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科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

                        A                                B                             C
                     D                                    E
1. It lives in Australia.  It has very strong legs. It is grey ( 灰色). It can jump high. It is very good at looking
  after her baby. A mother has a pouch in front. There, the babies are warm and saf'e. It is a _____.
2.  It is from Africa.  It can run f'if'ty kilometers (公里) an hour. It has a very long neck and long legs. It
 can reach the leaves on a very tall tree. It is a _____.    
3. It lives on the Antarctic. It is always very cold there. It is black and white. It can walk on the ice and
  swim in the sea. It's a big bird, but it can't fly. It eats fish. It has very short legs. It looks very lovely.
 Children like it a lot. It is a _____.
4. It is also from Africa.  It is black and white, too.  It has a long tail.  It can run very fast. We can see it in
  zoos and pictures. It is a _____.    
5. It is very lovely. It is not from Africa. It is from China. It is white and black. It likes bamboos. There are
  not many of them in China now.  Everyone loves it very much. It is a _____.
1.  Fill in the blank (空白) of each paragraph.
    1._____   2._____    3._____     4._____   5. _____
2. The black and white animal from Africa has _____
    A. a long tail          
    B. a long neck
    C. a grey body        
    D. a pouch in front
3. _____ is good at swimming in the sea.
    A. A zebra    
    B. A panda
    C. A penguin    
    D. A giraffe
4. In this reading, the underlined word"pouch"means"_____" in Chinese.
    A. 口袋    
    B. 育儿袋
    C. 爪子    
    D. 婴儿


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     Some people have very good memories and can easily learned quite long poems(诗歌)      1   _
heart.     2    people have poor memories and can only remember thingswhen they have said them       3      
and over again.
     The famous English writer, Charles Dickens, said that he could walk down anylong street in      4       and then told you t'he name of all the shops he had        5       . Many great men of the world have wonderful
     A good memory is       6        great help in learning a language. Everybody learns       7      0wn language by remembering what he hears when he was a small child. somechildren like those who live in foreign
countries with their parents, seems to learn two.languages as       8        as they do one. In school, it is not so easy for people to learn        9       second language because they have very        10        time for it.
(     )1. A. in        
(     )2. A. Another  
(     )3. A. over      
(     )4. A. Beijing  
(     )5. A. went      
(     )6. A. the      
(     )7. A. his      
(     )8. A. easy      
(     )9. A. the      
(     )10. A. little  
B. with  
B. Other  
B. again  
B. Paris  
B. walked
B. a      
B. their  
B. easier
B. a      
B. a few  
C. by      
C. Any      
C. once    
C. London  
C. passed  
C. few      
C. your    
C. easily  
C. from    
C. a little


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Some children think writers are great and they can tell people a lot. So they also wish to be writers
one day. They mean that they want to write stories or books whichmany persons will read.  I would like
to remind them that they will need to be goodreaders and to read a lot in order to be good writers.
     Nearly all great writers read too long before they started to school, and read for hours and hours
every day since they became good readers. Instead of watching TV inthe evening, they spend much of
their spare time reading books.
     If you are a good reader, it won't take you long to do the reading homework your teacher asks you to
do. Then you will have time to read other books for fun. Becauseyou read so well, you keep looking for
more books to read.
     While making up your mind to become a good writer, you had better say to yourself, "I must read
more and more if I am really to become a good writer.
     Some of the children like the  _ 1  _ writers because they can tell people a lot. The children also want
to become the writers and write a lot of stories. The writertold the children to read     2    . A lot of writers     3     a lot from otherwriters' books and stories. As a student, he or she should'do the reading
homeworkwell _  4  _ Doing much good reading can     5 _  you to be a good writer.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Everybody has a home. People have homes.Animals have homes. People have many different
kinds of homes. Animals have different kinds of' homes, too.
     Some animals live in holes under the ground. The woodchuck ( 土拨鼠) lives under the  ground. His
home has two doors.  If any enemy comesinto one door, the woodchuck goes out through the other. Some animals live in holes in trees. Some squirrels(松鼠)build their nests(窝)high in trees. Most of the
birds live in nests. Crows(乌鸦)build their nests high in the mountains.
1. People have______.
A.different kinds of mountains
B. holes
C. different kinds of homes
D. all kinds of trees
2. The passage is about______.
A. some trees
B. the homes of some animals
C. animals' life
D. different animals
3. ______live under the ground.
A. All the animals
B. The woodchuck and the squirrel
C. Some animals
D. somebirds
4. How many doors does the woodchuck have in his house?
A. One.B. Two.
C. Three.D. No one.
5. Animals' homes are______.
A. not the sameB. in trees
C. in holesD. the same


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     Typhoon is a very big wind.It usually starts at s    l    in July, August and September.
     How does a typhoon h    2   ? In summer. when the sun heats down on the sea, the water gets hot.
Then the hot water evaporates (v.蒸发) and goes up into the a    3    . This makes the air hotter. When
the air gets warm enough, it starts to move h    4    up into the sky, and starts to move quickly, making
wind. The wind goes in circles, and it keeps moving higher in the sky. And when the wind moves faster
than 30  meters a second, a typhoon begins.
    Typhoons are very d    5   . When a typhoon  happens, it usually causes (引起) strong winds and heavy rain. We should be careful when a typhoon is coming.
1.             2.             3.             4.             5.           


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     What if your weight keeps going up? Here are some ideas to help you stay healthy:
     Don't sit around. Because it makes your fat(脂肪) stay easily.
     Stay active. Try to exercise 30 t0 60 minutes every day. Your exercise doesn't have to be hard, Start
     Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk or bike to places such as school or a friend's house.
     Help your mum with housework, such as cleaning windows or the bathroom-it all burns(燃烧)fat.
     Make changes from time to time so you don't get bored: Try running, biking, skating-there are many
    Don't spend long hours watching TV or playing video games. Even reading a book burns more fat.
1. According to the passage, what's the easy way of making your fat stay?
2. How long does the passage suggest (建议)people exercise every day?
3. What can people do to keep fit at home?
4. What can people try doing if they don't want to get bored?
5. Why can't you spend long hours watching TV or playing video games?


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

      Do you know fish come out of  eggs when they are born? After the little fish comes out of the egg, it
eats the food in the egg.  When it is big, it leaves the egg. It swims in the water. You can see the eyes and
nose. Its ears are hidden in the head.Some fish eat other fish. Some fish have small mouths and teeth and
they often eat plants. The fish that eat other fish need larger mouths and strong teeth. Fish are usually dark on the top and light on the bottom.
1. 将画线部分翻译成中文。
2. What do baby fish eat when they come out of the egg?
3. Do they have ears? Where are they?
4. Do all the fish eat fish?


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

    Newspapers are very important in our everyday life. Many people begin their day by reading the paper.
  In this way they learn what is going on in the world. But sometimes they don't have the time to read the
 newspaper carefully and must be pleased with a quick look at the front page. Sometimes they may be in
 such a hurry that they have time only to look at the headlines quickly.
    There are newspapers to please every reader. In big cities there are many kinds with several different
 editions (版本) every day. In small towns there are fewer newspapers and perhaps only one edition each
  day. Some papers in small towns have several editions, especially (尤其)  on Sundays. Besides (除……
 以外)  the front page with the most important news, there is the sports page, the amusement (娱乐)  
 page, the business page and so on.
 1. If people don't have enough time to read all the pages of a newspaper carefully, _____.
    A. they sometimes read the front page
    B. they sometimes read the headlines
    C. they don't read it at all
    D. Both A and B
2. The word headlines may mean _____.   
     A. important editions
     B. words in large letters above stories in a newspaper
     C. interesting stories
     D. some sports and amusement pages
3. By reading the newspaper, people can know _____.    
    A. what is happening in the world
    B. how many editions there are each day
    C. the headlines are not so important
    D. the sports page isn't as clear as the others      
4. Some newspapers in small towns have _____ on Sundays than usual.
    A. more editions
    B. more pictures
    C. fewer editions
    D. fewer pictures
5. If' you want to watch a football match,  you'd better read _____ in the newspaper.
    A. the business page
    B. the front page
    C. the sports page
    D. the amusement page


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     Television has now come to nearly every family. It has __1__ a very important part in __2__ life.
School children in the USA watch TV about twenty-five hours a  __3__.
     Some parents feel the television is good __4__ their children because it helps them learn about their
country and the world. __5__ the help of some programme (节目) of education (教育), children do __6__
school. __7__ parents do not let their children __8__ TV too much. They say the TV programmes are not
good and children __9__ bad things from them.
     Men have invented many things which have brought much convenience (方便). Television is one of
them.  If it __10__ carefully planned, watching TV can be good for children.
(     )1. A. become    
(     )2. A. people    
(     )3. A. day      
(     )4. A. at        
(     )5. A. With      
(     )6. A. well in  
(     )7. A. Other    
(     )8. A. to watch  
(     )9. A. study    
(     )10. A. are      
B. becomes      
B. people's    
B. month        
B. of          
B. Under        
B. good in      
B. The other    
B. watch        
B. learn        
B. will be      
C. became      
C. peoples    
C. week        
C. for        
C. By          
C. better in  
C. Another    
C. watching    
C. listen      
C. is          


科目: 来源:江苏期末题 题型:完形填空


     We all know about penguins.They are fat and lovely animals that live in  1   places. They are black
and white and it   2   they wear suit.
     But do you know that penguins were  3   and brown? And they lived in warm weather? Scientists
say penguins from a long time ago were very different 4   they are now.
     A group of scientists found the fossils(化石)of a penguin. It   5    more than  36 millions years ago.
     Scientists named the penguin the'Water King'. They found it was twice the size of modern penguins.
It was red and brown in   6  .
     It lived between the end of the dinosaurs   7    the beginning of humans. At that time, the Earth was
much   8   than it is now.
        9 modern penguins, the 'Water King' lived in warm places. But like modern penguins, it was good
at   10   and catching fish from the sea.
(     )1. A. warm      
(     )2. A. like      
(     )3. A. yellow    
(     )4. A. in        
(     )5. A. is living
(     )6. A. size      
(     )7. A. and      
(     )8. A. warm      
(     )9. A. Like      
(     )10.A. flying    
B. hot        
B. look like  
B. red        
B. with      
B. lives      
B. colour    
B. to        
B. cold      
B. As        
B. walking    
C. cold      
C. likes    
C. green    
C. for      
C. lived    
C. type      
C. for      
C. colder    
C. Different
C. jumping  
D. cool      
D. looks like
D. blue      
D. from      
D. live      
D. length    
D. with      
D. warmer    
D. Unlike    
D. swimming  

