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科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

–Would you mind opening the window? It’s too hot in the room.
      . I’ll do it right away.
A.Yes, I would B.I hope to
C.Of course notD.It doesn’t matter


科目: 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A. What are you going to do?            B. When and where shall we meet?
C. Can you come?                    D. When are you free then?
E. What about Sunday?                 F. What can I do for you?
G. Can you ask Jack to join us?
A: Hi, Mona! I am going to have a birthday party on Saturday evening. 小题1:
B: Oh, I am going to visit my grandfather on Saturday evening.
A: 小题2:
B: I have to take the piano lessons.
A: Oh!小题3:
B: Well, Friday is fine.
A: Friday? That’s tomorrow! OK. We can have it then.小题4:
B: Sure. 小题5:
A: In my house at half past four.
B: Great! See you then.
A: Bye!


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Doctor: Good morning! 小题1:____________________________?
Tom: Tom.
Doctor: 小题2:___________________________?
Tom: I’m not feeling well. I have a toothache and I can’t eat anything.
Doctor: When did it start?
Tom: 小题3:__________________________.
Doctor: Let me examine you. Open your mouth and say “Ah”, please.
Tom: Ah… Is it serious?
Doctor: 小题4:________________________. Just stop eating candies and take the medicine. You will feel better soon.
Tom: How often should I take the medicine?
Doctor: 小题5:______________________.
Tom: Thank you.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Hi, Mike. Do you know the second season of A Bite of China has come out?
B: That’s great news. 小题1:_________________?
A: On April, 18th.
B: Have you watched it?
A: 小题2:______________.
B: How do you like it?
A: 小题3: _________, because it introduces some Chinese culture and tasty food to us.
B: Really! It is a pity that I didn’t watch it!
A: 小题4:_____________?
B: That’s a good idea. I will go to your home to watch it together next Saturday. I can’t wait for it! See you!
A: 小题5:_____________.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

-It will be my turn .I feel a little nervous.
-           .You can make it.
A.Congratulations!B.Take it easy
C.Look outD.Have a good time


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

M: Hi, Lily! Did you watch the performance by a girl who has a hand without fingers?
W: ________小题1: She has a hand without fingers, but she can play the piano so well.
M: I was moved too. She set a good example for us teenagers. It’s time for us to think about our future.
W: Yes, I think so. Do you have a plan for the future? I mean what’s your dream?
M: ________小题2:
W: Great! How you going to do that? It’s not easy to achieve your dream, you know.
M: ________小题3: I’m going to work hard at my lessons
W: And you will have to do more exercise to make you strong.
M: Sue, I will. _______小题4:
W: I am going to be a reporter when I grow up. I like to meet and talk to people.
M: ________小题5:
W: Thank you. The same to you.
A: I wish your dream will come true.
B: Have a good time!
C: Yes, I was much moved.
D: What about you, Maria?
E: Well, I want to a pilot like Yang Liwei.
F: I know it’s hard.
G: What do you think of my dream?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--We’ll travel to different places this winter vacation. Enjoy your trip!
A.The same to youB.Yes, I’d love to
C.Me, tooD.Very well, thank you


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

–Oh, you sound just like an American.
--_____. I still have trouble expressing myself.
A.Yes, you’re rightB.Well, not quite like that
C.I don’t mindD.You’re welcome


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—We’d better invite Jim and Jack to the party tonight.
--Yes, _________? I’ll give them a call right now.
A.whyB.why not
C.what forD.how


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—You have given us a wonderful dinner, Mrs. Zhang.
A.Oh, I am afraid l didn’t cook well.
B.Not at all.
C.It is not necessary for you to say so.
D.I am glad you enjoyed it.

