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科目: 来源: 题型:

44. The meeting will soon be over. Don't be so      (patient).


科目: 来源: 题型:

43. Why did you make so many      (spell) mistakes just now?


科目: 来源: 题型:

42. It is too far away. It is      (possible) for him to get there within half an hour.


科目: 来源: 题型:

41.1 am afraid that you are      (complete) wrong.


科目: 来源: 题型:

40. Why did Mary make so many      (错误)in her homework?


科目: 来源: 题型:

39. Can you read these      (句子)in English?


科目: 来源: 题型:

38. Last week I      (参力口) three meetings and felt very tired.


科目: 来源: 题型:

37. One of my hobbies is to      (修理)things in my spare time.


科目: 来源: 题型:

36. There are some new      (工具)in this box.


科目: 来源: 题型:

When I was very young,I did not like to do things with my own hands. As a matter of fact,I did not need to learn to do anything. My parents were always there to do everything for me. They got the meals ready for me,washed the clothes for me,made the bed for me,and even took off the shoes for me.

After I was old enough to go to school,I often had to do some homework after I came back home from school. At first,I was very lazy and did not want to do any homework,so I still wanted my parents to do it for me. My dad said that he could do the homework for me,but my mum asked him not to take this crazy idea into his mind. She said to my dad, "If you do not let your son learn to do his own homework,he will never learn to do anything!" So my dad had to ask me to do the homework all by myself. However,he said that he would provide his help by checking my homework for me. In this way,I began to learn to do my homework. To my parents' great surprise,I did most of the homework very well! My parents were so glad that they both held me in their arms and said, "You are really great,our son!"

Hearing my parents say so,I was very excited. I was so excited that I made up my mind to learn to do more things on my own. Now,as a Grade 8 student,I not only can do my school things very well,but also can look after myself well. Besides,to my parents' pleasant surprise,I can even often help them do some housework. I am really glad that I can do so many things myself!

(   ) 31. Who took off the shoes for the writer when he was young?

A. The writer himself. B. His parents. C. His grandparents. D. His elder sister.

(   ) 32. What did the writer have to do after he reached the age of going to school?

A. He had to do some housework. B. He had to prepare breakfast.

C. He had to go to draw. D. He had to do some homework.

(   ) 33. Who checked the writer's homework?

A. His father. B. His mother. C. His classmates. D. He himself.

(   ) 34. Why did the writer's parents both hold him in their arms?

A.   Because he did all his homework very well.

B.   Because he did some housework for them.

C.   Because he did most of his homework very well.

D.   Because he did very well in an exam.

(   ) 35. How did the writer feel when his parents praised (表扬)him?

A. Very calm. B. Very excited. C. A little nervous. D. A little shy.

