 0  61749  61757  61763  61767  61773  61775  61779  61785  61787  61793  61799  61803  61805  61809  61815  61817  61823  61827  61829  61833  61835  61839  61841  61843  61844  61845  61847  61848  61849  61851  61853  61857  61859  61863  61865  61869  61875  61877  61883  61887  61889  61893  61899  61905  61907  61913  61917  61919  61925  61929  61935  61943  159627 

科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

To improve your English, you__________ do more reading.
The sky __________ blue in Beijing when we were young.
We are sure the Chinese dream __________ in the near future.
The firefighters __________ everyone safe.
Please tell the children __________ breakfast every day.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

 A: Have you ever been to Lao She’s Teahouse?
B: No, never.       小题1:
A: OK.It’s very famous in Beijing. Many people like going there.
B:         小题2:
A: People can see some Beijing Opera in Lao She’s Teahouse. They can also drink tea there.
B: Oh, it’s interesting.        小题3:
A: I hope you will. By the way, do you know who Lao She is?
B: Oh,I have read many writings of his. He is a great writer.   小题4:
A: I have seen a play about one of his writings.
B:       小题5:. I’ve never seen a play about his writing.
A.   What about you ?
B.   Why do many people like going there?
C.   I hope I will go there some day.
D.   You are lucky.
E.   Could you tell me something about it?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Hi, Mary. You were not at school yesterday.       小题1:
B: Oh, I had a headache and I had to ask for a sick leave.
A: I’m sorry to hear that.       小题2:
B: Yes,my mother took me to the hospital. The doctor looked me over and said I had caught a cold.
A:        小题3:
B: Yes,a little.The doctor told me to take medicine three times a day and drink more water.
A:       小题4:
B: Yes, much better.
A:       小题5:
B: I will. Thanks a lot.
A.   Was it serious?
B.   How are you feeling now?
C.   Take more exercise and keep healthy.
D.   Did you see the doctor?
E.   What was the matter?
F.   What did the doctor say?
G.   Are you feeling better now?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

be,  we,  meet,  stop,  wonder
Dear Dennis,
We just want to say thank you for having us before we caught the plane last week. It was a nice evening, and we enjoyed _小题1:_ Peter and Sarah. With your help we were able to get to the airport with plenty of time. We often tried to get an  earlier flight (航班) than usual, but it wasn't possible.
We had a _小题2:_ holiday in Spain (西班牙). We just loved driving through the countryside, and we often _小题3:_ to walk round a mountain village. We met _小题4:__ friends, Bill and Sue, and they invited us to have a meal with them. They wanted us to stay with them. But we couldn't, as we had already booked (预定) two rooms in a hotel. 
The weather was nice. There _小题5:_ so much beautiful sunshine all time we were there. Leaving Spain was very sad. It made me want to cry.
Anyway, we are looking forward to hearing from you, and hope to see you soon. Let me know if you're ever in the area.  You must call in.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1: 这孩子不停的问我问题。
The child ________ ________ me questions.
She ________ ________ a dish from the table, and suddenly a snake appeared.
Many experts in the world are trying to _______ _______ the truth of the loss of Flight MH 370.
小题4: 现在中国许多饭店都加入了“光盘行动”,鼓励人们将剩菜打包带回家。
Now many restaurants in China have joined the “clear your plate” campaign, and people ________ _________ to take leftovers home.
“From the masses, to the masses”. In ______ _______, doing everything for the masses.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Don't always stay inside._______to go out and play.
We'll take photos in the park_______the sky clears.
You can_______what you dislike, and do what you like.
My parents always_________when I get on with others.
Facing difficulties, we should_____________.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

themselves      lions      sad      in      food
Many people may think that animals in the zoo are happy and lucky, but most of them are小题1:__________. Do you know why?  Animals like tigers, 小题2:____________ and bears usually live in forests or mountains. They run, jump, play with their children and find small animals for小题3:____________. But now they have to stay in small rooms 小题4:____________ the zoo. They don’t have to find food by 小题5: ____________ because the zookeepers feed them.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

tell      make     give     become     work
Once a little official (官员) 小题1:__________  to work in the capital. Before he left, he went to his teacher, a big official, to say goodbye. The big official told him. “When you小题2:_________ there in the capital, you must be careful in everything you do, and never offend (得罪) other officials.”
“Don’t worry,” the cleverer official said, “I have prepared one hundred tall hats and I’m sure I 小题3:____________ everybody happy.”
The teacher 小题4:___________very angry, “We are men of learning(有学问的人). How can you do such things?”
“Because most people except you , of course, like to have tall hats on their heads.”
“Well, yes ,” the big official smiled and nodded. “What you say is quite right.”
The clever official went back and told some of his friends. “Well, now I have only ninety-nine tall hats, because I小题5:___________ one to my teacher.”


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)
Good grades _____________ _____________ working hard .
Who are you ___________ ___________ ?
小题3: 今晨又一架飞机从澳大利亚港口城市珀斯起飞去搜寻失踪的航班MH370。
Another Chinese aircraft ___________ ___________ from Australia’s port city of Perth early this morning to search for the missing flight  MH370.
小题4: 雾霾使人们认识到必须采取措施来保护环境。
Smog makes people realize that something must ___________ ___________ to ___________ the ___________.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--Boys and girls , wait for a moment !
--OK. We can’t cross the street ________the traffic lights are green.

