 0  62104  62112  62118  62122  62128  62130  62134  62140  62142  62148  62154  62158  62160  62164  62170  62172  62178  62182  62184  62188  62190  62194  62196  62198  62199  62200  62202  62203  62204  62206  62208  62212  62214  62218  62220  62224  62230  62232  62238  62242  62244  62248  62254  62260  62262  62268  62272  62274  62280  62284  62290  62298  159627 

科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

A           B           C            D
1.     jacket      have         camera       plane
2.    evening     she          these         seven
3.     nine        time         behind        dinner
4.    orange     open         those        old
5.     ruler        blue         under       supermarket
6.     great       bread         breakfast     sweater  
7.     think       friend         uncle       thing
8.     desks       birds         cards         photos
9.     school     chair         child         watch
10.     know       now          yellow       window


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

首字母填空  (本大题共5分,每小题0.5分)
In Beijing Sunshine Secondary School, every student has locker. What do they have in t__________1 lockers? Lily has some a_________2 and pears in hers. Behind the pears, there is some b______3. She a________4 has a pair of glasses in her locker. What about Millie? What does she have in her locker? She has a t_______5 bear in it. On the right of the bear a_____6 some CDs and hair clips.
Boys have many things in their lockers too. Nick has a b__________7 in his locker. He also has some c_______8 books. Peter has bats in h_____9. There are some bottles of w________10 beside them. The boys also have their sports shoes in their lockers.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:And here's a hand, my trusty friend,               
And gie's a hand of thine;   
We'll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne.  
For auld lang syne, my dear.
小题2:Hand in hand we stand
All across the land
We can make this world a better place in which to live
Hand in hand we can start to understand
Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time
小题3:When I was young I'd listen to the radio
Waiting for my favorite songs
When they played I'd sing along,
It make me smile.
小题4:Every morning you greet me
Small and white
Clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
Blossom of snow
May you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
小题5: Let's start at the very beginning
A very good place to star
When you read you begin with A-B -C


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

小题1: —The old man lives alone but he doesn’t feel lonely.
—Sometimes he goes to town to see his son..
A.without any helpB.with some helpC.by himselfD.a hard life
小题2:—Are you proud of Liu Xiang?
—Yes, he is handsome and outstanding.
A.Are…popular with B.Do…take little pride in
C.Do…take pride in D.Do…feel like
小题3:—My dream is to be a well-known star.
—I believe your dream will come true if you keep on working hard.
A.you can imagine your dreamB.you can complete your dreamC.you can remind your dream D.you can realize your dream
小题4: —We know there are lots of ways to avoid getting the flu.
—Yes, but in a word, we should care for our health at any time.
A.in shortB.no doubtC.in detailD.in fact
小题5:—Do you often take exercise for an hour every day?
—Yeah, doing that can build me up.
A.cheer me upB.make me stronger
C.keep me activeD.change me more


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

小题1:How do we deal with our problems?
A.By learning to forget.B.By regarding problems as challenges. C.By thinking of something worse.D.All above.
小题2:In English-speaking countries, ______ stands for(象征) upset.
小题3:Which is the right according to Unit 2 of Book Three?
A.Martin Murray used to be a “problem child”
B.Martin Murray’s father helped him get out of trouble.
C.Martin Murray’s mother died a few years ago.
D.Martin Murray’s never a top student in his class.
小题4:The PPC was founded on _____________. Thanks to our Party, we’re living a happy life.
A.July 1st, 1921B.August 1st, 1928C.October 1st, 1949D.May 4th, 1919
小题5: Huanggang City lies in the________ of Hubei Province..
小题6:_________ will hold the 30th Olympic Games. And it’s also a developed country.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 and died on December 5 , 1791. When he was three, he often had lessons with his elder sister. (1)His father took him through many different countries, where he played music for lots of people.
But some people didn’t believe a little boy could write such beautiful music. They asked him to stay in a room all by himself for a week and somebody watched the room all the time .(2) In a week , he finished a new piece of music . After that, people believed that he could write beautiful music.
Mozart died when he was still a young man. During his short life he studied music and taught music and played music and wrote music. Even by working so hard, he couldn’t make much money . Often he had to borrow money from his friends. But his music made him happy and for more than two hundred years his music has made other people happy, too.
Mozart was a __________ talent(天才),but he still lived a ________ life.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

             小题1:________      Between British and American English
British English
American English
In grammar
In 小题2:________      
In the hospital
In 小题3: __________   
Besides,  小题4:____________    is sometimes different.
However, British and American English are the  same language.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—You look very beautiful. — _________.
A.That’s rightB.No, I don’t look beautiful
C.That’s all rightD.Thanks


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Let’s go and visit your new school! —______.
A.That’s all rightB.That’s OKC.All rightD.Right


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Hello, boys and girls. Let me tell you something about our art room. In my school, there is an art room. It is clean. (1) There is a teacher and twenty students in it now. There are twenty desks in it. (2)Two desks ______ big and eighteen desks are _____. There are three balls and five boxes on the small desks. On the small desks, there are eighteen pencils and fifteen rubbers. There are thirteen pictures and a poster on the wall. We are very happy in the art room.
小题1: 把(1)处下画线的句子译成中文。
小题2:在(2)处填上适当的词,使句子通顺正确。          __________
小题3:回答问题:What’s on the small desks?
小题4:在文中找出与所给句子意思相近的句子。We have an art room in our school.

