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科目: 来源:重庆市同步题 题型:完形填空

     Who invented music? Who sang the first song? No one    1   exactly (准确地) the answers to
these questions. But we know that music is very    2   in everyone's life.
     Babies and young children would like someone    3   to them. When they get older, they like to
   4   songs themselves. When children go to    5   , their world of music grows wide. In middle
school, students    6   music lessons. And they become    7   in pop music. It will make    8   happy.
     We can    9   hear music in other places such as shops and bars and so on. That's because that
music can help people relax after    10   hard work.
     We couldn't imagine that without music what our life would be like.
(    )1.   A. makes  
(    )2.   A. enough
(    )3.   A. sings      
(    )4.   A. talk    
(    )5.   A. bed    
(    )6.   A. make   
(    )7.   A. interested
(    )8.   A. us  
(    )9.   A. too    
(    )10. A. a day

B. knows
B. important
B. singing
B. sing
B. shop  
B. teach
B. interesting
B. you
B. also  
B. days  

C. keeps
C. classical
C. to sing
C. listen
C. school
C. take
C. happy  
C. them  
C. either
C. one-day's

D. leaves  
D. simple  
D. sang    
D. dance   
D. picnic  
D. hate    
D. careful 
D. him    
D. never   
D. a day's


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:完形填空

     Spring has come. As a Chinese saying goes, "The whole year's work    1    a good start in spring." In
order to    2   a good job for the whole year, we often like to make some plans and preparations( 准备)
at this time of the year. However, many of us have a lot of plans in the beginning and finally fails to carry
them out. How can we deal with    3    like this?
     Conditions( 状况) in our lives change every day.  Sometimes we can't fulfill our plans    4   . We should
learn to change or even give up our plans. For    5    , I like to have a schedule( 预定计划). When I learn
about things that    6    on certain dates, I write them on my calendar( 日历).  I also keep some blank
( 空白的) paper on my desk. When I realize I should do something today or tomorrow, I can write it
down,     7    I won't forget. I think when we become busy doing one thing. it is easy to forget the other
things we planned to do. As the day goes on, I can see    8    I still have to do. That's different from    9   
 plans but I find it very useful. I think we must be prepared to change plans to suit conditions.  Schedules
and plans always change because of   10   conditions. The best we can do is to try to make our plans but
realize we must adjust( 整理) them as we go. That's what life is all about.
     My dear friends, it's time for you to make a good plan for the coming exam. Try your best and you
are sure to succeed!
(     )1. A. closes to    
(     )2. A. set          
(     )3. A. ideas        
(     )4. A. successfully  
(     )5. A. myself        
(     )6. A. have happened
(     )7. A. so            
(     )8. A. how          
(     )9. A. make          
(     )10. A. usual        
B. depends on
B. do        
B. feelings  
B. carefully  
B. ourselves  
B. happened  
B. but        
B. whether    
B. making    
B. same      
C. looks forward to  
C. receive          
C. problems          
C. safely            
C. themselves        
C. will happen      
C. or                
C. what              
C. tomake            
C. different        


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:完形填空

     As a student, is studying subjects your only task (任务) at school? You may not realize it, but you are
doing    1    than just studying when you are at school.  School is also the place    2    you leam to get
along well with people.  But this is not always easy.  What can you do if you just don't like one of your
     If you find that you have problems    3    along with your classmates or friends, the most important
thing to learn is tolerance (宽容).  Tolerance is the ability    4    and respect (尊敬) the differences in
others.  We can't change the way that other people do, so it is imprtant    5    to live happily with them.
     Tolerance will make everyone get on    6     with each other.  Getting to know others may help you
understand why they do things differently.    7    does not exactly mean that it is bad.  Tolerance teaches
us to keep calm and have and open mind.  There is an old saying, "Treat (对待) others how you want to
be treated. " You would like    8    kindly by your classmates, so it is important to treat them kindly, too.
Having tolerance doesn't mean that you have to like it.    9    is asking you to change who you are or what
you believe in.  It just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them
change. Practice tolerance, it will make everyone's life    10   .
(     )1. A. many more          
(     )2. A. where              
(     )3. A. toget              
(     )4. A.  realize            
(     )5. A. for us to leam      
(     )6. A. worse              
(     )7. A. Different something
(     )8. A. being treated      
(     )9. A. Anybody            
(     )10. A. easier            
B. much more              
B. that                  
B. get                    
B. realizing              
B. of us to learn        
B. good                  
B. Different anything    
B. to be treated          
B. Nobody                
B. more easily            
C. too much          
C. which              
C. getting            
C. to realize        
C. for us learning    
C. better            
C. Something different
C. to treat          
C. Everybody          
C. more easier        


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解


     There is a place on our earth where hot water and steam (蒸汽) come up from under the ground. It is
a large island in the Pacific. The island is North Island, in New Zealand.
     The planet on which we live is a ball of very hot rock.  It is a good thing for us that the outside shell
(壳)  is cold. If it were not, no one could live here. What if our earth were only as big as an egg? Then
the outside part would be as thin.as the egg's shell.
     The earth's shell has cracks in it in some places. In New Zealand this shell seems to have more cracks 
than in other places on the earth. There are places where the ground is so hot that it burns your feet.  In
some places, hot water shoots (喷射)  into the air from time to time. In other places, you can see steam
coming up from pools of hot water.
      In those places people make use of the heat that comes from inside the earth. Some of them cook in
the hot pools.  They put food into a basket and place it in the water. Washing clothes is done in much the
same way.
     Many people bring the hot water from below the earth into their homes. They do this by putting a long
pipe into the ground. In this way, they get hot water and steam for cooking and washing, and for heating
their homes.
     For most of us, the heat under our feet is too far away to use. The people who get heat. from inside
the earth are lucky. They don't have to pay for the heat they use.

1. North Island is a large island in the ocean _____.
2. The underlined word "cracks" in the passage means "_____" in Chinese.

A. 裂缝
B. 凹凸
C. 筒子

3. Which of the foUowing is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Our earth is a big ball of very hot rock outside.
B. There is so much hot water coming up from the under ground that we have to take an umbrella.
C. The people in North Island use heat from inside the earth for free.
4. People can't use hot water and steam from under the ground for _____.

A. cooking and washing
B. hearing their homes
C. dnnking

5. The best title of the passage is  _____.
A. What's inside the Earth
B. Heat under Your Feet
C. A Rock in New Zealand


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

    J   1    1st is New Year's Day. Women's Day (三八节) is on March 8th. The f    2    day of May is
May Day. China's Youth (青年) Day comes a   3    it. It's on the t   4    day after May Day. C   5    Day
is on June 1st. July 1st is our Party's birthday. August 1st is the Army(军队) Day. T   6    Day is on the
t   7    of September and O   8    1st is our National Day (国庆节). Then we come to C   9    Day. It's
December 25th. Then we have winter (冬天) h  10    in February. We have a lot of fun on these days.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解


     Do you know Expo pandas (世博大熊猫)? They're ten pandas from Sichuan. They came to
 Shanghai in January this year. They're very happy to be here. Let me tell you about their life. At seven
 o'clock, they get up. They often take exercise (锻炼) before breakfast. Do you know what they eat for
  breakfast? Some fruit and milk (牛奶). Then it's time for them to play. They like playing together. After
  that they usually sleep for two hours. At three o'clock in the afternoon they need to eat something. The
  food is there favorite-bamboo (竹子). The ten pandas are very healthy. Many people come to see them.
  They're the best wishes for Shanghai Expo.
1. Where do the pandas come from?
    A. Shanghai    
    B. Sichuan    
    C. Beijing    
    D. Shandong
2. When do they get up every day?
    A. At seven o'clock  
    B. At eight o'clock  
    C. At nine o'clocj  
    D. At ten o' clock
3. What do they eat for breakfast?
     A. Fruit and bamboo  
    B. Bamboo and milk  
    C. Fruit and milk  
    D. Bamboo
4. What's the meaning() of "sleep" in Chinese?
    A. 工作  
    B. 刷牙  
    C. 睡觉  
    D. 洗脸
5. How are the ten pandas?

    A. They aren't happy.    
    B. They're healthy.    
    C. They're too old.
    D. They are ten years old.


科目: 来源:山东省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     No one knew how to study when he or she was a baby. You need to learn
to do some things first. They make it easier for you to learn and do well in class.
     Pay Attention(专心) in Class
     It's a good start for learning. It can help you know what the teacher says, and
it will help you learn more and faster.
     Take Good notes
     Taking good notes can make it easier to study. Be sure to write down all of
the important things that your teacher says or writes on the blackboard, then
read them after class.
     Plan Ahead(提前计划)
     Don't wait until Thursday night to study for Friday's test. Planning ahead
can help you get good grades. You can plan what to do and how much to do
each day.
     Ask for Help
     What should you do if you are confused about something? Be sure to
(一定要)ask your teacher for help. You can also ask some other people, like
your classmates, your mom or dad.
1. How many things to help to learn well are mentioned(提到) in this passage?
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
2. We need to learn these things because they can _______.
A. keep us healthy
B. make it easier to learn
C. help us become clever
D. make us strong
3. We should write down _______ when we take notes in class.

A. the important things that the teacher tells and writes
B. the things that we like
C. the things that we are sure about
D. the things that interesting

4. The underlined word "confused" means _______ in Chinese.
A. 惊诧的
B. 困惑的
C. 恐惧的
D. 讨厌的
5. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Reading the notes after class is a good start.
B. We should study well for Friday's test.
C. Learning how to learn is very important.
D. Planning ahead can help you know what the teacher says


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

                                                     How to use the computer?
     Today my father buys a computer for me. It has a keyboard, a monitor, a mouse and a printer. I'm very
  happy because I can download some information from the Internet and print my homework. Do you
 know how to use the computer? Let me tell you!  First, switch on the computer.
     Then click "new document". Next you can write what you want in the new document. When you write,
  you should click "save" again and again. 
     Sometimes I like to have a travel to some beautiful places at weekends. I can check the train timetable
  on the computer. I love the computer!  What about you?
(     ) 1. A computer has a keyboard, a monitor and a printer.
(     ) 2. The writer knows how to use a computer.
(     ) 3. The writer likes travelling.
(     ) 4. The writer's mother buys her a computer.
(     ) 5. The writer can use the computer to do her homework.


科目: 来源:湖北省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

56. We can read the above material in ________.
[     ]
A. A newspaper                    
B. a traveling report 
C. a textbook                      
D. a job advertisement
57. You call _____________ if you’re interested in the special trips.
[     ]
A. Reader 2007                    
B. 4, 5&6 day breaks 
C. Italian Special Offers              
D. 01223 434385
58. You have to pay at least ________ to go to SICILY & MOUNT ETNA.
[     ]
A. £179                
B. £189            
C. £215      
D. £368
59. We can NOT learn about ________ of the special trips.
[     ]
A. the price            
B. the food          
C. the time    
D. the sights
60. The trips are offered by __________.
[     ]
A. Reader magazine              
B. Cambridge University 
       Chuck Wall teaches management and human relations at Bakersfield College. He walked into class one day and told his students that their homework was to perform one act of random(任意的) kindness. His students did not understand the homework and didn’t know what to do, but the professor would not answer their questions. He encouraged his students to work it out for themselves.
       One week later, the students entered the classroom excited to share their stories. One student told of giving away blankets to the homeless. Another reported on helping a dog to find its owner, and another student had been trying to find a long, lost friend. Students were energized (给予活力) by the homework assignment and wanted other people to be kind too. With the support of local businesses, the students made stickers to put on cars that invited people to do something kind for others. They sold the stickers and decided to donate the money to a center for the blind---not surprising as Professor Wall is blind.
      Since then, similar kindness activities have been started in schools around the world. Many schools organize a Random Acts of Kindness Week, around November 13th, to celebrate World Kindness Day. Some schools use each day of Random Acts of Kindness Week to perform a different kind act, such as making a new friend, helping someone, doing community service, or raising money for a charity. Students learn to consider other people and thank about how small actions can make the world a better place.
61. The professor’s homework was to ask his students _________.
[     ]
A. to write about kindness.
B. to be kind to strangers
C. to spend time helping other
D. to go out to raise money 
62. We learn from the passage that ________.
[     ]
A. Chuck’s students are not clever enough
B. the students didn’t do Chuck’s homework
C. Chuck Wall is an unusual teacher
D. no students enjoyed Chuck’s homework
63. It is certain that _________.
[     ]
A. the students got good grades in Chuck’s class
B. kindness activities are not widely accepted
C. Chuck Wall was not good at designing homework
D. the students only helped people they knew
64. In kindness activities students learn _________.
[     ]
A. to deal with difficult things
B. to do great things every day  
C. to know about the world
D. to consider other people
65. Which is the best title of the passage?
[     ]
A. Learning Kind Things                    
B. Teaching Kindness
C. World Kindness Day                      
D. Bakersfield College


科目: 来源:广东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     The Vieira family moved to the United States in 1981. At that time, they decided to stop speaking Spanish at home and only communicate in English. This was because they were now living in an English-speaking country.
     Now the Vieira children are adults, and they sometimes travel to Spain to visit their family and friends. But they cannot communicate with them. Unfortunately this is common. When people move to new countries, they often leave their own customs and mother language behind. This is a mistake because there are many benefits to knowing more than one language.
     One advantage of speaking more than one language is that you can communicate directly with more people around the world. You do not have to depend on others to talk for you, so you’re more independent. People who know only one language must use others to help them communicate.
     Furthermore, speaking a second language also allows people to experience other cultures and customs more effectively. Local expressions, vocabulary, and even jokes can have a powerful effect on a person’s understanding of another culture. So, knowing more than one language increases your knowledge of other cultures.
     Finally, having more multi-language speakers improves relationships between countries. If people from different countries can communicate well, the world can become closer. Countries will then have more respect for each other and better understand each other’s problems.
     The benefits of knowing more than one language are clear. In fact, there are no disadvantages. It is very sad that many people don’t try to learn another language. It is even worse when people let themselves forget their mother language and become silenced.
56. What is the passage mainly about?  
[     ]
A. The benefits of learning other languages.
B. The reasons why people come to America.
C. The importance of learning English.
D. How to learn another language.
57. The passage begins with the experience of the Vieira family in order to_______.
[     ]
A. discuss the need for teaching a new language
B. introduce the passage’s main characters to the readers
C. describe the advantages of moving to another country
D. show the problems of speaking only one language
58. The underlined phrase “multi-language speakers” (Paragraph 5) means “people who know ______.”
[     ]
A. their mother language          
B. a new language
C. more than one language        
D. body language
59. According to the passage, if you can speak more than one language, you can____.
[     ]
A. find a better job
B. make more friends
C. better understand history
D. communicate more independently
60. Based on the last paragraph, which of the following is the worst?
[     ]
A. Not knowing another language.
B. Forgetting one’s mother language.
C. Refusing to learn another language.
D. Failing to communicate with others.

