7  them stories and teaches them  to read and draw. The children’s parents have to work for many hours a day. They  9  take good care of them. So the parents are  10  that Martha’s Table can help them look after their children.
A.manyB.moreC.much D.a lot
A.BothB.SomeC.All D.No
A.callingB.callC.to call D.called
A.oneB.aC.an D.the
A.tellsB.speaksC.says D.talks
A.whatB.whereC.how D.why
A.canB.can’tC.will D.won’t
A.unhappy B.sadC.glad D.sorry

