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科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Basketball is still a young game. It’s over a hundred years old. In the winter of 1891, a certain college was having some trouble with its boy students. The weather was bad and the students had to stay indoors. As they couldn’t play outdoors, they were unhappy, and some even got into fights from time to time.
  Some of the teachers, at the college asked Dr. Naismith to invent a game so that the students might have something to play with. It was not easy to invent such a game because it had to be played indoors , and the court (球场) was not very large.
  Dr. Naismith thought for a few days and invented a kind of ball game. It was a fast, wonderful game with much moving and passing of the ball. It was played between two teams. To make a score , the ball had to be thrown into the basket ten feet(英尺) above the floor on the wall . At each end of the court there was such a basket. At first, Dr. Naismith wanted to throw the ball into a box. As he could not find boxes of the right size, he had to use fruit baskets instead. That is how the game got its name.
1. How long is it since basketball was invented?
  A. 1000 years                              B. More than 100 years
  C. 1100 years                                D. Less than 100 years
2. The students felt unhappy because _______.
  A. they had much homework to do
  B. they often got into fights
  C. they couldn’t play outdoors 
  D. they had little time to study
3. Who asked Dr. Naismith to invent a game?
  A. Some students                           B. Some teachers
  C. Some students’ parents              D. Some of his friends
4. When a student ______ , he makes a score.
  A. receives the ball.                    
  B. throws the ball to another student
  C. runs quickly with the ball in his hand  
  D. throws the ball into the basket
5. Which sentence is right?
  A. Dr. Naismith had to use fruit to throw the ball.
  B. It was easy to invent the game.
  C. The students could go outdoors when the weather was bad.
  D. The ball had to be thrown into the basket five feet above the floor.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)
Last week Lu visited England. He stayed with my grandmother. He said it was a strange visit. “I don’t understand, but I  16 your grandmother a lot. When I arrived, I gave her a   17 from Suzhou. She looked in it and asked me to take it back. Then I saw a red spider(蜘蛛) on the table so I killed it for her and she seemed very   18 . Do English people like spiders?”
“Later we went shopping. Someone was painting a shop   19 , so there was a ladder. Grandmother  20 me walking under it and said I must walk around it. I liked the shops and bought a smart   21 for my father and some new shoes for myself. When we got back, I put the shoes on the table and opened the umbrella to wonder   22 it was all right. Your grandmother came in and   23 !”
“Then I broke a small   24 in the bathroom. Your grandmother’s face went white. I felt very sorry. When I left I gave   25 grandmother some flowers. She counted and there were 13. She   26 it. I think she was happy I was going.”
I   27 to Lu, “My grandmother follows the old customs(习俗). You must not give someone an empty purse   28 they will have no money. You must not kill a “money spider” or the same will happen. It is very unlucky to walk under a ladder and to put new shoes on the table. A(n)  29 umbrella in a house means someone will die. Breaking a mirror brings seven years’ bad luck, and 13 is   30 a very unlucky number. You were really making my grandmother very afraid. ”
A.honestB.humorousC.happy D.unhappy
A.didn’t likeB.likedC.enjoyedD.smelt
小题14: A open    B. closed   C. new  D. old


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Tokyo, March 11, 2011

People left their houses near Sendai, northern Japan on March 11th.
A man and child look out over destroyed homes after a tsunami(海啸) and earthquake.
Nuclear crises(核危机) in Japan’s power plants(核电站).

Could it have been worse?
More than a minute before the earth under their feet began to shake, many millions of Japanese people got cell phone alerts; TV networks interrupted (打断,中断) their broadcasts and turned to the latest announcement of Japanese government; loud speakers started suddenly to warn people of the coming tsunami; bullet trains came to a stop. The earthquake on March 11 was the first test of the nation’s earthquake early-warning technology (地震预警技术). However, in the fight of Man vs Nature, Nature won again. Hundreds, if not thousands of people, lost their lives in Japan. Scientists believe it is the fifth-strongest quake in the world since 1900 and the most powerful on record ever to hit Japan.
Lin tells of calm survivors
When the office began to shake, his friends were calm and still working. But the shaking became stronger. People shouted at him: “Run out of the building, now!” This was Lin Jia’s first experience of an earthquake. Lin, 26, has been in Japan for three months, working as a software engineer in Shinagawa, Tokyo. Lin stayed with others in a bus station all afternoon. Buildings were shaken by a series(系列) of aftershocks. He was nervous, but the people around him were so calm and organized that he gradually (逐渐) calmed down.
小题1:What does the underlined word “alert” mean?
小题2: How many ways of earthquake early-warning are mentioned in the passage?
小题3: Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Lin Jia has never met with an earthquake in Japan.
B.There have been five earthquakes in Japan since 1900.
C.The earthquake is the most powerful on record ever to hit Japan.
D.The local government warned people of the coming earthquake in some ways.
小题4: What is the most important after an earthquake according to the article?
A.Keep away from the nuclear power plants.
B.Running out of the building.
C.Keep calm and organized.
D.Get the cell phone alerts
小题5: Where does this article probably come from?
A.a newspaperB.an advertisementC.a diaryD.a novel


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The worst danger is a house on fire when people are asleep. Always be ready to leave through a window into the garden by making sure you can open it if necessary. If you should be on holiday in a tall building or hotel,make sure you know where the fire easape(太平梯) is . When you can’t find any way out,try to find pieces of cloth and make a rope to get out of a window to safety. If you smell burning in your home,get out right away. If you can’t breathe properly because of smoke on your way out, crawl(爬行) on your hands and knees because smoke rises and the air will be cleaner near the floor.Smoke is a killer and more people have died from breathing it in than actually being burnt.
Fire in a cinema,hall or public place often means people pushing to reach a door. Keep your head up with arms up in front of your chest(胸).This protects your chest and gives you the best chance to breathe. Above all, don’t get frightened!
小题1: In a room filled with smoke ,you’d better crawl on the floor because__________.
A.you won’t ger burnt.B.the floor is cleaner
C.there is less smoke near the floorD.you won’t breathe any smoke
小题2: Which of the following is NOT true?
A.In a fire, more deaths are caused by smoke.
B.The most important thing is not to be frightened in a fire
C.When a public place is on fire, people usually push to leave.
D.Be ready to leave a burning house through a window if there is a garden down below.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A French woman goes to London to see her son. She knows a little English, but can not speak it very well.One day she goes to a shop.She wants to buy a hen(母鸡) for supper.But she can not remember(记得) the English word for “hen”.Just then the shop waiter asks her: “Can I help you?”“I want the egg’s mother ”the woman answered.The shop waiter does not understand(明白) her and says:“Sorry, we have not any bigger(较大的) eggs.”Suddenly(突然) the woman remembers(记起) the word “cock(公鸡)”.She says:“I want the cock’s wife!”This time the shop waiter laughs(笑).
小题1:The  woman goes to London_______.
A.to learn English    B.to have supper      C.to see her son
小题2:The  woman________.
A.only knows a little English   B.knows much English 
C.doesn’t know English
小题3:The shop waiter think the egg’s mother must be”_______”.
A.bigger eggs         B.the cock’s wife            C.hens
小题4:The  shop waiter laughs because he ________.
A.understand the woman at last    B.think it is interesting(有趣的)
C. does not understand the woman
小题5: Is the woman clever(聪明的)?
A. Yes, he is.       B.  No , she  isn’t.      C.  Yes, she  is .


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What’s your favorite weather? Do you like sunny or rainy  days? Many people like sunny days a lot. They don’t like rain.  They think rain makes them feel sad. During a long vacation,they like going to the beach to enjoy the sunshine(阳光).     Sunshine makes them feel very good and happy.
I like sunshine very much,but I also enjoy rain. I enjoy the sound (声音)of rain. It makes me feel quiet. On rainy days,I like listening to music and reading books,or just looking athe rain and daydreaming.(做白日梦) When you daydream,you don’t think about other things. I think it’s a good way to relax  when it rains.
Sunshine can make one run around and rain can make one    quiet, so I hope you can feel happy ,rain or shine.
小题1:Many people don’t like rain because it makes them feel __________.
A. happy    B.sad      Ctired        D.relaxing
小题2:The  writer enjoys the sound of _______.
小题3:We don’t think about other things when we _______.
A.sing    B. dance      C.daydream       Dshop
小题4:Sunshine can make people ________.
A.quietB.run aroundC.relaxedD.sad
小题5:The writer thinks daydreaming is a good way to   relax when it ______.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Perhaps you ride a bicycle to school. Riding a bicycle can be great fun. Do you know how to ride a bicycle    41  ?
Careful boys and girls learn to ride their bicycle well    42   they go out on the road. How can you tell    43   you are a good rider or not?
If you can ride a bicycle in a straight line, you can ride well. If you can’t, you should practice riding    44   a safe place. To be safe on a bicycle, you    45   
to use both hands and both feet.    46   your feet on the pedals (脚踏) and your hands on the handle bars (把手) at all times.
Do you have a basket on your bicycle? If so, put your books and other things in the    47 .
You know that your bicycle is built for one person. It is not safe to carry anyone
   48   you.   49 is this so? Keep   50 safe by safety rules when you ride on a bicycle.
小题1: A. safe  
B. safely
C. save
小题2: A. before
B. after   
C. until
小题3: A. that
B. how
C. whether
小题4: A. in
B. at
C. to
小题5: A. must
B. need
C. may
小题6: A. Keep
B. Make
C. Let 
小题7: A. box
B. bag
C. basket
小题8: A. to
B. for
C. with 
小题9: A.Why
B. What
C. How
小题10: A. yours 
B. you
C. yourself


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

完形填空。(每小题 2分,共 20分)
根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案 标号涂黑。
Do you often communicate with your parents? Some parents are always comparing their 41 with themselves when they were young or with other people when they were children.
"When I was your age," a father said to his sixteen-year-old son one day, "I was at the top of my class every year. And I 42  what I wanted to do when I left school. I had goals (目标). You are always at the bottom (最后) of your class  43 you have no goals."
The man’s son said nothing. He had already heard this from his father many times. "And when your mother was your age, " the young man’s father 44  , " she had a good job and she 45  lots of money. You don’t even have a part-time job .You earn nothing. " The man’s son still said nothing. He had heard this before, too. "
And when your 46  brother was your age, "the young man’s father said, "he studied hard. But you just waste your time."
And the man’s son still said nothing.
Finally, the young man’s father said, "And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, he worked all day and studied at night."
This time the son  47  stay silent. "
And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, father," he said, "He was the President of 48  United States. 49  are you?"
His father had no answer 50  this.
Are your parents always comparing you with others? And what’s your reply? Do you have a better way to communicate with each other?
A.know B.knew C.will know D.have known
A.although B.or C.and D.but
A.went away B.went over C.went up D.went on
A.won B.made C.received D.gave
A.old B.young C.older D.elder
A.can B.can’t C.could D.couldn’t
A.a B.an C.the D./
A.What B.How C.Where D.Who
A.to B.with C.of D.on


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Laura,
I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and unselfish love in your program. You don’t know whether it is true that such unselfish love would happen in today’s world. Well, I’m here to give you   36 .
I wanted to do something very   37  for my fifteen-year-old son, who has always been the perfect child. He worked all summer to earn enough money to buy a used motorcycle. Then, he spent hours and hours on it   38  it looked almost new. I was so proud of him that I bought him the shiniest helmet(头盔)and a riding outfit(全套装备).
I could   39  wait for him to open up his gift. In fact, I couldn’t sleep the night before. Upon awakening, I went to the kitchen to   40  the coffee, tea, and morning dishes. In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a   41 :” To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.”
I was so surprised. It had been a long-standing joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could   42  lessons. “Learn to play the piano, and I’ll get you one” was my husband’s   promise.
I stood there shocked(震惊的), crying a river, asking myself how my son could  43  this expensive gift.
Of course, the house awoke, and my son was very pleased with my reaction(反应). Many kisses were exchanged, and I immediately wanted him to   44  my gift.
As he saw the helmet and outfit, the look on his face was not exactly what I was expecting. Then I   45  that he had sold the motorcycle to get me the keyboard.
Of course I was the proudest mother ever on that day, and my feet never hit the ground for a month.
So I wanted you to know, that kind of love is   46  present and lives even in the ever-changing world of me, me, me!
I thought you’d love to   47  this story.
A.hopeB.adviceC.spirit D.courage
A.onlyB.still C.ever D.even


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line, others were walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.
He walked into the station cafe. He looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Tom’s workmates, came in and sat with Tom.
“What time is your bus?” asked Mike.
“There’s plenty of time yet,” answered Tom.
“Well, I’ll get you some more tea then,” said Mike.
They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. “Oh! It’s going backward(倒行)!” he cried. “A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it’s half past eleven.”
“You’re looking at the clock in the mirror.” said Mike. Tom was so sad. The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors.
小题1:The bus for Paris would leave at____________.
A.12: 05B.11: 55C.11: 30D.11: 40
小题2:Tom went into the station cafe because ______.
A.Mike asked him to have a cup of tea
B.he didn’t like to stay with the schoolgirls
C.it was quite early and he could find a seat there
D.he wanted to have a drink with his workmate there
小题3: ____________, so he was sad.
A.There was something wrong with the clock
B.Tom couldn’t arrive in Paris on time
C.Tom couldn’t have coffee with Mike
D.The train arrived late that day

