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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:Mary: I have been taking piano lessons for a whole year. I practice playing the piano for two hours every day. I have tried my best but I still can’t play it well.
小题2:Jane: I’m in the school art club. But I don’t like drawing at all. I really want to learn dancing.
小题3:Tom: My parents never allow me to play computer games at all. They want me to study all day.
小题4:William: I fight with my friends about just anything. We have arguments over sports, cars, games that we play, and much more.
小题5:Jack: I want to take part in some after-school activities, but my parents think they are too dangerous.
You should give your friends and yourself some time to calm down in order to solve the problem.
Don’t worry. Even great piano players have to practice a lot. Hard work and lots of practice are the only ways of becoming a good piano player.
Tell your parents that many kids play computer games but they do well at school. Ask them to let you play computer games for a short time on weekends.
Some after-school activities are good for your studied and health. You can talk to your parents about the advantages of the activities.
At 8:30 pm on may 1st, dance lovers will enjoy their favorite dance music and show their beautiful dance to everyone at the Central Square. Great dance teachers will teach you.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What is the hottest topic at your school recently? In Hangzhou Yongjin Middle School, it’s money.
The school held an activity called “making money” last weekend. About 200 Junior 1 and Junior 2 students were divided into 30 teams. They went out to make money by selling things.
What did they choose to sell? Some sold newspapers; some chose bottled water; some sold environmentally friendly shopping bags and bamboo baskets.
Hu Qing’s team decided to sell some useful books in front of the Children Activity Center. They thought parents would like to buy the books for their children. But unfortunately, they met urban management officers (城管). The officers asked them to leave. “We played hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) with the officers for the whole morning,” said Hu. “Finally we had to give up.”
Wang Bing and her team sold ice cream in a square. They didn’t meet any officers. But few people were interested in what they were selling. The team then put up a board saying “For Country Kids”. It worked. More people came to their stall (小摊). A foreigner even gave them 100 yuan. “He didn’t want any change. He said he wanted to help the children,” said Wang. “We were touched.” Later that day they gave the money they made to the “Project Hope” office.
Meng Zhaoxiang and his team were luckier. They sold all their cakes in four hours, spending 39.5 yuan and getting back 80 yuan. They made 40.5 yuan. “It was not easy to make the money,” said Meng. “Some people just looked. Others just tasted but didn’t buy. Now I know how hard it is for our parents to make the money we need to lead happy lives.”
小题1: In Hangzhou Yongjin Middle School, what the students talk more about is ________.
A.the officers
B.the kind foreigner
C.the activity called “making money”
D.the money they made last weekend
小题2:________ took part in the activity.
A.All the students
B.Some teachers
C.About 200 students of the three grades
D.Part of Junior 1 and Junior 2 students
小题3:Hu Qing’s team finally gave up because ________.
A.the parents didn’t like to buy the books
B.the Children Activity Center was too crowded
C.the officers didn’t allow them to sell anything there
D.the team played the game of the hide-and-seek the whole morning
小题4: Why did more people come to Wang Bing’s stall at last?
A.The team put up a magic board.
B.A foreigner came up and helped them.
C.The people liked to help country kids.
D.The people were interested in their ice cream.
小题5:According to the passage the students learn ________.
A.it’s impossible for them to make money
B.it’s not easy for their parents to make money
C.it’s very important for them to make a living
D.it’s necessary for school to hold more activities in the future


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Nowadays, more and more people like to shop on the Internet.  How can you protect yourself from different types of Internet tricks?  Following these tips can make you online shopping safer:
(1) Never click on an unsolicited(主动提供的) e-mail.  If you are interested in the things well-known company that sells the same thing, don’t click on any links in the e-mail itself.
(2) Don’t answer any e-mail that asks you for personal financial(财政的) information.  Most of the legitimate(合法的)companies will not ask your information through e-mail.  And don’t believe what the e-mail says easily.  Sometimes some e-mail will ask you to make a telephone call to get more information about the things you want.  Don’t forget to check the phone number on your phonebook to make sure it is the number of a legitimate company before you make the call.
(3) When you are searching for information on the Internet, make sure that there is a key symbol at the bottom of your browser(浏览器)and the “http” in the website address.  These mean that the website is safe.
(4) Don’t sent your money to an unknown website before you receive the things they send to you and make sure they work well.
Shopping on the Internet is convenient and fun.  It is also safe if you are careful enough.
小题1: If you want to protect yourself from Internet tricks, what can you do?
A. Click on the links in the e-mail itself.
B. Make sure the website is safe.
C. Make a phone call according to the information in the e-mail.
小题2:When searching for information, make sure there is _________at the bottom of your browser and ________in the website address.
A. a key picture, the “http   
B. a key symbol, the phone number 
C. a key symbol, the “http”
小题3:The best title for the passage may be_____________.
A. Tips on Sending E-mail  
B. Tips on Making a telephone  
C. Call Tips on online Shopping
小题4: From Tips 2 we can learn that_________________.
①we should refuse to answer an e-mail about personal financial information
②we should click on an unsolicited e-mail
③we should remember to check the phone number before we call the company
④most of legitimate companies will ask for your information through e-mail
A. ②③          B. ①③         C. ②④
小题5: Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A You can click on any link of e-mails.
B. Don’t believe what the e-mail says easily.
C. Not all the websites are safe.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“Why does the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!”
That’s an old joke in the west, but it came to my mind again when I saw people crossing the road at the intersection of Shaanxi Road and Huaihai Road in Shanghai.
When the traffic light was red, a group of people were waiting for the light to change. Suddenly one man began rushing to the other side of the road. Soon others followed him at the crossing and more people did the same. Just like chickens, they didn’t mind the honking horns(喇叭声) and kept crossing the road in a mess.
Every year several thousand people are either killed or hurt on the roads in Shanghai. And at least one third of them were jaywalking(乱穿马路). Jaywalking is very common in Shanghai. It seems that jaywalkers are not afraid of the danger to themselves.
Traffic laws are to keep people safe. So we should obey them, and have good road-crossing habits. When someone starts to jaywalk, we should stop him, and never follow him. That way we can avoid the traffic accidents.
小题1:The underlined word “intersection” here probably means “       ”.
小题2:The writer saw people      in Shanghai that day.
A.crossing the road in a mess
B.waiting for the green light patiently
C.crossing the road with chickens
D.hurting each other in the street
小题3:How does the writer like what he saw in Shanghai that day?
A.He thinks it’s OK.
B.He thinks it’s wrong.
C.He has no idea of it.
D.He doesn’t mention it


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Saying no starts small
“All right then — just one more piece...” Words every girl has said when they are faced with the delicious cheesecake. Of course, many of us know we may eat the whole thing in the end.
It isn’t just girls. Most of us find it hard to say “no” to something attractive. However, scientists now say that willpower is very important to success and a happy life.
Scientists in different countries have been studying the effects of willpower on people’s lives for a long time. The results are similar, according to an article on February 7 in the Guardian, a famous British newspaper.
In one experiment, scientists told young children that they could either have a marshmallow (圆形软糖) now, or two marshmallows in 15 minutes. Waiting obviously needed more willpower. Scientists then continued studying the children as they grew up. They wanted to see if some children always had stronger willpower. They also wanted to see how having stronger willpower affected their lives.
Years later, scientists found that the children who had waited for two marshmallows were all healthier, happier and richer adults. Oppositely, the children who had shown weaker willpower at that young age were more likely to be in low-paid jobs, to be overweight, to have social problems.
But there is hope, Roy F Baumeister, an American social psychology(心理学) professor (教授) told the Guardian. Baumeister says we can train our willpower just like we train our muscles(肌肉). Even a little practice can strengthen(加强) our overall self-control if we do it regularly.
You could start by making yourself stand up straight, speaking in complete sentences, or using a computer mouse with the other hand. Scientists have found that people who manage to change little habits often perform much better in laboratory willpower tests.
Like muscles, willpower can “get tired”. Don’t try to do too many things at the same time, or when you don’t have enough energy, for example when you are ill. If you already feel tired, you can try to recharge(恢复) your willpower with a good night’s sleep and by eating well.
小题1:The example of a girl eating cheesecake is used to
A.prove that girls have weak willpower
B.introduce the topic of willpower to the readers
C.show that cheesecake is especially attractive to girls
D.show the connection between willpower and success
小题2:What can we infer from the experiment?
A.The scientists had already known the results before the experiment.
B.It showed that willpower is the most important to success and a happy life.
C.The children who chose to wait were more likely to be successful in their lives.
D.The children who chose only one marshmallow at first had stronger willpower.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the training of willpower?
A.You should have a goal every day.
B.Good rest and proper diet can help.
C.Willpower needs to be exercised regularly.
D.Keep willpower from being used too much.
小题4:What is the article mainly about?
A.How willpower and muscles are similar and how they can be trained.
B.How willpower affects people’s lives and how it is similar to muscles.
C.How willpower is important to success and how we can make it stronger.
D.How willpower is connected with success and how they affect each other


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

We all long for friendship, but how to make a friend? “The best time to make a friend is before you need one.” Joy Steven said. The following are some tips for you.
People equal friends
Friends usually begin with strangers. Getting in touch with other people is the first step to make a friend. Friends can’t be made in empty air. Best friends take time to make.
Friends understand friends
Friends understand each other when talking. Many unpleasant personal quarrels can be avoided if you will take the time to understand others’ feelings and points of view.
Friends touch friends
Touching is a warm from of communication between friends. When you see best friends communicating, you will notice them stand close together, touch each other comfortably and listen to each other. Sometimes a friendly touch is more powerful than words.
Friends praise friends
Praise is a powerful tool to make a friend. Honest praise can affect (影响) your friends’ lives. So try to praise your friends, including your general ones.
Friends can loyal (忠诚的) and trustworthy
Trust and loyalty go hand in hand for friends. Friends can share secrets with you, because good friends never break confidence (信心) and are loyal forever.
小题1:From Joy Steven’s words, we can conclude that ________.
A.a friend in need is a friend indeed
B.it is never too late to make a friend
C.it is late to make a friend when you need one
D.everyone needs a friend in his life
小题2:To make and keep many friends, you need to do the following EXCEPT __________.
A.get in touch with peopleB.understand your friends
C.praise your friendsD.quarrel with your friends
小题3:The passage mainly tells us ______________.
A.how to communicate with a friendB.how to develop friendship
C.when to make a friendD.how to praise a friend


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Birthdays are celebrated all over the world. Some ways to celebrate birthdays are rather similar from county to country---candles, cakes and birthday wishes. But there are also different ways to celebrate birthdays. Here are a few:

A flag is flown outside a window to show that someone who lives in the house is having a birthday. Presents are placed around the child’s bed while he is sleeping so he will see them at once when he wakes up.
Usually Indian children wear white to school. However, on their birthdays, children wear colored clothes to school and give out chocolate to everyone in the class. Their best friends help them to do this.

The birthday child wears new clothes to mark the special time. Certain birthdays are more important than others. These are the third and seventh for girls and fifth for boys.

The birthday child receives an especially large present. The family also puts flowers on the birthday child’s chair to make it beautiful.
小题1:When someone is having a birthday in Denmark, what can you see outside the window?     
A.flowersB.presentsC.a flagD.a chair
小题2:Flowers are put on the chair of the birthday child in      .
小题3: In India, birthday children      .
A.give out chocolate to their classmates
B.share chocolate with their best friends
C.go to school in white clothes
D.wear new clothes to mark the special time


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Town Lake Animal Center is the largest animal shelter in Central Texas, providing shelter for more than 23,000 animals each year and animal control services for all of Austin and Travis County. In the shelter, no animal will be turned away.(拒绝)
Hours of Working:
Monday - Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed on City Holidays
Homeless or unwanted animals can be safely dropped off at the shelter.
Animal Protection and Control
Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
City Holidays, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Officers on-call overnight to react to emergencies
Administrative Offices
Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed on City Holidays
Location: 1156 W. Cesar Chavez St, Austin, TX 78703
Mailing address: Town Lake Animal Centre, PO Box 1088, Austin, TX 78767
What’s New:
Animal Cruelty(虐待) Prevention Classes
Purpose: To teach people how to recognize(辨认) and report animal cruelty.
Who:  All citizens are encouraged to take this class.
Cause: Usually animal cruelty is relation to (涉及到) family cruelty.People who hurt animals often move on to hurt human beings.If you’re able to recognize and report animal cruelty,you can help prevent cruelty from spreading throughout your area.
小题1:What is Town Lake Animal Center?
A. It is the largest animal shelter in the USA.
B. It offers many services to animals.
C. It is a place to kill homeless animals.   
D. It is a place to raise animals for food.
小题2:If you meet a badly hurt pet dog at night, which is the best choice according to the passage?
A.Send it to Shelter immediately.
B.Send it to Administrative Offices at once.
C.Send it to Animal Protection and Control at once.
D.Call Animal Protection and Control quickly.
小题3:Animal Cruelty Prevention Classes is held to _________.
A.protect and save more animals
B.collect as many animals as possible
C.earn money for Town Lake Animal Center
D.attract more volunteers to Town Lake Animal Center


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Before you hit ‘Enter’ on MSN, read this
It is often said that the language we use online is less formal than that we use in a letter, or in direct speech sometimes. This is true, but it can also make us in trouble sometimes.
The thing about online communication is that you have no idea what the person who is reading your messages is feeling. For this reason, it is always a good idea to be polite and cautious when writing e-mails or messages to your friends.
Chinese can be a direct language, but in English, people often talk about a subject in another way. So instead of saying “Please meet me here” or “Do this for me now”, English speakers usually go for indirect phrases like “Would it be possible”, “if you have time” or “It would mean a lot to me if…”
If you have a close friend, you may still run into trouble because of your jokes. If you have asked someone to do something and they need a bit more time, you might joke with him: “What? You still haven’t done it yet? What’s wrong with you?” While this seems funny to you, your friend may feel unhappy.
If you have foreign friends in different countries, the time difference can also be a factor. While you are waking up for class on Friday morning, they may be having a party on Friday night. You will be serious and they will, probably, be excited. So don’t be angry if they seem not to care about you. Just try to message them at the proper time.
小题1: According to the passage, we learn that our letters are more ______ than the e-mails.
A.formal B.direct
小题2: As a language, Chinese is ______, but English is not.
小题3: Why should we be polite and cautious while chatting online?
A.Because we mustn’t play jokes online.
B.Because our friends are easy to be angry.
C.Because it can help us avoid lots of troubles.
D.Because we can’t see our friends online.
小题4: According to the passage, which of the following is right?
A.It is OK to connect your friend by MSN anytime.
B.Using the proper way to chat online is necessary.
C.Don’t ask your friend to do something for you by MSN.
D.Never play jokes with your friends.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you have a brother or sister, you already know you are different from each other. You live together in the same house and the same parents, but you have different personalities.
Why is this? One possible reason is the way your parent treat you. First –born children receive all the attention from their parents. Most families have twice as many photos of a first-born than any other child. Parents usually give first-born more responsibilityand depend on them to take care of younger brothers and sisters. As a result, first -born are often responsible, hard-working, and jealous. They often want to do well at school and work. There are more first-born American Presidents, for example, George Bush, George Washington, andLyndon Baines Johnson-than second or last-born children.
When a second child arrives, parents are more relaxed. The second child has to competewith the first-born for the parents, attention and love. Their children often choose different sports and hobbies to do well at school and work, but have to be creative to get their family’s attention. They are often friendly and cool. Many famous talk-show hosts were born last.
小题1:The writer thinks that the second children are often ___.
A.outing and jealousB.cool and friendly
C.hard-working and seriousD.creative and responsible
小题2:The underlined word ―“jealous” means ______ in the passage.
小题3:______is usually the happiest in the family according to
the passage.
A.The eldest childB.The second child
C.The youngest childD.The father
小题4: We can learn from the passage that _________.
A.the second child is very similar to the first-born child
B.brothers and sisters usually have the same personalities
C.it’s easy for the second child to get his or her parents’ attention
D.there are more first-born successful people than second or last-born people
小题5:The passage is mainly about ___________________.
A.birth order and personalities
B.the personalities of the second child in a family
C.the personalities of the eldest child in a family
D.the personalities of the youngest child in a family

