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科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

though  interest  visit  we  daytime  at  smile  quick  ticket  save

The London Eye is a tourist attraction in London, the UK. There you can get into a capsule(密封舱) to enjoy a great view of the city of London.
I 小题1:____________ the London Eye last summer with a friend. My friend didn't know where we were going. I just told him we would go somewhere very special. As we arrived 小题2:__________ Waterloo Station, he had worked out where we were going. He 小题3:___________ happily. When we reached the London Eye, there was a very long waiting line, so in order to 小题4:       time, he stayed in the line while I went to buy the 小题5:___________.
The capsule doesn't completely stop when people get on, so you have to get into it 小题6: ____________. Then the door of the capsule shuts. The view was wonderful. We took many photos of the view and of小题7:___________ . It took about half an hour for the capsule to go around
If you are 小题8:______________ in going there, I'd like to give you some advice. To enjoy the view, go in the 小题9:__________. There are night rides, but you won't see a lot. Sometimes the top of the wheel can be quite cool even 小题10:________ it's sunny. So ladies, don't forget to take a scarf.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

One  put up  so  also  way  from  can  be  wall
One day, when Bill was    小题1:  home from school, he heard a noise coming from the bushes(灌木).He went over to see   小题2:   it was. Behind a bush, he found a black dog. Bill went back home as soon as he    小题3:   with the dog and showed her to his parents. Bill's dad found that the dog had a broken leg,    小题4:   they brought the dog to a doctor for animals by car. On the    小题5:   Bill's parents decided that Bill could keep the dog if they couldn't find the owner.
When they arrived,the doctor checked the dog. He told  Bill that she  小题6: going to have babies! The next day, Bill   小题7:   signs(牌子)like “FOUND DOG BLACK” around his neighborhood. He   小题8:   wrote his family's phone number on the signs.
Two days later, Bill got a call   小题9:   the owner of the dog. The owner thanked Bill. When he came to pick up his dog, he said Bill could have    小题10: of the babies. Bill was very happy! Finally Bill got a baby dog from the owner. He named him Rosco and liked him very much.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

can   help   ground    rather than    encourage    by   plant  we   off   unless
There are many ways to save the environment if you would like. In this passage, you can find some ways.
Plant more trees. Choose a right 小题1:________ near your house or workplace. 小题2:________ there’s any rule stopping you growing trees in that area, go ahead and grow trees. Plant a tree every month and小题3:________ your friends and classmates to join you. Have more and more trees 小题4:________ and there will come a day when you have green land thanks to your hard work.
Walk more and drive less. Choose to walk 小题5:________ drive your car. Walk or ride a bicycle to work if it’s not very far. Not only cycling but walking is good exercise. And each time you avoid using your car, you’re doing something 小题6:________ to cut down air pollution. You are saving fuel, saving money and keeping fit as well.
Save water. Water is very important for living things. It’s 小题7:________ who use and pollute it. The simplest way to save water is turning 小题8:________ water taps after use. When you visit a beach, make sure that you don’t throw waste around. Do not pollute rivers 小题9:________ dropping garbage or other waste. Water is so precious, so we 小题10:________ waste or pollute it.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:If you want to succeed, you must make.
小题2:Can you say five kinds of fruit ?
小题3:He the American team to win the Tour de France in 1999.
小题4:The result of this exammy parents, so they bought me a new MP4.
小题5:Dressing in kimonos in marriages is the best in Japan.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Long, long ago there was a bad king. All of his people h 小题1:  him.
One hot day he was taking a walk along a river when he decided to have a swim in it. He was a good s 小题2:  . But while he was in the river, he s 小题3:fell ill, and was nearly drowned(淹死). At that time two f 小题4:were working in the field n 小题5:They came over, jumped into the river, and he was 小题6:  . They didn’t know who he was until they p 小题7:  him out of the water.
The king was happy. He said to the two farmers, “Ask for a 小题8: , I’ll give it to you. I’m the r 小题9:  in the world. And today you have saved my life.”
One of them answered, “You can do one thing for us.” “What is it?” asked the king. He thought that they would ask for a lot of money.
“Don’t tell a 小题10: that we have saved you.”


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题


小题1:My uncle is coming to my home in this weekend. I've decided to     the vacation for  another week.
小题2:Li ping is busy with his study, but he________ does the chores for his neighbors.
小题3:Many people were saved in the earthquake________ the courage of those kind people—nurses, doctors and soldiers.
小题4:The campaign to keep our city clean is going on. Each of us has the chance to______.
小题5:We _______the concert to raise money for the children’s hospital. We will try our best for it.
小题6:You always ______our books. It’s hard for me to find mine when I use them.
小题7:You are smart and brave just like your father. You_____ him.
小题8:Little Jim is a playful boy. He can’t________ the lessons his teachers give.
小题9:It’s impolite to_______when we are queuing to buy train tickets.
小题10:Both parties are expected to meet later today to________ an agreement, or they might argue with each other.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Do you know the earthquake in China not long ago?
B :小题1:    . But I only know a little about the earthquake.
A: Many people died and got hurt in the earthquake.
B :小题2:   . Where did it happen?
A : It happened in Ya' an, Sichuan Province.
B:小题3:    ?
A: It happened on April 20th ,2013.
B:小题4:    .
A: We should try our best to help them.
B:小题5:   .


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

when,  change,  difficult,  also,  help,  chance,  same,  advice,
Friendship(友谊) is an important part of our life. Life is always 小题1:______________ , such as moving to a new place and starting a new job. So we often need to make new friends. But some people think it  is小题2:______________to make new friends. Here is some 小题3:________________ for you. If you want to make friends, you need to go out at first instead of (代替) staying at home. You can join a club because there are many people who have common (共同的) interests. It is easy to start a new friendship if you have the 小题4:______________ interests. And you can join a sports team. It is 小题5:_____________ a great way to make new friends. After joining a club or a sports team, you still can’t make friends if you don’t talk to people. You will have a good小题6:_______________  to make a good friend if you talk to someone. 小题7:______________ you talk to people, you should be friendly and smile at them. The above(上面的) advice can 小题8:______________ you make friends. But if you want to find the true friendship, you should be honest with them.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题


Shanghai is the biggest city with the largest population in the world. It is also the fastest growing
city. Its   小题1:  means "on the sea", because it sits on the shores(海滨) of the East China Sea. The  city used
to   小题2:  a fishing town, but these days it is not only a major financial(金融的) center, it's also  小题3:  for its art and culture.
Visitors to Shanghai can be   小题4:   from the airport to the center in a fast train. The train   小题5:
up to 430 kin/hour. Once you are in the city, you can't miss a popular area  小题6: the Huangpu River.
Also, Shanghai Museum is a great place. And if you want to try the local 小题7: , you should go to
Yang's Fried Dumplings. You can get some nice dumplings and a bowl of   小题8:  soup for only ¥15.
Now Shanghai is getting very "heavy" from all the growth.   小题9:  a result, the city is going
down the soft ground.    小题10: 1921, it has gone down for almost two meters.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:The cook added salt into the soup but it still wasn’t_______ enough. (salt, salty)
小题2:The story book is interesting and it was______ by Mark Twain. (written, writing)
小题3:“What do people in Korea do when they meet _______the first time?” “They usually bow.” ( in, for)
小题4:Singapore has a night_______, you can watch many kinds of animals there.(zoo, party)
小题5:Every year, Guiyang attracts larger numbers of tourists, ______in summer.( especial, especially)

