 0  8951  8959  8965  8969  8975  8977  8981  8987  8989  8995  9001  9005  9007  9011  9017  9019  9025  9029  9031  9035  9037  9041  9043  9045  9046  9047  9049  9050  9051  9053  9055  9059  9061  9065  9067  9071  9077  9079  9085  9089  9091  9095  9101  9107  9109  9115  9119  9121  9127  9131  9137  9145  159627 

科目: 来源:浙江省月考题 题型:阅读理解

        Mrs Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class. The story said:
        Were you ever in a hospital when you were small? How did you feel? The doctors in Children's Hospital
are asking for money for children's toys. Some children in the hospital must stay in bed for many weeks. Toys
are needed to keep these sick children happy and quiet. Money for them can be sent to the hospital.
       After Mrs. Weeks read the story, she said,"This story gave me an idea."
      "You want us to bring some money for the toys.""We could bring some of our own toys for the children in
the hospital, "said the boys and girls one after another.
       "Well, your ideas would be nice, "Mrs. Weeks said,"but mine is different."
        Mrs. Weeks smiled. "Do you think you could make toys?" she asked.
        "Yes, yes," the whole class answered.
        "Great! Let's begin to make toys tomorrow," said Mrs. Weeks.
         On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Weeks took the children to the hospital with the toys made by her students.
The children in the hospital felt very happy to see the toys. The children in the class felt happy, too.
        A few days later, Mrs. Weeks read another newspaper story to the class:
        Some school pupils brought toys to Children's Hospital last week. The toys were made by the pupils of
Grade Three in Green Street School. The doctors said, "We have never had so many wonderful toys. Our
children are very happy with them. They say, 'THANK YOU, GRADE THREE'"
1. What was the first newspaper story mainly about?
[     ]
A. Sick children in Children's Hospital
B. Doctors in Children's Hospital
C. Mrs. Weeks and her students
D. Toys made by the boys and girls
2. What "idea" did Mrs. Weeks have in mind?
[     ]
A. Ask the class to give some money to the children in the hospital.
B. Ask the class to send some of their own toys to the children in the hospital.
C. Let the class make some toys themselves and give them to the children in the hospital.
D. Tell the class to go to see the children in the hospital.
3. Doctors in Children's Hospital didn't have          to keep the children happy and quiet.
[     ]
A. enough time
B. enough boys and girls
C. enough toys
D. enough doctors
4. At first, the doctors in Children's Hospital wanted to             the sick children.
[     ]
A. give some money to
B. make some toys for
C. get money to buy toys for
D. borrow some toys for
5. What Mrs. Weeks really wanted to do is to               .
[     ]
A. let everyone know her class
B. save some money for toys
C. make herself famous
D. teach the pupils to do things themselves and be helpful to others


科目: 来源:四川省月考题 题型:阅读理解


        Mark was walking home from school one day when he saw the boy in front of him fall over and drop all
of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a basketball and a walkman (随身听). Mark stopped
and helped the boy pick up these things. Since they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of his
things. As they walked, Mark knew that the boy's name was Bill, and he loved computer games, basketball and
history, and he was having lots of troubles with his other subjects and that he had just broken up with his
        They arrived at Bill's home first and Mark was invited in for a coke and to watch television. The afternoon
passed happily with a few laughs and some small talks, then Mark went home. They often saw each other at
school, had lunch together once or twice, and then they both finished middle school. They ended up in the same
high school where they sometimes saw and talked with each other over the years. At last just three weeks           before they finished high school, Bill asked Mark if they could talk?
          Bill asked Mark if he still remembered the day years ago when they had first met." Did you ever think
why I was carrying so many things home that day?" asked Bill. "You see, I cleaned out my locker (锁柜)
because I didn't want to leave anything for anyone else. I had put away some of mother's sleeping pills and I was going home to kill myself. But after we spent some time together talking and laughing, I began to understand that
if I killed myself, I would have missed that time and so many others that might follow. So you see, Mark, when
you picked up those books that day, you did a lot more. You saved my life."

1. When Mark met him the first time, Bill was going ________.
[     ]

A. to have a basketball game
B. to his classroom 
C. to see Mark
D. back home 

2. From what Bill was carrying, we can know that he ________.
[     ]
A. was a good student
B. liked sports and music 
C. liked all the subjects in school
D. was a good friend
3. Mark and Bill ________.
[     ]
A. were in the same middle school and high school
B. were in the same middle school but not in the same high school
C. often had lunch together at school
D. had known each other before they began to study in middle school
4. In this passage, the phrase "broken up" means "_______".
[     ]
A. 相处很好
B. 和好如初
C. 关系破裂
D. 保持联系
5. When Mark helped Bill to pick up some of his things, he              .
[     ]
A. knew he could save Bill's life
B. knew who Bill was and wanted to help him
C. didn't know why he was going to help him
D. didn't know what he was doing was very important to Bill


科目: 来源:月考题 题型:完形填空

        Rudi Matt lived in a small village in the Swiss Alps in 1865. What he wanted most in the world was to
climb the highest peak (峰) in the Alps. Rudi's mother and his uncle, Franz, a mountain guide, wanted him to
stop     1     and start working in a hotel. Rudi would not     2     his dream and secretly got in touch with an
English mountain climber     3    was planning to climb the highest peak. 
        Franz was very angry when he found out what Rudi had done, but he finally agreed to let Rudi go if he
went climbing,      4   . Franz also didn't want to see Emil Saxo, a guide from another village, got to the top 
    5     him.
        Rudi turned out to be a very good climber,      6    as they got close to the top, the Englishman got sick
and could go no farther. Franz stayed behind to take care of him, but Saxo continued, wishing to be the      7    
to the top. Rudi went after Saxo, hoping to beat him to the top. When they met, Saxo fought with Rudi and fell
down by accident. Saxo was helpless and hurt. Rudi must    8     whether to carry Saxo back down to safety
or to continue alone to the top.
        He decided Saxo's life was more     9    than his dream and helped him down. During that time, the English
man and Franz     10    the climb, and finally they reached the top. Later, when they returned to the village, they
told people that Rudi was the real conqueror (征服者) of the mountain.
(     )1. A. learning
(     )2. A. try out 
(     )3. A. what    
(     )4. A. again   
(     )5. A. after   
(     )6. A. but     
(     )7. A. first   
(     )8. A. wonder  
(     )9. A. important
(     )10. A. stopped
B. playing   
B. give up  
B. which     
B. too         
B. behind   
B. so          
B. second   
B. remember    
B. successful 
B. continued
C. climbing
C. go over 
C. whom      
C. once     
C. before   
C. or    
C. third     
C. ask     
C. popular  
C. enjoyed
D. talking    
D. work out     
D. who         
D. instead   
D. over       
D. for        
D. last       
D. decide       
D. interesting 
D. finished  


科目: 来源:月考题 题型:完形填空

        One Saturday afternoon, Kate went to buy something for her sister and herself.
        As Kate was coming out of a       1    , a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green—
a good friend of Kate's sister. Kate     2      her. Then she called a taxi to send Kate home. She     3     the driver 
where he should go. Kate was    4      that it was not the in direction of her home.
        "     5    ?" Kate asked. The lady smiled.
        When they came to a quiet road, a big rough man       6       , on the road. He stopped the taxi driver,
knocked him down, and threw him out of the     7    . At the same time, Miss Green took out of a knife and
     8     it at Kate. She asked Kate to keep      9     . The man then started the taxi. "
       Oh, my God! I'm being kidnapped," Kate said to herself.
       She tried to escape, but not    10    . Suddenly an    11      came to her. She took out a lipstick (口红)
from her pocket, wrote 'SOS' on the window, and covered the word with her     12      .
       A few minutes later, a police car     13     and the policemen saw the sign. When the kidnappers saw the
policemen they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass, and ran away.
       The policemen then    14      Kate up and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened,
they were greatly surprised. But they were also     15     because their daughter had finally come back safely.

(     )1. A. school 
(     )2. A. knew   
(     )3. A. told   
(     )4. A. sure   
(     )5. A. What    
(     )6. A. drove  
(     )7. A. road   
(     )8. A. shouted
(     )9. A. healthy
(     )10. A. happened
(     )11. A. idea   
(     )12. A. hands  
(     )13. A. sopped 
(     )14. A. lifted 
(     )15. A. worried

B. taxi   
B. believed  
B. asked    
B. excited
B. Where     
B. climbed  
B. sight    
B. played   
B. alive   
B. failed   
B. answer  
B. back     
B. left      
B. held   
B. happy 
C. shop     
C. thanked     
C. wondered   
C. surprised 
C. When       
C. fell       
C. taxi       
C. hurt       
C. relaxed   
C. succeeded 
C. interest   
C. dress      
C. passed     
C. put      
C. proud    
D. friend's
D. remembered
D. checked    
D. pleased   
D. Why     
D. appeared  
D. home      
D. pointed   
D. quiet    
D. hurried  
D. order  
D. lipstick 
D. turned     
D. picked  
D. successful


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:完形填空

         Mr. Green was ill and went to the hospital. A doctor      1      and said, "Well, Mr. Green, you are going
to      2      some injections (注射), and you'll feel much better. A nurse will come      3    give you the first one
this evening, and then you'll     4    get another one tomorrow evening."     5     a young nurse came to Mr.
Green's bed and said to him, "I am going to give you your     6     injection now, Mr. Green. Where do you want
        The old man was     7   . He looked at the nurse for a     8       , then he said,"      9     has ever let me
choose that before. Are you really going to let me choose now?"
       "Yes, Mr. Green," the nurse answered. She was in a hurry. "Where do you want it?"
       "Well, then," the old man answered      10     "I want it in your left arm, please."
(     )1. A. looked for him
(     )2. A. get         
(     )3. A. so         
(     )4.A. must         
(     )5. A. In the morning 
(     )6. A. first       
(     )7. A. confident    
(     )8. A. hour       
(     )9. A. Somebody     
(     )10. A. with a smile 
B. looked him over
B. give        
B. but          
B. can         
B. In the afternoon
B. one          
B. surprised             
B. minutes       
B. Anybody       
B. in time        
C. looked after him
C. make         
C. or                      
C. had better    
C. In the end    
C. two           
C. full           
C. year         
C. Nobody        
C. in surprise    
D. looked him up        
D. hold                 
D. and                  
D. have to              
D. In the evening       
D. second               
D. hungry               
D. moment               
D. people               
D. with tears in his eyes


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

       A small man with a fat stomach got on the train at the last station before the frontier (边境). He carried   
a paper bag. And four feet of ducks (鸭子) could be seen under the cover. The man found an empty seat,        
put the bag in the middle of the floor, took out a newspaper and began to read. 
       Then a policeman came in. Of course he saw the bag with the ducks' feet at once and said, "Whose is
that bag?"
        Nobody answered. The policeman repeated the question, and said, "I shall have to take it away from
the owner. Food mustn't be taken out of country."
        "Well, then," said the small man with a fat stomach." Hurry up and take it away. We want to go home.
"The policeman took the bag and went on to the next carriage (车厢).
         At the next station, when they were safely across the frontier, the small man got up, smiled at other
passengers and said, "I hope that they'll enjoy the ducks' feet. The rest of the bag had nothing but rubbish in
it." Then he opened his coat and pointed to another bag he was carrying under it. It was tied over the stomach,
which was not really fat. "I have the rest of the two ducks here," he said. With these words, he got off the
         But while he was happily walking to the exit with the bag in his hand, a policeman came up to him,
saying, "Hey, man! Foreign food mustn't be brought in."
1. The small man put the bag in the middle of the floor              .
[     ]
A. because the other passengers didn't like it
B. so that the policeman could find it easily
C. so that he could make more room for himself
D. because there was not an empty seat in the carriage
2. Why did the first policeman take the paper bag away? Because              .
[     ]
A. he wanted to find the owner of the bag
B. he enjoyed the ducks' feet in the bag
C. the bag was put in a wrong place in the carriage
D. food can't be taken abroad
3. The bag the policeman took away had nothing in it except              .
[     ]
A. two ducks
B. rubbish
C. the ducks'feet and rubbish
D. the ducks'feet
4. How many ducks are there in the passage?
[     ]
A. 2.
B. 4.
C. 6.
D. We don't know.
5. What happened in the end? The small man               .
[     ]
A. failed to take his food home
B. crossed the frontier with two paper bags
C. took the ducks safely home
D. hid his ducks under his coat again


科目: 来源:专项题 题型:完形填空

       John lived with his mother in a very big house, and when she     1   , the house became too big    2    him,
so he bought a    3    one in the next street. There was a very nice, old clock in his     4    house, and when the
man came to take his things to the new house, John thought, "I'm not going to let them     5    my beautiful old
clock in their truck. Perhaps they will break it, and then it will be very expensive to repair it." So he     6    and
began to carry it down the road in his arms.
       It was heavy, so he stopped two or three times to have     7   . Then suddenly a small boy came along the
road. He stopped and looked at John for     8     seconds. Then he said to John, "You're a     9   , aren't you?
  10   don't you buy a watch like everyone else?"
(     )1. A. worked   
(     )2. A. at      
(     )3. A. larger   
(     )4. A. second   
(     )5. A. to carry  
(     )6. A. picked it up
(     )7. A. a look   
(     )8. A. a few    
(     )9. A. great     
(     )10. A. Where           
B. studied    
B. with       
B. bigger      
B. third     
B. bring    
B. picks it up  
B. a drink    
B. few       
B. fool(傻瓜) 
B. Why                

C. died      
C. about     
C. nicer     
C. first    
C. to take  
C. picks up it 
C. a walk     
C. little    
C. clever     
C. How                

D. played          
D. for             
D. smaller         
D. new            
D. carry          
D. picked up it  
D. a rest          
D. a little       
D. bright             
D. When        


科目: 来源:专项题 题型:完形填空

       Once there was a clever farmer. Though he was poor, he decided one day to take the king a roast goose
(烤鹅) as a present. He had not had     1    to eat that day, and soon the     2    of the roast goose became too
much for him as (当…时) he     3    it to the king, so he ate one of its legs.
       When he came before the king and gave him the goose, the king     4    saw that it had only one leg.
       Now, the king     5    was born with one bad leg, so he had never been able to     6    properly (正常地).
When he saw the goose with only one leg, he thought the farmer had     7     this to laugh at him. Of course
he was very     8   . The farmer was told that if anybody laughed at the king, he would be    9    at once.
       "Where is    10    leg of the goose?" the king asked.
       "All the geese (goose的复数) in this    11   of the country have one leg only," the farmer answered.
       "Do you think I'm a fool (傻子)?" the king shouted. "   12    ," said the farmer, "if you look out of the
window, you will see geese with one leg by the   13   ."
        The king looked, and there the geese were    14    on one leg beside the water. The king at once told
one of his men to    15   them with a big stick, and of course, they    16    their other legs and ran away.
        "There," said the king. "You were lying (说谎). That    17    that the geese here have two legs, like all
other   18   in the country."
        "But it doesn't show anything," answered the farmer, "if your men threw a big stick like that at me, I
would grow two    19   legs myself to help me to run away    20   ."
(     )1. A. less      
(     )2. A. head       
(     )3. A. returned   
(     )4. A. at once     
(     )5. A. once      
(     )6. A. come       
(     )7. A. kept      
(     )8. A. sorry       
(     )9. A. helped     
(     )10. A. other     
(     )11. A. city       
(     )12. A. Certainly not
(     )13. A. hole       
(     )14. A. swimming    
(     )15. A. fill      
(     )16. A. sent up   
(     )17. A. shows     
(     )18. A. geese     
(     )19. A. slower     
(     )20. A. more slowly 
B. all          
B. neck          
B. carried       
B. at last       
B. really         
B. walk           
B. done           
B. worried       
B. killed         
B. another       
B. village       
B. Of course       
B. forest         
B. resting       
B. lock          
B. put down       
B. talks         
B. animals       
B. faster         
B. more carefully 
C. little       
C. smell          
C. sent       
C. by then    
C. himself        
C. see       
C. made        
C. sad         
C. saved        
C. that       
C. farm         
C. That's nothing
C. lake      
C. flying      
C. hit           
C. did with      
C. sees    
C. legs      
C. less      
C. faster      
D. much              
D. temperature           
D. handed            
D. on time              
D. yet                      
D. eat                 
D. found              
D. angry                
D. the other           
D. part                
D. Never mind           
D. house              
D. lying              
D. keep                   
D. moved away           
D. knows                 
D. farmers              
D. more                   
D. Earlier    


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

       It was December 25, 1972. Marie, a 13-year-old Australian girl, was very happy. It was    1    and
Marie's mother made an unusual cake. She put four small coins (硬币) into    2    . The four small coins
were for good     3   .
       After dinner Marie and her    4    ate the cake. When they    5    the cake, there were three coins on
the table. One coin was    6   . Marie's mother didn't notice that.
       After Christmas Marie got     7   . She coughed and couldn't speak. Six weeks later she felt    8   ,
but she    9    couldn't speak. So Marie went to the hospital. 
       Doctors at the hospital   10   Marie. They took an X-ray (X光). Marie's mother asked the doctors,
"Why can't Marie   11   ?" The doctor said, "We don't know. Maybe she will speak again. Maybe she won't.
We're   12  , but we can't help her."
       For twelve years Marie didn't speak. She   13   and got a job. But she never spoke.
       One day when Marie was 25 years old, she got ill. She began to cough. She coughed up a lot of blood
(血). She also coughed up   14   small and black from her throat (喉咙). What was it? Marie didn't know.
She took it to the hospital. A doctor said, "This is a coin." 
       The doctor told Marie, "I   15   you can speak again." Soon Marie began talking.

(     )1. A. party    
(     )2. A. the cake   
(     )3. A. friends  
(     )4. A. teacher   
(     )5. A. began     
(     )6. A. paid      
(     )7. A. tired    
(     )8. A. worse     
(     )9. A. still    
(     )10. A. looked for 
(     )11. A. speak     
(     )12. A. sure      
(     )13. A. put up     
(     )14. A. something  
(     )15. A. sure       

B. Christmas   
B. her pocket     
B. health          
B. brother  
B. finished      
B. found         
B. home        
B. terrible      
B. also          
B. looked over    
B. listen      
B. busy         
B. sent up      
B. nothing      
B. tell     
C. holiday        
C. Marie's bag    
C. luck           
C. daughter     
C. did            
C. missing      
C. back         
C. better       
C. yet          
C. looked after   
C. tell          
C. worried        
C. grew up       
C. anything     
C. ask        
D. winter           
D. the box        
D. life            
D. family       
D. made             
D. put away      
D. ill          
D. lonely           
D. often       
D. looked up     
D. hear          
D. sorry             
D. got up         
D. everything     
D. think    


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

       A man walked into a doctor's examining room. "Put out your tongue," the doctor said. The man
put out his tongue, and the doctor looked at it quickly.
       "OK. You can put your tongue back now," the doctor said. "It's clear what's wrong with you. You
need more exercise."
       "But, doctor," the man said, "I don't think…"
       "Don't tell me what you think," the doctor said. "I am the doctor, not you. I know what you need.
I see hundreds of people like you. None of them get any exercise. They sit in offices all day and in front
of the TV in the evening. What you need is to walk quickly for at least 20 minutes a day."
        "Doctor, you don't understand," the patient said. "I…"
        "I don't want to hear any excuses," the doctor said. "You must find time for exercise. If you don't, 
you will get fat and have health problems when you are older." 
        "But I walk every day," the patient said.
        "Oh, yes, and I know what kind of walking that is. You walk a few feet to the train station from
your house, a few more feet from the station to your office, and a few more feet from your office to a
restaurant for lunch and back. That is not real walking. I'm talking about a walk in the park for twenty
minutes every day."
        "Will you listen to me, doctor!" the patient shouted, getting angry with his doctor who thought he
knew everything. "I'm a mailman," the patient went on, "and I walk for seven hours every day!" For a
moment the doctor was silent, then he said quietly, "Put your tongue out again, will you?"
1. At first the doctor asked the man             .
[     ]
A. to walk to work
B. to exercise
C. to show his tongue
D. to see hundreds of other patients
2. The doctor would not             .
[     ]
A. tell the patient what was wrong with him
B. let the patient speak
C. look at the man's tongue
D. let the patient watch TV
3. The doctor told the patient that he            .
[     ]
A. should get more exercise
B. should stop making excuses
C. should watch more TV
D. was already too fat
4. The patient was very             when he heard what the doctor told him to do.
[     ]
A. angry
B. happy
C. interested
D. tired
5. The doctor             .
[     ]
A. gave him some good advice
B. walked seven hours a day
C. was really a mailman
D. knew that he was wrong at last

