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科目: 来源:广东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     During his life Dr James Naismith worked as a doctor, taught P.E and wrote several books. While he never
thought it very important, Dr Naismith is today best known for one thing. He was the inventor of basketball.   
     Dr James Naismith was born in Canada in 1861 and his first job was at a special sports school in the USA.
One day the school principal told James he was having a problem with the students. Because of heavy snow,
the students could not go outside. He told James that they needed a sport the boys could play indoors and gave
the teacher two weeks to think of something.   
     It was on the very last day that James came up with his idea. The "birth of basketball" is said to be on
December 21, 1891, when two teams from the school played the first game. It was quite different from the
basketball games of today. It had 9 players on each team and footballs were used instead of basketballs. Soon
after, the game changed to 5 players on each side, using special"basketballs" through nets.   
     Although Dr Naismith did not live to see basketball become the worldwide game it is today, in 1936, just
three years before his death, basketball became an Olympic sport at the games in Berlin.
1. Which of the following things did Dr James Naismith NOT do?
A. Teach P.E in school.
B. Write some books.
C. Work at hospital.
D. Take part in the Olympic Games.
2. In which season did Dr Naismith invent basketball?
A. Summer.
B. Winter.
C. Spring.
D. Autumn.
3. Why is December 21 thought to be the birthday of basketball?  
A. It was on this day that Dr Naismith came up with his idea for basketball.  
B. It was the day on which Dr Naismith was born.  
C. It was the day on which Dr Naismith was asked by his boss to invent a new game.  
D. It was on this day that the first game of basketball was played.
4. At the time of Dr Naismith's death, which of the following was true?
A. Basketball was already a worldwide game.
B. Basketball was played with 9 players on each side.
C. Basketball was an Olympic sport.
D. Basketball was still played using footballs. 
5. What would be the best title for this story?
A. History of Basketball
B. How Basketball Has Changed
C. Father of Basketball
D. Happy Birthday, Basketball


科目: 来源:广东省中考真题 题型:填空题

     David goes to school in New Zealand. When he was at primary school, he didn't have any (1)h______
to do. He only had to read for 15 minutes very evening: that's all! His school had a huge sports field that was
(2)b______ enough for four football fields. He loved to run around with his (3)f______. His teacher was nice,
too. Sometimes she would say, "(4)S______ your maths work please, children. It's a beautiful day outside.
Let's go out and play a (5)g______!"   
     Things have changed since David started high school. He still (6)p______ a lot of sports, but the work is
a bit harder. He has to do some homework, but not too much, only one hour each night.   
     But the (7)b______ thing David loves about his high school is all the sports he can play. The sports ground
has a running track, (8)a______ s pool and four football fields. David plays sports every day after school.   
     David is looking forward to (9)g______ to university. After he has finished his studies, he wants to
(10)t______ around the world. He dreams and hopes that day he can.


科目: 来源:河北省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Little Mike's grandma died weeks ago. He missed her very much. One afternoon Mike went to the city
park. Where his grandma used to go. There he saw an old lady. She looked very kind. She was sitting there,
watching pigeons (鸽子). Little Mike went up and sat next to her. He took out his food and drinks and gave
some to her. She smiled at him. Her smile was so sweet that Mike wanted to see it again. She seemed to
understand him, so once again she smiled. Mike was very glad.
     They sat there all the afternoon, eating and talking. As it grew dark, Mike got up to leave. Before he left,
he hugged (拥抱) the old lady and she gave him her sweetest smile.
     When Mike got home, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face. "I met a granny in the
park. Her smile was like the kind of smile I had seen on Grandma's face."
     The old lady also returned to her home happily. She told her son that she had food and drinks with a little
boy. "He was as lovely as Brittany." she said. Her son was surprised, because he had never seen her so happy
since Brittany, her grandson, died weeks ago.
1. Little Mike went to the park and _______.
A. played with pigeous
B. fed pigeons
C. met an old lady
D. saw a friend of his grandma's
2. The old lady's smile showed that _______.
A. she had hoped to meet the boy
B. she wanted to get some drinks
C. she missed her grandson
D. she liked the little boy
3. Mike felt very glad because _______.
A. he gave the granny food and drinks
B. the old lady was as kind as his grandma
C. he had seen his grandma
D. she liked the little boy
4.  Mike and the old lady _______.
A. were good to each other
B. knew each other well
C. often met in the park
D. did nothing that afternoon
5. What can we learn from the story?
A. When one feels unhappy, he must go to a park.
B. Old people are always kind and happy.
C. Children and old people should get on well with each other.
D. When people are kind to each other, they will feel happy.


科目: 来源:福建省中考真题 题型:完形填空

     Mr. Black was once a policeman. He was a   1   person. He liked to have a walk in the park after breakfast.
     It was very cold   2   a winter morning. Mr. Black was walking along the street when he heard a   3   for
help. He turned around but could see nobody. He stopped and looked here and there. At the moment, a boy   4   
to him. The boy was in such a hurry   5   he couldn't say a word except   6   towards the river. Mr. Black ran
to the river as soon as possible.   7   of them ran along the river and saw a girl in the water. She was   8   a piece
of wood. It was carrying her away. It was too   9  .
     Without a word, Mr. Black took off his clothes as  10  as he could, and jumped into the river. He  11  to the
girl and tool her back near the  12  and lifted the girl up, and then the boy helped  13  her out of the water. Then
they  14  a car and took the girl to the  15 . At last the girl's life was saved, and she thanked them very much.
(     )1. A. lazy   
(     )2. A. in     
(     )3. A. cry    
(     )4. A. ran up 
(     )5. A. so     
(     )6. A. running
(     )7. A. All    
(     )8. A. holding
(     )9. A. heavy  
(     )10. A. slowly
(     )11. A. swam  
(     )12. A. bank  
(     )13. A. push  
(     )14. A. lent  
(     )15. A. house 
B. kind     
B. on       
B. noise    
B. looked up   
B. and      
B. pointing 
B. Both     
B. lifting  
B. exciting 
B. carefully
B. ran      
B. village  
B. pull     
B. bought   
B. school   
C. deaf        
C. at          
C. laugh       
C. rushed out  
C. that        
C. driving     
C. Neither     
C. taking      
C. dangerous                   
C. quickly     
C. rode        
C. park        
C. bring       
C. stopped     
C. hospital    


科目: 来源:广东省中考真题 题型:完形填空

     A professor told students to go into the city slums (贫民窟) to study the life of 200 boys. He asked
them to  1  reports (报告) about each boy's life and future. Most of the students wrote, "He doesn't have
any hope."
     Twenty-five years  2 , another professor read about the earlier reports. He told his students to 
 3  what happened to the boys, They tried very hard and found that 176 of the boys had become
successful  4  doctors, teachers or scientists.
     The professor was very  5  and decided to study it further. Luckily, all the men were living in
the same city and he was able to visit and ask each one,"What made you  6 ?"
     They all answered, "They was a good teacher." The teacher was   7  living there, so the professor
found her and asked the old lady  8  she had pulled those boys out of the slum, and changed them into
successful people.    
     The teacher's  9  began to shine and said with a sweet smile, "It's really very easy, I  10  those boys.
I'm proud of them."
(     )1. A. read      
(     )2 .A. later     
(     )3. A. search    
(     )4. A. for       
(     )5. A. glad      
(     )6. A. surprising
(     )7. A. already   
(     )8. A. how       
(     )9. A. face      
(     )10. A. taught   
B. study    
B. before   
B. find out 
B. like     
B. surprised
B. successful
B. even     
B. where    
B. eyes     
B. loved    
C. write   
C. ago     
C. look for
C. as      
C. worried 
C. famous  
C. still   
C. when    
C. mouth                                
C. helped  


科目: 来源:广东省中考真题 题型:填空题


     "Daddy, can I learn to play the (1) _______? I'll try very hard." Sarah asked her (2)_______, Mr White.
     "All right," Mr White said. "I'll (3)_______ for you to have lessons for six weeks. If you play well, you
can go on with your lessons. If you don't, I will (4)_______ the lessons."
     "OK, Daddy," Sarah said.
     Mr White found her a good and expensive (5)_______ and Sarah began her lessons.
     Six weeks later, Sarah said to Mr White, "I'm (6)_______ to play for you, Daddy."
     "Fine, Sarah," Mr White said."Begin."
    She began to play. She didn't play well. She made a terrible noise.
     Her father had one of his friends with him. The friend put his hands over his (7)_______ when he heard
the noise.    
    When Sarah (8)_______, her father said,"Well done, Sarah. You can go on with your lessons."
    Sarah ran happily out of the room. Mr White's friend turned to him."You've spent a lot of (9)_______,
but she still plays very (10)_______," he said.
     Mr White said, "Since she started learning the piano, I've been able to buy five apartments (单元房间) in
this building very cheaply. In another six weeks, I'll own the whole building."


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     A mother and her young son got into a bus in a small city and sat down. The bus conductor came to them
for their money. The mother said, "I want one ticket to Oxford," and gave her a shilling (先令).
     The conductor looked at the small boy for a few seconds and then said to him,"How old are you, young
     The mother began speaking, but the conductor stopped her, and the boy said, "I'm four years old at home,
and two and a half in buses and trains."
     The mother took six pence (便士) out of her bag and gave the money to the conductor. The conductor
gave her one and a half tickets.
1. One day the mother took a bus _____.
A. to a small city
B. to get some money
C. with her son
2. The mother gave the conductor _____ pence in all (总共) that day.
A. 12
B. 16
C. 18
3. The mother was _____.
A. honest
B. not honest (诚实)
C. very clever
4. The conductor asked _____ how old he was.
A. the little boy
B. the mother
C. the bus driver
5. The boy was _____ years old then.
A. two
B. four
C. two and a half


科目: 来源:山东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解


     On a hot summer day in south Florida, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming
hole behind his house.In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out of the back door, leaving behind
shoes and shirt as he went.
     He flew into the water, not realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake, a crocodile was
swimming toward him.His mother in the house was looking out of the window and saw the two. In great
fear, she ran toward the water,shouting to her son as loudly as she could. Hearing her voice, the little boy
became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim to his mother. It was too late. Just as he reached her, the
crocodile reached him.From the shore, the mother caught her Iittle boy be the arms just as the crocodile
snatched his legs. That began an incredible tug-of-war between the two.The crocodile was much stronger
that the mother, but the mother was much too eager to let go. A farmer happened to drive by, heard their
screams, raced from his truck, took aim and shot the cmcodile.
     After several weeks in hospital,the Iittle boy survived. His legs were extremely scarred by the attack of the
animal. And, on his arms, were deep scratches where his mother's fingernails dug into his flesh in her effort
to hang on to the son she loved.
     A newspaper reporter, who interviewed the boy, asked if he would show him his scars (伤疤). The boy
Iifted his legs. And then, with obvious pride,he said to the reporter,"But look at my arms. I have great scars
on my arms, too. I have them because my Mom wouldn't let go."
     Never judge another person's scars, because you don't know how they were made.
1. What is probably the best title for the passage?
A. Scars of love
B. Women hold up half sky
C. A terrible experience
D. Don't judge by appearances
2. Hearing Mother's shouts, the boy _______.
A. remained in the middle in great fear
B. didn't stop swimming forwards
C. swam back towards the bank
D. was ready to fight the crocodile
3. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?
A. A crocodile attacked him when the boy and his mother were bathing.
B. The crocodile bit the ams of the boy when is reached him.
C. It was the farmer who shot the crocodile.
D. There is always an interesting story behind every scar.
4. By saying "But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too." in paragraph 4,
   the boy really wants to show ______.
A. how deep the scars made by the crocodile were
B. What a brave boy he was
C. how many scars and scratches he had
D. how great and beloved his mother was


科目: 来源:山东省中考真题 题型:填空题

     Victor used to be such a good runner that he 1_______ (win) nine awards be the age of 18. Then one
day while he 2_______ (run) along the roadside, an accident suddenly happened to him. Unfortunately both
of his legs 3_______(injure) seriously by a car out of control. Since then, he 4_______ (not be) able to walk
any more.
     After a long time, however, he knew life 5_______ (not stop) for him. He focused on what he could do
instead of what he lost. He realized that there were many possibilities for the disabled. One of the things he
became interested in was foreign languages.
     Every day he listened to tapes and read books. After several years he became fluent in three languages.
Then he 6_______(try) his best to work as a translator in a company. To everybody's surprise, he became
the best one in the city.
     Though Victor wishes he could walk, he is always looking forward to 7_______(live) a wonderful life
in the future. Sometimes he 8_______(miss) being able to walk or run. But now at least he can live on his
own and make himself  9_______(enjoy) what he likes. He thinks there's much 10_______(be) thankful for.


科目: 来源:湖北省中考真题 题型:完形填空

     Jose had just seen his friend, Mike. Several hours ago his friend was   1   by a speeding truck and hurt
badly. He wept (流泪) silently as he thought about his   2   friend. Nothing else seemed to   3   now. He was
so sad that he   4   do his school papers. At home, he looked at the TV screen but nothing seemed to be   5  .
Jose knew that Mike would get better, but he worried about the   6  . Would it happen again?
     Mike was a big dog, and Jose knew that he should probable   7   in the country where there were fields and
woods. There he could run and play safely away from the city   8  . Jose also knew that if he gave Mike to a
farmer, he would never, if ever, get to see him   9  . It was very  10  for him to decide. Jose had  11  Mike from
the time he was born. He knew what Mike  12 , and he took care of him. He wasn't sure that a new  13  would
take care of Mike in the same way.
     Jose didn't know  14  he could protect Mike if he stayed in town. Dogs like Mike who want to  15  often
have a way of getting away when you don't watch them carefully.
(     )1.A. fallen    
(     )2.A. close      
(     )3.A. matter    
(     )4.A. mustn’t  
(     )5.A. interesting 
(     )6.A. result    
(     )7.A. live      
(     )8.A. people    
(     )9.A. once      
(     )10.A. hard      
(     )11.A. bought    
(     )12.A. thought  
(     )13.A. dog      
(     )14.A. where    
(     )15.A. run      
B. hit      
B. sad      
B. care    
B. shouldn’t    
B. usual    
B. future  
B. grow    
B. center  
B. again    
B. kind    
B. fed      
B. liked    
B. farmer   
B. when    
B. sleep    
C. carried  
C. poor    
C. mind    
C. might not   
C. surprising     
C. health  
C. die      
C. streets  
C. more    
C. easy    
C. kept    
C. hoped    
C. owner    
C. whether  
C. lie      
D. driven      
D. excited   
D. happen  
D. couldn’t              
D. possible   
D. past    
D. play      
D. traffic     
D. only      
D. OK        
D. left    
D. asked     
D. driver      
D. why      
D. travel    

