 0  61815  61823  61829  61833  61839  61841  61845  61851  61853  61859  61865  61869  61871  61875  61881  61883  61889  61893  61895  61899  61901  61905  61907  61909  61910  61911  61913  61914  61915  61917  61919  61923  61925  61929  61931  61935  61941  61943  61949  61953  61955  61959  61965  61971  61973  61979  61983  61985  61991  61995  62001  62009  159627 

科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

根据下列句子的汉语意思提示完成句子。(每题2分 共10分)
Lisa                        does the housework.
                               they don’t want to go on vacation.
He                                  give us some help.
We should                      old people.
Do the two cultures have anything                          ?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:仿写题,造句

problem,  means,  serious,  be ,  food ,  well,  large, 
population,   policies,   reached                              
Every minute about 261 babies  小题1:born in the world. That 小题2:people have to find  小题3:for about  375,840  newborn  babies every day. The world’s小题4:is growing faster and faster. It has become one of the greatest  小题5:today.
China has the  小题6:population in the world. There are about 1.3 billion people in China. It has  小题7:one fifth of the world’s population. China has  carried  out some     小题8:to control the population, and these policies have worked  小题9:. But China still faces a    小题10:population problem.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

train  real  invite  birthday  friend
  Hi Henry,
  Thank you for your __小题1:____.I'm sorry I can't visit you this week,I am __小题2:_____busy.This evening I'm going to my cousin's ____小题3:_____party.And tomorrow,I have to go to see the doctor.On Wednesday,I have tennis ___小题4:____ with the school team.On Friday evening,I'm going to the movies with some ___小题5:____.Can you come to the movies with us on Friday?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A. much                     B. already                  C. since
D. looks                     E. one                      F. way
A: Can I help you?
B: Yes. I want to buy a skirt.
A: This小题1:__________ please. All our skirts are in this section. How do you like the red one here?
B: It looks nice, but I don't like red. It小题2:__________ very hot.
A: Do you like white? There is also a white小题3:__________.
B: I think that's what I want. How小题4:__________ is it?
A: It's sixty-six yuan.
B: How about fifty yuan?
A: Hmm, 小题5:_________ you like it so much, you can take it with fifty-five yuan. That's the lowest price I can offer.
B: That's good! I'll take it.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

kinds of   up to you   best    play a role in    in common    enjoy
All these shows have one thing 小题1. They try to look for the best talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and so on.  All 小题2people join these shows. But who can play the piano the小题3 or sing the most beautifully?  That’s 小题4to decide.  When people watch the show, they usually 小题5deciding the winner.  And the winner always gets a very good prize .  


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A:Hi, Alice! How was your last vacation?
B:    小题1:      .I really had great fun.
A:      小题2:            ?
B:I played soccer.
A:        小题3:            ?
B:Three times a week.         小题4:      
A:I went to the beach.
B:           小题5:             ?
A:Yes, I went with my parents.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

are  how  in  yellow  is  under  what  teacher  chair  know  map  photo
This is a  小题1:of my classroom.It’s nice.You can see a  小题2:desk,32 other desks and 32 小题3:in it.Those  小题4:my desk and chair.They are 小题5:.My schoolbag is 小题6:the desk.It’s black.My jacket is on the chair.It’s blue.A basketball is 小题7:my chair.Look! 小题8:is on the wall(墙)? Doyou­小题9:?It's a 小题10:of China.I like my classroom.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题


Emma:Let’s have hamburgers and chicken for lunch.
Emma:Then what do you like?
Emma:OK, let’s have hamburgers and salad. 小题3:         
Eric:I like bananas.
Emma:小题4:          How about strawberries?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A:   小题1:  
B: No, that’s John. Jack is shorter than John.
A: They look the same.     小题2:  
B: Yes, they are. And they are my best friends. We have the same hobbies(爱好).
A: Then, what are your hobbies?
B:    小题3:   
A: Do you have any differences?
B: Yes. 小题4:  
A: Why do you like them?
B: 小题5: 
A.Are they twins?
B.They are more outgoing than me and I am more serious than them.
C.Is that Jack?
D.Because I like to have friends who are like me.
E. We all enjoy playing the guitar and we like sports.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 5分
go  big  bad  someone   shop
小题1:The boys _____to the Great Wall last Sunday.
小题2:My mother often goes _____ on weekends.
小题3:——Did she go with _____?
——Yes, she went with her cousin.
小题4:The weather this summer is_______than the weather last summer.
小题5:I think Teen World has the _______ screens of all.

