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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“Who needs a shopping mall if you have Taobao(淘宝)? I am aTaobaoer, ” says Wangfang, 28,a writer in Beijing. Taobao, China’s largest online shopping site She spends half of her salary(薪水) on Ta, has become an important part of Wangfang’s life. obao.
A growing number of Chinese Internet user like Wang have found the pleasure of online shopping. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. People can find almost everything they need online, from clothes to books, from candy to DVD players. And clothing and home-use products are the most popular goods bought online.
The biggest attration for buyers is the low price of online goods. Buyers can also check the information easily. They can compare the prices of the same kind of goods from different sellers, and choose the cheapest one. When someone asks her about the safety of online shopping, Wangfang said,“It’s very safe and easy. If you can’t receive the goods from the sellers or are not satisfied with them, the shop owner will not get the money. You can also get a refund If you give the goods back.”
小题1:What goods do people like to choose online best?
A.Clothing          B.Candy           C. Books
小题2:Buying goods online is usually      than buying them from the shopping mall.
A.faster            B.safer            C. cheaper
小题3:The underlined word “refund”means        in Chinese..C
A.补偿金          B.退款            C.欠款
小题4:From the passage we can learn       .
A.Taobao is the largest site of online shopping in the world 
B. Wangfang spends most of the money she makes online shopping
C.more and more Chinese enjoy shopping online
小题5:The passage mainly talk about_____
A. a shopping mall   B.Taobao       C. online shopping 


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hi, everyone! I will graduate from high school in June. Some of my foreign friends have asked me about the process of entering an American university(综合性大学), so here I will tell you how it works.
First you have to choose which university you want to go to. This is not easy, as there are over 3,000 universities and colleges in the USA. Do you want to stay near home, or do you want to go far away? What do you want to study? Once you have decided what is important to you, I would suggest choosing about five schools to apply to (申请). This way, if one or two schools do not accept you, you still have a chance of being accepted by the others.
After you have chosen which schools you would like to apply to, you have to finish an application form for each one. You also need to ask two or three of your teachers to write letters to the universities explaining why you would be a good university student. For many people, the worst part of applying for university is taking tests. Depending on which college or university you want to go to, you have to take either the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), which tests your language, math and writing skills, or the American College Test (ACT), which tests your knowledge in English, math, science and history.
After you have been accepted to a university, you need to be able to pay for your study there. To help students pay for their education, the government offers loans(贷款)which students do not have to repay until after they graduate. Scholarships(奖学金)are also available to students who have excellent grades, who are good players or who have financial(财政)needs. Because university tuition is so expensive, many students also work part-time while they are at university.
University courses are quite different from classes at high school. You only go to each class two or three times a week, you have to study a lot more outside of class. Classes are much bigger too and some can have as many as 200 students in them. There will be many new things to learn, but I think I will enjoy university.
Main items
It is   小题2: to choose only one or two universities to apply to. Choosing more universities can add to(增加) the   小题3:__of being admitted to by one of them.
Applying for university
Fill in an application form for 小题4: university, with your teachers’ reference letters.
Take 小题5: in the proper tests according to the university you have chosen.
for education
Apply for the loans  小题7: by the government, which can be repaid after graduation.
Scholarships can be given to those  小题8:_ have excellent grades, etc.
Find part-time 小题9: while at university.
Attending classes
There are fewer classes in university than at high school.
The 小题10:of the students in each class is also larger in university than at high school. Sometime it can have 200 students.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

If you’re ready to add more physical activity to your life, here are some tips:
Make physical activity part of your routine(惯例) like brushing your _____ or going to work. Try biking to work at least once a week, using the _______ more often, or walking to some places near home. But talk to your______ before you start an exercise routine, especially if you haven’t been very active or have _____ problems.

Walking is one of the best fitness activities. To keep up a routine, you can ____ with family members, friends, or pets. Keep track of your steps(步子)______ a step counter( 计算器). You can buy one at a sports ______. This can help you to walk more. If you don’t have time for one 30-minute walk, break it up into ______ 10-minute walks.
Find an activity that you enjoy, and stay with it. Change it with other activities so you don’t get______. For example, walk 3 days a week, ______ a softball, volleyball, or basketball club for fun and exercise. By finding more activities you enjoy, you’ll have a greater chance for success.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It has taken him about twenty years to recycle (回收)rubbish, but at last Wu Zheng bought his wife a piano.
“It was not just an instrument, but the love from my husband,” said his wife, Xie Guizhi. “I clean the piano every day and don’t allow other people to touch it,”said Xie, 58, a retired worker in Luoyang ,Henan Province.

Wu, 68, said he made up of his mind to buy his wife a piano long ago, even though their life was poor. “My wife enjoys music and love piano vey much,” Wu said. “I dreamed of buying her a piano as early as 38 years ago when we fell in love with each other.”
Yet the cost of the piano――22,550 yuan($3,500)―― was too much for the family. To make more money to support the family, Wu decided to pick up recyclable waste after work in the early 1990s. “ I felt like I was doing some wrong things when I started to look for recyclable waste in the street,” he said. “The most worrying thing for me was meeting my colleagues.”
By collecting all kinds of wastes, Wu could get about 4,000 yuan per year and save about 1,000 of that. But he had to travel around the city twice every day for more than 10 kilometres.
“I really appreciate that my husband has done so much for me,” Xie said happily.
小题1:Wu Zheng’s dream is ________________.
A.to buy his wife a pianoB.to work well
C.to recycle rubbish to protect the environmentD.to make more money
小题2:Wu Zheng’s wife is ____________________.
A.forty-eight years oldB.fifty-eight years old
C.sixty-eight years oldD.seventy-eight years old
小题3:How much is the piano?
小题4:The underlined word “ colleagues” means_____________.
A.路人B.敌人C.同事     D.家人
小题5:Which of the following is WRONG?
A.Xie Guizhi doesn’t allow other people to touch the piano.
B.Xie Guizhi is a worker from Luoyang, Henan Province.
C.Wu decide to make more money in the early 1990s.
D.Wu had to travel around the city to get to work.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr Jones and Mr Brown work in the same office (办公室).One day Mr Jones says to Mr Brown , “I will have a small party at our house on Monday evening . Would you and your wife like to come ?”
  Mr Brown says , “Thank you very much . I’d love to , but let me ask my wife first . ” So Mr Brown goes to the other room and telephones his wife . Then he comes back and looks very worried .
“What’s the matter?” asks Mr Jones . “Is you wife there at home ?”
“No,” answers Mr Brown . “She isn’t there . My small son answers the telephone . I say to him , ‘Is your mother there , David ?’ and he answers ‘No , she isn’t in the house .’ ‘Where is she ?’ I ask , ‘She is somewhere outside.’ ‘What’s she doing ?’ ‘She is looking for me .’”
小题1:There is a party at Mr Jones’s house on Monday evening .
小题2:Mr Jones asks Mr Brown and his wife to go to the party .
小题3:The telephone is in Mr Brown’s office.
小题4:Mr Brown speaks to Mrs Brown on the telephone .
小题5:Mrs Brown is looking for her son .


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was Saturday yesterday. I had no lessons. I got up at six. After breakfast,I went to a farm by truck(卡车) with my classmates to help the farmers with apple harvest(收获). As soon as we went there, we began to pick apples. But some of the apples are too high for me to reach. Jim is very strong. He lifted(举) a ladder(梯子) and held(扶) it for me. So I was able to pick them. Some of us took the baskets of apples to the truck and some put the baskets of apples onto the truck.
It was hard work, but we all felt very happy.
When did you go?
Where did you go?
Who went there ?
My classmates and I
How did you get there?
What did you do there?
How did you feel about it?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Nowadays many parents would like to buy whatever their children like. If they go on doing this, their children will probably think that money is    to make. They will spend the money at random(随意地)and won’ t think of their parents’ hard    
Some parents like to hold birthday parties for their children. If they     on doing this, their children will think it is necessary for them to enjoy birthday parties every year . Year after year, maybe they will       their parents’ birthdays and only remember their own’s.
Many parents don’t let their children     the housework. They think that children just have       thing to do. They should study hard and do    in their lessons. If parents go on with this, the children will not be able to take good care of     when they grow up. Parents should teach their children to do some simple housework       washing clothes and doing some cooking      it can help the children live a better life in the future.
小题1:A. easy   B. hard        C. free     
小题2:A. job         B. work      C. study
小题3:A. make       B. let         C. keep
小题4:A. remember   B. forget      C. leave
小题5:A. do        B. did       C. doing
小题6:A. one       B. two       C. three
小题7:A. good       B. well      C. more
小题8:A. herself   B. himself    C. themselves
小题9:A. as if         B. as such    C. such as
小题10:A. though   B. because    C. so


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A poor farmer had a good friend. He was famous for the wonderful apple trees  that he grew.
One day,his friend gave him a young apple tree.The farmer was pleased with the gift,but he did not know where to plant it.
He was afraid that if he p;anted the tree near the road,strangers would steal the fruit.If  he planted the tree in one of his field,his neighbours would come at night and steal some of the apples.If he planted the tree near house,his children would eat the fruit.Finally he planted the tree in his woods. Without sunlight and good soil, the tree soom died.
Later his friend asked him why he planted the tree in such a poor place.”What ‘s the  difference?” the farmer said angrily and then told him what he had thought.
“Yes ,”said his friend,”but at least someone could enjoy the fruit.Now you not only have had no fruit ,but also you have destroyed a good apple tree!”
根据短文内容,判断正(T)误 (F)
小题1:The farmer’s friend was good at growing vegetables.
小题2:The farmer was unhappy to get the young apple  tree.
小题3:In the end, the farmer planted the tree in his woods.
小题4:The farmer knew where to plant the apple tree.
小题5:We learn “You can’t get anything if you don’t want to give “from the story.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空



科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A traveler came out of the airport. There were a lot of    . He asked every taxi - driver's name. Then he took the third one. it    5 dollars to go from the airport to the hotel. "      does it take to hire(雇请) you for the whole day?" The man asked. "100 dollars." said the taxi-driver. This was very    , but the man agreed. Then the taxi - driver showed him all the parks and museums in the city.. In the evening they went       to the hotel. The traveler gave the taxi -driver 100 dollars and said, " What about tomorrow?" The taxi -driver     the man and said, "Tomorrow? That will be     100 dollars. " But the man said it was OK. The taxi –driver was very.    to be getting more money.
The next evening, after taking the traveler to visit the same parks and museum, the tad - driver    another 100 dollars, he felt guilty(内疚的) became 100 dollars a day was a lot of money. "So you're from New York," said the taxi -driver. "I have a       in New York. Her name is Susan. Do you know her?" "Sure. She gave me 200 dollars to give you!"
小题1:A. trains                    B. boats                  C. taxis
小题2:A. cost                     B. paid                    C. spent
小题3:A. How many              B. How long               C. How much
小题4:A. cheap                   B. low                    C. expensive
小题5:A. for                      B. back                   C, across
小题6:A. looked at                 B. looked after             C. looked for
小题7:A. the other                  B. another                 C. other
小题8:A. angry                    B. unhappy                C. pleased
小题9:A. received                 B. gave                   C. borrowed
小题10:A. brother                B. son                     C. sister

