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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The iPhone is a line of smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. It runs Apple's iOS mobile operating system, known as the "iPhone OS" until mid-2010, shortly after the release of the iPad. The first generation iPhone was released on June 29, 2007, the most recent iPhone, the seventh-generation iPhone 5S, on September 20, 2013. The user interface is built around the device's multi-touch screen, including a virtual keyboard. The iPhone has Wi-Fi and cellular connectivity (2G, 3G, 4G, and LTE).

An iPhone can shoot video (though this was not a standard feature until the iPhone 3GS), take photos, play music, send and receive emails, look through the web, send texts, and receive visual voicemail. Other functions—games, reference, GPS navigation, social networking, etc.— can be enabled by downloading apps; as of 2012[update], the App Store offered more than 775,000 apps by Apple and third parties.
There are six generations of iPhone models, each accompanied by one of the six major releases of iOS. The original 1st generation iPhone was a GSM phone, and established design precedents, such as a button placement that has persisted through all models and a screen size maintained until the launch of the iPhone 5 in 2012. The iPhone 3G added 3G cellular network capabilities and A-GPS location. The iPhone 3GS added a faster processor and a higher-resolution camera that could record video at 480p. The iPhone 4 featured a higher-resolution 960 × 640 "retina display", a VGA front-facing camera for video calling and other apps, and a 5-megapixel rear-facing camera with 720p video capture. The iPhone 4S upgrades to an 8-megapixel camera with 1080p video recording, a dual-core processor, and a natural language voice control system called Siri. IPhone 5 features the new A6 processor, increases the size of the Retina display to 4 inches, and replaces the 30-pin connector with an all-digital Lightning connector.
The resounding sales of the iPhone have been credited with reshaping the smart phone industry and helping make Apple one of the world's most valuable publicly trading companies in 2011–12. However, there has been criticism of the company's outsourcing and move of jobs from the US to China. Apple and its manufacturing contractor Foxconn have received criticism due to poor working conditions at the assembly plant in China.
小题1:An iphone is from __________.
A.the USAB.South Korean
C.the UKD.Australia
小题2:What is the newest kind of iphone at present?
A.iphone 4B.iphone 4S C.iphone 5D.iphone 5S
小题3:How many generations of iphone models are there now?
小题4:What are the features of iphone 5?
A.The new A6 processor
B.increases the size of the Retina display to 4 inches
C.replaces the 30-pin connector with an all-digital Lightning connector
D.A, B and C


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In 2013, China chose “中国梦,”which means “Chinese dream,” as the Character of the Year to symbolize the overall feeling of the past 366 days. It’s easy to see why the word “dream” would be chosen as so many Chinese dreams have been recently realized: space exploration, a China-made aircraft carrier and a Nobel Prize-winning author.

Finishing national dreams makes us proud, but realizing personal dreams makes us worthy in our own eyes. Though the media would try to convince you, there is no set of “approved” dreams that we should all go after. Some may strive for money, fame and power, but others have more humble dreams that are just as important: learn English, study abroad, achieve inner peace, and be of service to humanity. It’s normal for people to create lofty New Year’s resolutions and just as normal to start strong and give up a few weeks later on our goals. How do we make sure that we achieve our dreams? Make your resolutions SMART and they’ll come true.
S — specific, detailed goals are easier to accomplish.
M— measurable goals enable you to complete a fixed amount of something.
A— achievable goals are possible, not ones that would take magic or miracles to accomplish.
R— relevant goals are meaningful to you.
T— time bound goals have an ending date. They’re not infinite. You know when you’re done.
Trip Bethel, a local college professor suggests that all goals should be positive and future-focused. “You can’t make a goal about being perfect. You’ll always disappoint yourself. But you can make a goal about perfecting your process. Then, you’re always on the way to a better life.”
Trip says many people write endless lists, but he just writes his resolutions once. He states them simply on a piece of paper and then puts the paper away for a year. “Often, when I look at the paper a year later, I’ve accomplished everything, or gotten close. There is something about writing things down that makes goals real and the opportunities to achieve them will come into your life.”
小题1:In 2013, China chose “__________” as the Character of the Year?
C.futureD.Chinese dream
小题2:What if you finish our national dreams? We will feel___________.
小题3:What does “SMART” means? It means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and ____.
小题4:What is the best title for the passage?
A.Dreaming in 2013B.Dreaming Big in 2013
C.Dreaming Big in 2012D.Dreaming in 2012


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Years ago, if a teenager has some problems in her life, she might go home and wrote in her diary. Now, a teenager with the same problems might go onto the Internet and write about ____ in a blog (博客). ___ many ways, a diary and a blog are very similar. So, what makes blogging different ____writing in a traditional diary?           
____ biggest difference is that blogging is ____more public(公共的) than a diary. Usually, a teenager treats her diary like a ____ full of secrets that she does not want to share(分享).
Because blogging is such a public way of ____, it has both good and bad points. The biggest problem with blogging is that ____ can read what you write. ____ you write something bad about a friend, that friend might read your blog and get ____.
Because we do not always ____ things carefully before we write them down, it is easy ____ something that hurts someone’s feelings(感情) in a blog. So we ____ be careful of what we write.
There are also advantages(优点) of blogging, of course. People choose to blog ____ they know that their friends will read what they write.
Blogs are a very good ____ to write about daily life, as long as people are careful about what they write. However I still prefer my old diary.
A.InB.OnC.At D.Of
A.thanB.from C.forD.of
A.manyB.much C.moreD.most
A.book B.notebookC.movie D.file
A.writeB.writesC.writingD.to write
A.no oneB.nobodyC.someoneD.anyone
A.BeforeB.WhileC.If D.Unless
A.think upB.think outC.think onD.think about
A.to writeB.writingC.wroteD.write
A.should B.canC.may D.might
A.so B.becauseC.but D.when
A.informationB.messageC.way D.road


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Sydney is a young city. Its history goes back just over 200 years. But in Australia, it is the oldest city. It is also the country' s largest city. Sydney is the capital of New South Wales and the most popular city of Australia.
The climate of Sydney is very good. It' s not too cold during the winter and not too hot during the summer. The sky is blue, the air is fresh, and birds sing in the garden. People who live in Sydney seem to have an easy life style. They will tell you, "Don't worry. "
Many people think that Sydney is one of the most attractive cities in the world. It has many tall and modern buildings. Among them, Center point Tower is the tallest. Standing on the 305-metre(80 storeys)tower, you will have a great view of the city.
Sydney is famous for its deep harbor(港口). The harbor has many bays(湾) and beautiful surf beaches.  Among them, Bondi beach is the most popular.  Sydney Harbor is not only beautiful, it also serves as a large port. Ships carry wool, wheat and meat from Sydney to other countries.
People living in Sydney like to call themselves Sydneysiders. They are mostly friendly and easygoing. When they are not working, they love to have a good time at the beach, swimming and sailing.
小题1:Sydney is the        city in Australia.
小题2: It seems that people in Sydney have easy life because         .
A.the climate is very good
B.the sea is very beautiful
C.they are very rich
D.they always tell you, "Don't worry. "
小题3:What is true about the Center point?
A.It' s the tallest building in the world.
B.It's an old building.
C.You can see most of the city on it.
D.It' s 80-metre tall.
小题4: Australia is rich in        .
A.woolB.wheatC.meatD.all the above
小题5:What do you think of people in Sydney?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Years ago,if a teenager had some problems in his life,he might write them in his diary. Now he might get on the Internet and write them in his blog(博客). In many ways,a diary and a blog are almost the same. Then,what makes a blog different from a diary?
The biggest difference is that a blog is much more public than a diary. Anyone can read what you write in your blog. Usually,a teenager likes hiding his diary book and treats it as secret. If you are not satisfied with a friend and write something bad about him in your diary,he will never know it. However,if you do this on the Internet,that friend may read your blog and get angry. So we have to be careful of what we write.
A blog has good points,of course. People choose to write in blogs,they know that their friends will read what they write. If you feel sad one day and write in your diary,no one will know about it. If you write the same words in your blog,your friends may quickly write back to comfort you and offer their help. Blogs help people know what their friends are doing.
Though it's a good way to write blogs about everyday life,I still prefer my old diary.
小题1:Now when a teenager has some problems in his life,he might ________.
A. talk to his friends  B. keep them in his diary  C. write them in his blog
小题2:________ is NOT mentioned in the passage.
A. Chatting on QQ  B. Getting on the Internet  C. Writing blogs
小题3:The underlined word “comfort” means ________ in Chinese.
A. 责怪    B. 安慰     C. 嘲笑
小题4:From the passage we know that ________.
A. the writer thinks a blog is more helpful than a diary
B. the writer thinks a blog and a diary are the same
C. the writer likes a diary better than a blog
小题5:The passage mainly talks about ________.
A. the teenagers' problems in their lives
B. the difference between a diary and a blog
C. the good points of writing blogs


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Each nation has many good people who help take care of others. For example, some high school and college students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages(孤儿院) or homes for the aged(老人). They read books to the people in these places, or they just visit them or listen to their problems. Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. They paint, clean up, or repair houses, do shopping and mow(割草) their lawns(草坪). For boys who no longer have fathers, there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to basketball games or on fishing trips and help them get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers.
Some cities have a number of clubs where boys and girls can go to play games or learn crafts(手艺). Some of these clubs show movies or organize short trips to the mountains, the beaches, museums or other places of interest. Most of these clubs use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to remember the problems of younger boys and girls.
Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help bring happiness to others.
小题1:From the short passage we can see that     are often helped by the volunteers.
A、workers in the factory  
B、students in school
C、people in the home for the elderly(老人)
小题2:Young volunteers often go and work in the homes when people are       .
A、very busy                B、hungry               C、in trouble
小题3:Big Brothers is an organization     .
A、to play basketball with the boys who no longer have fathers
B、to help the boys who no longer have fathers
C、to teach the boys who no longer have fathers how to fish
小题4:Which of the following don’t the clubs do for the boys and girls?
A、Show movies.
B、Organize short trips.
C、Make new clothes for them.
小题5:The clubs use many students as volunteers because      .
A、they believe that the happiest people are those who help bring happiness to others
B、they are so young that they can remember the problems of younger boys and girls
C、they can work very long a day without having a rest


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Clothing is a language. It tells us about individual people: their personality, their age, their place in society and so on. If we want to know more about society, we can look at traditional clothing.

The continent of Africa has a long history and a rich culture, and this is shown in traditional dress. You often find three colours — red, gold and green in the clothing. The first colour stands for the blood of millions of people who suffered as slaves(奴隶); the second is for the rich resources of the African earth; and the third represents the grasslands of home.
The patterns(图案) on the clothing also have a meaning. A common pattern is in the form of a cross “×”, which stands for “unity”. Another pattern is a rectangular box, which represents “strength”.
Because clothing has a strong social meaning, people are very careful in choosing what to wear. It would be a serious mistake to wear the wrong clothing, or to wear clothes in the wrong way. For instance, in Ghana, a woman should wear her waistband differently according to the importance of the social event.
Traditional dress also tells us about everyday life. African designs are famous for loose(宽松的) clothing. The climate, with the hot sun and wide temperature ranges(变化), requires that the clothes are comfortable for daily life.
Although many people wear western clothes, particularly in the big cities in Africa, traditional dress is very highly valued(评价). This is because it has deep cultural meanings.
小题1:According to the passage, red ________.
A.represents the setting sun
B.stands for African unity
C.is chosen because it is a bright colour
D.is a reminder(暗示) of the sad history in Africa
小题2:Traditional dress should also be practical(实用) because ________.
A.it has deep cultural meanings
B.people wear it in the big cities
C.it needs to protect people from the climate
D.it needs to keep people dry in the rainy season
小题3:According to the passage, which sentence is NOT RIGHT?
A.African dress has deep cultural meanings.
B.Africa has a long history and a rich culture.
C.The rectangular box in the pattern represents “strength”.
D.People in the big cities in Africa prefer to wear western clothes.
小题4:The passage is mainly about ________ in Africa.  
A.the history of clothes
B.modern fashion styles
C.the meanings of traditional dress
D.the materials used in traditional dress


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Roger, a young man from China, has taught Chinese in a primary school in England for 3 years. A lot of children like his class and he enjoys teaching them very much. All the pupils are quite interested in what Roger teaches them. They learn quickly and do everything carefully.
One day he said to the children, “People in a lot of Asian countries wear white clothes at funerals(葬礼), but people in America and in Europe wear white in the weddings because white means purity and happiness. What colour does an English woman wear when she gets married?”
Mary said, “White, sir, because she is happy.” “That is good, Mary,” Roger said. “You are quite right. She wears white because she is happy.”
But then one boy in the class put up his hand. “Yes, Dick?” Roger said, “Do you have a question?” “Yes,” Dick said. “Why do men wear black in our country when they get married, sir?”
小题1:What does Roger do?
A.He teaches English in China
B.He is a Chinese teacher in China
C.He teaches Chinese in England
D.He teaches English in England
小题2:Roger enjoys teaching his pupils because_________.
A.they are his own childrenB.they are clever and careful
C.they are lovelyD.they are polite and helpful
小题3:An English woman wears white clothes________.
A.when she gets marriedB.when she is worried
C.when she is sadD.when she is at a funeral
小题4:What colour do men in England wear when they get married?
小题5:Which of the following is true?
A.Roger dislikes teaching the children.
B.Dick, a clever boy, liked asking questions.
C.Dick was a slow girl.
D.People in England wear white when they get married.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Singapore: A Fine City
Singapore welcomes tourists. When you come to visit Singapore, please keep the laws of this country. Here are some points that you must remember.
SMOKING: Cigarette smoking is a danger to health. It is not allowed in lifts, cinemas, theaters, all government offices and on buses. If you break it, you have to pay fines of up to $ 1,000.   LITTER: Singapore is the Garden City of Asia---clean and green. Dropping litter in public places is not allowed. You can be fined up to $ 500 for dropping litter ---even if it only a piece of waste paper or a cigarette end.
EATING OR DRINKING: In Singapore, when you take a subway or a bus, you are not supposed to eat or drink anything, or you'll be fined up to $ 500.
RIDING: When you ride a bike across an underpass(地下通道), please push your bike across the underpass, or you have to pay $ 1,000 for riding your bike.
JAYWALKING*: You must always use the pedestrian(步行者, 徒步的)crossing. You can be fined $ 50 for crossing the street less than 50 meters from a crossing. These laws are also for children who are old enough to be in the street on their own.
小题1:The underlined word "fine" in the passage means ________.
小题2:When you come to visit Singapore,you should remember to ___________.
A.go shoppingB.keep the law of this country
C.go sightseeingD.visit some fantastic sights
小题3:Singapore is a city with _________ according to the passage.
A.cigarettesB.green plantsC.litterD.bikes
小题4:What will happen if you drop a piece of waste paper in Singapore?
A.You have to pick it up.
B.You have to sweep the street.
C.You will be fined up to$500
D.You will be told not to do it again.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

This is my first day in our new school. In the morning, I help my new teacher Mr. Hu put some new English textbooks into a big box. And then I carry it to the classroom. The box is very heavy.
I walk very slowly(慢) with the big heavy box in my arms.  A boy runs very fast to me. He can’t stop(停止). Oh, dear! My box drops on the floor and there are books everywhere on the floor.
'I’m very sorry.' The boy says again and again. He helps me to pick up(捡起) all the books. He then helps me to carry the books to our classroom.
Who is he? He is my classmate. His name is Jim. He comes to China with his father. He comes from England.
小题1:In the morning, I help ________to carry the box to our classroom.
A.my parentsB.my new classmate
C.my new teacherD.my good friend Jim
小题2:My box drops on the floor because________.
A.I walk very slowly with it
B.I walk very fast with it
C.Jim walks very slowly to me
D.Jim runs very fast and he can’t stop
小题3:Jim is new. He is ________.
A.an American boyB.an English boyC.a teacherD.a Chinese boy
小题4:Later, ________ carry the box of books to our classroom.
A.Jim and IB.Jim, Mr.Hu and
C.Mr. Hu and JimD.some of my classmate and I
小题5:Jim and I are _________.
A.the same ageB.in the same bedroom
C.in the same classD.Mr. Hu’s workmates

