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科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Susan: Where are you going , David?
David: To Beijing?
Susan: It’s a long trip from here by bike. How long will it take you to 小题1:c_________it?
David: About two years.
Susan: How many小题2:o______ you are making the trip?
David: Five.
Susan: 小题3:W_________are you making it?
David: We are trying to collec some money.
Susan: What will the money be used for?
David: To a charity小题4:c__________ Protecting the Red-Crowned Crane.
Susan: That sounds great. Good小题5:l____________ with your trip.
David: Thanks.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

——Tina, is this     schoolbag?
——Yes,it’s mine.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


Chen Huan:Glad to meet you,Mr Zhu. Welcome to Yiwu TV Station to tell your 小题1: 
(故事)of doing  business.
Mr Zhu: Thank you. I’d like to say something that happened thirty years ago.
Chen Huan:At that time,you didn’t have   小题2:   (足够的)ood to eat.
Mr Zhu:Right. So I  小题3:   (去)out to do business to make money by exchange
sweets for chicken feathers,old shoes and so on.I had to get up very 小题4:     
(早)every morning and travel a long way on   小题5:  (脚).
Chen Huan:It must be a special experience for you.
Mr Zhu:Yes. During that time,I was’ often tired and hungry   小题6: (没有)anything
to eat.,especially on those 小题7: (寒冷的)winter nights…dut now
everything is better. I own a big factory with hundreds of   小题8:(工人).
And I can 小题9:(卖)my products to the world in a modern market. I’m sure my
business will be better and better in the future.
Chen Huan:How moving! Hard work makes a successful businessman. You’re really a great  
example for the 小题10:(年轻的)people in Yiwu.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--Whose shirt is this? Is it Tom’s?
---No, it isn’t, ______ is white.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Whatever you do, ________ is difficult if you put your heart into it.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. It’s       (real)cold today.
2. This       (write)writes lots of interesting stories for kids.
3. Many people don’t enjoy       (live)in big cities.
4. I am in my       (three)year in this middle school.
5. As we all know,the weather in southwest China is       (dry)than any other time in history


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

6. I usually have a piece of         (面包)and some milk for breakfast.
7. You need to­       (浇水)the flowers twice a month.
8. They planted many trees       (在……之间)the two buildings.
9. Don’t always depend on others. You can do it by       (你自己).
10. He was as       (聪明的)as a monkey.


科目: 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. He was ____________(吸引)by her charm.
2. Mr. Li is one of the _________(受害者)in the robbery.
3. My grandfather has been ________(死亡)for ten years.
4. How did she _______(成功)in the end?
5. Can you _____(想象)   what life will be like by 2100 on Earth ?
6. A police told him that a jewellery shop had been ______ (rob) .
7. He was charged with _______ ( break) into several computer systems over the last year.
8. Can you offer me some ________  (advice) ?  They would be the most valuable.
9. Mrs. Li told me that she _______(finish)the work already.
10.The old woman passed away _________ (peace) in her nineties .


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

-How many students watched the teacher carefully enough ?
Nobody  B. None  C. Someone  D. Some one    


科目: 来源:不详 题型:单选题

-What would you like to drink ?
-It doesn’t matter. ________will do .

