 0  9318  9326  9332  9336  9342  9344  9348  9354  9356  9362  9368  9372  9374  9378  9384  9386  9392  9396  9398  9402  9404  9408  9410  9412  9413  9414  9416  9417  9418  9420  9422  9426  9428  9432  9434  9438  9444  9446  9452  9456  9458  9462  9468  9474  9476  9482  9486  9488  9494  9498  9504  9512  159627 

科目: 来源:湖北省月考题 题型:完形填空

     The game of football began in England in the middle of the nineteenth century. But the Chinese played a game    1    football more than 2,000 years ago. In the    2   , it was not easy and dangerous. There was not a fixed (固定的) number of    3   and there were always a lot of fightings. In 1863 the Football Association (协会) was founded (成立) to bring     4    to the game. Since then, more and more people began to play football, making it the world’s most    5    sport. It’s the strongest in Europe and    6   , but it is more popular in Africa
         7     and now women also play football.Women’s football is one of the fastest    8    sports in the world. The World Cup is the     9     important prize (奖) in international football. The match is held (被举行) every four years in    10   countries around the world. The first match was held in 1930 and the winner was Uruguay.
(     )1. A.like    
(     )2. A.begin    
(     )3. A.players  
(     )4. A.people  
(     )5. A.difficult
(     )6. A.England  
(     )7. A.either  
(     )8. A.relaxing
(     )9. A.very    
(     )10 A. different
B.as well  
C.South America
D.a few    


科目: 来源:山东省期中题 题型:完形填空

     What do you know about the sea (大海)? Some people often see it, __1__ the others don't. The sea
looks __2__ on a fine sunny day. Millions of people hope to take their __3__ by the sea. They can swim
in it, or lie on the beaches in the sun. They __4__ themselves there. But it can be very rough (猛烈) when
there is a strong wind. What other things do we know about it?
     Of course, the sea is very large. Looking at a __5__ of the world, you can see it is much bigger than
land. There are a lot of __6__ in the sea. Some of them are big and the others are __7__.
     Did you swim in the sea? If you answer "Yes", you may know that the water is salty (咸的). Rivers
carry __8__ from the land to the sea. Some places of the sea are more salty than other places. Do you
know the Dead Sea (死海)? Fish __9__ live in it. And people can easily swim in it. Nobody is afraid to
__10__ in the water.
(    )1. A. and      
(    )2. A. useful  
(    )3. A. classes  
(    )4. A. enjoy    
(    )5. A. book    
(    )6. A. roads    
(    )7. A. small    
(    )8. A. sugar    
(    )9. A. can      
(    )10. A. lift    
B. so        
B. beautiful
B. sports    
B. like      
B. map      
B. shops    
B. young    
B. butter    
B. must      
B. sink      
C. but      
C. terrible  
C. meetings  
C. stop      
C. newspaper
C. houses    
C. little    
C. salt      
C. can't    
C. walk      
D. or        
D. weak      
D. holidays  
D. begin    
D. picture  
D. islands  
D. good      
D. oil       
D. mustn't   
D. sleep    


科目: 来源:福建省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     When someone asks you to his or her home in the USA, it's very clear who the guest is and who the
host is. But invitation to restaurants are usually different. In many cases, it is the inviter who pays. But in
some cases, each one pays his or her own bill(账单). For example, when your friend says "Let's go and
get a beer," or "Want a cup of coffee?", it may be more of advice than an invitation.
     Some people like taking their friends to a restaurant for dinner instead of having dinner at home. In this case, the host is expected to pay and the guest may leave the tip(小费). If you want to invite someone for a meal at a restaurant, tell him or her: "I'd like to take you to …".
     There are also phrases that sound like invitations, but in fact they are not. People may say things like "We'll have to get together sometime," or "You'll have to come over and visit us sometime." They are the
expressions of saying goodbye. So you could answer "Yes, that would be nice," or "I'd love to," or
something similar.

1. If your friend asks you to a restaurant for dinner, you'd better _______.
A. have a free dinner
B. leave the tip
C. pay the bill
2. If someone says "Want a cup of coffee?", it may be more of ______.
A. a joke
B. advice
C. an invitation
3. Which of the following statements is an invitation?
A. We'll have to have a dinner together sometime.
B. Let's go to a sea-food restaurant and have a dinner.
C. I'd like to take you to have a dinner tonight.
4. The best title of this passage is "________".
A. Is it an invitation or advice?
B. Who will pay the bill?
C. Who will be invited?


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解


     The Alche,mist (炼丹术士) is  an  easv  story with  a deep message. It is a message to follow your
heart and search for your dreams. The book is aloout a young man named Santiago who lives in Spain
and works as a shepherd(牧羊人). He begins to have strange dreams so he goes to a Gypsy(吉普赛人)
to find out what they mean.The Gypsy tells him that he needs to go to the Egyptian pyramids to find his
treasure. Of course he does not believe her. But later he meets another person who tells him the same
thing. At last Santiago decides to give up his lifeas a shepherd and go to find his treasure.      
     The Alchemist has been translated into many languages,including, of course, English. It is a good book
for people who are learning English because most of the sentences are fairly short and you will learn a lot
of new words. There are certainly words you will not know atfirst,but with a little patience and study you
should be able to finish (and maybe enjoy) the book. And hopefully you will be able to follow your dreams as well.                  

1. What should be the best title of this reading?    
A. The Alchemist            
B. How to Learn English    
C. Be Patient                  
D. Follow Your Dreams
2. What does the reading mainly want to tell us?  
A. Do as a Gypsy does.    
B. Never give it up before you get it.    
C. Dream will take you to success.    
D. English is easy to learn.
3. Why does the writer write the second paragraph?   
A. He wants the readers to know how he writes this book.    
B. He wants the readers to know how easy the book is if you read it.    
C. He hopes the readers will enjoy the easy English book.
D. He wants to tell the readers that the book was first written in English.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     Do you know the Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) in India? It is the country's most
f'amous    1   . It is well-known    2     the seventh wonder of the world. It also   3   a great love story.
     In the year 1607, Emperor Shah Jahan of India saw a girl in a market. She
was so beautiful that he    4     with her at once. The    5_   name was
Mumtaz Mahal.
     Five years later, Mumtaz and Shah Jahan got married. They had fourteen
children. But Mumtaz died in 1630. Shah Jahan     6   his wife so much that
in 1632 he decided to build the most beautiful mausoleum(陡墓) for her, the Taj Mahal.
     It   7     over 20,000 workmen 22 years to finish it. The beautiful white
marble (大理石 ) building    8   beside the Yamuna River. It has expensive
stones on its walls.    9    , if you visit the Taj Mahal,you'll have to    10   your shoes and leave them at the front door.
(     )1. A. city        
(     )2. A. as          
(     )3. A. speaks      
(     )4. A. fell in love
(     )5. A. man's      
(     )6. A. missed      
(     )7. A. spent        
(     )8. A. comes        
(     )9. A. By the way  
(     )10.A. put on       
B. village    
B. by        
B. tells      
B. agreed with
B. boy's    
B. disliked  
B. bought    
B. goes      
B. In a way  
B. get on    
C. town      
C. for        
C. talks      
C. asked for  
C. girl's  
C. annoyed    
C. paid      
C. waits      
C. On the way
C. take off  
D. building      
D. with          
D. says          
D. made friends  
D. woman's  
D. interested    
D. took          
D. stands        
D. In this way  
D. take away    


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     From the early days of history people looked for ways of telling the time, but it was not until the thirteenth century that machines for telling the time
were invented.These first clocks were very big. They had no faces or hands
but they did have a bell. It rang every hour.
     In the seventeenth century, people began to use clocks with faces and
hands and to carry small clocks with them.
     For a long time after that, men and women had pocket watches. These
were usually tied (检) to a button (纽扣) on the person's clothes.
     It is strange that wristwatches were not used until about 1914. The man
who made the first popular watch was walking in a park one day. There he
saw a woman with a pocket watch tied to her wrist (手腕) , she was feeding
her baby and she needed to have both hands free to hold the child.
     Now nearly everybody wears a watch all the time. If you have a
"waterproof"  watch, you don't even have to take it off when you go
swimming. Aboul 80 million wat-ches are made every year.
1. The first clock was invented___________.
A. in the seventeenth century
B. in the thirteenth century
C. in the early days of history
D. before the thirteenth century
2. Before the watches came into use,________.
A. the pocket watches were popular
B. people didn't use any watches
C. the clocks they used had no faces and hands
D. people used bells   
3. Which is the correct order of the invention according to the time?
A. Clock without faces and hands, wristwatch, pocket watch
B. Pocket watch , clock without faces and hands , wrist-watch
C. Wristwatch, pocket watch, clock without faces and hands
D. Clock without faces and hands, pocket watch , wristwatch
4. The underlined word "waterproof"means_______.        
5. Which of the following is the best title?
A. The Invention of Watches
B. How to Tell the Time
C. From Clocks to Watches
D. Watches Are Better Than Clocks


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解


     The Spring Festival, Chinese Lunar New Year, is China's most significant holiday of the year, when families get together to celebrate. In modern times, however, the old ways of spending the New Year no longer meet the needs of young people, who have created various new ways to celebrate the traditional holiday.
    In today's society, people are not as stable as they used to be, changing jobs and moving to another city to work is quite common. Having a big family
reunion dinner is difficult.
    People who have a longer holiday such as Li Qian, a magazine editor,
prefer to go outside the city to celebrate.
   "We are going to walk alongside the Yellow River, chen go to the Shaaxi
countryside to celebrate the New Year,"said Li. "I feel that I can only have a
truly traditional New Year celebration in the countryside. "
     Last year, Li spent the  New Year with his friends in Junxian County ,
central China's Henan Province. Interested in folk craftwork , Li bought two boxes of local products such as a special kind of mud sculpture (混塑) and
New Year paintings, only available during the Spring Festival.
   "Everything in the countryside is very traditional, just like how people
celebrated the New Year in old times, while in the city there isn't much
holiday atmosphere," Li said. "The farmers are very down-to-earth and they
have kept all the traditions. "

1. What happens to Chinese Lunar New Year in modern times?       
A. All people return home before the day comes as usual.
B. Most people spend their New Year with their friends after returning home.
C. Some people can't return home to celebrate the New Year because they
have noholidays.
D. Some people prefer to spend their New Year like Mr. Li, even if they have longer holidays.
2. Why does Mr. Li like to go to the countryside to celebrate the New Year?
A. Because he wants to have a truely traditional New Year.
B. Because he doesn't want to celebrate it in the city.
C. Because he has no family to celebrate with.
D. Because the farmer in the countryside needs his help a lot.    
3. What does the underlined words "folk craftwork " mean in this passage?
C. 手工艺品            
4. After reading the passage, what can we know about the attitude of the
young people to the New Year?
A. They enjoy the old way their parents celebrate the New Year.
B. They are interested in staying at home watching TV programs.
C. They have no interest in celebrating the New Year traditionally.
D. They prefer new ways to celebrate the New Year.   
5. What does the writer want to tell us in this passage?
A. Traditional celebration is changing in today's world.
B. No young people like to celebrate the New Year.
C. Only do we go to the countryside we can celebrate Chinese New Year.
D. Traditional celebration is no longer in China.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Greenland is the largest island in the world. It covers over 2 ,000,000 square kilometers. Most of
the island lies inside the Arctic Circle (北极圈), and a huge sheet (片) of Ice covers 85% of its area.
     Along the sea mountains rise from the sea. There are a few low trees in the southwest, but no forests.
In winter snow covers everything, but in summer very low plants cover the ground between the sea and
the Ice sheet. Norwegians (挪威) were the first Europeans to see the island  in AD 875, but no one
visited it until 982. Three years later a few Norwegians went to live there. In 1261 the people in Greenland decided to join Norway. Norway and Denmark united in 1380. This union ended in 1814, and Greenland
stayed with Denmark. Greenland is fifty times larger than Denmark, but it is still part of this small country.   
1. When you study a map of the world, you may notice that Greenland _____.
A. is the greatest country in Europe
B. lies just on top of Europe
C. is connected with Denmark and Norway
D. mostly lies within the Arctic Circle
2. What will you probably see when you come to the southwest of Greenland in summer?
A. Forests of very low trees.
B. Nothing but ice sheet everywhere.
C. Very low plants along the seaside.
D. Snow that covers everything there.
3. When did Europeans begin to live in Greenland?
A. In AD 875.
B. In AD 982.
C. In AD 1261.
D. In AD 985.
4. How long did Greenland stay with Norway?
A. About 120 years.
B. About 400 years.
C. About 550 years.
D. About 500 years.
5. Which of the following is NOT right?
A. Greenland now belongs to Denmark.
B. Norway and Denmark have been one countrysince 1380.
C. Norway and Demnark didn't unite until 1380.
D. The area of Denmark is one-fifty-first of that of Greenland.


科目: 来源:新疆自治区同步题 题型:阅读理解


     The best known vegetable in the world is the potato. It grows in many places and does not need rich
soil like many other crops. But until four hundred years ago the potato was not known to the Europeans.
But today it's one of the main foods in Europe. About half of the world's potatoes are grown in Europe.
      In France the potato was not grown for a long time. Here is a story about Louis. In 1778 he saw
some potato flowers for the first time. He liked them so much that he picked one and put it in his
buttonhole. He was interested in the flowers not the potatoes thmesleves.

(     )1. Potatoes are grown and eaten in Europe.
(     )2. The potatoes are grown only in the rich soil.
(     )3. Louis was the first man to eat the potato.
(     )4. At first the Europeans grew potatoes to eat.
(     )5. Louis liked the potato flowers better than the potatoes.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

                                                    Teddy bears
     Children everywhere love toy bears, and people have been making them for
hundreds of years. They also like stories about young bears. Three of the most
famous storybook bears are Rupert Bear, Pooh Bear, and Paddington Bear , and
most children in Britain and America also know the story Goldilocks and the Three
Bears. At the moment so many children-and adults too-like toy bears that there are
shops that sell only toy bears of all kinds.
     Many people call toy bears although this name has been used only since the
beginning of the 20th century. The word "teddy"comes from Theodore and a man
called Theodore Roosevelt was the president of the United States from 1901 to 1909.Because people liked him very much, they called him Teddy, and because he had a
toy bear they called their own bears Teddy, too.
1. The story is about         .       
A. President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
B. famous people who like bears
C. the people who made the first toy bears
D. toy and story-book bears
2. The first toy bears were made         .
A. one hundred years ago
B. a long time ago
C. at the beginning of the 20th century
D. when Roosevelt was president
3. Rupert Bear is the name of a        .
A. bear in a story          
B. toy bear
C. president of the US    
D. shop that sells bears
4. Teddy Roosevelt was a          .   
A. bear in a story
B. children's toy
C. president of the US
D. person who made toy bears
5. Toy bears are often called Teddy bears because          .
A. Teddy is another name for bear
B. President Roosevelt had a toy bear
C. a man called Teddy had a shop that sold bears
D. it is the name of a famous bear in a story
     Many people have toy bears and there are many  6 about toy bears. We   7 call
toy bears "Teddy". This is   8   at the beginning of the 20th   9   a president of the
United States had a toy bear. People     10 the president very much and called him
6.        7.          8.          9.         10.        

