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科目: 来源: 题型:

(       )1.  ―         do you make a banana milk shake?

     ―First, peel three bananas. Next...

    A.   How B. What C.   Which D. Why


科目: 来源: 题型:

1.   Lucy: Hi, can you come to my party on Sunday? Jim: Sure.

2.   Jeff: Hi, can you play tennis with me? Jack: ________

3.   Tom : Would you like to go to the movies with me? Gina: I'm sorry, I can't. I have to prepare for an

exam. Tom: That's too bad ________.

 Gina : Sure.

4.   Zhang Lei : Can you go to the concert with me

this Sunday? Zhao Shan: Sorry, I can't ________.

5.   Ted: Can Linda come to the party? Henry: No, she cant ________.



She has to babysit her little sister.


Sorry, I have too much homework.


Maybe another time.


I'd love to.


I want to visit my aunt this weekend.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Henry is a little boy. He is always 1 to others. So he has a lot of friends. Tomorrow is Henry's birthday. His friends Mike and Betty decide 2 him a present. They are talking about     3     to buy on the way home from school now.

"What shall we buy him?" Mike asks Betty.

"What about a pair of sports shoes?"

"No, he bought a pair last month.,,

"How about a big    4     of chocolates?"

"No, he's too fat. 

"Well, let's buy him a camera."

"Oh, it's too expensive!"

Ten minutes 5 , they see Henry's sister, Lily, coming 6 her bicycle. They decide to ask Lily for    7 .

"Buy him a computer game.,,
Mike and Betty     8     think it's a good idea.
They go into a shop and the shopkeeper tells them
one computer game is the     9     this year. So they
buy it. However, Henry doesn't like it. Why? Be-
cause Henry knows     10     about computer games.
It's Lily who likes computer games.
(       )1.   A.  friendly     B. lazy

C.   smart            D. exciting

(       )2.   A.   buy         B.   to buy

C.   buying         D. bought

(       )3.   A.   how        B. where

C.   what             D. why

(       )4.  A.  kind            B. bit

C.  group              D. box

(       )5.   A.   later        B. behind

C.  after                D. soon

(       )6.   A.   in         B. by

C.  on                D. at

(       )7.   A.  answer      B. problem

C.  matter            D. advice

(       )8.   A.   all           B. both

C.  some              D. each

(       )9.   A.   most popular       B.  more popular

C.   popular           D.   much popular

(       )10.  A.   everything       B. something

C.   nothing         D. anything


科目: 来源: 题型:


hang out,

another time, flu,

too much,

have to, exam

1.   We can talk about this problem______________ .

2.   Many people have the _____________ _ now, and the doctor asks us to drink more water.

3.   What a difficult _____________ ! Many students didn't pass it.

4.   Molly is very tired but she______________  finish all her homework.

5.   The weekend is coming. What about ___________ with me?

6.   If you want to lose weight, don't have___________ for supper.


科目: 来源: 题型:

(       )10.  Thank you for____ me the truth.

A.   tell                  B. telling

C.  to tell                D. fells


科目: 来源: 题型:

(       )9.   ― When are you going to visit your uncle?
―  __________  next Saturday.

A.   Maybe              B.   May be

C.   May is              D.  Can be


科目: 来源: 题型:

(       )8.  This one is too big. Can you show me _______  one?

A.   another             B. other

C.   the others          D. others


科目: 来源: 题型:

(       )7.   We can't go home __________  next Sunday.

A.   when                B. where

C.  until                  D. as


科目: 来源: 题型:

(       )6.   We are going to have a class meeting__________  next Monday.

     A.  on      B.  in        C.  /      D. of


科目: 来源: 题型:

(       )5.   Can you __________ to my party__________ Saturday evening?

A.   come; in           B.   to come; on

C.  come; on            D,  come; at

