 0  9214  9222  9228  9232  9238  9240  9244  9250  9252  9258  9264  9268  9270  9274  9280  9282  9288  9292  9294  9298  9300  9304  9306  9308  9309  9310  9312  9313  9314  9316  9318  9322  9324  9328  9330  9334  9340  9342  9348  9352  9354  9358  9364  9370  9372  9378  9382  9384  9390  9394  9400  9408  159627 

科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

      Of all the fish we catch in the world, we eat only three quarters of it. The rest goes to glue (胶水) soap,
margarine (人造奶油), pet food and fertillizer.
      Fishermen usually freeze fish they catch at sea. Back in port, they defrost the fish, make the fish have no
bones in it and sell it as fresh fish.
      Over ninety-five percent of fish caught is in the northern hemisphere. Thus, only about five percent of all
fish caught is from south of the equator.
      The Japanese are the world champion fish eaters. They eat twice as much fish as the Scandinavians, and
five times as much fish as the Americans.
      The Russian sturgeon (鲟鱼) is the most expensive fish in the world.
      The eggs of the sturgeon are called caviar.
1. What do we do with the fish we catch in the world?
[     ]
A: We eat all the fish we catch
B: We use some of it to make pet food and fertilizer
C: We do not use 25% of it
D: We freeze all the fish we catch
2. In the second paragraph, the word "defrost" means ____.
[     ]
A: make the fish dead
B: make the fish alive
C: make the fish become unfrozen
D: make the fish clean
3. Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?
[     ]
A: Americans eat five times as much fish as the Scandinavians.
B: Scandinavians eat five times as much fish than the Americans.
C: Japamese eat more fish only than the Americans and Scandinavians.
D: The Americans do not eat so much fish as the Japanese.


科目: 来源:山东省期末题 题型:完形填空

     What is a clone? A clone is a copy-a genetic (基因的) copy. Genes (基因) are the in-structions for
life. They    1    a cell what to do and how to do it. Genes make    2    plant or animal different and unique.
A clone has the same genes    3    the original organism (生物体).
      Cloning is not new.    4    have been cloned for centuries. Many new plants are grown from cuttings
(插枝) from the original plants. One benefit of cloning is that we can make many copies of the best and
healthiest plants. 
      It's     5    more difficult to clone animals than plants. In 1997 scientists succeeded in    6    a sheep.
The creation of Dolly, the Cloned sheep, caused great attention around the world in no time. Scientists had
tried to clone other animals like frogs before that, but they failed Frogs died as tadpoles (蝌蚪), never
living    7    to become adult frogs.
      It may soon be    8    to clone many types of animals. Will we also    9    clone human organs (器官),
or even a whole human being? Maybe now the question is not whether we can clone humans, but   10   
should we clone humans?
(     )1.A.keep       
(     )2.A.each       
(     )3.A.for        
(     )4.A.Plants    
(     )5.A.many       
(     )6.A.clones     
(     )7.A.long enough
(     )8.A.helpful    
(     )9.A.must       
(     )10.A.except     
B.short enough 
B.except for 
C.enough long  
D.to clone          
D.enough short      
D.be able to          
D.instead of 


科目: 来源:山东省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     An index (索引) is usually at the end of a book. It tells us most of the topics the writer talks about in the book. The topics are usually listed from letter A to Z. Under each topic,there are some small topics,and we can find the page number after each small topic. Here is part of an index from a cookbook:
 Potatoes         Salads             Sandwiches          Soups 
    dry 63      cabbage l25      apple and beef l61       bean l89 french fries    67 chicken egg      137 cheese     l 70 beef l92
new 82          fruits l39          chicken l72            carrot l96
sour 100       green l51       cold meat l82          chicken 220
1. How many small topics are listed in the index of the cookbook the writer shows us?
[     ]
2. If we are learning to make dry potatoes,we may turn to age ______.
[     ]
3. From the material,we know that"apple and beef" is a kind of ______.
[     ]
4. In this material, the underlined word "green" means a kind of ______.
[     ]
5. The whole material tells us about ______.
[     ]
A.how to be a very good chef
B.what kind of food is very popular
C.where to buy the cookbook
D.how to use the index


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

        We use the Internet for many things: business, shopping, writing letters, talking to people, finding
information, and so on. In recent years, a new kind of English has grown on the Internet. There's no real
word for it yet, so we'll call it e-talk.
         People don't like typing too much. To save time, they turn phrases into a few letters called acronyms
(首字母缩略词). Acronyms are often used in chat rooms and forums. Some of them are:
                    BTW(by the way)                   BRB (be right back)
                    LOL (laughing out loud)          IMO (in my opinion)
         People also use many abbreviations. They are shortened forms of words. Some common abbreviations
                    info (information)    puter (computer)    pic (picture)    sec (second)
         We usually don't see people when we communicate on the Net, so people have new ways to show
their emotions. Most people use their keyboards to draw "emoticons",such as:
                    :-) (happy)         :-( (sad)         ;-) ( joking)        :-o (surprised) 
         These days, many forums have picture emoticons. 
         There are even whole new words, like 'newbie' (someone who is new on a chat board or forum).
When you write something bad about someone else, it's called 'flaming' the person.
         It takes time to get used to e-talk. Also, different groups in the Net have their own special ways of
communicating. Newbies sometimes have to ask other people what they mean. As the Internet grows, e-talk
will continue to grow and change.
1. Why do people type acronyms ?
[     ]
A. Because people wanted to show their emotions.
B. Because people can type them quickly.
C. Because people wanted to make jokes.
D. Because newbies won't understand them.
2. What does "My puter is not working well. :-( " mean?
[     ]
A. The person is happy about getting a new computer.
B. The person has to go away from their computer.
C. The person is angry at somebody.
D. The person is sad that his computer is having problems.
3. If someone is happy, what may he type?
[     ]
C .Do you have any new info?
D. I don't feel like flaming anybody.
4. E-talk will probably _______.
[     ]
A. keep changing
B. stay the same
C. be used by people on the telephone
D. be easy for newbies to understand
5. 'AFK' is an example of _______.
[     ]
A. an emoticon
B. a new word
C. an acronym
D. an abbreviation


科目: 来源:山东省期末题 题型:填空题

      The aim of students who come to school is to study. But to study n ______(1) a right way, or
We would w_______(2) time and money. The following are ways of studying. The best time to read
is morning. Because in the morning,the air is f______(3) and our minds are c_______(4).
      In studying we must be patient. If we don't u________(5) a text well,we must read it again. We
should not read the next one u_______(6) we have learned the first one well.
      When we are studying,we must put our hearts into the book. We can not read absent- mindedly
(心不在焉地), or we can get n________(7) from the book while we are reading.
      We must always a _______(8) "whys". If it is not well understood,w_______(9) it down and ask
our teachers or parents, brothers or friends,in any possible way. We must understand it completely and
then our knowledge can be used well. 
     Though there are many ways of studying,the above mentioned will be quite enough if we keep them
in m________(10) and do so.


科目: 来源:福建省期末题 题型:填空题

good     you       way       during        talk       radio       friend       practice     something      newspapers
         I'd like to say 1__________ about how you can improve your English. To learn English 2__________,
you have to practice all the time. Listening to the 3__________, watching television, and attending movies are
good 4__________ to improve your listening skill. You can develop your speaking skill by 5_________ to native
speakers of English whenever possible and by speaking aloud to 6__________ when you are alone. Reading and
writing also require a lot of 7__________. You can improve your reading skills by reading English language
8__________ and magazines. Writing to 9__________ in English and keeping a diary are good ways to practice
         Hope you have a good time 10___________ your stay here for the course, thank you.


科目: 来源:江苏省期末题 题型:阅读理解

      "Time is a problem for children," says a news report for a new Swiss watch. Children in some countries
"learn time slowly" because "they don't wear watches" and "parents don't really know how to teach them time."
The children grow up with this handicap and become adults and then can't get to work on time. Is there an
answer to this problem? Of course it's the Flik Flak, made by a famous Swiss watch company.
      The Flik Flak is being marketed as something teaching watch for children aged 4 to 10. The watch itself
does not teach children how to tell time, of course; it only "takes their imagination" by presenting the "hour"
hand as a beautiful red girl named Flak and the "minute" hand as a tall blue boy named Flik. Flik points to "blue"
minutes on the dial (钟面), while Flak points to "red" hour numbers. The characters and colors together with
parental help, are supposed to teach young children how to tell time. 
      Peter Lipkin, the United States sales manager for the Flik Flak, calls it "childproof: if it gets dirty you can
throw the whole watch in the washing machine," The product is being sold in some department stores in
Europe, Asia and the United Stares for a suggested price of $25. Parents who buy the watch may find that it
is odd thing to tell time; it's quite another for them to be on time.
1.From the news report we know that _______.
[     ]
A.parents are patient when they are teaching children time
B.parents have little idea of how to teach children time
C.children in every country learn time slowly
D.children enjoy wearing the Flik Flak watch
2.The underlined word "handicap" in the first paragraph means _______.
[     ]
3.The United State sales manager calls the new watch "childproof" because _______.
[     ]
A.it is designed to teach children to be on time
B.it proves to be useful in teaching children time
C.it is made so as not to be easily broken by children
D.it is the children's favorite watch


科目: 来源:江苏省期末题 题型:阅读理解

          New rules and behavior standards (行为规范) for middle school students came out in March. Middle
school is going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students won't only have high
marks. They will also be kids who don't dye (染) their hair, smoke or drink. The following are some of the new
         Tell the truth. Have you ever copied someone else's work on an exam? Don't do it again! That is not
something an honest student should do. If you have played computer games for two hours in your room, don't
tell your parents you have done homework.
         Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Bird-Loving Month in
our country. Is your school doing anything to celebrate? You should join! That way, you can learn more about
animals and how to protect them. When more people work together, it makes it more fun for everyone. Have
you ever quarreled with your teammates when your basketball team lost? Only working together can make your
team stronger. Be friendly to the people around you. Try to think of others, not only yourself.
         Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Perhaps you'll discover
 Earth Ⅱsomeday. Don't look down on new ideas. Everyone's ideas are important. You should welcome them,
because new ideas make lire better for everyone.
          Protect yourself. Has someone ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don't let it happen to
you. If you have to go home late, you should let your parents know. 
          Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your studies. But some things on the
Internet aren't for kids, so try to look at Web pages that are good for you. You can use the Web for fun or
homework. Can't you find any good Web sites for children? Here are some:
http:∥kids.eastday.corn       http:∥www.chinakids.net.cn       http:∥www.cycnet.corn
1.The school new rules will help kids by telling them__________ .
[     ]
A.how they can study well
B.what they should do only at school
C.what is right and what is wrong
D.how they can protect themselves
2.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?
[     ]
A.Take care of yourself when you are out.
B.Tell the truth,even when you are wrong.
C.Keep some animals to protect them.
D.Use the Internet,but keep away from bad things.
3.Good Web sites for children can_________ .
[     ]
A.be a waste of time
B.help them with their studies
C.do homework for them
D.make life easier
4. What does the passage tell us?
[     ]
A.How to be top students.
B.How to do more at school.
C.How to care for others.
D.How to use the Internet.


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Many people like to search the Internet. Exploring the Internet is one of the most important activities of the
day. The Internet brings the outside world closer to people's homes. Some people say the world is smaller than
before because of the Internet.
     What's going on in other countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What's the life like in the deepest part of the sea? If you want to answer all these questions just come to
the Internet. Of course people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. But with the Internet they
can learn better and more easily. A lot of information (信息) can be collected at a great speed.
     Can we go shopping without leaving home? Can we see a doctor without going to the hospital? Can we study without going to school? Can we draw money without going to a bank? All these things seemed to be impossible but now they have become quite possible. The Internet helps us open our eyes. The Internet also helps us open
our minds. The Internet often gives us new ideas. In a word it helps us in many ways. Great changes have taken place in our life since the use of the Internet.
1. Some people say the world is smaller than before because           .
[     ]
A. all people like to search the Internet
B. the Internet makes the earth smaller in size
C. the Internet brings the outside world closer to them
D. exploring the Internet is one of the most important activities of the day
2. The sentence "the Internet also helps us open our minds" means          
[     ]
A. the Internet is new to us
B. something is wrong with our minds
C. our minds can be opened only by the Internet
D. we can learn more with the help of the Internet
3. We can not through the Internet ______.
[     ]
A. know a good sports match somewhere
B. cook the meals
C. know a lot of information
D. see a doctor and study all kinds of subjects
4. This passage has told us          
[     ]
A. it's helpful to explore the Internet
B. not to explore the Internet any more
C. to stop reading to explore the Internet
D. students should not explore the Internet at any time
5. Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE?
[     ]
A. The Internet can get the information faster than reading.
B. We don't leave home or get the money from the bank by radio.
C. People can learn better and more through the Internet.
D. People always learn a lot of new ideas with the Internet.


科目: 来源:江苏省期中题 题型:阅读理解

    Take three basins (盆). Fill the first basin with water which is as hot as you are able to bear (承受) with
your hands. In the second basin mix hot water with cold water. Fill the third basin with cold water from the
tap (水龙头). 
    Now place the basins on the table. Put your right hand in the hot water. Put your left hand in the cold
water. You will find that your right hand feels hot and your left hand feels cold. After twenty seconds move
both your hands in the lukewarm (微温的) water. What do you feel? Your left hand feels warm and your
right hand feels cold. But both hands are in the same basin of water.
1. The writer is talking about ______.
[     ]
A. hot water
B. cold water
C. basins
D. an experiment
2. How many basins are needed in the experiment?
[     ]
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
3. Your left hand feels warm and your right hand feels cold because ______.
[     ]
A. they are in the same basin of water
B. your right hand is stronger than your left hand
C. your left hand is stronger than your right hand
D. they were in different basins of water a short time ago
4. After putting your hand in the cold water, you put it in the hot water. You will find ______.
[     ]
A. the water too hot for you to bear
B. the hot water feels lukewarm
C. the water feels cold
D. your hand turns black
5. This experiment shows that ______.
[     ]
A. sometimes our senses deceive (欺骗) us
B. we can always get to know whether something is hot or cold by feeling it with our hands.
C. hot water and cold water do not mix
D. one of our hands is stronger than the other

