 0  61767  61775  61781  61785  61791  61793  61797  61803  61805  61811  61817  61821  61823  61827  61833  61835  61841  61845  61847  61851  61853  61857  61859  61861  61862  61863  61865  61866  61867  61869  61871  61875  61877  61881  61883  61887  61893  61895  61901  61905  61907  61911  61917  61923  61925  61931  61935  61937  61943  61947  61953  61961  159627 

科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A:Bob,can you play tennis with me on Sunday morning?
B: 小题1:_____________________, but I’m really busy this weekend.
A: 小题2:__________________________________?
B: I’m taking my dog to the hospital. he doesn’t eat anything these days.
A: Oh, 小题3: _____________________________. Maybe he needs to take some medicine. I hope he will be better soon.
B: I hope so, too. And I also have to meet my cousin in Zhongzhou Hotel, he will come to our city for a meeting and wants to see me. By the way, do you know where the hotel is ?
A: It’s just on Nongye Road and near Henan Museum.
B: 小题4:___________________________________?
A: you can take No.39 bus and get down at Henan Museum. it will just take you there.
B: 小题5:____________________________________ ?
A: It just takes you about half an hour.
B: Thank you very much…….


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

T: Hi, Long Yufeng! You look so sad. 小题1:                            ?
A: I failed the English exam.
T: 小题2:                    . But you don’t need to worried about it all the time.
A: I really don’t know how to study English well. 小题3:                        ?  
T: I think you’d better study in a group.
A: Oh, 小题4:                    . Could I join your group?
T: Of course you can. And we can learn from each other.
A: Sounds good. 小题5:                 ?
T: You can join it tomorrow, if you like.
A: That’s very kind of you.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Today is Sunday. 小题1:   We want to go for a picnic with our teacher. All the students think it is fun. 小题2: Some of us go there on foot. Shao Liujian and Xiaomin go there by bus.小题3:___
Look! 小题4:   Liu Qian and Wang Nan are dancing. The others are talking. 小题5:    


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题


小题1:swim, now         小题2:watch, on Sunday        小题3:There be, window

小题4:Lucy, like

小题5:usually, come to school


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

综合填空: 根据短文内容选择方框内的单词,并用其正确的形式填入空白处,使补全后的短文意思通顺,语法正确,结构完整。(5分)

The students are talking about their 小题1:  at school. Maria likes English very much. She thinks it’s easy and 小题2:  . But Zhou Yan has different ideas. She says it is difficult and boring. She likes history小题3:  she can learn about the past. Ellen 小题4: biology. She knows a lot about plants(植物) and animals. Which subject do you like小题5:  ? Can you tell me why?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

_________________?   She’s a doctor.
A. What do she do    B. What does she do    C Where does she do


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

We ____ ____ ____ ____, but we are good friends.
____ ____ your aunt ____?
Li Hong likes Chinese. But she ____ ____ English ____ ____.
—是的, 我很乐意。
—Would you like ____ ____ lunch ____ me?  —Yes, I’d love to.
—____ do you ____ ____ the pants?     —They’re too long.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:We take care of animals and plants. In fact we ________(保护) ourselves.
小题2:Please____   ____(查找) the words in the dictionary when you are in trouble.
小题3:Cows _______ __________(以…为食) grass.
小题4:Xu Xiao taught himself on the _______ (互联网).
小题5:I’m not sure            (是否) he will come or not tomorrow.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

over ,   earth  ,  thousand , to  , wet
Rainforests cover 6 % of the  小题1: surface. Many animals live in rainforests. Quite a lot of them live in the trees  小题2:  30 meters from the ground. There are lots of tall trees and   小题3: of other different plants. It’s always dark and hot in rainforests and the ground is always  小题4: .
Rainforests are very important  小题5:  us. They are the lungs of the earth. The plants in the forests help to make the air fresher.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A. took   B. while   C. had   D. shouted   E. in   F. from   G. too   H. up  
I. arrived  J. jumped
Boy: What a day I 小题1:_______!        
Girl: Tell me about it, John?
Boy: Well, While I was walking to school I saw a cat 小题2:_______ a tree. It was really scared.
Girl: What did you do?                
Boy: I climbed the tree.
Girl: And you got the cat?
Boy: No. While I was climbing the trees, a man saw me. It was his tree and he 小题3:________ at me. So I hoped climbing.
Girl: What about the cat?        
Boy: It wanted to 小题4:_________down. But it was too scared.
Girl: Then what happened?
Boy: Then the man called the police. And while he was calling the police, a woman called the newspaper.
Girl: What did you do?
Boy: I jumped down 小题5:_______the tree. And then the cat jumped down, 小题6:________.
Girl: That’s good.
Boy: And then the police officer and the newspaper reporter 小题7:_________. The police officer said, Good boy!” And the newspaper reporter 小题8:________ a photo to put in the newspaper.
Girl: That’s great!
Boy: Yes, but 小题9:________ he was taking the photo, the cat went 小题10:______ the tree again.
Girl: What did you do?        
Boy: What do you think?

