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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

判断(共5小题,每小题2分)(T="True," F=False)
Mother’s Day is a holiday for mothers. And on this day, mothers don’t work. It is on the second Sunday in May. It is celebrated in the United States, England, Sweden, India, Mexico and some other countries. Little by little, it becomes widely celebrated. On the day, many people send presents of love to their mothers. Those whose mothers are still living often wear a pink or red rose or carnation(康乃馨). While those whose mothers are dead wear a white one.
The idea of a day for mothers was first given by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia. The celebration of the first American Mother’s Day was held in Philadelphia on May 10, 1908. Soon the holiday became popular around the country and the world.
小题1:Mothers don’t go to work on Mother’s Day.
小题2:The first Mother’s Day was celebrated only in the USA.
小题3:Mother’s Day is on May the second.
小题4:On Mother’s Day many mothers send presents to their children.
小题5:Those whose mothers are dead wear a white rose or carnation.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Japan is made up of a chain of islands that lie off the coast of Asia. People came to live in Japan from the nearby countries of China and Korea. From these older countries, the Japanese borrowed ideas, inventions and habits.
For many years, the Japanese built houses like those in China. They dressed themselves like a Chinese. From China came their way of writing and their habit of drinking tea.
In more recent times, the Japanese have borrowed things from our country, the United States. They have a government like ours. They do much work in science, as we do. Baseball is a favorite sport in Japan, just as it is here.
Things change when they come to Japan. The Japanese improve on almost everything they borrow. The art of garden making came from Korea and China, but the Japanese gardens are special. Each garden has a waterfall, a pond, and small bridges. There are few flowers in Japanese gardens. But the gardens are green during all the year round because they have many evergreens. Japanese gardens have a different kind of beauty.
小题1: The first paragraph of the passage tells us that ________ centuries ago.
A.the Japanese borrowed ideas only from China and Korea
B.people came to live in Japan from neighbouring Asian countries
C.Japan is much older than Korea
D.many Japanese came from the United States
小题2: In the third paragraph of the passage the italic (斜体)words “just as it is here” mean”________”
A.just as it is in the United States
B.just as it is in China
C.just as it is in Japan
D.just as it is in Asia
小题3: Why did the Japanese change the things they had borrowed?
A.They wanted very much to be different from others.
B.They didn’t like them the way they were.
C.They wanted visitors to like the change.
D.They tried to make them better.
小题4: From the passage we can see that ________.
A.Japanese gardens are different from those in other countries but not very beautiful
B.Japanese gardens are full of life during all the seasons
C.Japanese gardens are not very big
D.There are many flowers in Japanese gardens
小题5: Choose a statement from the following sentences that is NOT true.
A.The government of Japan is like that of the United States.
B.People in the United States like playing baseball.
C.The Japanese invented the habit of drinking tea.
D.Japan is made up of many islands.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Social customs and the ways of behaving change. Things that were considered impolite many years ago are acceptable . Just a few years ago, it was considered to be impolite behavior for a man to smoke on the street . No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman would make fool of himself by smoking when a lady was in the room.
Customs are also different from country to country. Does a man walk on the left or on the right of a woman in your country? Or doesn’t it matter? What about table manners?
The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs. For example, in both America and England people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time. Also, most Englishmen will open a door for a wonman or offer their seat to a woman , and so will most Americans. Promptness is important both in England and in America. That is , if a dinner invitation is for 6 o'clock , the dinner guest either arrives close to that time or calls up to explain his delay.
The important thing to remember about social customs is not to do anything that might make other people feel uncomfortable especially if they are your guests. There is an old story about a man who gave a very formal dinner party. When the food was served, one of the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. The other guests were amused or greatly surprised , but the host calmly picked up his knife and began eating in the same way. I t would have been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable.
小题1:The underlined phrase” make fool of himself” in the first passage means____
A.make himself strongB.make himself rich
C.make himself comfortableD.cause himself to seem like a fool
小题2:According to the passage , the American and British _____
A.don’t speak the same language
B.don’t have social custom in common
C.do share a lot of social customs
D.do have the exactly same social customs
小题3:If a dinner invitation is for six o’clock , the guest is supposed to arrive at ____ six
A.nearly a minute or two later thanB.a quarter to
C.a quarter toD.much later than
小题4:The last example in the passage shows____
A.The correct way to use a knife at table
B.that it is good manners not to make your guests feel foolish or uncomfortable
C.that social customs and ways of behaving change too fast
D.promptness is important both in England and in America
小题5:Which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage?
A.Social Customs and CustomsB.Social Life
C.American and British CustomsD.Promptness is Important


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Easter(复活节)is one of the two important Christian festivals.Easter celebrates resurrections (复活) of Jesus Christ(耶稣基督)and Christmas celebrates his birth.It's not a festival as big as Christmas.It starts usually in late March or early April and the Easter holiday is Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.It’s quite a long holiday for everybody.
The main symbol(象征物)of Easter is Easter eggs.Children like Easter eggs because they are made of chocolate.Eggs are a symbol of new life.
Easter is also a time for families to get together like Christmas.Many people see Easter as a nice long holiday and they have a good time with their families and friends.
小题1:People love Easter because ___________.
A.it’s a long holiday
B.it’s the birthday of Jesus Christ
C.they can have real eggs on that day
D.everybody believes in Jesus Christ
小题2:People begin to celebrate Easter in _________.
A.mid-April or late April
B.mid-March or late March
C.late March or early April
D.early March or mid-March
小题3:Easter eggs are _________.
A.covered by chocolateB.chocolate eggs
C.a symbol of deathD.not food
小题4:From the passages,we know that ________.
A.Jesus Christ died on Christmas Day
B.Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day
C.Jesus Christ was born on Easter
D.Jesus Christ died and got his resurrection on Christmas Day.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Good afternoon! Welcome to England .  We  hope that your visit here will be a pleasant one. Now, I would like to tell you something about our laws.
The first one is about drinking. Now, you may not buy wine in the country if you are under 18 years of age, nor may your friends buy it for you.
The second one: noise. Enjoy yourselves by all means, but please don’t make unnecessary noise, especially at night. We ask you to respect other people who may wish to be quiet.
The third one: crossing the road. Be careful. The traffic moves on the left side of the road in the country. Use pedestrian crossings(人行横道) and do not take any chances when crossing the road.
My next point is about rubbish. It isn’t lawful to drop rubbish in the street. When you have something to throw away, please put it in your pocket and take it home, or put it in a dustbin.
Finally: smoking. It is against the law to buy cigarettes or tobaccos if you are under 16 years of age.
I’d like to finish by saying that if you need any kind of help, you can contact the police. The police will be pleased to help you. You can call, write or directly go to ask any policeman.
According to the passage, answer the following questions:
小题1:How many points are discussed in the speech?
小题2:How can you contact a policeman if you need help?
小题3:Can you buy cigarettes if you are under 16 years of age?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Some birthday customs are quite similar in many parts of the world---- birthday candles(蜡烛), birthday games,and birthday cakes. But some customs are more specific to certain countries. Here are some children talking about their customs.
Linda---I am fourteen. I come from Aruba. In our country,Children take something special to school for their classmates and all teachers. Each teacher gives the birthday child a small gift like a pencil, an eraser or a postcard. The birthday child is also allowed to wear special clothes instead of the school uniform.
Lucy---I am one year older than Linda. Denmark is my country. A flag is flown outside a window to show that someone who lives in that house is having a birthday. Presents are placed around the child's bed while they are sleeping so they will see them at once when they wake up.
Tom---I am as old as Linda. I am from Brazil. The birthday child receives a pull on the earlobe(耳垂) for each year in my country. The birthday person also gives the first slice of cake to his/her most special friend or relative, usually mom or dad.
        Special customs
Each teacher receives something special from 小题1:._________ and gives him or her a small gift.
If you see 小题3:________ flying outside a window, you may know someone in that house is having a birthday
小题5:_________ of the birthday cake is usually given to Mom or Dad.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Korean culture(韩流) is really popular right now. The Korean Wave is sweeping Asian(亚洲) countries including(包括)   1 . Young people are   2  in Korean TV plays, Korean pop songs and the Korean language.
The Korean Wave started   3  years ago with the TV series(电视系列剧) Winter Sonata(冬季恋歌). This love story is still popular now. People, especially girls, like the beautiful stories and handsome actors   4  Pei Yongjun.
In the music world, Korean stars are making   5  heard in China. You can often find big Korean names such as Baby Vox, SES and Finkle at the top of the Chinese   6  charts(排行榜).
The Korean Wave  7  makes young people try the clothes and hairstyles of the Korean pop stars. Besides those, now some girls in China are having plastic surgery(整形手术)  8 
their looks. It is said that many Korean stars look beautiful   9  plastic surgery.
As you see, Korean culture has changed us a lot. Is it  10  for us to follow in every way? We each should think about it.
A.ChinaB.Canada C.AustraliaD.Egypt
A.a littleB.littleC.a fewD.few
A.onB.atC.forD.such as
A.tooB.alsoC.as wellD.else
A.changeB.changingC.changedD.to change
A.instead B.instead ofC.becauseD.because of


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries.Most American families have one or two parents and one or two children each.
Children in the US will leave their parents’ home when they grow up.They usually live far from their parents because they want to find good jobs.They often write to their parents or telephone them.And they often go to visit their parents on holiday.
Parents usually let their children choose their own jobs.Americans think it is important for young people to decide on their lives by themselves.
Parents ask children to do some work around their house.And in many families, parents pay their children for doing some housework so that hey learn how to make money for their own use.
小题1:The size of most American families is ____ that of other countries’.
A.larger than
B.smaller than
C.as big as
D.as small as
小题2: When children grow up, they leave their parents’ home to __.
A.get married
B.be free
C.find good jobs
小题3:They visit their parents ______ .
A.on weekdays
B.on weekends
C.at any time
D.on holiday
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true ?
A.Children have the freedom to choose their own job.
B.Parents don’t ask their children to do the housework.
C.When children grow up, they usually live far away from their home.
D.Parents think it is important for children to make their own decision.
小题5:Some parents pay their children for doing housework because _____ .
A.they want their children to learn how to make money for themselves
B.their children asked them to do so
C.they are rich
D.the law requires(要求)them to do so


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

 New Delhi
 Hindi and English
English and French
 Singapore City
Malay, Chinese, Tamil and English
小题1:If you go to ______, maybe some people can understand you.
小题2:The capital of Egypt is _______.
A.MoscowB.CairoC.New DelhiD.Singapore city
小题3:From the form(表格), we can see that ______ is the most important language.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you know Eskimos? Let me tell you something about their lives.
Eskimos live near the North Pole(北极).There are only two seasons there, winter and summer.
There is no spring or autumn there. The winter nights are long. You can’t see the sun for more than two months, even at midday. The summer days are long. For more than two months, the sun never goes down and there’s no night.
Eskimos have warm clothes. They make their clothes from the skins of animals. From skins(皮毛) they make coats, caps and shoes.
Near the North Pole trees can’t grow, for it is too cold there. The Eskimos have to make their houses from skins, snow or stone. When they got out in storms and can’t get back home, they make houses of snow. They leave these houses when the storm is over.
Life is hard for the Eskimos, but they still like to live there.
小题1:Near the North Pole there are _______ in a year.
A.two seasons—winter and summer
B.two seasons – spring and autumn
C.four seasons
D.two seasons sometimes and four seasons sometimes
小题2: How long does the longest day or night last(持续) near the North Pole?
A.24 hoursB.Over a weekC.A monthD.Over two months
小题3:Eskimos use skins to make________.
A.clothesB.housesC.treesD.both A and B
小题4:There are no ______ near the North Pole.
小题5: Eskimos make houses of snow to protect(保护) themselves from______.

