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科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Once there was a king who told some of his people to dig a pond (池子). The king then told his people that one person      each family had to bring a glass of milk during the night and put it into the pond. So, by the morning, the pond should be      of milk.
After receiving the order(命令), everyone       home. As one man prepared his milk, he thought that since everyone was bringing milk, he would just hid a glass of water     put that into the pond instead. Since it was dark       night, no one would notice it, so he quickly went and put the water into the pond and      home.
In the morning, the king went to visit the pond. To his       , the pond was only filled with water! What happened?  Yes! Everyone had the same idea  
     that man. They all thought,“I don’t have to waste my milk. Someone else will do it.”
Dear friends, when you plan to help poor people or people in trouble, do not think that      will take care of it. Instead, it starts with you. If you don’t do it, no one else will, so change yourself and make a       .
小题1:A. at                   B. from                   C. on        
小题2:A. filled               B. empty                  C. full       
小题3:A. get                  B. went                   C. left  
小题4:A. and                  B. then                   C. but      
小题5:A. of                   B. at                     C. on 
小题6:A. left                  B. came                  C. returned
小题7:A. surprise             B. satisfaction             C. joy         
小题8:A. with                 B. to                    C. as      
小题9:A. others               B. the others               C. none       
小题10:A. face                B. mistake                 C. difference


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I have a good friend and we are like sisters. But sometimes the things she does make me     I’m independent and I don’t depend on others. I like to be different      others. But she does everything the same      I do. For example, I have friends from        groups, because I want different friends. But she      them and tries to make friends with them. Also, I got a nice hat and she got the same one. I want to color my hair and she wants to color      ,too.  There are more things      that. I like her very much because she is a great friend, but I can’t      the things she does sometimes. I don’t want to say     to her because it ‘ll make things worse I don’t know      to do. Can you give me some advice?
A.excitedB. tiredC.angryD. cool
A.withB. asC.fromD.with
A.IfB. asC.soD.and
A.necessaryB.different C.importantD.famous


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last year when Tom graduated from school, he came to Taibei. He didn't like to work on his father's farm and hoped to find a job in a big city. He went from one company to another but no one wanted him. With little money left, he got to the station, sad and tired. All he wanted to do was go back to his small town. It was very late at night and the station was full of people. They were waiting to buy tickets of the last train. He bought the last ticket, and he was very happy.
At that time, a woman with a crying baby walked to him and asked him to sell her the ticket. He gave her the ticket because he thought they needed it more than he did. After the train left, he sat on the bench and didn't know where to go. Suddenly, an old man came and said, "Young man, I have seen what you did to the woman. I am the owner of a big company. I need a good young man like you. Would you like to work for me?
小题1:Tom came to the station to _______.
A.find a jobB.take the train home
C.sell the ticketD.take the train to Taibei
小题2:The woman walked to Tom because _______.
A.she was Tom's old friend
B.her child wanted to talk to Tom
C.she needed to take the train
D.she had no money to buy a ticket
小题3:Tom didn't take the train because _______.
A.he didn't take a train ticket
B.he missed the train
C.he wanted to talk to the old man
D.he gave his ticket to the woman
小题4:The old man wanted to _______.
A.lend Tom some moneyB.give Tom a job
C.say "Thank you " to TomD.sit on the bench with Tom
小题5:What can we learn from this story?
A.Many people find job in a train station.
B.Don't buy the last ticket of the train.
C.If we try our best to help others, others will help us.
D.We should not give our ticket to others in a train station.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In today’s world many people seem to be hungry for money. Money does have its most useful effect on the poor. But even if a person has already got plenty of money, he can’t get everything.
If money were everything, all millionaires would have real love, true friendship, good health and a long life. However, this is not always correct.
Since the beginning of time no three words have ever invited more pleasure than “I love you”. But can love be bought? I’m afraid not. Love means to give, not ________ (78). To every person, health and a long life are probably the best things. Well, can health and a long life be bought with money? The answer is “No”.
(79) Of all the longest living people in the world, few of them are millionaires. True friendship can’t be bought, either. In a word, where money is dreamed too much, it can cause brothers to quarrel, marriage to end, lovers to hate, and strangers to fight. No matter how much money you have, it is still not enough to make a happy person if you have no one to laugh with, no one to cry for.
It seems that a lot of people want money very much now.
What are probably the most important things to everyone?
小题5:给短文拟一个合适的标题。(within 10 words)


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are four people in my family. They’re my grandfather, my parents and me. My grandfather exercises every day. He never uses the Internet. He eats vegetables three times a day, but he hardly ever drinks milk. And he watches TV every night. My father is a taxi driver. He’s very busy. He never exercises, but he sometimes surf the Internet. He watches TV on Saturday and Sunday evening. He often eats vegetables and drinks milk. My mother is a housewife(家庭主妇). She watches TV twice a day. She never surf the Internet. She sometimes eats vegetables, but she drinks milk three times a week. Exercise? Of course she does. She exercises every day by doing housework. I’m a middle school student. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I often exercise. But on Saturday and Sunday, I don’t exercise because I have too much homework to do. I watch TV only on Sunday evening. But I surf the Internet twice a week. I drink milk every day, but I don’t like vegetables. My mother often says to me, “Why do you eat so much meat, Mike? It’s not good for your health.” But I like it very much.
小题1:_____ sometimes surf the Internet in his family.
A.Mike and his fatherB.Mike and his mother
C.Mike’s parentsD.Mike’s father and grandfather
小题2: _____ watch TV every day in his family.
A.Mike and his grandfather
B.Mike’s mother and grandfather
C.Mike’s parents
D.Mike’s father and grandfather
小题3:What does Mike’s father do?
A.He often eats vegetable.B.He sometimes surf the Internet.
C.He is very busy.D.He is a taxi driver.
小题4:Why don’t Mike exercise on Saturday and Sunday?
A.Because he wants to surf the Internet.
B.Because he wants to watch TV.
C.Because he has too much homework to do.
D.Because he has to go to school.
小题5:Mike likes eating _____ very much.    


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Alice was a beautiful girl. She liked nothing except dressing ____ and dancing when she was at school. Of course she wasn’t good at her ____. But the boys were ready to help her with her lessons ___ they liked to dance with her. And after she finished middle school, she __ found work in a big shop. The __ had a son and he wanted the girl to marry him. Alice ____ though the young man wasn’t clever enough. But she __ all kinds of clothes and shoes. She lived in the beautiful house with a big garden and she __ did anything at home. She didn’t love her ___ but she lived a city life.
Once Mrs. Evans called Alice. The woman said she bought a few ___ pictures and asked her to appreciate(欣赏)them. She ____ nothing about the art but she was afraid to be laughed at and got there in time. She saw several women there. They were ____the pictures when she went in. She thought for a long time and said, “Look! They’re all ___. Why didn’t you buy the new ones?”
The women looked at each other but they tried not to ___. And when they were appreciating a picture “Tramp(流浪汉)”, she said, “I don’t think the artist could draw! Such a___ man had no money to have a portrait taken(请人画像)!”
A.when B.whileC.becauseD.after
A.hardlyB.easilyC.no longerD.happily
A.soldB.was soldC.gaveD.was given
A.looking upB.looking forC.talking aboutD.hearing from


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

This is my family. My father’s name is Mr. White. He is 35 years old. His birthday is October twenty-third. He likes football. He likes vegetables, but he doesn’t like meat. My mother’s name is Mrs. White. She is 34 years old. Her birthday is July fourth. She doesn’t like to watch TV, but she likes to play on the computer. She likes ice cream and all the fruits: apples, oranges, bananas, but she doesn’t like mangoes. My name is George. I’m thirteen years old. My birthday is May fifth. I like all vegetables and fruits. And I like Chinese food and ice cream, but I don’t like hamburgers, because mom says hamburgers are not good.
小题1:________ doesn’t like meat.
A.Mr. WhiteB.Mrs. WhiteC.GeorgeD.George’s sister
小题2:Mother likes _________________.
A.to watch TVB.to go shopping
C.to watch moviesD.to play on the computer
小题3:George doesn’t like hamburgers, because __________.
A.his mother says hamburgers are not good
B.his father doesn’t like hamburgers
C.he likes Chinese food
D.he likes all the fruits
小题4:Mr. White is _______________.
A.35 years oldB.34 years oldC.33 years oldD.23 years old
小题5:George’s birthday is ___________.
A.December sixthB.July fourth
C.May fifthD.October twenty-third


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

such, make, dinner, order, first, show, time, holiday, neck, haircut, tell, voice
A poor farmer had left his small village. After he   小题1:  plenty of money, he decided to spend a   小题2:  in an excellent hotel in a big town.         
When lunch time came on his 小题3:  day there, he went to the restaurant of the hotel in his new clothes. The head waiter   小题4:  him to the table, took his  小题5:  and went away. When he turned and looked at the farmer again, he had a surprise! The farmer had tied his table cloth round his  小题6:  .
The head waiter immediately(立即)  小题7:  another waiter to go to the farmer and told him that people mustn't do  小题8:  a thing in his restaurant. So the waiter went to the farmer and said in a friendly   小题9:. "Good morning, sir. Would you like a  小题10: ?"


科目: 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Steven drives a school bus, but his bus isn’t the same as other school buses because there aren’t any children on it. There are only dogs. Steven’s bus takes dogs to school at 8:00 in the morning and brings them back home at 5:30 in the afternoon. Steven takes the dogs to a dog school. There he teaches the dogs to do many things: sit down, stand up, bring the shoes to the master, keep the master from danger (危险). Many dogs go to Steven’s school—big dogs, small dogs, old dogs, young dogs. Steven says that young dogs can learn more quickly.
小题1:What do you know about Steven?
A.He drives children to school.
B.He teaches dogs in a school.
C.He has a school for young children.
D.He teaches children in a school.
小题2: What does Steven teach the dogs to do?
A.Eat.B.Sleep.C.Run.D.Do things for their masters.
小题3: Where do the dogs sleep?
A.In the school.B.On the bus.C.In the street.D.In their own homes.
小题4:Which kind of dogs is easy to teach?
A.Young dogs.B.Old dogs.C.Strong dogs .D.Big dogs.
小题5:The best title (标题) for the passage is “_________”.
A.How to Keep DogsB.How to Drive a Bus
C.A School for DogsD.Taking Children to School


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When Alesia Reuis was nine years old, she had an accident that left her unable to walk for years. Now Alesia is telling the story of the first day she       again.
I remember the very first time I walked by myself. My sister Alexis was in high school then. She was on the basketball team, and she was going to take me to her practice. She went to drive the car to the front door for me while I was sitting in my room, but we were going to be late, so I said to myself, “Let me help her out a little.” I        I would try to walk to the        door.
      else was at home, so I had to do it by myself. I was a little afraid, but I wanted to do it, so I pushed up off the arms of my wheelchair and       . There wasn't going to be anything for me to hold on to 。      if I leaned over(倾身) to catch the table, I would fall. So I put my mind on walking and nothing else, and I just took a step, and another one, and then about three more, and I was at the door of my     . I stood        the wall and started smiling. I was so       I'd made it that far. I        to the sky and said, “Thank you.”
I stayed there for a minute. I was hoping I wouldn't have anything wrong with my       , so I practiced      it a little bit, and then I started across the living room. I looked straight ahead, and I made it to the next wall, and I said “     ” again. Then I had to walk just        more steps to get to the door — and I did it! I said, "I made it, I made it, thank you!" I looked out to see where Alexis was. She was driving to the house. She was so surprised  that I was standing there waving at her. She laughed        and gave me a great big hug.
That’s to say: impossible is nothing.
A.sat downB.stood upC.looked upD.turned around
A.howeverB.but C.becauseD.so
A.look atB.look downC.look forD.looked up
A.moveB.movingC.to moveD.movement
A.Thank you.B.I can do it.C.I did it.D.I am sorry.
A.a littleB.littleC.a fewD.few

