 0  61900  61908  61914  61918  61924  61926  61930  61936  61938  61944  61950  61954  61956  61960  61966  61968  61974  61978  61980  61984  61986  61990  61992  61994  61995  61996  61998  61999  62000  62002  62004  62008  62010  62014  62016  62020  62026  62028  62034  62038  62040  62044  62050  62056  62058  62064  62068  62070  62076  62080  62086  62094  159627 

科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

 call,   child  ,  close ,  two ,  help
小题1:You can’t go to the museum. It is __________ today.
小题2:The Greens are very           . We all love them.
小题3:Tom has a dog      __      Lucky.
小题4:There is a party on __________________  Day.
小题5: Tinna goes to see her grandparents _________ a month.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

 fly  ,  visit ,   do  ,   dance  ,  go
小题1:You can’t watch TV. You must finish ___________ your homework.
小题2:Would you like _____________ to see the film with us now ?
小题3:Let’s practise                 every Friday after school.
小题4:We are all looking forward to ____________ Beijing Zoo.
小题5:Sally ,with his cousin ,often ____________ kites at weekends.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

are  pencil  a  she  he  on  cousin  family  parent  good
Hello , I’m Kate. Today is Sunday . My __1___are all at home. My grandparents are in the living room (客厅). They like watching TV. They have _2___color TV. Look, that is my __3___. She is a nice girl . ___4__ name is Mary Smith. She has two erasers and three___5___. My little brother Jack is __6__ the sofa. __7___ is playing computer game. My __8____ are in the kitchen(厨房). They are cooking. Mary and I __9___ in the same school . We are ___10___students.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:You had better _______ _________(放弃) smoking.
小题2:Mr. Lee is ill today, so I will give you the lesson ________ ______(代替)him.
小题3:The teacher was ________ ________(对、、、生气) him because he was late for school again.
小题4:Please wait a moment, the doctor is _______ _______(检查)the patients.小题5:The baby is sleeping, please ______ ________(关小) the music!


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题


Everyone is talking about Bird Flu. Yes, it is a very ____1___ disease. It could make people sick. It will be a few months still before we have good ____2___ for Bird Flu. In order to(为了) ____3___ Bird Flu, we shouldn’t touch sick chickens or their droppings(粪便). So it is a good idea for people to keep ____4___ from live chickens. But if you do touch an ill bird, remember to wash your hands carefully with soap(肥皂) ____5___away. Also, don’t forget to open your windows often and ____6___ regularly(正常地). Getting ____7___ sleep is also very important for fighting ____8___. Try to keep away from people who have the ____9___, and always cover your mouth and nose when you  ____10___ or sneeze(打喷嚏).


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题


basketball,  watches,  let’s,  look,  ping-pong,  ball


小题1:_________ play computer games.
小题2: _________ at the clock, please. What time is it?
小题3:Dave has a bat. He plays ________ every day.
小题4:Mr Wang has a new TV. He ________ TV every night.
小题5: She has a tennis racket and a tennis _________.
小题6:I can play _________. It’s very interesting.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

1. My cousin Jack is in Class 2, G__________ 7 in our school.
2.The family like eating in the r______________ instead of (代替) at home on Sunday.
3.T__________ is the fifth day of a week.
4.We do morning e______________ every day.
5. There are 6 h___________ students in my school.
6.The sports shoes are those              (child).
7. Daniel ,___________(not talk) in class.
8. This pair of blue jeans ______________(be) beautiful.
9. Millie gets a lot of  ___________  [’preznts] at Christmas.
10. Where are my  ____________   [ ’trauz?z ]   ?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题


 million         be         luck        hard        dog
quiet           ski        even        she         design


Song Huiqiao was born on  February 26th, 1982 in Korea. She looks smart.
She has a pretty face. Her skin(皮肤) is wonderful . She works 小题1:  and acts well. So   小题2:    of people all over the world like her. Many of her series were very popular in China, for example, Full House. Almost every young person in China has watched the TV series. Some girls   小题3:   have watched it for two for three times. Even now , we can watch the TV series in China. It’s the work that makes people remember Song Huiqiao well.
Song Huiqiao is good at swimming ,playing the piano and skating. When she studied in a senior high school , she used to   小题4: crazy about sports, such as skating,小题5:and swimming, but she could also play the piano小题6: like a fairlady. Song Huiqiao wanted to be a dress   小题7:  when she was young, and she would like to wear all kinds of clothes designed by  小题8:  .
Song Huiqiao is successful . We can say that she is a   小题9:  girl , but
we should also see her hard work . So , friends , work hard. Maybe you are the
next lucky     小题10:   .


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


remind…of…, calm down , give up, show off,  argue with


小题1:No matter what may happen, be sure to _____________.
小题2:This photo _______me ______my childhood.
小题3:He is often told not to _____________ here and there.
小题4: A good husband seldom _____________ his wife.
小题5: It’s necessary for me to _____________ smoking, the sooner, the better.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

1. 我会投票选凯特,因为她能保密。
I’ll   1    2  Kate because she can keep   3  .
2. 我不能学习因为它太吵了。
I can’t study because it is   4    5    6  .
3. 他很幽默,常常说笑话。
He   7  a good   8  of   9  and often   10  funny jokes.
4. 我喜欢凯特微笑的眼睛, 而且凯特总是面带着微笑看起来很开心。
I like Kate’s    11   eyes, and Kate always    12   a smile    13   her face and looks happy.
5. Lucy是个留着齐肩直发的小个子女生,人人相信她是我班最努力的学生之一。
Lucy is a small girl   14   short, shoulder-length hair. Everyone   15  she’s one of the     
  16    17  students in my class.
6. Daniel考虑事情周到。他总是先人后己。
Daniel is thoughtful and he always   18    19    20  before himself.

