 0  63324  63332  63338  63342  63348  63350  63354  63360  63362  63368  63374  63378  63380  63384  63390  63392  63398  63402  63404  63408  63410  63414  63416  63418  63419  63420  63422  63423  63424  63426  63428  63432  63434  63438  63440  63444  63450  63452  63458  63462  63464  63468  63474  63480  63482  63488  63492  63494  63500  63504  63510  63518  159627 

科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:It’s my cousin’s         (第十) birthday next week.
小题2:My grandpa always        (看) sports news if he is free.
小题3:Donations are welcome         (在……期间) the charity show that will be held in our school.
小题4:You look so tired. Why not stop for a good         (休息)?
小题5:I like to keep my window open in the morning. I want to let the         (新鲜) air in.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The girl is         (slim) than any other girl in her class.
小题2:The sun shines         (bright) at times these days.
小题3:—Simon, I’ve left my dictionary at home. May I use         (you)?
—Certainly, here you are.
小题4:He loves English. He practices         (speak) English every morning.
小题5:Sometimes it requires courage to tell the       (true).
小题6:They turned around but could not see anything         (usual).


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow       ?
---No, I’d rather buy         in the bookstore.
A.it, oneB.one, oneC.one, itD.it, it


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Han Han is very popular among the teenagers. We all like __
A.him B.he C.his D.himself


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The new students had always lived with their parents before they came here. They are not used to ______ (be) away from home.
小题2:Antonio is liked by everyone because he is always ready        (help) others.
小题3:Teenagers should _______________ (allow) to go out with their friends.
小题4:We hope the weather will be fine, but it is getting even     (bad).
小题5:He believed his lucky number was 12, so he decided to live on the ___________ (twelve) floor.
小题6:Timmy has spelt the name ___________ (correct). That’s why his friend can’t find him easily.
小题7:I wonder if there are any ______________ (suggest) about how to learn English well.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

词汇运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 (每空不限一词)。
小题1:­­­­­­_________(sad),a Chinese girl lost her life in the Boston bombing.
小题2:The medals and cups belong to those __________(direct).
小题3:Mr Smith is a teacher. His _______ life is very common. (day)
小题4:I agree with you. The story _________(it) is interesting.
小题5:We all know that the knives _____________(use) to cut things.
小题6:Tom’s father will have a party to celebrate his _____ birthday. (44)
小题7:Because of the rain, the photos ____________ out yet. (not come)
小题8:Many parents worry about the _____________(weigh) of their children at present.
小题9:Look! The children are making cards _______________(show) love for their fathers.
小题10:John had an         (please) trip to Qin Lake National Wetland Park because of the heavy traffic.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

I forget to bring a pen. Would you lend me        ?
A.oneB.thatC.it D.this


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

词汇运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。
小题1:Computer is one of the greatest ______ (invent). I can’t imagine life without it.
小题2:What do you go to the library for?       (search) for some information about my project.
小题3:He looked ___________(angry) at me just now.
小题4:The ______(lose) of my lovely dog made me very sad.
小题5:It is _________(frost) in Jiangsu today than yesterday .
小题6:It ___________ (not allow) to add unhealthy food additives(食品添加剂) in any food in China now.
小题7:July 1st this year is the ____________ (ninety) birthday of the CPC(中国共产党). There    would be no new China without our great Party.
小题8:I was glad to chat with my friend Mary on QQ yesterday. We_____(not chat) with each other on QQ for a long time.
小题9:My album is different from all my           (friend).
小题10:I found my father still ___________ (wake) when I entered his room at 11 last night.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Some of the stickers belong to me, while the rest are ____________.
A.him and herB.his and herC.his and hersD.him and hers


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The _______ (postman) wives donated a lot of money to the children in need.
小题2:I found my father still ___________ (wake) when I entered his room at 11 last night.
小题3:The room is too dirty. It requires __________(clean) every day.
小题4:From the __________(happy) on his face, we know that he failed the exam.
小题5:A 5-year-old child is sure to have difficulty __________(explain) such hard problems.
小题6:Do you think _________(achieve) the balance between study and play is possible?
小题7:At present not only the students but also their teacher _____(ask) to come to school on time.
小题8:How __________ (sad) she was telling me that he lost another bike!
小题9:—Kate, didn’t you hear the loud knock at the door?
— Sorry, I _____________( chat ) with my e-friend.
小题10:The book isn’t mine .It belongs to ______  (she)

