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科目: 来源: 题型:

In January 2008, many areas of China witnessed (目击)heavy snowfall (降雪).Because of this,many students were not able to go to school as usual. Li Yuan was one of those students. For nearly two weeks,he had to stay at home,but he did not give up (放弃)his studies. He spent many hours studying his school textbooks and sometimes even worked late into the night. During those days,his father,a zookeeper,did not return home at all. He had to look after many animals in the zoo,such as monkeys. His mother was on business in Guangzhou. Because of the traffic,she was not able to return home until many weeks later.

During those two weeks at home,Li Yuan missed his teachers and classmates very much,so he gave them a lot of calls. He also chatted with some of them on the Internet. Some interesting books also helped him kill his time at home. When he was able to return to school,Li Yuan had finished reading three novels (小说).When his parents returned home,they found that their house was much cleaner than before. Li Yuan had learnt to do some housework while they were away.

(   ) 26. Why was Li Yuan not able to go to school?

A. Because he had a headache. B. Because of the heavy snow.

C. Because his leg hurt. D. Because his bike was broken.

(   ) 27. How long did Li Yuan have to stay at home?

A. For three days. B. For a week. C. For nearly two weeks. D. For a month.

(   ) 28. Li Yuan's father was a      

A. teacher    B. manager C. doctor    D. zookeeper

(   ) 29. Where was Li Yuan's mother when the heavy snow came?

A. In Guangzhou. B. In Beijing. C. In Hangzhou. D. In Harbin.

(   ) 30. Which was the thing Li Yuan did not do during his long stay at home?

A. He made phone calls.   B. He played computer games.

C. He helped clean the house. D. He read novels.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Jim was not good at History. When he finished his first year,he didn't(16)      the exam and the teacher said to him, "You have to (17)      school." When Jim's father heard this news,he was very(18)____________ . He went to see the teacher. He asked the teacher to let Jim go on (19)      his studies the next year. "He is a good boy. He always works hard (20) History," said Jim's father. "If you let him pass the exam this time,he'll be (2I)       next year and pass the exam." "No,no, that's (22)      !" answered the teacher. "Last month I asked him when Chaplin (23)       and he didn't know." "Please give him another chance (机会),"said Jim's(24)       "You know we don't have any newspapers in our house,so(25)      in our family knew Mr. Chaplin was ill.”

(   ) 16. A. past    B. pass C. passed    D. enjoy

(   ) 17. A. go to    B. stay at C. leave    D. like

(   ) 18. A. worried    B. worrying C. excited    D. happy

(   ) 19. A. without    B. over C. at    D. with

(   ) 20. A. on    B. at C. in    D. about

(   ) 21. A. healthier    B. well C. better    D. worse

(   ) 22. A. impossible    B. possible C. impolite    D. welcome

(   ) 23. A. was dying    B. dies C. dying    D. died

(   ) 24. A. father    B. mother C. brother    D. sister

(   ) 25. A. each one    B. all C. nobody    D. everybody


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 15. You'd      stop      the work. You look too tired.

A. better;do B. better;doing C. better not;doing D. better;to do


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 14. He is      younger than you,but he looks       taller than you.

A. many;much B. much;many C. many;many D. much;much


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 13. This morning I gave the lesson      Mr. Chen because he was ill.

A. before    B. after C. instead of    D. instead


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 12. It is a beautiful building      a big garden and many trees.

A. with    B. and C. in    D. on


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 11, The bottle is full      milk. Who has filled it      milk?

A. of;with B. with;of C. with;with D. of;of


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 10. People follow him everywhere. This makes his life      

A. difficulty    B. to be difficult C. difficult    D. is difficult


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 9. Nanjing is a modern city      a long history. .

A. for    B. on C. in    D. with


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 8. —Is that the      spelling? 

      ― I'm not sure. Look it up in a dictionary.

 A. correctly  B. correct C. correcting    D. corrected

