 0  94128  94136  94142  94146  94152  94154  94158  94164  94166  94172  94178  94182  94184  94188  94194  94196  94202  94206  94208  94212  94214  94218  94220  94222  94223  94224  94226  94227  94228  94230  94232  94236  94238  94242  94244  94248  94254  94256  94262  94266  94268  94272  94278  94284  94286  94292  94296  94298  94304  94308  94314  94322  159627 

科目: 来源: 题型:

A. although     B. reduce  C. desert D. save     E. human being

1. a large area of land that has very little water and very few plants growing on it

2. to have the same meaning as "though" ; another way of saying " though"

3. to  keep  sb. / sth.  from  death,harm,loss,etc.

4. a person rather than (而不是)an animal or a machine

5. to make sth.  less or smaller in size,number,price,etc.

1.        2.        3.       

4.        5.       


科目: 来源: 题型:

你们学校的英语报社准备举行"节约用水,从现在做起(Act Now To Save Water)"的英语征文比赛。请根据以下表格及图片内容,写一篇英语短文。




不关水龙头(the tap),洗澡花的时间太长,没喝完水就将瓶子扔掉





得分点拨:行文过程中为避免平铺直叙,句式应变化多样,可使用if引导的条件状语从句,after,before引导的时间状语从句以及spend... (in ) doing ...;throw away;in fact等句型与短语会使文章更生动、流畅。


Act Now to Save Water Water is very important to all the living things in the world, including human beings.



科目: 来源: 题型:



  It's reported that an eight-year-old girl living in a busy street in Jiangsu province has lung cancer. It's 1 that she has been the youngest lung cancer patient in China. The report has made the public very 2

Though more people have called forpollution, and more people have paid more
attention to the air pollution over recent years,the problem has got 4  Schools and

workplaces are open as normal in all but the most serious smog weather(雾霜天气),even when it 5 dangerous levels.

  Primary and middle schools were closed last month 6 the north-east city of Harbin because of the hazy weather. The airport and some bus routes(线路)were also7

  China must take powerful measures  8  pollution on industry and reduce the use of coal.

The police should also reduce the number of older vehicles,9make sure there are not too many on the roads.

  China also said in September it would shut down lots of factories for 10the air. People believe the air will be fresher with the government's efforts.

1.__________ 2._______  3.__________

4.__________ 5._______  6.__________

7.__________ 8._______  9.__________



科目: 来源: 题型:

 Everything you do leaves a   " carbon footprint"(碳足迹).For example, when you travel in a taxi, the car gives off(排放)C02 into the air. C02 is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases make the earth become warm. To protect our environment, we need to leave less of a " carbon footprint”. How big is your carbon footprint? To get an idea, take a look at the following numbers. Living area

*  TV sets and DVD players produce 723 kg of C02 a year.

★  If you turn them off when you're not using them, you can cut that number by 108kg.

Laundry room(洗衣房)

★  Drying clothes in a dryer produces a lot of C02.

★  If you use your dryer five times per week, you produce 185 kg of C02 per year.

★   Dry your clothes in the sun instead. Bathroom

★   If you take an eight-minute shower every day, you produce 616kg of C02 a year.

★   If you only use six minutes to take a shower, you can cut that number by 154 kg a year.


(   ) 1. If you take an eight-minute shower every day, you'll produce       of

C02 per year.

A. 154kg    B.185 kg

C.616kg    D. 723kg

(   ) 2. Which of the following activity will leave a " carbon footprint"?

①Watch TV

②Travel in a car

③Wash clothes in the washing machine

④Dry clothes in the sun

A.①②③       B.②③④

C.①③④       D.①②④

(   ) 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.    C02 is a greenhouse gas that can make the earth warm.

B.    If we turn off our TV sets when we are not using them, we can cut the number of C02.

C.    The less of a " carbon footprint" we leave, the better our environment

will become. D. Drying clothes in a dryer produces little C02.

(   ) 4. We can probably read this passage in a( n)      book.

A. geography    B. history

C. science    D. art

(   ) 5. Which do you think is the best title of the passage?

A.    Say "No"to Air Pollution

B.    Cut the Carbon Footprint

C.    Fight against Greenhouse Gases

D.    How to Be Greener


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The Beijing Underground Line Ten will soon have 40 " reverse vending machines(有偿自动回收机)"-The machines will 1 people for their empty plastic bottles.

  "We have placed two such machines at Beijing Capital International Airport and four at the city's underground stations. They have been well received so far, " said Feng Juan,a ( n ) 2from the company which makes the machines. " People are encouraged and paid for turning 3 into money. More than 30 , 000 empty bottles have been collected 4 December," she said.

  If something else,such as waste paper,is thrown 5the machine, the machine will spit it out.

"With the 6of the government,the reverse vending machines will be introduced to colleges and universities soon, ”said Feng.

  The company is also 7about covering more recycling materials,including used books and teaching materials.

  "Long-term plans 8about 2 ,000 reverse vending machines to be placed throughout the city in the next few 9 , including 80 at colleges and universities, shopping malls,communities and office buildings”,said Feng.

  Chang Tao,director of the company,said that 10the new project worked well in the city,the company would consider offering the waste-to-treasure service to other developed cities in the eastern part of China.
(   ) 1. A. provide    B. thank

       C,prepare D. pay

(   ) 2. A. secretary    B. engineer

      C. artist    D. teacher

(   ) 3. A. waste    B. straw

      C. cloth    D. resource

(   ) 4. A. of B.for

     C. since    D. still

(   ) 5. A. into    B. onto

      C. off    D. away

(   ) 6. A. decision    B. control

      C. agreement    D. support

(   ) 7. A. caring    B. knowing

      C. thinking    D. talking

(   ) 8. A. afford    B. require

       C. manage    D. advise

(   ) 9. A. hours    B. days

       C. weeks    D. years

(   ) 10. A. if    B. once

       C.though    D. because


科目: 来源: 题型:

5. 有人把窗户遮住了,所以不可能看见里面。

Someone has covered the windows             it was not possible to see inside.


科目: 来源: 题型:

4. 我们应该节约用水。洗完菜后的水可用来绕花。

We should save water. After washing vegetables we can       it      



科目: 来源: 题型:

3. 正如谚语所说,行动胜于言辞。

As the saying goes, actions      than words.


科目: 来源: 题型:

2. 虽然MH370航班已失联了很久,但人们从未放弃搜寻。

The air flight MH370 has been in loss of communication for a long time,but people
never      looking for it.


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. 快点吧,否则我们会迟到的。

Hurry up,       we________  _______late.

