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科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


小题1: Nobody _______ that woman’s age. It’s not polite to ask that.
小题2:Please remember ________ the window when you leave.
小题3:The assistants in this supermarket are very_____. I don’t want to go there again.
小题4:She did some ______ last night.
小题5:We _____ a movie star last weekend.     


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

China is a big country. The weather in the north is quite different from ___1____ in the south. My hometown is Changchun. It’s a beautiful city in the ____2____ of China. In the city, the spring is warm, the summer is ___3____, the autumn is cool and the winter is ____4____. In the winter, people can ____5____ snowmen and play ____6____ snowballs. People can also go ____7____ and skiing. They usually spend a(n) ____8_____ winter. Now many people in the south and even some ____9____ come to the north of China to see the ___10_____ in the winter.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Only Mother Love is true love. It gives everybody everything all 56._________ life. When you are still a baby, Mother takes good care of you as possible. In your walking hours she always holds you in her arms. When you are 57.________, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night and 58._________ about herself. When you are growing up day by day, she feels very happy. When you are 59.__________ enough go to school, Mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always 60.________ you to put on more clothes. She always stands in the wind 61._________ for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels 62.________ about you at home. She usually knows about your 63.__________ and spends much money on your school things. When you do well at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face.
Mother is 64.__________ ready to give everything she has to her children, not to receive. What true love that is in the 65.__________! We will remember Mother Love for ever!


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

busy,    small,    big,    interesting,    clear,    quite,    for
Our school is in a   小题1:  town. You can’t find it on the map. In our school there is an    小题2:  garden. In the middle of the garden there is a  小题3:  apple tree. After class the     小题4:   students often have a rest under it. Near the garden there is a library. You can read the books in the reading room, But you must be   小题5:   in it and keep the room clean.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A:What can I do for you?
B:I want to buy a pair of shoes.
B:Size eight or nine.
A:OK! How about this pair?
B:Sorry, I don’t like black. ____________________________________(2)?
A:Oh, yes. We’ve got blue, white and brown ones.
B:Can I have a look at the brown ones?
A:Yes, please.
A:Forty-six yuan.
B:It’s too expensive. ______________________________________(4)?
A:How about forty?
B:No, it’s still expensive. What about thirty-five?
A:Er… all right. _________________________________(5).


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题


小题1:The ______ of all my mistakes took nearly an hour.
小题2:Do read the _________ before taking the medicine.
小题3:My beloved mother is always _____ as though she never knows tiredness.
小题4:I t was a long _______, but we eventually arrived.
小题5:The job does not require any ________ training.
小题6:A _______ is very important in finding a job.
小题7:He has ______ that he didn’t finish his homework.
小题8:The visitor bought _______ in the shops while visiting the places of interest.
小题9:He is _________by his boss because he has done his work well.
小题10:The poor boy was _______ by his parents and had a hard life.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Hi, Henry! Where do you want to go ?
B: ___1____
A: That sounds great. __2_____
B: I like elephants.
B: Because they’re strong and smart. What about you ?
A: __4____ They are cute.
B: Where are they from ?
B: Let’s go to the zoo together .
A.They’re from Australia .
B. Why ?
C. What animals do you like ?
D. I want to go to the city zoo.
E. I like koalas a lot .


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

aim  but  fun  also  with  
The London Olympic Games is still a few months away. But in the US, kids had 小题1:___________ in a mini-Olympics competition.
Michelle Obama(米歇尔.奥巴马), the First Lady of the US, held the games. Children played basketball 小题2:_________ four-time gold medalist(金牌得主) Lisa Leslie. They 小题3:___________ played soccer and tennis with famous players. The 小题4:_________ of the competition was to teach kids the Olympic spirit(精神).  “The most important thing is not to win, 小题5:_________ to take part.” The First Lady said. How meaningful it is!


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

have   knock    happen   call   work   
Last weekend, Jim went to see a film. It was about a boy 1___________Bob. Bob lived with his parents in a small town. They were very poor. Bob’s father 2___________ in a market for a long time. Bob wanted 3___________a bike very much.
One day, an old man 4___________down by some boys, and they ran away. Bob went to help the old man. The old man gave him a magic book and told Bob to make a wish before opening it.
Can you guess what 5___________ in the end? Please watch the film and find out!


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Good morning , Joe .
B: Good morning , Peter .
A: You look unhappy , what’s wrong ?
B: Oh, ____ 1 ____ I don’t look cool .
A: Well , maybe you should buy some clothes .
B: Yes , but ________
A: Hmm, maybe you could get a part-time job in the evenings.
B: I can’t , because my parents want me to stay at home every night .________
A: Well , you shouldn’t argue with your parents .You should talk about your problems .
B: And guess ____ 4  ____
A: What?
B: My brother plays his CDs too loud! ____ 5  ____
A: I’m sorry to hear that .
A.My hair is long.B.My clothes are out of style.
C.My job is boring.D.My parents are angry with me .
A.I don’t have time.B.I don’t have CDs.
C.I don’t have enough money.D.I have some time .
A.I argued with them about it . B.I went to see my brother.
C.I love my parents.D.My parents love me.
A.how I am?B.how my parents are?
C.what else is wrong?D.what’s wrong with my parents?
A.I like his CDs.B.I want to get some CDs.
C.He wanted to help me.D.I can’t go to sleep.

