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科目: 来源: 题型:

4. Do you know who          (拿走)my CDs just now?  


科目: 来源: 题型:

3. The hole is so small that no one can __________ (穿过).


科目: 来源: 题型:

2. What should we do to stop          (温室效应)?


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. The island was there before there was life

_____  ______  _____ (在地球上).


科目: 来源: 题型:

 从方框中选出合适的单词并用 其适当形式填空。


1. I think the greenhouse effect causes the       of the oceans to rise.

2. The      feels so soft. How much is it?

3. The temperature in the room has       from 19 to 24°C.

4. The children      a circle around their teacher and listened carefully.

5. Mike's father has been to Shanghai twice during this      


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. Where are rainforests?

Rainforests cover six percent of the earth's surface. There are many rainforests in the world but the biggest rainforests are in South America,Africa and Southeast Asia. There aren't any rainforests in Europe or North America.

2. What's in rainforests?

About 3/4 of all the types of animals come from rainforests. Thousands and thousands of animals live in rainforests. There are many beautiful birds,insects and reptiles(爬行动物).Many of them live in the trees,more than 30 meters from the ground. There are also lots of tall trees and other different kinds of plants! It is always hot in rainforests and the ground is  always wet. It is also dark.

3. Why are rainforests important?
Rainforests are very important to us. We need them!The trees and other plants in the forests help to make the air fresh. Rainforests also give us wood, rubber, fruit,medicine and many other things.


Unfortunately, in many places, rainforests are in danger. For example, many years ago there was a lai^e rainforest in Java. There were thousands of different plants and animals in the forest, but now there is nothing. People cut down the trees because they wanted to grow rice. Many animals used to live in the rainforest. Then some of them went to other parts of Java and many of them disappeared forever. The same thing is happening now in many other parts of the world. Rainforests are in danger.


(   ) 1. In which of the following places can we find rainforests according to Paragraph 1?
A. In the UK. B. In Asia.

C. In the USA. D. In France.

(   ) 2. Which is TRUE about rainforests?

A.  3/4 of all the types of plants come from rainforests.

B.   All animals live over 13 meters from the ground.

C.   Hie ground in rainforests is always wet.

D.  It is hot and bright in rainforests.

(   ) 3. Which might be the best title for Paragraph 4?

A.  What's happening to rainforests?

B.   What can we find in the rainforest in Java?

C.   Why did people cut down the trees in rainforests?

D.  Why did many plants and animals disappear in rainforests?

(   ) 4. What is the writer's purpose of writing the article?

A.  To tell us how to live in rainforests.

B.  To help us know some living things in rainforests.

C.  To tell us to care for rainforests.

D.  To advise us to make full use of rainforests.

(   ) 5. What's the importance of rainforests according to the passage?

A.  They make the air fresh.

B.  They offer us wood,rubber, fruit, and so on.

C.  They control the temperature.

D.  Both A and B.


科目: 来源: 题型:

5. 在阅览室喧哗是粗鲁的。

                 make noise in the reading room. 


科目: 来源: 题型:

4. 我知道保护环境的重要性,但我不知道 怎么保护它。

I know the importance of protecting the

environment,but I don't know                it.


科目: 来源: 题型:

3. 不要把这些重要的书到处丢。

Don't leave these important books               


科目: 来源: 题型:

2. 他迷路了,肚子又饿。最糟糕的是,他 找不到钱包了。

He got lost and he was hungry.        _______  _______ ,   he couldn't find his wallet.

