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科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Mr. Liu is an ________(经验) teacher. He has ways to make his class lively.
小题2:-Do you know where the Oriental Pearl______(塔) is?
-Yes. It’s in Shanghai.
小题3:Many people in Harbin like_______(滑雪) in winter.
小题4:The fans _______(鼓掌)and screamed when the famous singer appeared on the stage.
小题5:Overwork will do ______(伤害) to your health.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The film is about the Long M_______? Have you ever seen it?
小题2:I’m going to fly there. Would you buy two a_______ tickets for me?
小题3:Let’s buy some pens and pencils at the s__________ shop.
小题4:When Tim saw me, he w_______ his hand to me.
小题5:You must wait for your turn in l_________.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—When shall we meet again?
--Make it____ day you like. It’s all the same to me.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

The students were all tired, but ___ of them stopped to have a rest.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Dear Lucy,
I hope everything is going well with you. And I’m sorry to tell you I have a big problem now. As you know I am in Grade Nine this小题1:(学期). Sometimes there are many exams. I realize one of the most important time is coming now.  
Before the tests , I always小题2:(着急) about the tests. I’m小题3:(害怕的) I can’t pass them.
When I take the tests, I always want to write the answers as小题4:(快) as possible. In fact, I often make many小题5:(错误).
After the tests, I can’t sleep well at night. I think how foolish I am. The next day, when I am in小题6:(上课), I will be very 小题7:(困倦的). I always want to have a小题8:(休息).
What’s the小题9:( 麻烦) with me? If you have any ideas, please小题10:(回复) to me , I really need your help.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:These days, she is getting ready for her ______________ (twenty) birthday party.
小题2:I don't know why she looks ______ (angry)at me? Could you tell me?
小题3:He says he will teach ________ (he) English.
小题4:It's difficult for us to carry on a conversation in such a ________ (noise) room.
小题5:It was a__________ (please) tour. We all had a wonderful time.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The girl often helps me with my __________(最糟糕的)subject.
小题2:I think you made a good _________(决定).
小题3:We looked at each other in _________(沉默).
小题4:I had an unusual           (经历) last Sunday.
小题5:You shouldn’t _________ (播放) your CDs too loudly.
小题6:Now many students are under too much __________(压力).
小题7:If Paul _________(失败)the exam again, his teacher will talk with his parents about it.
小题8:He had an accident. But ___________(幸运地), he was not badly hurt.
小题9:It is very __________(危险的)to play football in the street.
小题10:He didn’t know what was __________(发生)outside.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Tom and David live in the same building and they’re in the same class. It’s a little far from their school. David has a bike, but Tom doesn’t have one. He has to get up early in the morning. After breakfast he goes to the bus stop quickly. Sometimes there’re many people in the bus and he can’t find a seat for himself. When he gets to the classroom, he’s tired. So he asked his father to buy a bike for him. The worker is not rich enough and didn’t agree. The boy began to cry sadly and he had to say, “Well. I’ll buy a bike for you next term.”
Tom is very happy. But he must learn to ride it. It’s Saturday today and the boy helped his mother with some washing and cleaning this morning. After lunch he went to David’s and Mrs. White opened the door.
“Can David come out and play with me?” asked the boy.
“I’m sorry, but he’s asleep now.” answered the woman.
“Then can his bike come out and play with me?” he asked hopefully.
小题1:David is Tom’s c____________.
小题2:Tom’s father is p___________, so the boy has no bike.
小题3:Tom goes to school by b___________.
小题4:Tom helped his mother with some h____________ this morning.
小题5:Tom went to David’s to b___________ his bike.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

The girl is doing _______homework at home .


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:90% of the class enjoyed ____________ (he) during the winter holiday.
小题2:It is______________ (possible)for me to design the poster without your help.
小题3:The police ________ (search) the robber at that time last night.
小题4:When I got to the theater, I realized that I _________ (leave) the ticket at home.
小题5:December is the __________ (twelve) month of a year.
小题6:You'd better plan your free time ________(wise). Don't play too many computer games.
小题7:——What do your father and uncle do?
——They are __________ (salesman) and they sell all kinds of robots.
小题8:——I want to teach in the western areas.
——Well, teachers ____________ very much there. (need )
小题9:Look! There is a new ___________ (wash) machine near the window.
小题10:My cousin refused ___________ (keep) secrets for me.

