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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

You Are What You Eat
Keeping beter eating habits can help you reduce(减少)disease.A healthy eating plan means choosing the right food to eat and preparing foods in a healthy way.
Do you often change your toothbrush?Maybe you think it is not necessary.A study shows old toothbrushes bring disease. You should often change your toothbrush.
Swimming,running,skating,skiing,dancing,walking and some other activities can help you keep healthy.You should exercise at least three times a week and for twenty minutes or more each time.Do it.
Plan Out Your Life
You should have breakfast before you go to school.Have a proper(合适的)meal for lunch.Follow a health diet.
小题1:What’s the passage mainly about?
A. Healthy food.      B. Healthy lifestyle(生活方式).    C. Healthy sports.
小题2:What’s the best title(标题) for the second paragraph?
A. Man’s Disease     B. Disease       C. Watch the Toothbrush
小题3:You should exercise at least _________ a week.
A. an hour        B. twenty minutes      C. half an hour
小题4:From the passage,we know_________ can help us keep healthy.
A. proper diet    B. sleep and exercise    C. proper diet and exercise
小题5:What does a healthy eating plan mean?
A. Choosing the right foods.
B.Cooking the foods in a healthy way.
C.Both A and B.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

We make traffic rules to keep order on the roads. These rules also help keep us  1  on the roads.
People have to  2  many traffic rules. In China, you must walk  3  the sidewalk or on the side of the road. Look carefully (仔细地) before you   4  the street.
If you are riding a bike, don't ride in the middle (中间) of the roads or run through (通过) the road when the traffic light is   5 . When you ride a bike   6  a friend, don't look around and talk.
If you drive, you must slow down at the traffic lights. You must always   7  a seat belt安全带). Without (没有) belts,   8  the driver and the other people in the car may hurt themselves when the car stops suddenly (突然地).
When you take a bus, you must be  9 . Get on or get off a bus only when it comes to a  10  When it’s full (满的), you shouldn't get on it or you may fall down.
A.miss B.show C.obeyD.take
A.onB.inC.at D.across
A.walkB.crossC.walk crossD.across
A.brown B.blackC.greenD.red
A.bringB.dressC.wear D.take
A.everyB.both C.eachD.between
A.glad B.interestingC.carefulD.wonderful
A.school B.signC.corner D.stop


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Peter is a middle school boy. His father has a black car, so his father usually ___1___ him to school in the car. Peter’s best friend Ben goes to school by ___2____, because he thinks it is good for his health. So Ben often ____3____ Peter to ride a bike with him together. Peter thinks Ben is ____4____.
After he goes home, Peter says to his mother, “Mom, I would like to ____5____ a bike. Would you please buy one ____6____ me?”
His mother smiles and asks, “____7____ do you want to ride a bike to school?”
“First, it’s good for my health. Second, there are a lot of ____8____ on the road, so it is faster (更快的) to ride a bike to school.”
“____9____. Let’s go to the supermarket and choose (挑选)one. But you must be ____10____ to ride a bike on the way to school.”
A.on B.toC.forD.from
A.policemen B.traffic(交通)lightsC.traffic accidents (交通事故)D.traffic jams(交通堵塞)
A.See youB.No problemC.Here you areD.Not at all


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. American schools begin in September. There are two terms in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Then the students have a great summer vacation.
High school students have only four or five subjects each term. They usually have same lessons every day, and teachers don’t ask them to do much homework. After school, they can do many interesting things like playing sports. Most students are seventeen years old when they finish high school.
After high school, many students go to college(大学). They can go to a small one or big one. They need a lot of money to go to college. So many college students work after school to make money.
小题1:American students always go to school in ________after summer vacation.
小题2:Most children go to college when they are _________ in America.
小题3:划线词语“make money”的汉语意思是______________
小题4:We can know that high school students in America______________.
A.don’t like playing sports after school.
B.have six or seven subjects each term.
C.don’t have too much homework.
D.have different lessons every day.
小题5:Many American college students work after school to ____________.
A.help other childrenB.get money for their studies
C.meet lots of friendsD.see interesting things.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear Grace,
How are you? Thank you for your last e-mail. You want to know about my school clubs, right ? Well, it’s time for us to join the school clubs now. There are many clubs in my school, like the English club, the art club, the music club and the sports club. I have two good friends, Jack and Lisa. We all want to join the school clubs.
I want to join the music club, because I can play the guitar. I can’t speak English well, but I also want to join the English club.
Jack likes sports. He can play soccer and basketball. He is in the school soccer team(队). He wants to join the sports club. He can play the guitar, too. But he doesn’t want to join the music club.
Lisa likes drawing. She wants to join the art club. She also speaks English very well. I think she can be in the English club. But she can’t be in the music club. She can’t play any instruments(乐器).
Are there any clubs in your school? What club are you in?
Please write an e—mail and tell me about your school clubs.
小题1:Grace wants to know Jane’s  _______ .
A.school clubsB.school lifeC.new friendsD.favorite sports
小题2:Jane wants to join the _______  club.
A.Jack speaks English wellB.Jack is Jane’s good friend
C.Jack is in the art clubD.Jack can play the violin
小题4:Lisa can NOT__________.
A.draw wellB.play the guitar
C.join the English clubD.speak English well
小题5:Grace 下次给Jane写的邮件的主题可能是什么?
A.Grace’s birthday party.B.Grace’s favorite subjects.
C.Grace’s school clubs.D.Grace’s school day


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Shenzhou V
Yang Liwei
China became the third country to succeed in sending up the manned spaceship into space.
Shenzhou VI
Fei Junlong  Nie Haisheng
Shenzhou VII
Zhai Zhigang
Liu Boming
Jing Haipeng
Three Chinese astronauts were sent into the space together. Zhai Zhigang went out of the spaceship and walked in space for the first time.
Shenzhou VIII
No astronaut
Shenzhou VIII connected itself to Tiangong I successfully.
Shenzhou IX
Jing Haipeng
Liu Wang
Liu Yang
Astronauts connected Shenzhou IX to Tiangong I successfully by controlling them by hand. Liu Yang became the first woman astronaut who came into the space in China.
小题1:______ country (countries) had sent their astronauts into space before China.
小题2:______ was sent into the space twice among these astronauts.
A.Yang LiweiB.Fei JunlongC.Nie HaishengD.Jing Haipeng
小题3:______ walked in the space for the first time in China.
A.Yang Li WeiB.Zhai ZhigangC.Liu BomingD.Liu Yang
小题4:_______ has the same number of astronauts as Shenzhou IX.
A.Shenzhou VB.Shenzhou VIC.Shenzhou VIID.Shenzhou VIII
小题5:Liu Yang ________ in China.
A.became the first woman astronaut who came into the space
B.is the first astronaut who came into the space
C.walked in the space for the first time
D.connected Shenzhou VIII to Tiangong I successfully


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Large population has caused many problems. For example, the traffic is very heavy in some big cities.
During the last ten years, big cities like Beijing and Harbin were full of cars and buses. Now the streets are completely crowded and it’s very difficult to drive a car along them. Drivers must stop at hundreds of traffic lights. What are our cities going to be like in the future? How can we solve the problem?
There are some good ideas to reduce the use of private(私人的) cars. In 1971, the officer in Rome began an interesting experiment: Passengers on the city buses didn’t pay for their tickets.
In Stockholm there was another experiment: People paid very little for a season ticket to travel on any bus, trolley bus(电车) and train all over the city.
In many cities now some streets are closed to vehicles(机动车) and pedestrians are safe there.
In London there is another experiment: Part of the streets is for buses only. So the buses can travel fast. There are no cars or taxis in front of them.
根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案。
小题1:The passage is about         .
A.big citiesB.streetsC.carsD.traffic
小题2:The city of          once experimented on a completely free bus service.
小题3:The city of          experimented on a very cheap bus service.
A.ParisB.StockholmC.LondonD.None of the above
小题4:The underlined word “pedestrians” means_________ in Chinese.
小题5:In many cities, pedestrians are much safer because         .
A.no traffic is allowed in some streetsB.traffic is computer-controlled
C.cars move very slowlyD.only one-way streets are open to traffic


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money. Only a very expensive operation could save him now and there was no one to lend them the money.
When she heard her daddy say to her tearful mother,“Only a miracle (奇迹)can save him now,”the little girl went to her bedroom and pulled her money from its hiding place and counted it carefully.
She hurried to a drugstore(药店)with the money in her hand. “And what do you want?” asked the salesman. “It’s for my little brother,” the girl answered. “He’s really,really sick and I want to buy a miracle.” “Pardon?” said the salesman. “My brother Andrew has something bad growing in-side his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him. So how much does a miracle cost?” “We don’t sell a miracle here,child. I’m sorry,”the salesman said with a smile.
“Listen,if it isn’t enough,I can try and get some more. Just tell me how much it costs.”
A well-dressed man heard it and asked,“What kind of a miracle does your brother need?”
“I don’t know,”she answered with her eyes full of tears(眼泪). “He’s really sick and mum says he needs an operation. But my daddy can’t pay for it,so I have brought all my money.” “How much do you have?” asked the man. “$ 1.11,but I can try and get some more,” she answered.
“Well,what luck,”smiled the man. “$ 1.11,the price of a miracle for little brothers.”
He took up the girl’s hand and said, “Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let’s see if I have the kind of miracle you need.”
That well-dressed man was Dr Carlton Armstrong,a famous doctor. The operation was successful and it wasn’t long before Andrew was home again.
How much did the miracle cost?
小题1:In the eye of the little girl,a miracle might be ______________.
A.something interestingB.something beautiful
C.some wonderful medicineD.some good food
小题2:What made the miracle happen?
A.The girl’s love for her brother.B.The girl’s money.
C.The medicine from the drugstore.D.Nobody can tell.
小题3:From the passage we can infer (推断)that _______________.
A.the doctor didn’t ask for any pay
B.a miracle is sure to happen if you keep on
C.the little girl is lovely but not so generous
D.Andrew was in fact not so sick as they had thought


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

How often one hears children wishing they were grown-ups, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains(痛苦), and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets(后悔).
Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities(责任) to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. What’s more, life is always giving new things to the child--- things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is repeatedly being told not do something or being punished for what he has wrongly done.
When a young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society(社会) as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he worked hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the greatest happiness of building up for himself his own position(地位) in society.
小题1:What is the happiest person according to the passage?
A.A child who can do whatever he likes.
B.An old person who lives in a comfortable life.
C.A grown-up who no longer expects other to pay for him.
D.A person who never wastes his time in his whole life.
小题2:Which of the following is true, according to the second paragraph?
A.Life for a child is fairly easy.
B.A child is always loved whatever he does.
C.If much is given to a child, he must do something in return.
D.Only children are interested in life.
小题3:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Life is not enjoyable since each age had some pains.
B.Young men can have the greatest happiness if they work hard.
C.Childhood is the most enjoyable time in one’s life.
D.One is the happiest if he can make good use of each age in his life.
小题4:What will the fourth paragraph most probably discuss following this passage?
A.Examples of successful young men.
B.How to build up one’s position in society.
C.Joys and pains of old people.
D.What to do when one has problems in life.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It is impossible without travelling in modern life. The fastest way of travelling is by plane. With a modern plane you can travel in one day to place which it took a month or more time to get a hundred years ago.
Travelling by train is slower than plane, but it has its advantages. You can see the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining-cars. They make even the longest journey enjoyable.
Some people prefer to travel by sea when possible. There are large ships and river boats. You can visit many other countries and different places. Travelling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.
Many people like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable. You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day. You can stop wherever you wish, where there is something interesting to see, at a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal, or at a hotel to spend the night. That is why travelling by car is popular for trips, while people usually take a train or plane when they are travelling on business.
小题1:The fastest way of travelling is by plane.
小题2:The seats are uncomfortable on trains.
小题3:It’s better to take a plane if you are on business.
小题4:The writer talks about four ways of travelling in this passage.
小题5:If we travel by car, we can travel only fifty or one hundred miles a day.

