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科目: 来源: 题型:

2.Our_________ (家乡)has developed from a small town into a big city.


科目: 来源: 题型:

1.Listen! There goes the _____________(铃).Let's go back to the classroom.


科目: 来源: 题型:






参考词汇:坚持独生子女政策cany on one-child policy ,在贫困线以下 under the poverty line


科目: 来源: 题型:

Dear Dick,

  How time flies ! I have been back to school f 1 two weeks. These days,I have k 2 a lot about the population in China.

  China has a population of 1. 3 billion. It has r 3 about one fifth of the world's population. About 80% of the people live in the c 4. It causes many difficulties. In less d 5 areas, some parents prefer boys to girls. Not all the families can offer their children a good e 6 Some children can't go to school.

China has taken measures to c  7 the population. China's economy (经济)grows m 8

faster and people's living conditions have changed a lot. Most of us have lived in bright and tall buildings. We have had ring roads and they are wide enough. We have had a more comfortable 1 9  However,the large population problem is still s   10   in China.

   How about the population in your country? Can you tell me about it?


                             Yours ,


1. ________2.______  3.______

4. ______5.______6.______

7.______ 8.______ 9.______



科目: 来源: 题型:

Godelive Ndageraniwe is a woman with eight children. Her family lives in a village in Burundi(布隆迪)in Africa. The 40-year          old mother is going to have her ninth baby soon. But she wishes she didn't have so many children. "Now, I wish I had only two or three children ,"she says. Her children don't have enough food to eat. Three of them stopped going to school because they don't have enough money.

 Every second, more than four babies are born and fewer than two people die.   As a result, the world population keeps increasing. A report by the UN says that there has been 7 billion people on the Earth by October 31 , 2011. It was just 12 years after the world welcomed its "6 billion baby" on October 12, 1999.

With more and more people in the world, there will be less land and water for each person. The major problem will be feeding the newcomers. Finding housing and medical care for everyone will also be difficult.

For now, the Chinese mainland has a population of 1. 34 billion. It is still the largest in the world. In the past ten years it added 73. 9 million, more than the population of France or Thailand.

However, its growth has slowed. It is said that the population will stop increasing in 2027. By 2050,  some experts (专家)believe, its population will be smaller than it is today.

This is thanks to the family planning policy that started in the 1970s. At that time, Chinese women had five to six children each on average (平均).Now, the number is around 1.5.


(   ) 1. What's Godelive Ndageraniwe's problem according to the passage?

A.She has no food to eat.

B.She has no rooms to live in.

C.Her children don't like to go to school.

D. She has too many children to raise.
(   ) 2. The second paragraph mainly wants to tell us that________ .

A.when four babies are born, two man died

B.the world's population is 7 billion now

C.the world's population is increasing rapidly

D.it takes 12 years for the world's population to grow from 6 billion to 7 billion

(   ) 3. By which year will the population stop increasing?

     A.2027. B.2030.

      C.2040. D.2050.

(   ) 4. What problem that the large population will cause is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Food problem.

B.House problem.

C.Environment problem.

D.Medical care problem.

(   ) 5. Which   of  the   following   is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The population of France and Tliailand is 73.9 million.

B.The world's  population  will keep increasing in the future.

C.Chinese family has two children on average now.

D. The population will be smaller in  the future than it is today.


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Nowadays, the biggest problem may be the increasing population of the world. How to the population growth (增长)is a big challenge (挑战).Some people think it's impossible (不可育的)to control the population growth. But I don't quite them because where there is a will, there is a way.

 The question is how we make everyone know how the population problem is. Our farmland is becoming smaller and smaller to everyone. We have already got too many mouths to 4 If we don't control the population growth, many people will 5 the danger of hunger. In some places , little is done to 6 the one-child policy. We should make people 7 that a family can't have too many children. They can no longer do they were looking forward to many years ago.

We are fighting     9     too fast population
growth. Yet the fighting won't end until 10
knows its importance and does something for it.
(   ) 1. A. stop B. control

          C. improve D. develop

(   ) 2. A. care    for B. worry    about

         C. agree    with       D. deal    with
(   ) 3. A. serious B. difficult

         C. terrible D. popular

(   ) 4. A. talk B. help

         C. feed D. offer

(   ) 5. A. face B. see

         C. find D. watch

(   ) 6. A. put    on B. carry    out

         C. come    put        D. put    up
(   ) 7. A. feel B. explain

         C. guess D. know

(   ) 8. A. how B. why

         C. that D. what

(   ) 9. A. for B. against

         C. about D. with

(   ) 10. A. someone    B. anyone C. everyone    D. no one


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 10.——I have_____ told her your number.   Has she called you _____?

        —No, she hasn't.

A.already; already

B.yet; yet

C.yet; already

D.already ; yet


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 9. My grandfather live in the city, but he_____living in such a quiet

village now.

A.is used to; used to

B.was used to; used to

C.used to ; is used to

D.uses to ; was used to


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 8. So far, we_____ to sing five English songs this term (学期).

      A. learned B. have    learned

      C. are    learning     D. will    learn


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 7. It's said that Maria has just come back from Fujian. Shall we_____ ?

A. call    up her B. call    her on C. call    on her      D. call    her up

