 0  8694  8702  8708  8712  8718  8720  8724  8730  8732  8738  8744  8748  8750  8754  8760  8762  8768  8772  8774  8778  8780  8784  8786  8788  8789  8790  8792  8793  8794  8796  8798  8802  8804  8808  8810  8814  8820  8822  8828  8832  8834  8838  8844  8850  8852  8858  8862  8864  8870  8874  8880  8888  159627 

科目: 来源:广东省期中题 题型:阅读理解


       Mid-Autumn Day is one of the _1   traditional festivals in china. It is on _2_ 15th in Chinese calendar.
  On that day, families usually get _3_ and have a big meal. In the evening, you know, the moon is big,
  bright and _4  . We usually go outdoors to enjoy the   5_ and eat moon cakes in the open air. We have a
  good time.
       Look! Tom got a lot of presents from his parents. His mother _6_ two lanterns(灯笼) for him. One
  was big, the _7_ was small. His father helped him to hang them _8_. When Tom saw the _9_ food on the
   table, he was very pleased. After dinner, Tom went out with his parents. They looked at the moon in the
  open air. They didn't go home _10_ mid-night. What a happy day!
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____  4. _____  5. _____ 
6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____ 


科目: 来源:湖北省期中题 题型:完形填空

     Our dog named Zip always brings things home for us to keep! Many of
them were toy bears, lambs and ducks. We never could     1     the owners.
     One day Dad was     2     the newspaper, "Listen to this, everybody," he
said. "To the person who took a Teddy bear from a child's wagon(推车)
please bring back the toy bear. Our two-year-old son is very     3     ."
     "Zip does something     4     again. He must have taken others' toys." said
     "Yes," said Dad, "Well, the paper gives the     5     . This time I can take
back Zip's     6    ."
     "Do you think it is    7     to do that?" Mom asked. "If you tell others about Zip, who will believe you?"
     "I will     8     until dark. Then I'll just put the Teddy bear at the front door and walk away.    9 will see me."
     Dad's idea     10     worked. He put Teddy at the gate. He turned to walk
away and knocked into a chair!
     Dad started to     11     . But he didn't get very far. The gate light came on. A man opened the door."    12     is over here?" he called out.
     Dad kept silent and didn't even try to     13     . He just wanted to get away. Then the man saw     14    .
     He shouted after Dad, "How    15     you are!" he said, "Taking toys from
(     ) 1.A. pay  
(     ) 2.A. buying
(     ) 3.A. sad  
(     ) 4.A. wrong
(     ) 5.A. picture
(     ) 6.A. food  
(     ) 7.A. wrong
(     ) 8.A. speak
(     ) 9.A. Someone
(     ) 10.A. never
(     ) 11.A. speak
(     ) 12.A. What
(     ) 13.A. help  
(     ) 14.A. the bear
(     ) 15.A. angry
B. agree  
B. reading
B. surprised
B. important
B. story  
B. name    
B. clever  
B. wait    
B. Everyone
B. always  
B. drive  
B. Who     
B. answer  
B. Zip     
B. kind    
C. find        
C. writing    
C. happy      
C. interesting
C. address    
C. idea        
C. dangerous  
C. watch      
C. No one      
C. already    
C. run        
C. How         
C. listen      
C. nothing    
C. bad        
D. choose      
D. sending    
D. afraid      
D. worried    
D. time        
D. present    
D. free        
D. think      
D. Anyone      
D. almost      
D. cry        
D. Which      
D. knock      
D. the baby    
D. sorry      


科目: 来源:湖北省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Mr. Green never went to a dentist because he was afraid, but when his
teeth began hurting(痛) a lot, he had to go to a dentist. The dentist did a lot of work in his mouth for a long time. On the last day Mr. Green said to him,
"How much is all this work going to cost?" The dentist said, "Twenty-five
pounds." But he did not ask him for the money. After a month Mr. Green
phoned the dentist and said, "You haven't asked me for any money for your
work last month." "Oh," the dentist answered, "I never ask a gentleman for
money." "Then how do you live?" Mr. Green asked. "Most gentlemen pay me quickly," the dentist said, "but some don't. I waited for my money for two
months, and then I say, 'That man is not a gentleman,' and then I ask for my
1.Which word has the same meaning as "phone"?
A. Call
B. Give
C. Ask
D. Thank
2.Mr. Green ___________ until his teeth began hurting a lot.
A. went to see the dentist
B. was not afraid
C. didn't see the dentist
D. wanted to see the dentist
3.____________ cost twenty-five pounds.
A. The first day's work
B. Half of the dentist's work
C. One month's work
D. All the dentist's work
4.When did Mr. Green give the dentist a call?
A. A long time ago.
B. After he paid him.
C. About thirty days later.
D. About twenty days later.
5.The dentist said that he never asked _________ first.
A. a lady for money
B. the poor for money
C. gentlemen for money
D. people for much money


科目: 来源:湖北省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     There was an old pear tree in a man's garden. In the past, the tree fruited
every year, so the man would get many pears. But now, the tree got old. There were no more pears for the man. So the ungrateful(忘恩负义的) man
decided to cut the tree down. When he walked to the tree with an axe(斧子)
in his hand, the tree said to him, "Please don't cut me down. I have brought so many pears for you in the past years. Now I only have a short time to live."
"I'm sorry. I have to do so," the man said, "because I need something to make a chair." Then he began to wave his axe. At that moment, a bird in the old tree said to him, "Don't cut it down! Every time you go out and your wife feels
lonely(寂寞的), she will come out to the garden and sit down under the tree
to enjoy its cool shade(树荫), and I sing songs to make her happy. We give
much pleasure(愉快) to your wife when you are away from home."
     The man didn't listen to the bird and drove(驱赶) it away. When he was
about to cut the tree, some bees flew out of it and said, "Listen! If you agree
not to kill this tree, we will give you delicious honey every day. Would you
please leave the tree with us?"
     The man got moved(感动). He said, "You are so kind to the tree, although it has become old. Now I see that I shouldn't cut it down. It has done so much to me and my wife. Let the tree stay here, and let the bird continue to sing
songs here." With these words, the man left. And the old tree lived there to its last day.
1. Which can be the best title of the story?
A. The Singing Bird
B. The Man's Wife
C. The Old Tree
D. The Kind Bees
2. Which is the most important reason(理由) for the man to cut down the
A. The tree was getting old.
B. The man needed wood to make a chair.
C. The tree didn't give any shade.
D. The man couldn't get any pears from it.
3. What made his wife happy when the man was not at home?
A. The tree and its shade.
B. The bees and their honey.
C. The bird and its songs.
D. The tree and the bird.
4. In the story, the word "continue" means "     ".
A. 再一次开始
B. 继续
C. 表演
D. 停止
5. What can we learn from the story?
A. People should never be ungrateful.
B. Good wood(木头) comes from pear trees.
C. Old people are kind and friendly.
D. Birds and bees are always helpful.


科目: 来源:湖北省期中题 题型:填空题

     A man once had a dream about the Black Forest in Germany. In his dream he was in the forest when two men ran out and t    1     to catch him. He ran as f    2     as he could. He reached a place where he saw two roads in front of
him, one to the right and the o    3     to the left. Which road should he t    4    ? He heard the two men behind him g   5   nearer, and at the same time he heard a voice. It told him to go to the right, and he d    6   so. He ran on
and soon a    7     at a small hotel. He was safe there. That was the dream.
     Twenty years l    8     he was really in the Black Forest, and as happened in the dream long ago, two men ran out and wanted to catch him. He ran, and
came to a place w    9     two roads, just like in the dream. He r    10     the
dream and took the road to the right. He soon reached a small hotel. His
dream of twenty years before had saved his life.
1. t________2. f________3. o________4. t________5. g_________
6. d________7. a________8. l________9. w________10. r_________


科目: 来源:山东省期中题 题型:阅读理解

Characters:Queen(Q)(王后)  The Mirror(M)(镜子)
Storyteller:Let me tell you a story of a beautiful girl.Snow White.She is very pretty.Her mother,the Queen loved her very much.Everybody loved her, too.But the Queen died of the illness.A new Queen came.She is beautiful but bad.
Scene1:(In the palace,there is g magic mirror in the room.)
Q:I'm the Queen.I'm very rich and beautiful.(The Queen is asking the mirror)
Q:Mirror! Mirror! Magic mirror!
M:Good morning, dear Queen!
Q:Am I beautiful?
M:Yes, you are.
Q:Am I very beautiful?
M:Yes,You are.
Q:Am I the most beautiful woman in the world?
M:No, you aren't.
M:Snow White is much more beautiful than you.
Q:No! No! No! Snow White! Snow White! I must kill her.
1.This passage is ________.
A. a song
B. a letter
C. a poem
D. a play
2.The new Queen is ________ and the mirror is ________.
A. bad,honest
B. bad,silly
C. kind,honest
D. kind,silly
3.Where does the conversation take place?
A. In the palace.
B. In the forest.
C. In the park.
D. In the yard.
4.________ is the most beautiful woman in the world according to the conversation.
A. The mirror
B. Snow White
C. The Queen
D. Snow White's mother
5.The new Queen,Snow White's stepmother ________Snow White.
A. loved
B. hated
C. understood
D. killed


科目: 来源:福建省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Mary likes sports. Her school sports meet will be held on May 4th. She entered for the high jump
and long jump, and the other girls in her class are sure she will win both. But ten days before the school
sports meet, when Mary climbed a hill, she hurt her left leg.
     She worried about the school sports meet. Would her leg be all right by May 4th? Four of her friends
took her to the hospital. The doctor said it was not serious. Mary's left leg would be much better by the
end of April, and on May 4th she would be able to run and jump at the school sports meet.
1. Mary will enter _______.
A. the high jump
B. the long jump
C. the hill climbing
D. A and B
2. Mary hurt her left leg on _______.
A. May 4th
B. April 24th
C. April 3rd
D. May 14th
3. When Mary hurt her left leg, she worried about _______.
A. her walking
B. her going to hospital
C. her going to school
D. the school sports meet
4. The doctor said she would be better soon, because _______.
A. Mary was not badly hurt
B. four friends took her to the hospital on time
C. Mary was strong enough
D. Mary had a lot of time before the school sports meet
5. Which is TRUE?
A. Mary won't enter for the school sports meet.
B. Mary won the high jump and long jump at last.
C. Mary will enter for the school sports meet.
D. Mary couldn't watch the school sports meet.


科目: 来源:山东省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     A mother camel was walking with her son through the desert. They were looking for water and grass.
     The son asked his mother what water and grass looked like. The mother replied that water was blue and looked like
the sky, while grass was green and nice.
     After they had walked a day and a night, her son suddenly cried,"Look,Mother, there's water and grass over there."
     "What a foolish talk,my child!"
     The water and grass was on the left, while the desert was on the fight. Because the mother camel had been blind in
her left eye since she was a baby, she could see nothing with her left eye. After they had gone another day and night,
the young camel found a second oasis(绿洲), but his mother still did not believe him. She said that was not all oasis,
but a desert. She said she knew more than her son and couldn't be wrong.
     Her son got angry. When he saw an oasis again, he left his mother without telling her. He ran into the grass and ate
his fill(吃个够).
1.The mother camel could see things ______.
A. only with the left eye
B. only with the fight eye
C. with both of her eyes
D. with neither of her eyes
2.The young camel saw the oasis ______.
A. just on the left
B. just on the fight
C. neither on the left nor on the right
D. not only on the left but also on the right
3.The son did not know what water and grass looked like ______.
A. when they met the water and grass for the first time
B. when he found the second oasis
C. before he found the first oasis
D. after they met the water and grass for the second time
4.The mother camel didn’t believe her son had found the oasis because ______.
A. the son was a foolish child
B. she was very clever
C. she thought she knew more than her son and she was always right
D. her son was too young to know what water and grass looked like
5.It was when the young camel found an oasis the ______time that the young camel got very angry and left his mother.
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth


科目: 来源:安徽省月考题 题型:阅读理解

     Yesterday, my father went to work by train,  but he left his umbrella in one of the compartments.   He told a conductor about it and they began to look
for the umbrella."Which compartment did you leave your umbrella in?" the
conductor asked.  But my father couldn't remember it . The conductor found an umbrella in the first compartment. But it wasn't my father's,  it was a
woman's umbrella.Then they went to another compartment and found another umbrella. But this wasn't my father's ,either.
     At last, they went to the third compartment. They found it there! The
conductor said "we found three. the people are so forgetful."
1. How did my father go to work?.
A. By train      
B. On foot    
C. By bus        
D. By bike
2. My father left his______in one of the compartments?       
A. umbrella      
C. shoes      
3. _____ found an umbrella in the first compartment?        
A. My father      
B. My mother    
C. I      
D.The conductor     
4. They found ______umbrella in the next compartment.
A. the third    
B. my father's    
C. another    
D. others
5. At last they found_____umbrellas in the three compartments?
A. one        
B. two          
C. three      
D. four


科目: 来源:山东省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     When they go to the new supermarket, all the housewives(家庭主妇)have one great wish:to be the lucky customer
so that they needn't pay for their shopping. Mrs. Edward hopes, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer.
Unlike her friends, she never gives up. The cupboards in her kitchen are full of things which she doesn't need. Her
husband persuades(劝说)her to stopping buying things mat she doesn't need., but it is of no use. She dreams that
her lucky day is coming.
     One Friday afternoon, after she finishes her shopping and is taking the things to her car, she finds that she forgot
to buy some tea. She goes back to the supermarket, gets the tea and goes to the cashier(收银台).She sees the manager
come up to her."Madam,"he says,holding out his hand,"I want to congratulate you! You are our lucky customer and
everything you have in your basket is free."
1.The customer in the supermarket _______.
A. wants to go around the supermarket  
B. doesn't have to pay for shopping
C. wishes to know what to buy
D. could get free things if she/he is lucky
2.Mrs. Edward's husband _______things which she is not in need of.
A. likes her wife buying
B. enjoys her being the lucky customer
C. can't stop her from buying
D. would like her to buy
3.Mrs. Edward gets her free things _______.
A. on Sundays
B. in the evening
C. on Friday
D. with her husband
4.Mrs. Edward feels a little _______although she was the lucky one finally.
A. happy
B. sorry
C. angry
D. surprised
5.The main purpose of the passage is to tell us not to _______.
A. do shopping at a new supermarket
B. go back to the supermarket after you leave it
C. go shopping on Friday, because some people think it is an unlucky day
D. dream of getting lots of things for free at any shop

