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科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—What does Mrs Li teach?
—She is ________ English teacher, and she teaches __________ English very well.
A.our , usB.us, usC.our, ourD.us, our


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Lin Shuhao is a very good basketball ___________( [‘pleI?] )
小题2:Watching the lion dance is very _____________(interest).
小题3:They have sports ____________(two) a week.
小题4:__________(not) play in the street. It’s dangerous.
小题5:Daniel with his parents often___________(go) shopping in the supermarket.
小题6:The students are sitting___________(围绕) their teachers.
小题7:Amy has ___________(足够的)money for the hair clips.
小题8:This meal gives him __________ (热量)for his after-school activities.
小题9:What about __________ (庆祝) Halloween in different ways?
小题10:They have a Computer lesson on ________ (星期四).


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Miss Gu is _____ teacher. She teaches ____ Chinese.
A.them; themB.their; their
C.them; theirD.their; them


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:______________(星期三) is the fourth day of a week.
小题2:Mr Cao is an English teacher, he gets lots of flowers from his students on 10th __________(九月).
小题3:We usually start our lessons at a ______________(一刻钟 ) past seven.
小题4:Tom’s favourite subject is ______________(历史 ).
小题5:There is a ____________( 现代的) library in our city.
小题6:Thank you for ______________( 写 ) a letter to me.
小题7:Do you know the _____________(主人 ) names of these dogs.
小题8:Happy birthday, Lucy. Here is a _____________(礼物 ) for you .
小题9:Who teaches ________(they) English? Mr Liu.
小题10:We have a class meeting ___________( one ) a week.
小题11:Those books are the ________ (child).Give the books to them, please.
小题12:We _________( real ) don’t know you are here.
小题13:My parents are both good __________ ( swim )
小题14:Mike is the ____________( good) at English in our class.
小题15:Look, the cat has only three ________________ ( foot).


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

I have more paper clips than____    ___, but my CDs are fewer than_____  ___.
A.she, hersB.she, her
C.yours, yoursD.hers, her


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Miss Li always speaks to us with a ___       (smile) face.
小题2:Everyone who can answer the questions ______  __ (correct) will get 10 points.
小题3:Did you enjoy ______    _ (you) at yesterday’s party, boys and girls?
小题4:Too much ___    ____ (lose) of blood made her in great danger.
小题5:Beijing is in the          ____ (north) part of China.
小题6:My father is a cook and the food he cooks              (闻) delicious.
小题7:Do you remember your __­­­­­­­­­­­­__ ______ (偶像) names?
小题8:The __­­­­­­­­­­­­_       __ (不愉快的) experience made him hate the place.
小题9:Sandy’s drawing is the most beautiful in the _____________. (比赛)
小题10:Our football team played ___________(糟糕)of all. We were very sad!


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

-I like this pair of trousers a lot. Can I ________?
-Yes, of course,
A.try on them  B.try on it
C.try them on   D.try it on


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The meat smells ____________(terrible). Throw it away.
小题2: While Daniel ___________ (make) a snowball, he fell over.
小题3:__________ (luck), his car broke down on his way to Shanghai.
小题4:Tigers are __________ (danger) animals, we should protect them as much as possible.
小题5:The zookeeper told us ___________(not frighten) the birds.
小题6: Do you know the ___________(weigh) of the box?
小题7: My mother ____________ (mop) the floor at this time yesterday.
小题8: She is very sad because of the _________ (lose)of her lovely dog.
小题9:After walking for a long time, they felt much _________(thirsty).
小题10:Do you like to watch the _______ (feed) of animals with me this morning?


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Mr. Ford saw a nice sweater in the shop window. It was very c_______. So he bought one. When he went back home he put the sweater o________, It was all right and he felt very h_______. In the afternoon he went out to work in his garden. It suddenly began to r_______, and Mr. Ford had to run into his house. He ran q_______, but he still got w_______. Then his sweater s________ to shrink(缩水). It got smaller and smaller. Mr. Ford t_________ to take it off, but he couldn’t. In the end, with the h_________ of his wife, he got out of the sweater. Mrs. Ford l________ and said, “ You see, you bought a cheap thing, but…”


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

------ Chen Lin, who teaches    English?
------ Mrs. White. She has lived in China for years.    Chinese is very good.
A.your; HerB.you; Her
C.your; HersD.you; Hers

