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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

With meat
With eggs
With vegetables
小题1:The menu is for a restaurant.
小题2:There are four kinds of hamburgers for you to choose.
小题3: You can’t get soup here.
小题4: You can’t  have a beef hamburger, a cup of coke and fried rice if you have
ten yuan.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Great collection
Ed Smith has a great sports collection. He   51  8 tennis rackets, 9 basketballs, and 7 baseballs. He has 3 soccer balls and 5 volleyballs. But he    52  play sports—he only watches them    53   TV.
Sonia Hall has a sports collection, too. She has 5 baseballs,8 basketballs,4 tennis rackets, and three soccer balls. She   54 sports every day.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Where are they?

This is Tommy’s bedroom(卧室). You can see a small bed  55 the room. There’s a toy(玩具)on the bed. You can see a light(灯)on the drawer.   56  the photo? It’s on the drawer,too. You can see  57 on the chair. Where are the plants? They are  58  . The alarm clock, the pen and a cup  59  on the table.   60 you see a math book? Yes, it’s on the floor.  
A.Where’sB.Where areC.Where’reD.What’s
A.a bookB.a capC.a lightD.a bed
A.on the bedB.under the tableC.in the drawerD.on the table
小题6:A. Are          B. Can              C. Is              D Need


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

"Come and have a dinner with me on Thursday," says John.
“But I don’t know where your house is,” says Henry.
“It’s easy,” says John. “There’s no problem. You get off(下车) the bus. Then, you cross the street. You take the first on the left, and you walk for five minutes. Then you come to a big tree about a hundred metres down this street, there is a big red house. You go past the big red house. And after about five hundred metres, you see a small yellow house near a little tree. Open the door with your foot."
“With my foot?” Says Henry.
“Why, yes,” says John, “Your hands will be full(满满的).”
"How do you know my hands will be full?"says Henry.
“You wouldn’t come to my house without(没有) some food with you”.
小题1:John’s house is _____________.
A. a big and red house   B. a small yellow house   C. near a big tree
小题2:Why does John want Henry to open the door with foot? Because ______.
A.  John invite(邀请) Henry to have dinner with him
B.  There is something wrong Henry’s hands
C.  John thinks that when Henry comes, his hands will be full
小题3:In the story(故事), "You take the first on the left" means(意思)
A.  You take No.1 bus on the left    B. You take the first turning on the left
C.  You take the first step on the left


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Peter’s family has just moved to a new town. His father has found a very well-paid job there. They brought many things from their old house. Now Peter is very tired. He has just helped his mother in the new house. He says, “Mother, I’ve finished.”
“But have you carried in all the boxes?”
“Yes, I have, Mother. I carried them in this morning.”
“Have you washed all the windows?”
“Yes, Mother. I washed them at ten o’clock.”
“Have you cleaned all the tables, chairs and our beds?”
“Yes, Mother. I have cleaned all the tables and chairs. I have also cleaned all the floors. I have worked all day.”
“Very good, Peter. Now can you just do one more thing?”
“Oh, no. I have finished, Mother. Finished !”
“Oh well,” his mother says. “I think I may do it myself.”
“What is it?” asks Peter.
“Eat this beautiful cake I’ve just made.”
小题1:Why did Peter’s family move to a new town?
小题2: How did Peter feel then
小题3: What has Peter cleaned?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One year ago. I asked a worker to help me repair my old house. He had a bad first day on the job: his car broke on the way, then he found he had left his tools for work at home and his wife telephoned to say his son had a bad cold. While I drove him home, he was silent all the way. When arriving, he invited me to meet his family.
As we walked towards the front door, he stopped at a small tree, and touched the tree with hands. When we opened the door, I was very surprised to see he changed into another person and there was a big smile on his face instead. He hugged (拥抱) his son and gave his wife a kiss.
After a while, when he walked me to the car, I asked him why he had touched the tree just then. "Oh, that's my trouble tree," he answered.  "Sometimes I have troubles on my job, but one thing is for sure, they don't belong to my wife and my son. So I just hang up (悬挂) the troubles on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up. "
“The funny thing is," he smiled, "when I come out in the morning to pick them up, I hardly remember what I put the night before. "
小题1:How was the worker's firs day?
小题2: Where did the worker stop as they walked towards the front door?
小题3: What did the worker call the tree?
小题4: When did the worker pick up the troubles every day?
小题5: Did the worker remember fewer troubles the next morning?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It is Sunday today. Ann is shopping with her mother. She wants her mother to buy a new sweater for her. In a clothing shop, she finds an orange one. She tries it on (试穿). It is too small. She wants a bigger one, but the bigger ones are not orange. Ann doesn’t like other colours. Her mother asks:” Shall we go to another shop to have a look? ” So they go out of the shop and go into another one.
The second shop is bigger than the first, and in it there are many kinds of sweaters of different sizes and colours. Ann tries on an orange one. It is too big. She tries a smaller one. It is OK.
“How much is it ?” Ann’s mother asks the women who sells clothes. Then they find it too dear (贵), and they don’t have so much money with them.
“Would you like a cheaper one ? ” The women asks.
“ No, we shall take this one. My daughter likes it. We will come back to buy it tomorrow. ” Ann’s mother answers.
小题1: It is Sunday. Ann and her mother                
A.are at home B. are in a clothing shop
C.are in a restaurantD. are in a park
小题2: Ann wants to buy          .
A.an orangeB.an orange sweater
C.an orange for her motherD.an orange sweater for her mother
小题3:There is only one             .
A.shop near her homeB.orange in the first shop
C.orange sweater in the first shopD.orange sweater in the second shop
小题4: The orange sweater in the first shop is          .
A.too smallB.OK.C.longerD.too dear.
小题5:In the second shop, why don’t they buy the sweater ?
A.Because Ann doesn’t like the sweater.
B.Because it’s too small.
C.Because they don’t have enough(足够的) money.
D.Because they want to buy a cheaper one.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was sunny and hot all day. I went to the beach with my friends. We had a lot of fun __21__at sea(大海).In the afternoon, we__22___. There ___23__many people in the museum. It was crowded, so I____24__ really enjoy it. __25___home. I found a little girl __26___in the street. She __27__and I helped her ___28__her mother. It made me feel very happy. I didn’t any money ____29__a taxi, so I walked back home. I was really___30____.
A.swimB.to playC.runningD.swimming
A.went shoppingB.stayed at homeC.visited a museumD.read books
A.In my wayB.At my wayC.On my wayD.On my way to
A.criedB.cryingC.is cryingD.cries
A.lostB.is lostC.was lostD.has lost
A.foundB.to visitC.findD.with


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Billy and Sam were twins. They were in the same class. They were both very happy. One day their teacher asked the class to write a composition(作文)“My Mother”. Sam wrote one, but Billy was lazy. He just copied his brother’s.  The next day, the teacher asked Billy why his composition was the same as Sam’s. “We have the same mother, don’t we?”answered Billy.
小题1:Sam was older than Billy.
小题2:Sam and Billy were in different classes
小题3:The name of the composition was “My Mother”
小题4:Billy’s composition was the same as Sam’s
小题5:Billy was not lazy. He was very clever


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Tourism(旅游业)wasn’t as important as it is today. In the past, only people with a good deal of money could travel on holidays to other countries. More people travel today than in the past because there is a growing middle class in many parts of the world. That is to say, people now have more money for travelling. Special airplane fares for tourists make travel less expensive and more attractive(吸引人的)than ever before.
Different people have different reasons for travelling. But most people enjoy seeing countries that are different from their own. They also like to meet new people and enjoy new food.
Tourism has many changes in a country and in people’s lives. People build new hotels and restaurants and train local men and women as guides to show visitors interesting places.
小题1:What makes travel more attractive than before?
A.Modern telegraph (电报)lines make travel less expensive.
B.Travelling by air to other countries is much cheaper today.
C.More guides are being trained to show beautiful spots.
D.New hotels and restaurants have been built.
小题2:Many more people travel today than in the past because ______.
A.travelling today is easier than in the past
B.people now have spare money for travel
C.great changes have taken place in the world
D.people have become more interested in travelling
小题3:People make journeys to many parts of the world. This is because ______.
A.they want to make a study of geography
B.they want to spend money.
C.they want to meet different people and have new food
D.they don’t want to do anything else except that they visit friends
小题4: Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A.People have some trouble in making journeys.
B.With the development of tourism, great changes will take place in many parts of the world.
C.Tourism won’t bring any changes in people’s minds.
D.Tourism causes only some changes in clothing.

